College and Research Libraries 98 College & Research Libraries university librarians, but of public-librari- ans and college teaching faculty as well. The speeches describe the objectives of in- dividuallibrarians and also what is actu- ally occurring in the field of library instruc- tion at the local level. A common theme of the papers is the tendency of training pro- grams repeatedly to provide instruction on the same topics without similarly pro- viding for putting what is learned about those topics to work. Joyce Merriam makes recommendations for changing library instruction programs that were also made by other speakers throughout the conference. Significant among these are ~he need for (1) develop- ing a sequential program of library in- struction in all school systems for grades K -12; (2) indicating the transfer value of li- brary skills to students and the purposes of academic and public libraries; (3) en- couraging teachers to develop curriculum that stresses use of the library; (4) visiting of college and university libraries by school librarians in order to gain a better understanding of the libraries their stu- dents ':Vill be using in the future or of the libraries they have used in the past and in order to become aware of the library in- struction programs in each type of library; and (S) developing programs to help stu- dents make the transition from high school to college libraries. A number of talks deal with testing stu- dents to determine how· much they know or don't know about using libraries. The Ohio School Library Media Test was de- veloped to measure library ability and to determine if instruction increases this abil- ity. The Library Skills Test from the lliinois Association of College and Research Li- braries was developed for the same pur- pose and can be used with college fresh- men as well as students in the secondary schools. Samples of these, as well as oth- ers, are included in this volume. Also included is an example of a lecture prepared for the bibliographic instruction program at Southeast Missouri State Uni- versity. This presentation tells a story, in this case about the criminal figure Al Ca- pone, and shows the logical progression of a research project. Interspersing biblio- graphic information throughout an inter- January 1985 esting talk on an exciting topic makes this approach a good change of pace for stu- dents and librarians alike. A detailed annotated bibliography of publications dealing with library orienta- tion and library instruction published in 1979 and 1980 is included at the end of the volume. I found this work to be not only thought provoking but extremely useful because of its many examples and well-prepared bib- liography. Because of its practical ap- proach, this volume is a welcome addition to the growing literature on library instruction.-Donna S. Bennett, Northern Kentucky University, Highland Heights. Plaister, Jean M. Computing in LASER*: Regional Library Co-operation (*London and South Eastern Library Region). Lon- don: The Library Association, 1982. SSp . (Case Studies in Library Automa- tion) $1S. LC 83-113421. ISBN 0-8S36S- 9S4-0. (Distributed in the U.S. by Oryx Press) This case study is a step-by-step report on automation activities undertaken by li- braries in London and South Eastern Li- brary Region (LASER) . From the produc- tion of ISBN location funding lists to the installation of a minicomputer with online access for member libraries, the pioneer- ing and developmental activities, includ- ing questions asked, are described. Li- braries affected initially were predomi- nantly public libraries. The criteria set forth for the system included these fac- tors: cheap, simple, and fast . Whether the database was used for interlending pur- poses or for complete cataloging service, LASER was a successful network. But did this endeavor end with the in- stallation of online services? Hardly, since automatic systems are not static. LASER moved from LASER on its own to LASER in cooperation. Some 2S organizations purchased space from LASER and shared resources. The movement in computer de- velopment and telecommunications en- abled greater economies and more effi- cient utilization of resources. At the time of writing, LASER's future, largely due to expertise gained, was looking toward an even greater role-nationwide coordina- The Fundamental Reference. Psychological Abstracts 1985 Edition at1983 Prices! Earns its Place on Your Shelves _ .-tamc- .plam the fit of w1th the problem •1t to positively reframe •• the relationship system in ~ "solution" may not work -1t>lem is an even better p dilemma the way. If the nd changes ;be shares, rand truly .p" by the ; ide the approach are Psychological Abstracts is the Standard reference ~ Assn of Riverside, CA) 'd t th ld; G'1ent theory. Social QUI e 0 e WOr S - .. view of 6 major literature for researchers ~icates t~e of Psychology and the Social Sciences. as well as the behavioral issues in law and education. At under S 12 a week, how can your library afford to be without it? Psychological Abstracts 1985, is more than a cost-effective adjunct to your on-line services ... helping to keep expensive searches and need- less print-outs to a minimum . . . free- ing library staff for other respon- sibilities . . . putting basic research practices back in the hands of the library user. The monthly issues answer the need for unassisted access to the publish- ed literature demanded by the rigors of tc>day's academic and profes- sional disciplines with: • more abstract entries than ever before • an annual index • monthly and quarterly interim indexes IYttJIC <> factorial ana1y.K factors that influ ..... labor~tory and real-life ~ 10128. Leaman, Davio A tee . & Chrisl\ technique · needs. Th followed by ~ in a therapeutic do the foll1 select the nee1 the matf It is observed, the needs of a_ was ~:~~~c '::t~e~AAs, t. • thorough corresponding interventions. S' author and 6 models are highlighted. s.. . . . are raised . One of these c<> SUbjeCt liSting ~~~~~ ~~~i: J~1Y d" • journal publishers' family DA _. names and addresses Plus the quarterly newsbulletin, PsyciNFO News bringing tips and it~ms of interest to both print and on-line subscribers. A Special Offer Now, new and current subscribers can receive a second copy of PA at 50% off! Keep these volumes at the reference desk to save steps and time, near your computer to refer to abstracts located on-screen. or for- ward them to one of the other cam- pus libraries or departments. Every- one benefits. Especially your library budget. Place your order today through your subscription service or by writing Psychological Abstracts, American Psychology Association. 1400 N. Uhle St., Arlington. VA 22201 . 1985 PA subscription, $600. Second subscription. when sent to same ad- dress as new or current subscription, $300 . 100 College & Research Libraries tion and cooperation. Does all of this sound familiar as you think about network development in the United States? Many American libraries, especially those committed to coopera- tion, have experienced automation grow- ing pains as local to regional to nationwide impact networks have developed. And the consistent argument for networks has January 1985 l always been resource sharing and im- proved access to library materials and in- formation. Any library or group of libraries inter- ested in automating to improve access to materials in a region should read this case study.-Betty W. Bender, Spokane Public Li- brary, Washington. OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations Dictio- nary. 2 pts. Ed. by Ellen T. Crowley and He- len E. Sheppard. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 2,048p. $145 cloth. LC 84--643188. ISBN 0-8103-0501- 9. Adorno, T. W. Aesthetic Theory. Tr. By C. Lenhardt. International Library of Phe- nomenology ·and Moral Sciences. Boston: Routledge, 1984. 526p. $49.95 cloth. LC 82- 12195. ISBN 0-7100-9204-0. American Drama Criticism: Supplement I to the Sec- ond Edition . Comp. by Floyd E. Eddleman. Drama Explication series. Hamden, Conn. : Shoe String, 1984. 255p. $29.50 cloth. LC 83- 25410. ISBN 0-208-01978-2. American Newspaper Journalists, 1926-1950. Ed. by Perry J. Ashley. Dictionary of Literary Bi- ography, v.29. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 410p. $82 cloth. LC 84-8182. ISBN 0-8103-1707-9. Annual Register: A Record of World Events, 1983. Ed. by H. V. Hodson. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 543p. $90 cloth. LC 84-17979. ISBN 0-8103- 2033-9. The Art of Portraits and the Nude. Ed. by Jack Tre- sidder. Kodak Library of Creative Photogra- phy. New York: Time-Life Books, 1983. 104p. $15.95 cloth. LC82-629-77. ISBN0-86706-212-6. Bennett, Charles; Taylor, Gerald; and Yatabe, Peggy. The Year-Round, All-Occasion Make Your Own Greeting Card Book. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1984.164p. $7.95 paper. LC84-8459. ISBN 0-87477-321-0. Biale, Rachel. Women and Jewish Law: An Explo- ration of Women's Issues in Halakhic Sources. New York: Schocken, 1984. 293p . $18.95 cloth. LC 83-40457. ISBN 0-8052-3887-5. A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Acresses, Mu- · sicians, Dancers, Managers, and Other Stage Per- sonnel in London, 1660-1800. v.9: Kickill to Machin. Carbondale, ill.: Southern lliinois University Pr., 1984. 418p. $40 cloth. LC 71- 157068. ISBN 0-8093-1129-1(v.9). A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses, Mu- sicians, Dancers, Managers, and Other Stage Per- sonnel In London, 1660-1800. v .10: M'Intosh to Nash. Carbondale, ill.: Southern lliinois Uni- versity Pr., 1984. 434p . $40 cloth. LC 71- 157068. ISBN 0-8093-1130-5(v.10). Bishop, Claude T. How to Edit a Scientific Journal. Philadelphia: lSI Pr., 1984. 138p. $14.95 pa- per. LC 84-12875. ISBN 0-89495-034-7. Bullough, Vern L., and Brundage, James. Sex- ual Practices & the Medieval Church . Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus, 1982. 289p. $14.95 paper. LC 80-85227. ISBN 0-87975-151-7. Burgess, Michael. A Guide to Science Fiction & Fantasy in the Library of Congress Classification Scheme. The Borgo Reference Library, v .VIII. San Bernardino, Calif.: R. Reginald, The Borgo Pr., 1984. 86p. $9.95 paper. LC 80- 11418. ISBN 0-89370-907-7. Cencini, Avlara. Time and the Macroeconomic Analysis of Income. New York: St. Martin's, 1984. 233p. $27.50 cloth. LC 83-40201. ISBN 0-312-80502-0. Chen, Edward and Chin, Steve. Markets of Asia/Pacific: People's Republic of China. New York : Facts On File, 1984. 124p. $75 cloth. LC 81-3248. ISBN 0-87196-595-X. Chen, Martha Alter. A Quiet Revolution: Women in Transition in Rural Bangladesh. Cambridge, Mass.: Schenkman, 1983. 275p. $15.95 pa- per. LC 83-40121. ISBN 0-87073-453-9. Contemporary Authors v.111. Ed. by Hal May. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 527p. $82 cloth. LC 62- 52046. ISBN 0-8103-1911-X. Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series. v .1. Ed. by Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 431p. $70 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-4500-5. Cubans in the United States: A Bibliography for Re- search in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 1960-1983. Comp. by Lyn MacCorkle. Bibli- ographies and Indexes in Sociology, No. 1. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 227p. $35 cloth. LC 84-6675. ISBN 0-313-24509-6. Davidson, Mark. Uncommon Sense: The Life and Thought of Ludwig von Bertalanffy (1901-1972), Father of General Systems Theory. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1984. 247p. $8.95 paper. LC 82- 16900. ISBN 0-87477-165-X. Dewey, John. The Later Works, 1925-1953. v.4: 1929. Ed. by JoAnn Boydston. Carbondale, ill.: Southern illinois Univ. Pr., 1984. 307p. LC 80-27285. ISBN 0-8093-1162-3 (v.4).'