College and Research Libraries Recent Publications 195 ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. Collection Security in ARL Libraries. By DavidS. Zeidberg. SPECKit99. Associ- ation of Research Libraries, Washing- ton, D.C. Jan. 1984. 102p. ED 241 016. MF-$0.83; PC-Not available from EDRS. Responses to a one-page questionnaire on li- brary security were received from 89 of 117 As- sociation of Research Libraries (ARL) institu- tions (76 percent). The questions, which covered administrative security control, secu- rity policies and procedures, permanent identi- fication of library materials, and swift re- sponses to possible theft were derived from a longer questionnaire prepared by the Security Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and Re- search Libraries (ACRL). It was found that 31 percent of the responding libraries had a secu- rity officer, 87 percent and 33 percent were marking their general and special collections re- spectively, 15 percent had a collection security policy, and most of the policies prescribed what to do about thefts after the fact. This publication contains (1) the two questionnaire forms; (2) se- curity policy and procedure documents from Brown University, New York State Library, Colorado State University, Columbia Univer- sity, Cornell University, Florida State Univer- sity, University of Michigan, University of To- ronto, McMaster University, and University of California, Riverside; and (3) task force reports on library security from Brigham Young Uni- versity and University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. A six-item bibliography, a concise summary of survey results, and an evaluation sheet for this ARL Systems and Procedures Ex- change Center (SPEC) kit are also provided. Online After Six: The University of Otta- wa's Experience with BRS/ After Dark. By Richard V. Janke. Paper presented at the Annual Users Meeting of Biblio- graphic Retrieval Services (8th, Boston, Mass., October 31, 1983). 9p. ED 241 027. MF-$0.83; PC-$4.82. This paper describes the provision of end- user search services in the libraries of the Uni- versity of Ottawa using BRS/ After Dark. It is noted that the service-Online After Six-is available during the evening hours to univer- sity faculty, students, and staff and to the gen- eral public. Program planning stages, service regulations, fees charged, and publicity meth- ods are described. Based on initial usage of the system by education students, it is reported that difficulties encountered by clients and li- brary staff included problems in using Boolean logic and the online print commands, low awareness of the range of databases relevant to any particular question, and the need for more extensive user assistance than was originally anticipated. Positive outcomes of the program are also outlined, e.g., 40 percent of the end us- ers had fully satisfactory search results, even as first-time users. The necessary prerequisites for . an after-hours end-user search service in an ac- ademic library are concluded to be a positive perception of the possibilities such a service may offer clients; groundwork to convince the library administration that the project is feasi- ble; careful planning, coordination, and train- ing of staff prior to service start-up; provision of quality documentation to end users; and arrest- ing publicity. A seven-item bibliography is pro- vided. ARL Statistics, 1982-83. A Compilation of Statistics from the One Hundred and Seventeen Members of the Association of Research Libraries. By Carol A. Man- del and Alexander Lichtenstein. Associ- ation of Research Libraries, Washing- ton, D.C. 1984. 73p. ED 241 036. MF-$0.83; PC-Not available from EDRS. This report presents data compiled from the 117libraries that were members of the Associa- tion of Research Libraries (ARL) during the 1982-83 academic year, as well as an examina- tion of data for trends in expenditures for the previous fifteen years from the seve:r:tty-five ac- 196 College & Research Libraries ademic libraries that were members throughout those years. Information includes data from four libraries that joined ARLin 1982-83: Dela- ware, Georgia Institute of Technology, and North Carolina State, and the nonuniversity Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical In- formation. A guide to library code numbers provides a complete list of ARL .members. R~­ search library resources, staffmg, expendi- tures, and interlibrary loan activity are covered in the report's data tables. Further report sec- tions include an analysis of selected variables; Ph.D. and enrollment statistics; the ARL Li- brary Index, a summary of rank order tables for ARL university libraries; and the rank order ta- bles for volumes in library, volumes added (gross), microform holdings, current serials, professional staff, nonprofessional staff, total staff, materials expenditures, materials and binding expenditures, salaries and wages ex- penditures, total operating expenditures, total items loaned, total items borrowed, and current serials expenditures. A copy of the ARL Statis- tics Questionnaire is included. Competency Requirements for Library and Information Science Professionals. By Jose-Marie Griffiths. Paper presented at the Anniversary Conference of the Spe- cial Libraries Association (76th, Univer- March 1985 sity Park, Penn., October 20-21, 1983). 13p. ED 241 037. MF-$0.83; PC-$1.82. Ways in which the education and training of information professionals can adapt to the rap- idly changing information environment are ad- dressed in this paper, which describes a project undertaken by King Research ("New Direc- tions in Library and Information Science Educa- tion'') to identify current and future compe- tency requirements of libraries and other information professionals. It is hypothesized that a lack of communication between the em- ployers of information professionals and the in- stitutions that educate and train them is one . reason that educational institutions are not meeting needs and demands of the changing environment and new technologies. Following a list of preliminary questions that need to be addressed in determining information profes- sionals' training needs, the project approach and framework are described. Each aspect of this framework is then detailed, including trends that affect library and information sci- ence organizations, work settings, and the functions and activities performed. Also con- sidered are the types of users served, the tools and techniques used/ applied, and the types of materials handled. Finally, each step in the overall process of planning, design, implemen- tation, and evaluation is examined. ,-----You Are Invited to Attend 1500 Life Science Meetings ... Without Leaving Home \. In 1985, BIOS IS will greatly increase its already extensive coverage of .the life scie~ce meeting literature - through BIOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS/RAM ® (Reports, Rev1ews, Meetmgs). Why? Because meeting papers often provide the first clues to important new research . And, as you've probably already discovered, finding these papers is getting harder and harder. 1 In 1985, we're going to alert you to more than 140,000 papers recently presented at major scientific conferences around the world. Papers important to research awareness ... papers not reported anywhere else. We thought you'd like to be the first to know. For more information about BAIRRM, contact BIOS IS User Services Dept., 2100 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103~1399 USA, or call toll free (BOO) 523-4806 (USA, except AK, HI, PA). (215) 587-4800 worldwide. Telex 831739. 11f you 're a regular reader of Nature, you've probably seen the letters in the Corresponden~e section _in the past year on the importance of meeting papers. If you haven't, we'd like to share them wtth you. Wrtte to BIOSIS User Services for a summary of the dialogue. Recent Publications 197 OTHER PUBLICATIONS AACR2 and Serials: The American View. Ed. by Neal L. Edgar. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, V.3, nos. 2/3. New York: Haworth Pr., 1983. 168p. $19.95 cloth. LC 83-8404. ISBN 0-86656-233-8. Africa South of the Sahara, 1984-85. 14th ed. Lon- don: Europa Publications, 1984. 1,011p. $130 cloth. LC 78-112271. ISBN 0-905118-98-7. The American Atom. Ed. by Robert C. Williams and Philip L. Cantelon. Philadelphia: Univ. ofPennsylvaniaPr., 1984. 333p. $8.95 paper. LC 83-21829. ISBN 0-8122-1169-3 . American Furniture Craftsmen Working Prior to 1920. Comp. by Charles J. Semowich. Art Reference Collection, no.7. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 381p. $39.95 cloth. LC 84-4459. ISBN 0-313-23275-X. American Historians, 1607-1865. Ed. by Clyde N. Wilson. Dictionary of Literary Biography, V.30. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 382p. $82 cloth. LC 84-10262. ISBN 0-8103-1708-7. American Puritan Studies: An Annotated Bibliogra- phy of Dissertations, 1882-1981. Comp. by Mi- chael S. Montgomery. Bibliographies and In- dexes in American History, no.l. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 419p. $49.95 cloth. LC 84-6553. ISBN 0-313-24237-2. Anderson, Alun M. Science and Technology in Ja- pan. Longman Guide to World Science and Technology, no.4. London: Longman, 1984. 421p. $85 cloth. ISBN 0-582-90015-8. Andragogy in Action: Applying Principles of Adult Learning. Ed. by Malcom S. Knowles. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984. 444p . $21.95 cloth. LC 84-47989. ISBN 0-87589-621-9. Approaches to Teaching Beowulf. Ed. by Jess B. Bessinger, Jr ., and Robert F. Yeager. Ap- proaches to Teaching Masterpieces of World Literature, no.4. New York: Modern Lan- guage Assn., 1984. 214p. $12.50 paper. LC 83-22124. ISBN 0-87352-482-9. Augros, RobertM., and Stanciu, George N. The New Story of Science. Lake Bluff, lll.: Regnery Gateway, 1984. 234p. $6.95 paper. LC 84- 43228. ISBN 0-89526-833-7. Automation and Work Design. Ed. by Federico Bu- tera and Joseph E. Thurman. New York: North-Holland, 1984. 758p. $77 cloth. LC 84- 8169. ISBN 0-444-87538-7. Awards, Honors, and Prizes: An International Di- rectory of Awards and Their Donors. 5th ed. supp. Ed. by Gita Siegman. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 180p. $76 paper. LC 84-643345. ISBN 0- 8103-0366-3. Bachman, Richard. Thinner. New York: New Amer. Lib., 1984. 309p. $12.95 cloth. LC 84- 11462. ISBN 0-453-00468-7. Bio-Base: A Periodic Cumulative Master Index on Microfiche to Sketches Found in about 500 Cur- rent and Historical Biographical Dictionaries, 1984 Master Cumulation. Comp. by the staff of Biography and Genealogy Master Index. De- troit: Gale, 1984. $950/set cloth. LC 81-81437. ISBN 0-8103-1621-8. Biography and Genealogy Master Index. 2d ed. 1984 supplement. Ed. by Barbara McNeil. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 914p. $170 cloth. LC 82- 15700. ISBN 0-8103-1508-4. Black-Jewish Relations in the United States, 1752-1984: A Selected Bibliography. Comp. by Lenwood G. Davis. Bibliographies and In- dexes in Afro-American and African Studies, no.l. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 130p. $29.95 cloth. LC 84-4685. ISBN 0-313- 23329-2. Boating Cost Guide. Kingston, Mass.: Raymond S. Means, 1984. 312p. $29.95 paper. ISBN 0- 911950-89-3. Bonk, Jon. Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1984. 132p. $15 cloth. LC 84-10547. ISBN 0-8108-1710-1. Bookman's Price Index. V.27. Ed. by Daniel F. McGrath. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 919p. $155 cloth. LC 64-8723. ISBN 0-8103-0640-9. Burns, Grant. The Atomic Papers. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1984. 309p. $22.50 cloth. LC 84-1390. ISBN 0-8108-1692-X. Butler, Alan. A New Guinea Bibliography. We- wak, New Guinea: Wewak Pr., 1984. 563p. $30 paper. Castleman, William J. Beauty and the Mission of the Teacher: The Life of Gabriela Mistral of Chile. Smithtown, N.Y.: Exposition Pr., 1982. 116p. $7.50 paper. LC 81-90674. ISBN 0-682- 49853-X. Charlesworth, Edward A., and Nathan, Ronald G. Stress Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Wellness. Waterbury, Conn.: McClelland and Stewart, 1984. 327p. $17.95 cloth. LC 84- 45060. ISBN 0-689-11503-2. Citizen Participation in Library Decision-Making: The Toronto Experience. Ed. by John Marshall. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1984. 436p. $25 cloth . LC 84-10617. ISBN 0-8108-1709-8. Clark, Philip M. New Approaches to the Measure- ment of Public Library Use by Indz'Vidual Patrons. Occasional Papers no.162. Urbana: Univ. of lllinois, Graduate School of Library Science, 1983. 46p. $3 paper. ISSN 0276-1769. The Complete E. C. Segar Popeye. Sundays, 1930-32. V.l. Ed. by Rick Marschall. Stam- ford, Conn.: Fantagraphics Bks., 1984. 105p. $12.95 paper. LC 84-81462. ISBN 0-930193- 00-8. Consultants and Consulting Organizations Direc- tory. Ed. by Janice McLean. Detroit: Gale, 198 College & Research Libraries 1984. 1,293p. $280 cloth. LC 81-13413. ISBN 0-8103-0356-6. Contemporary Authors. V.112. Ed. by Hal May. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 832p. $82 cloth. LC 62- 52046. ISBN 0-8103-1912-8. Contemporary Authors: New Revision Series. V .13. Ed. by Linda Metzger. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 534p. $82 cloth. LC 81-640179. ISBN 0-8103- 1942-X. Contemporary Literary Criticism. V.29. Ed. by Jean C. Stine and Daniel G. Marowski. De- troit: Gale, 1984. 642p. $82 cloth. LC 76- 38938. ISBN 0-8103-4403-3. Contemporary Literary Criticism. V.30. Ed. by Jean C. Sine and Daniel G. Marowski. De- troit: Gale, 1984. 664p. $82 cloth. LC 76- 38938. ISBN 0-8103-4404-1. Contemporary Theatre, Film, and Television . V.l. Ed. by Monica M. O'Donnell. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 545p. $85 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-2064-9. Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook, 1985. 2v. Comp. by the U.S. Department of State Reports on Contemporary Political and Economic Conditions. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 1,546p. $95 cloth. LC 80-645249. ISBN 0- 8103-1642-0. A Critical Bibliography of French Literature: The Sixteenth Century. V.2. Rev. ed. Ed. by Ray- mond C. LaCharite. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse Univ. Pr., 1985. 847p. $95 cloth. ISBN 0-8156-2308-9. Crown, Alan David. A Bibliography of the Samari- tans. ATLA Bibliography series, no.10. Me- · tuchen, N.J .: Scarecrow, 1984. 212p. $17.50 cloth. LC 84-1386. ISBN 0-8108-1693-8. Culver, R. B., and Ianna, P. A. The Gemini Syn- drome: A Scientific Evaluation of Astrology. Buf- falo, N.Y.: Prometheus, 1984. 222p. $11.95 paper. LC 84-42791. ISBN 0-87975-264-5. Dadd, Debra Lynn. Nontoxic & Natural: How to Avoid Dangerous Everyday Products and Buy or Make Safe Ones. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1984. 289p. $9.95 paper. LC 84-16176. ISBN 0- 87477-330-X. Darkroom Expression. Kodak Workshop series. Rochester, N.Y.: Eastman Kodak, 1984. 96p. $8.95 paper. ISBN 0-87985-300-X. Dexter, Warren W. Ogam Consaine and Tifinag Alphabets. Rutland, Vt.: Academy, 1984. 68p. $8.50 paper. LC 84-70953. ISBN 0-914960-44- X. ~ The Directory of Directories: 1985. 3d ed. Ed . by James M . Ethridge. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 1,322p. $135 cloth . LC 80-645075. ISBN 0- 8103-0274-8. Directory of Food and Nutrition Information Ser- vices and Resources. Ed. by Robyn C. Frank. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Pr., 1984. 287p. $74.50 paper. LC 83-42505. ISBN 0-89774-078-5. Emanuel, Lynn. Hotel Fiesta. Athens: Univ. of March 1985 Georgia Pr., 1984. 42p. $10.95 cloth. LC 84- 2447. ISBN 0-8203-0728-9. Encyclopedia of Associations 1985: International Organizations. V.4. Ed. by Katherine Gruber. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 508p. $160 cloth. LC 76- 46129. ISBN 0-8103-0128-8. Encyclopedia of Information Systems and Services, 1985-1986. International Volume . 6th ed. Ed. by John Schmittroth, Jr. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 669p. $165 cloth. LC 82-18359. ISBN 0-8103- 1538-6. Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology. 2d ed. 3v. Ed. by Leslie Shepard. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 1,800p. $200 cloth. LC 77-92. ISBN 0- 8103-0196-2. Figler, Stephen, and Figler, Howard. The Ath- lete's Game Plan for College and Career. Prince- ton, N.J.: Peterson's Guide, 1984. 252p. $9.95 paper. LC 83-22112. ISBN 0-87866-266- 9. Floyd, Robert H.; Gray, Clive S.; and Short, R. P. Public Enterprise in Mixed Economies: Some Macroeconomic Aspects. Washington, D. C. : International Monetary Fund, 1984. 196p. $12 paper. ISBN 0-939934-30-2. Freeman, G. D. Midnight and Noonday; or, The Incidental History of Southern Kansas and the In- dian Territory, 1871-1890. Ed. by Richard L. Lane. Norman: Univ. ofOklahomaPr., 1984. 304p. $24.95 cloth. LC 83-40330. ISBN 0- 8061-1875-X. Gaston, Paul M. Women of Fair Hope. Lamar Me- morial Lectures at Mercer University, no.25. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Pr., 1984. 143p. $13.50. LC 84-103. ISBN 0-8203-0718-1. Gehm, John. Bringing It Home. Chicago: Chi- cago Review Pr., 1984. 304p. $14.95 LC 84- 12075. ISBN 0-914091-48-4. Gesamtverzeichnis Deutschsprachiger Hoch- schulschriften, 1966-1980. Bibliography of Ger- man Language Academic Publications, 1966-1980. 20v. Ed. by Willi Gorzny. New York: K. G. Saur, 1984.$4,155. cloth. ISBN 3- 598-30600-8. Gillespie, John, and Gillespie, Anna. A Bibliog- raphy of Nineteenth-Century American Piano Music. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 358p. $39.95 cloth. LC 84-8993. ISBN 0-313- 24097-3. Gold, Joseph. Legal and Institutional Aspects of the International Monetary System: Selected Es- says. V.2. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1984. 947p. $40 cloth. ISBN 0-939934-34-5. Goldberg, Phillip. Th~ Intuitive Edge: Under- standing Intuition and Applying It in Everyday Life. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1985. 241p. $7.95 paper. LC 83-9161. ISBN 0-87477-344-X. Gracia, Jorge J. E. Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Ages. Ed. by Ignacia Angelelli and others. Washington, D.C.: Catholic Univ. of America Pr., 1984. 302p. $54.95 cloth. LC 83-1947. ISBN 0-8132- 0588-3. Grad, Laurie Burrows. Make It Easy Entertain- ing. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1984. $16.95 pa- per. ISBN 0-87477-289-3. Graham, John. The Literature of Chess. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1984. 250p. $18.95 cloth. LC 83-26759. ISBN 0-89950-099-4. Green, Lewis W. The Silence of Snakes. Winston- Salem, N.C.: John F. Blair, 1984. 343p. $15 .95 cloth. LC 84-16804. ISBN 0-89587-040-1. Gregory, Sinda. Private Investigations: The Nov- els of Dashiell Hammett. Carbondale: South- ern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1984. 222p. $19.95 cloth. LC 84-1389. ISBN 0-8093-1165-8. Griffith-Jones, Lionel. That's My Lot: An Anec- dotal Autobiography of a British Ex-Singapore Colonial. New York: VantagePr., 1984.179p. $12.95 cloth. LC 83-90919. ISBN 0-533-05930- 5. Guide to the Bureau of Applied Social Research. Ed. by Judith S. Barton. New York: Clearwater, 1984. 222p. $49 cloth. LC 81-6133. ISBN 0- 88354-055-X. Harman, Willis, and Rheingold, Howard. Higher Creativity: Liberating the Unconscious for Breakthrough Insights . Los Angeles: Tar- cher, 1984. 237p. $8.95 paper. LC 84-16237. ISBN 0-87477-335-0. Index of American Periodical Verse: 1982. Ed. by Rafael Catala. Metuchen. N.J.: Scarecrow, 1984. 669p. $37.50 cloth. LC 73-3060 . ISBN 0- 8108-1731-4. International Consultants 1984: World-wide Profes- sional Directory. 4th ed. Ed. by J. Gevers. Lau- sanne, Switzerland: Gadirem S.A. 2,000p. $190 cloth. IranMediaindex. Comp. byHamidNaficy. Bibli- ographies and Indexes in World History, no.l. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 264p. $45 cloth. LC 84-6572. ISBN 0-313- 23895-2. John D. Rockefeller Interview: 1917-1920. Ed. by David F. Hawke. Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1984. 37p . $57. ISBN 0-88736-007-6. Jong, Erica. Parachutes & Kisses. New York: New Amer. Lib., 1984. 405p. $16.95cloth. LC 84-11530. ISBN 0-453-00466-0. Jordan, Alma, and Comissiong, Barbara. The English-speaking Caribbean: A Bibliography of Bibliographies. Boston: Hall, 1984. 411p. LC 84-16823. ISBN 0-8161-8607-3. Kamin, Dan. Charlie Chaplin's One-Man Show. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow: 1984. 196p. $29.50 cloth. LC 83-20396. ISBN 0-8108-1675- X. Kamin, Judith. How Older Adults Use Books and the Public Library: A Review of the Literature. Recent Publications 199 Occasional Papers, no.165. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and In- formation Science, 1984. 35p. $3 paper. ISSN 0276-1769. Kaser, David. Books and Libraries in Camp and Battle: The Civil War Experience. Contributions in Librarianship and Information Science, no.48. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 141p. $27.95 cloth. LC 84-507. ISBN 0-313- 24483-9. Kennedy, William R., Jr., and Lee, Robert W. A. Taxpayer Survey of the Grace Commission Re- port. Ottawa, Ill . : Green Hill, 1984. 150p. $1.95 paper. Kierkegaard and Literature: Irony, Repetition, and Criticism. Ed. by Ronald Schleifer and Robert Markley. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1984. 224p. $22.95 cloth. LC 84-40276. ISBN 0-8061-1879-2. Kilmann, Ralph H. Beyond the Quick Fix. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984. 300p. $25.95 cloth. LC 84-47988. ISBN 0-87589-620-0. King, Joan Wucher. Historical Dictionary of Egypt. African Historical Dictionaries, no.36. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1984. 736p . $47.50 cloth. LC 84-20247. ISBN 0-8108-1670- 9. Knapp, Bettina L. A Jungian Approach to Litera- ture. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1984. 320p. $27.95 cloth . LC 83-20459. ISBN 0-8093-1161-5. Lawton, Manny . Some Survived. Chapel Hill, N.C.: Algonquin, 1984. 295p. $16.95 cloth. LC 84-16940. ISBN 0-912697-13-X. Lerner, Richard M. Experiencing Adolescents: A Sourcebook for Parents, Teachers, and Teens. New York: Garland, 1984. 422p . $45 cloth. LC 83-48215. ISBN 0-8240-9051-9. Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1982 Institutional Data. Chicago: Assn. of College and Research Libraries, 1984. 117p . $16 pa- per. ISBN 0-8389-6640-3. Library Work for Children and Young Adults in the Developing Countries . Ed. by Genevieve Patte and Sigrun Klara Hannesdottir. IFLA Publi- cations, no.28. New York: K. G. Saur, 1984. 283p. $28 cloth. ISBN 3-598-20389-6. Lineaweaver, Thomas H. III, and Backus, Rich- ard H. The Natural History of Sharks. New York: Schocken, 1984. 256p. $9.95 paper. LC 84-5389. ISBN 0-8052-0766-X . Literary Criticism Index. Ed. by Alan R. Weiner and Spencer Means. Metuchen, N .J.: Scare- crow, 1984. 704p. $49.50 cloth. LC 84-1371. ISBN 0-8108-1694-6. The London Stage 1920-1929: A Calendar of Plays and Players. 3v. Comp. byJ. P. Wearing. Me- tuchen, N.J .: Scarecrow, 1984. 1,808p. $89.50 cloth. LC 84-10665 . ISBN 0-8108-1715- 2. 200 · College & Research Libraries Medical and Health Information Directory: Organi- zations, Agencies, and Institutions . V.1 3d ed. Ed. by Anthony T. Kruzas, Kay Gill, and Ka- ren Backus. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 1, 157p. $150 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-0269-1. Miksa, Francis. The Development of Classification at the Library of Congress. Occasional Papers, no.164. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1984. 78p. $3 paper. ISSN 0272-1769 . Murdoch, John E. Album of Science: Antiquity and the Middle Ages. New York: Scribner, 1984. 403p. $55 cloth. LC 84-1400. ISBN 0-684- 15496-X. The Music of Women: A Selection Guide, 1984. Comp. by Nancy Vedder-Shults. Madison: Wisconsin Women Library Workers, 1984. 18p. $3 paper. Neuvieme Congres International De Stratigraphie Et De Geologie Du Carbonifere. Compte Rendu: V.2: Biostratigraphy. Ed. by Patrick K. Sutherland and Walter L. Manger. Car- bondale : Southern Illinois Univ. Pr ., 1984. 630p. LC 83-19147. ISBN 0-8093-1169-0. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism . V.7. Ed. by Laurie Lanzen Harris and Sheila Fitzgerald. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 568p. $82 cloth. LC 81-6943. ISBN 0-8103-5807-7. Orpen, Neil. Airlift to Warsaw: The Rising of 1944. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1984. 192p. $14.95 cloth. LC 84-40277 . ISBN 0- 8061-1913-6. Papers on the Archaeology of Black Mesa, Arizona. V .2. Ed. by Stephen Plog and Shirley Powell. Publications in Archaeology. Carbondale : Southern illinois Univ. Pr., 1984. 241p. $25 cloth. LC 73-32340. ISBN 0-8093-1149-6. Petroleum Microbiology. Ed. by Ronald M. Atlas. New York : Macmillan, 1984. 692p. $55 cloth. ISBN 0-02-949000-6. Phillips, Robert L. War and Justice . Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1984. 159p. $14.95 cloth. LC 84-40278. ISBN 0-8061-1893-8. Photographing Your Baby. Editors of Eastman Kodak. Reading, Mass .: Addison-Wesley, 1984. 144p. $9.95 paper. LC 84-16788. ISBN 0-201-11698-7. Psychocriticism: An Annotated Bibliography. Ed. by Joseph P. Natoli and Frederik L. Rusch. Bibliographies and Indexes in World Litera- ture; no.1. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 267p. $35 cloth. LC 84-4689. ISBN 0- 313-23641-0. Ramirez, Sergio. To Bury Our Fathers. Tr. by Nick Caistor. New York: Readers Interna- tional, 1984. 253p. $14.95 cloth. LC 84- 061849 . ISBN 0-930523-02-4. Religion and the Constitution. Moderated by John Charles Daly. Washington, D. C.: American Enterprise Institute for Policy Research, March 1985 1984. 34p. $3.75 paper. LC 84-71858. ISBN 0- 8447-2249-9. . Research in Parapsychology, 1983. Abstracts and papers from the 26th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Assn. Ed. by Rhea A. White and RichardS. Broughton. Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1984. 196p. $15 cloth. LC66- 28580 . ISBN 0-8108-1695-4. Rhyne, Nancy. More Tales of the South Carolina Low Country. Winston-Salem, N.C.: John F. Blair, 1984. 121p. $5.95 paper. LC 84-21710. ISBN 0-89587-042-8. Rodgers, Bernard F., Jr. Philip Roth: A Bibliogra- phy. 2d. ed. Author Bibliographies, no.19. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1984. 339p. $27.50 cloth. LC 84-5452. ISBN 0-8108-1699- 7. Romer, Robert H. Energy: Facts and Figures. Amherst, Mass.: Spring Street Pr., 1985. 72p. $8.95 paper. LC 84-16278. ISBN 0- 931691-17-6. Royster, Vermont. A Pride of Prejudices. Chapel Hill, N.C. : Algonquin, 1984. 364p. $10.95 pa- per. ISBN 0-912697-14-8. Ruiz de Alarcon, Hernando. Treatise on the Hea- then Superstitions that Today Live among the In- dians Native to This New Spain, 1629. Ed. by J. Richard Andrews and Ross Hassig. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1984. 406p. $48.50 cloth. LC 83-47824. ISBN 0-8061-1832-6. Salem, James M. A Guide to Critical Reviews: Part 1: American Drama, 1909-1982. 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