College and Research Libraries 376 College & Research Libraries July 1985 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Beetz, Kirk H. Tennyson: A Bibliography, 1827-1982. Scarecrow Author Bibliogra- phies, no .68. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1984. 539p. $35 cloth. LC 84-1274. ISBN 0- 8108-1687-3. Boytinck, Paul. Anthony Burgess: An Annotated Bibliography and Reference Guide. New York: Garland, 1985. 400p. $62 cloth. LC 82-49268. ISBN 0-8240-9135-3. British Novelists, 1890-1929: Traditionalists. Ed. by Thomas F. Staley. Dictionary of Literary Biography, V.34. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 378p . $85 cloth . LC 84-18723. ISBN 0-8103-1712-5. Business Organizations and Agencies Directory. 2d ed. Ed. by Anthony T. Kruzas, Robert C. Thomas, and Kay Gill. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 1,371p. $220 cloth . LC 84-4179. ISBN 0-8103- 1199-2. Canadian Almanac and Directory 1985. 138th ed. Ed. by Susan Bracken. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 1,200p. $64 cloth. ISBN 0-7730-4053-6. Chicano Organizations Directory. Comp. by Cesar Caballero. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1985. 221p. $19.95 paper. LC 83-8333. ISBN 0- 918212-65-0. The Church, Politics and Patronage in the 15th Cen- tury . Ed. by R. B. Dodson. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 245p. $25 cloth. LC 84-15102. ISBN 0-312-13481-9. Clark, Robert. History and Myth in American Fic- tion, 1823-52. New York: St . Martin's, 1985. 186p. $22.95 cloth. LC 83-40161. ISBN 0-312- 37407-0. The Confederate Governors. Ed. by W. Buck Yearns. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Pr., 1985. 295p. $27.50 cloth. LC 84-154. ISBN 0-8203- 0719-X. Contemporary Designers. Ed. by Ann Lee Mor- gan. Detroit: Gale, 1984. 658p. $95 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-2036-3 . D. H. Lawrence 's "Lady": A New Look at Lady Chatterley's Lover. Ed. by Michael Squires and Dennis Jackson. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Pr., 1985. 253p. $24 cloth. LC 84-181. ISBN 0- 8203-0724-6. Diment, Judith A. and others. Catalogue Endeav- our Voyage Part 1: Botany: Australia. Westport, Conn .: Meckler, 1984. 183p. $75 cloth. ISBN 0-930466-92-6. Directory of British Official Publications: A Guide to Sources. 2d ed. Comp. by Stephen Richard . New York: Mansell, 1984. 413p. $60 cloth. LC 84-12559 . ISBN 0-7201-1706-2. Dissertations in the History of Education: 1970-1980. Comp. by Edward R. Beau- champ. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 267p . $22.50 cloth. LC 84-14125. ISBN 0-8108- 1742-X. Dyer, Thomas G. The University of Georgia: A Bi- centennial History, 1785-1985. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Pr ., 1985. 435p. $35 cloth . LC 84- 232. ISBN 0-8203-0725-4. Edgerton, Clyde. Raney. Chapel Hill, N.C.: Al- gonquin, 1985. 227p. $12.95 cloth. LC 84- 24590. ISBN 0-912697-17-2. Encyclopedia of Associations 1985: Updating Ser- vice. Ed. by Katherine Gruber. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 188p . $125 paper . LC 76-46129. ISBN 0- 8103-1693-5. Experiences of Library Network Administrators. Ed . by Wilson Luquire. New York : Haworth, 1985. 131p. $22.95 cloth. LC 84-22428. ISBN 0-86656-888-1. Financial Incentives for Academic Quality. Ed. by John Folger. New Directions for Higher Edu- cation, no.48. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1984. 104p. $8.95 paper. LC 83-82748. ISBN 87589-998-6. Forbes, John D. Jamaica: Managing Political and Economic Change. Washington: American En- terprise Institute, 1985. 54p. LC 84-73139. ISBN 0-8447-1100-4. Friend, George E. and others. Understanding Data Communications. Dallas: Texas Instru- ments, 1984. 268p. $14.95 paper. LC 84- 50867. ISBN 0-89512-158-1. Geographers: Biobibliographical Studies. V.8. Ed. byT. W. Freeman. New York: Mansell, 1984. 159p. $34 paper. ISBN 0-7201-1705-4. Gibaldi, Joseph and Achtert, Walter S. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 2d ed. New York: Modern Language Assn., 1984. 221p. $7.50 paper. LC 84-10819. ISBN 0- 87352-132-3. Great Library Promotion Ideas: JCD Library Public Relations Award Winners and Notables 1984. Ed. by Ann Heidbreder Eastman and Roger H. Parent. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1984. 64p. $8.95 paper. LC 84-24446. ISBN 0- 8389-3318-1. Greenberg, Jan W. The Teenager's Guide to the Best Summer Opportunities . Boston: Harvard CommonPr., 1985.197p. $9.95paper. LC84- 19717. ISBN 0-916782-58-1. A Guide to Colleges for Learning Disabled Students. Ed. by Mary Ann Liscio. New York: Aca- demic, 1984. 490p. $24.95 cloth. LC 84-45683. ISBN 0-12-452240-8. Hadingham, Evan. Early Man and the Cosmos. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1985. 277p. $11.95 paper. ISBN 0-8061-1919-5. Hansen, H. B. Mission, Church and State in a Co- lonial Setting: Uganda 1890-1925. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 649p. $39.95 cloth. LC 84- 16052. ISBN 0-312-53474-4 . Hardy, Dennis. Arcadia for All: The Legacy of a Makeshift Landscape . New York: Mansell, 1984. 307p . $45 cloth . LC 84-12535. ISBN 0- 7201-1679-1. International Guide to Qualifications in Education. Comp. by the National Equivalence Informa- tion Centre. New York: Mansell, 1984. 675p . $90 cloth. LC 84-17083. ISBN 0-7201-1716-X . Jarrell, Howard R. International Meditation Bibli- ography: 1950-1982 . ATLA Bibliography Ser., no.12. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985 . 444p. $29 .50 cloth . LC 84-21691. ISBN 0-8108- 1759-4. Johnson, Terry; Dandeker, Christopher; and Ashworth, Clive. Th e Structure of Social The- ory: Strategies, Dilemmas and Projects . New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 250p . $29.95 cloth. LC 84-13285. ISBN 0-312-76834. Karp, Abraham J. Ha ven and Home: A History of th e Jews in America. New York: Schocken, 1985. 401p . $24 .95 cloth. LC 84-5530. ISBN 0- 8052-3920-0 . Kedourie, Elie. Th e Crossman Confessions and Other Essays in Politics, History, and Religion. New York : Mansell, 1984. 255p . $30 cloth. LC 84-7948. ISBN 0-7201-1712-7. Kinney, Arthur F. Flannery O'Connor's Library: Resources of Being. Athens: Univ . of Georgia Pr. 195p . $25 cloth. LC 84-250. ISBN 0-8203- 0726-2. Larson, Donna Rae . Guide to U.S. Government Directories 1980- 1984. V .2. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1985. 192p. $55 cloth . LC81-9642 . ISBN 0-89774-162-5 . Leff, Lawrence S. and Podos, Arlene . Computer Programming in Fortran the Easy Way. Wood- bury, N .Y.: Barron's, 1985. 256p. $7.95 pa- per. LC 84-18526. ISBN 0-8120-2800-7 . Th e Letters of Hugh Ma cDiarmid. Ed. by Alan Bold. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Pr ., 1985 . 910p. $30 cloth. ISBN 0-8203-0735-1 . Marketing in Developing Countries. Ed . by G . S . Kindra. New York: St . Martin's, 1985 . 259p. $29 .95 cloth . LC 84-15149 . ISBN 0-312-51531- 6. Marks, Claude. World Artists 1950- 1980. New York: Wilson, 1984. 928p. $70 cloth. LC 84- 13152. ISBN 0-8242-0707-6. Mueller, Franz H . The Church and the Social Question . Washington: American Enterprise Institute, 1984. 158p. LC 84-18548 . ISBN 0- 8447-3576-1 . Murfin, Marjorie E. and Wynar, Lubomyr R. Reference Service: An Annotated Bibliographic Guid e: Supplement 1976 - 1982. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1984. 365p. $35 cloth. LC 84-16388. ISBN 0-87287-402-8. Nicholas, Robin and Nicholas, David. Virology: An Information Profile. New York: Mansell, 1983. 236p . $32 cloth. ISBN 0-7201-1673-2. Recent Publications 377 Nyberg, Cheryl; and Boast, Carol. Subject Com- pilations of State Laws, 1979-1983: Research Guide and Annotated Bibliography . Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1984. 556p. $55 cloth. LC 84-12813 . ISBN 0-313-23335-7. O'Riordan, John . A Guide to O'Casey's Plays. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 419p. $27 .50 cloth . LC 83-40587. ISBN 0-312-35300-6. Ostrow, Rona and Smith, Sweetman R. Th e Dictionary of Retailing . New York: Fairchild, 1985. 264p. $25 cloth. LC 84-82074. ISBN 87005-437-6 . Perspectives on Abortion .• Ed. by Paul Sachdev . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 293p . $22 .50 cloth. LC 84-10573. ISBN 0-8108-1708- X. Pfeffer, Leo . Religion, State and the Burger Court . Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus, 1985 . 310p. $22.95 cloth. LC 84-43056. ISBN 0-87975-275- 0. Planning and Urban Growth in South ern Europe. Ed . by Martin Wynn . New York: Mansell, 1984. 210p. $38 cloth. LC 84-7859. ISBN 0- 7201-1608-2 . Something About the Author: Facts and Pictures about Authors and Illustrators of Books for Young People. V.37. Ed. by Anne Commire . Detroit: Gale, 1985. 301p . $62 cloth. LC 72-27107. ISBN 0-8103-0069-9. Stewart, Linda. Public Library Research: A Review of UK Investigation Between 1978 and 1982. Claim Report no.35. Loughborough, Leices- tershire [Eng .]: Centre for Library and Infor- mation Management, 1984. 103p. $11 paper. ISBN 0-904924-59-9. Subject Cataloging: Critiques and Innovations. Ed. by Sanford Berman. New York: Haworth, 1984. 252p . $22 .95 cloth . LC 84-10554 . ISBN 0-86656-265-6. Treasures from Th e New York Public Library. Ed. by Richard Newman. New York : New York Public Library, 1985. 132p . $12.95 paper. LC 85-252. ISBN 0-87104-286-X . Waters, K. H. Herodotus the Historian: His Prob- lems, Methods and Originality. Norman: Univ. ofOklahomaPr., 1985 . 194p. $19.95cloth. LC 84-19504 . ISBN 0-8061-1928-4 . Whitaker's Almanac 1985. 117th ed. London : J. Whitaker and Sons Ltd. , 1984 . 1,236p. $48 cloth . ISBN 0-8103-0673-5 . Dist . by Gale . Writing/Talks. Ed . by Bob Perelman . Carbon- dale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1985 . 296p . $14.95 paper. LC 83-20338 . ISBN 0-8093- 1180-1 . Yates, Frances A . Ideas and Ideals in the North Eu- ropean Renaissance: Collected Essays . V .3. Bos- ton : Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984. 356p . $29.95 cloth . LC 83-24743 . ISBN 0-7102-0184- 2. A BREAKTHROUGH IN INFORMATION RETIIIEVAL. Saves your library's most valuable resource: Your time. Easy searching for your patrons. Big Hme savings for you. From a world leader in database systems comes relief for busy librarians: The new BRKTHRlf" information retrieval service from BRS. It's as easy to use as AFTER DARK. And because your patrons 'can learn quickly to use BRKTHRU. you can 5ave your time for more complex search reqlJests. '"Trademark of BRS Information Technologies. 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