College and Research Libraries are reasonably current. Some important topics such as downloading and use of mi- crocomputers are discussed but in much less detail than current applications and interest require; there is a greater loss of currency in these areas than in the litera- ture references. The chapter entitled ''Citation Indexing and Analysis'' provides a disproportion- ately detailed discussion of Science Citation Index and other publications of the Insti- tute for Scientific Information. The signifi- cance of the lSI publications would be bet- ter stated and explained in accordance with the treatment given Biological Ab- stracts and other important secondary publications. Kronick correctly empha- sizes the value and place of citation index- ing but the author's interest in the topic may be greater than the interest of the typ- ical reader for whom the book is intended. The emphasis is also unfortunate in view of the book's publisher. Kronick mentions the existence and role of libraries but in two instances he fails to mention how the library assists the re- searcher. In discussing reprints, Kronick mentions the practice of photocopying by Recent Publications 535 readers and commercial sources for both copies and originals, but he does not men- tion the elaborate and formalized mecha- nisms existing among libraries for obtain- ing photocopies. Similarly, Kronick indirectly suggests that the library has a role in online literature searching but he does not adequately describe the complex service which a library's staff provides; in discussing a search conducted through an intermediary he does not link the interme- diary with a library or information center. Kronick writes gracefully and each chapter is a carefully delineated unit. More careful editing to delete occasional first person references would have given the text greater consistency. The librarian or information scientist will find a good deal of interesting information in this book both for its own value and for the as- sistance it provides in working with and instructing patrons. In all likelihood a book such as this one will find its way to library shelves rather than to the labora- tory or office shelves of its intended audience.-Richard f. Dionne, Kline Science Library, Yale University, New Haven, Con- necticut. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are .based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA 22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu- ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- tion. Increasing Special Library Collection Use in Very Computer Intensive Environ- ments: Automatic Bibliographic Com- pilation and the Dissemination of Elec- tronic Newsletters. By James Joseph Sanchez. 1983. 37p. ED 252 243. MF- $0.83; PC-$3.32 plus postage. This paper describes the development and implementation of an automatic bibliographic facility and an electronic newsletter created for a special collection of aerospace and mechanical engineering monographs and articles at the University of Arizona. The project included the development of an online catalog, increasing the depth of bibliographic description, provid- ing the beginnings of a comprehensive citation index for selected subjects, and developing an automatic bibliographic facility and local area electronic newsletter. Appendixes, which make up the major part of the report, comprise: . (1) the full code listing for the search program, written in FORTRAN 4, which demonstrates the relative simplicity of the facility for develop- ing bibliographies; (2) the help note written to aid the user in implementing a search; and (3) the full text of an electronic newsletter (the IGEL Bibliographer) developed to make all bib- liographic searches available within the inter- ested group. The sample newsletter includes short bibliographi~s on eigenvalues, geometric 536 College & Research Libraries nonlinearities, and composites. A source code · listing of a single descriptor search facility is in- cluded as an addendum. Books In Our Future. By Daniel J. Boor- stin. Report of a study conducted under the auspices of the Center for the Book, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 1984. 58p. ED 253 243. MF-$0.83; PC- $4.82 plus postage. This study explores the changing role of the book in the future. The report draws on inter- views with authors, publishers, booksellers, computer experts, librarians, scientists, educa- tors, and scholars and on the experience of the Library of Congress staff. The first part, "The Culture of the Book: Today and Tomorrow," includes sections on: ''Books in our Lives,'' ''A Nation of Readers?," "The Twin Menaces: illit- eracy and Aliteracy," "Combining Technolo- gies: The Adaptable Book," and "Unexplored Opportunities." Part Two, "A Manifold Pro- gram for a Massive Problem,'' suggests numer- ous activities that citizens can undertake to im- prove reading habits with sections on families and homes, schools, libraries, churches, civic and fraternal organizations, businesses, book publishers and booksellers, newspapers and magazines, television and radio, labor unions, colleges and universities, cities and local com- munities, the states, and prisons and correc- tional institutions. A directory of organizations cited in this section is provided. The next two November 1985 sections in Part D offer suggestions to Congress and the Executive Branch, and the report con- cludes with a brief review of initiatives under- taken at the Library of Congress. Performance Measurement for Public Ser- vices in Academic and Research Li- braries. By Mary J. Cronin. Association of Research Libraries, Washington, D.C. 1985. 39p. ED 254 256. MF-$0.83; PC-Not available from EDRS. This paper defines performance measure- ment as the clarification of objectives and stan- dards, identification of key activities, data col- lection and analysis, and formative evaluation of services. Jt then examines some of the factors involved in using performance measurement to evaluate public services activities and analyzes performance measurement in three parts. The first part provides a general background on cur- rent evaluation theory. Building on this theory, the second part applies performance measure- ment to existing library activities through a model. The concluding section looks at the forces for and against public services perfor- mance measurements and future trends. The bibliography includes a selection of articles re- lated to performance measurement; those relat- ing to public services are grouped according to library functions (circulation, reference, etc.), and particularly useful methodologies or ap- proaches are noted in the annotations. OTHER PUBLICATIONS AEI Foreign Policy and Defense Review. Ed. by Evron M. Kirkpatrick, Robert J. Pranger, and Harold H. Saunders. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1985. 52p. $5 paper. ISSN 0163-9927. African International Organization Directory: 1984/85. Ed. by the Union of International Associations. New York: Saur, 1985. 603p. ISBN 0-86291-289-0. Afro-American Writers After 1955: Dramatists and Prose Writers. Ed. by Thadious M. Davis and Trudier Harris. Dictionary of Literary Biogra- phy, V.38. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 390p. $85 cloth. LC 85-1673. ISBN 0-8103-1716-8. Aizenstat, A. J. Suroival for All: The Alternative to Nuclear War with a Practical Plan for Total Denu- clearization. New York: Billner & Rouse, 1985. 216p. $14.95 cloth. LC 84-28231. ISBN 0-932755-14-3. Aker, Frank. October 1973: The Arab-Israeli War. Hamden, Conn.: Archon Books, 1985. 185p. $19.50 cloth. LC 85-751. ISBN 0-208-02066-7. Alexander, Ian W. French Literature and the Phi- losophy of Consciousness: Phenomenological Es- says. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 211p. $25 cloth. LC 84-22918. ISBN 0-312-30495-1 . Allen, Karen Miller. The Human-Animal Bond: An Annotated Bibliography. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 256p. $17.50 cloth. LC 85-1916. ISBN 0-8108-1792-6. American History: A Bibliographic Review. V.l. Ed . by Carol Bondhus Fitzgerald. Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1985. 215p. $49.50 cloth. ISBN 0-88736-028-0. The American University: Problems, Prospects and Trends. Ed. by Jan H . Blits. Buffalo, N.Y.: Pro- metheus, 1985 . 180p. $18 .95 cloth . LC 84-62895. ISBN 0-87975-283-1. Anglo American and German Abbreviations of Data Processing. Ed. by Peter Wennrich . New York: Saur, 1985. 742p. $95 cloth. ISBN 3-598-20524-4. The Annotated Bibliography of Canada's Major Au- Fall, 1985 The world in ""''·~Z--- YOUr hands. Look at our wide range of serials and reference books. Yearbook of the United Nations The principal reference work of the United Nations, providing in single annual volumes, a comprehensive account of the Organization's wide-ranging activities since 1946. Latest issue: 1981 E.84.1.1 (ISBN: 92-2-1 00038-6) $75.00 Everyone's United Nations Official textbook which contains a definitive history of the Organization from 1946 to date. Latest issue: I Oth ed. E.85.1.16 (ISBN: 92-1-100273-7) $14.95 (cloth) 1!.85.1.16 (ISBN: 92-1-100274-5) $ 9.95 (paper) Directory of United Nations Databases and Information Systems A repertoire of over 6oo information databases in 36 UN affiliated organizations. It enables one to see what information and services are available in the United Nations family as a whole and how to obtain detailed information from particular organizations. GV.E.84.0.5. (ISBN: 92-9048-295-8) $35.00 Yearbook of International Commodity Statistics First issue: 1984 United Nations Publications United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Yearbook Annual Issued since 1968. Included are studies and reports on international trade contracts, international payments, international commercial arbitration and conciliation, the new international economic order, transport law and activities of other organizations. Latest issue: 1983 E.85.V.3 $41.00 Yearbook of the International Law Commission Issued since 1949. Subjects dealt with include arbitral procedures, diplomatic immunities, law of the sea, nationality, law of treaties and rights and duties of States. Latest issue: 1983 vol. I E.84.V.6 $33.00 vol.ll pt. I E.84.V.7 (ISBN: 92-1-133262-1) $23.00 vol.ll pt. 2 E.84.V.7 (ISBN: 92-I-133331-8) $12 .50 Multiiateral Treaties Deposited With The Secretary-General. Issued annually since 1967. Usts country ratifications of treaties and other international instruments . Status as at 31 December 1984 (STILEG/Ser. F/3) E.85.V.4 (ISBN: 92-1-133266-4) $60.00 World Economic Survey Provides an overview of salient developments in the world economy. Attention is drawn to changes in international policies needed to improve the pace of development in developing countries. Annual since 1948. Latest Issue: 1985 E.85.U.C.l (ISBN : 92-1-109107-I) $I4.50 Production and Use of Industrial Robots An interesting study on world-wide production and use of industrial robots that includes numerous tables on types of robots and their development in different countries. E.84.U.E.33 (ISBN: 92-1 -1163!6-1) $25 .00 Yearbook of International Trade Statistics Annual since 1950. Latest issue: 1982 (2 vols.) FJF.84.XVI1.6 (ISBN: 92-I-061002-4) $80.00 Handbook oflndustrial Statistics 1984 Provides important statistical indicators relevant to drawing international comparisons of the precess of industrialization. EF.84.ll.B.8 (ISBN: 92-I-0060o2-4) $50.00 Special Offer E.84.Il.D.22 (ISBN: 92-1-112180-9) $45.00 Energy in the Eighties For your order totalling fifty dollars or more, that is received by Dec:ember 31, 1985, you'll receive your FREE personal copy of WORlD STATISTICS IN BRIEF Ninth Edition, the official statistical pocketbook of the United Nations_ It's a $3.95 value. Demographic Yearbook Covers data on population for more than 250 countries and areas. Annual since 1949. Latest issue: 1983 FJF. 84.XVII.l (ISBN: 92-1 -051 030-5) (ISBN: 92-1-051029-1) Statistical Yearbook $90.00 (cloth) $80.00 (paper) Provides a wealth of data for more than 280 countries and territories on economic and social subjects such as population, agriculture, trade, national income and many others. Annual since 1949. Latest issue: 1982 FJF.84.XVII.l (ISBN: 92-1-0611 00-4) FJF.84.XVII.l (ISBN: 92-1-061101-2) Law of the Sea A Select Bibliography $70.00 (cloth) $60.00 (paper) Supplements and updates the bibliographies previously issued by the United Nations Dag Hammarskjold Ubrary . E.85.V.2 $12.00 Highlights of the Meeting of the Ad Hoc Group of Energy and Petroleum Expef.'IS. $16.50 E.83.Il.A.16 (ISBN: 92-1-104138-4) Maintaining Outer Space for Peaceful Uses The compilation of these symposium papers of international law experts represents a contribution to current efforts to safeguard outer space for peaceful uses and a response to the concerns expressed about increasing militarization of outer space. E.85.Ill.A.Il Food as a Human Right $20.00 Focusing on the basic premise that "everyone has a right to food ", this book presents the views of an international group of scholars on the economic, social and legal implications of this vitally important world problem. E.85.Ili.A.IO Energy Statistics Yearbook $12.00 Provides a global framework of comparable data on trends and developments in the supply of all forms of energy. Essential to study the outlook in the supply and demand of energy. Hardcover. Latest issue: 1983 FJF.85 .XVll.9 $45.00 To order publications, J>y title and sales number, contact your wholesaler. Or order direct. For more information write for our .complete 1985 catalog at the address below. 'J Publisher's ISBN prefix: (92-1) United Nations,.. ~ Publications , . Room DC2-853 • NewYork,NY10017 ~~~ e I Palais des Nations ~ ~ 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland ........,. '<.'-"" 538 College & Research Libraries thors V.6. Ed. by Robert Lecker and Jack David. Ontario, Canada: ECW Pr., 1985. 448p. $48cloth. ISBN0-920802-93-1. Dist. by G. K. Hall. Annual Research Report for 1983. 5v. Comp. by the Office of Rural Development. Seoul, Ko- rea: Office of Rural Development, 1984. 670p. Approaches to Teaching Camus's The Plague. Ed. by Steven G. Kellman. New York: Modern Language Assn., 1985. 133p. $14.50 paper. LC 84-19106. ISBN 0-87352-486-1. Approaches to Teaching Dickens' David Copper- field. Ed. by Richard J. Dunn. New York: Modern Language Assn., 1985. 162p. $12.50 paper. LC 84-1046. ISBN 0-87352-484-5. Archives, Libraries, Museums, and Documentation Centres & Index of Archivum. V.30. Ed. by In- ternational Council on Archives. New York: Saur, 1985. 118p. $28 paper. ISBN 3-598-21230-5. Are World Population Trends A Problem? Ed. by Ben WattenbergandKarlZinsmeister. Wash- ington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1985. 53p. LC85-11099. ISBN0-8447-1374-0. Aristotle. Metaphysics: Books Zeta, Eta, Theta, Iota (VII-X). Trans. by Montgomery Furth. In- dianapolis, Ind.: Hackett, 1985. 156p. $7.50 paper. LC 84-19159. ISBN 0-915145-90-1. Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. Trans. by Terence Irwin. Indianapolis, Ind.: Hackett, 1985. 441p. $19.50 cloth. LC 84-15772. ISBN 0-915145-65-0. Armed Forces & Modern Counter-Insurgency. Ed. by Ian F. W. Beckett and John Pimlott. New York: St. Martin's. 232p. $27.50 cloth. LC 84-22850. ISBN 0-312-04924-2. Arter, David. The Nordic Parliaments: A Compar- ative Analysis. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 421p. $30 cloth. LC 84-9803. ISBN 0-312-57767-2. Aspects of the Third Reich. Ed. by H. W. Koch. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 611p. $29.95 cloth. LC 84-27592. ISBN 0-312-05726-1. Awards, Honors & Prizes: United States and Can- ada. V.l. 6th ed. Ed. by Gita Siegman. De- troit: Gale, 1985. 838p. $135 cloth. LC 85-070620, ISBN 0-8103-0445-7. Bacon, Margaret Hope. The Quiet Rebels: The Story of the Quakers in America. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1985. 293p. $8.95 paper. ISBN 0-86571-057-0. . Barnes, Djuna. Interviews. Ed. by Alyce Barry. College Park, Maryland: Sun & Moon Pr., 1985. 396p. $16.95 cloth. ISBN 0-940650-36-3. Beall, Julianne. 004-006 Data Processing and Computer Science, and Changes in Related Disci- plines. Rev 19th ed. Albany, N.Y.: Forest, 1985. 66p. $10 paper. LC 85-1667. ISBN 0-910608-36-9. November 1985 Bean, R. Comparative Industrial Relations: An In- troduction to Cross-National Perspectives. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 261p. $32.50 cloth. LC 84-22889. ISBN 0-312-15335-X. Bentley, Eric. Monstrous Martyrdoms: Three Plays by Eric Bentley. Buffalo, N.Y.: Pro- metheus, 1985. 248. $18.95 cloth. ISBN 0-87975-287-4. Bergeron, David M. Shakespeare's Romances and the Royal Family. Lawrence: Univ. of Kansas, 1985. 257p. $25 cloth. LC 85-689. ISBN 0-7006-0271-2. Betken, William T. The Other Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet. Rhinebeck, N.Y.: Bardavon, 1985. 531p. $29.95 cloth. LC 83-15682. ISBN 0-941672-04-2. Biography and Genealogy Master Index 1985. Ed. by Barbara McNeil. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 640p. $175 cloth. LC 82-15700. ISBN 0-8103-1507-6. Bittersweet Earth. Ed. by Ellen Gray Massey. Norman, Okla.: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1985. 405p. $19.95 cloth. LC 84-20991. ISBN 0-8061-1927-6. Blainey, Ann. Immortal Boy: A Portrait of Leigh Hunt. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 210p. $27.50 cloth. ISBN 0-312-40945-1. Blohm, Hannelore and Cremer, H. D. Simple and Quick Diet Cookbook: How to Lose Weight and Stay Healthy. Woodbury, N.Y.: Barron's, 1985. 120p. $8.95 cloth. LC 84-24494. ISBN 0-8120-5659-0. Book Review Index: 1984 Cumulation. Ed. by Gary C. Tarbert. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 1,093p. $150 cloth. LC 65-9908. ISBN 0-8103-0575-5. Bookman's Price Index: A Guide to the Values of Rare and Other Out-Of-Print Books. V.30. Ed. by Daniel F. McGrath. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 937p. $165 cloth. LC 64-8723. ISBN 0-8103-0643-3. Bormann, Ernest G. The Force of Fantasy: Restor- ing the American Dream. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1985. 279p. $00.00. LC 84-10539. ISBN 0-8093-1185-2. Bradley, A. C. Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 432p. $32.50 cloth. LC 84-26215. ISBN 0-312-71427-0. Brassell, Tim. Tom Stoppard: An Assessment. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 299p. $19.95 cloth. LC 83-40126. ISBN 0-312-808887. Britain in the Age of Walpole. Ed. by Jeremy Black. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 260p. $27.95 cloth. LC 84-15089. ISBN 0-312-09826-X. British Novelists, 1890-1929: Modernists. Ed. by Thomas F. Staley. Dictionary of Literary Bi- ography, V.36. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 387p. $85 cloth. LC 84-28613. ISBN 0-8103-1714-1. Brose, Eric Dom. Christian Labor and the Politics of Frustration in Imperial Germany. Washing- ton, D.C.: Catholic Univ. of America Pr., 1985. 410p. $34.95 cloth. LC 83-25172. ISBN 0-8132-0589-1. Brown, Barbara B. Infinite Well-Being. Far Hills, N.J.: New Horizon, 1985. 315p. $16.95 cloth. LC 84-28846. ISBN 0-88282-006-0. Brown, David E. The Grizzly in the Southwest. Norman: Univ. ofOklahomaPr., 1985. 274p. $19.95 cloth. LC 84-28027. ISBN 0-8061-1930-6. Brownstone, David M. and Franck, Irene M. The Self-Publishing Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Publishing Process for Those Who Want to Produce Their Own Books. New York: New American Ubrary, 1985. 207p. $7.95 pa- per. LC 84-20662. ISBN 0-452-25685-2. Bryant, Christopher G. Z. Positivism and Social Theory and Research . New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 214p. $29.95 cloth. LC 84-17715. ISBN 0-312-63189-8. Budrys, Algis. Benchmarks: Galaxy Bookshelf. Carbondale, ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1985. 349p. $19.95 cloth. LC 84-10518. ISBN 0-8093-1187-9. Burgess, Michael. The Work of R. Reginald: An Annotated Bibliography and Guide. Bibliogra- phies of Modem Authors, no.5. San Bernar- dino, Calif.: Borgo, 1985. 48p. $9.95 paper. LC 84-21672. ISBN 0-89370-484-9. Burkan, Tolly. Dying To Live. Twain Harte, Calif.: Reunion, 1985. 228p. $8.95 paper. LC 84-62759. ISBN 0-935616-03-9. Business Firms Master Index. Ed. by Jennifer Mossman and Donna Wood. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 1,124p. $120 cloth. LC 85-1671. ISBN 0-8103-2077-0. Business Publications Index and Abstracts: Ab- stracts 1984 Cumulation. 2v. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 2,230p. $285 cloth. LC 84-647955. ISBN 0-8103-1522-X. Butterworth, George; Rutkowska, Julie and Scaife, Michael. Evolution and Development Psychology. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 205p. $27.50 cloth. LC 84-26277. ISBN 0-312-27253-7. Campbell, Craig W. Real America and World War · I. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1985. 303p. $29.95 cloth. LC 83-42890. ISBN 0-89950-087- 0. Canadian Books in Print: Author and Title Index. Ed. by Marian Butler. Toronto: Univ. of To- ronto Pr., 1985. 1,003p. LC 70-418272. ISBN 0-8020-4621-5. Canadian Books in Print: Subject Index. Ed. by Marian Butler. Toronto: Univ. ofTorontoPr., 1985. 603p. LC 73-76124. ISBN 0-8020-4622-3. Caputi, Natalino. Unconscious: A Guide to the Sources. ATLA Bibliography Ser., no. 16. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 161p. $15. cloth. LC 85-1979. ISBN 0-8108-1798-5. Recent Publications 539 Carberry, Patrick R. CAD/CAM With Personal Computers. Blue Ridge Summit, Penn.: TAB Books, 1985. 192p. $14.95 paper. LC 84-23974. ISBN 0-8306-1852-X. Carl Sandburg at the Movies: A Poe{ in the Silent Era, 1920-1927. Ed. by Dale and Doug Fetherling. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 207p. $16.50 cloth. LC 84-14068. ISBN 0-8108-1738-1. Carnival of Crime: The Best Mystery Stories of Fre- dric Brown. Ed. by Francis M. Nevins, Jr. and Martin H. Greenberg. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1985. 314p. $22.95 cloth. LC 84-10695. ISBN 0-8093-1192- 5. Carr, Jonathan. Helmut Schmidt: Helmsman of Germany. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 208p. $25. cloth. LC 84-25190. ISBN 0-312-367449. Cavanagh, John and Clairmonte, Frederick F. Alcoholic Beverages: Dimensions of Corporate Power. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 173p. $25. cloth. LC 84-27708. ISBN 0-312-01714-6. Chazan, Barry. Contemporary Approaches to Moral Education: Analyzing Alternative Theo- ries. New York: Teachers College Pr., 1985. 159p. $14.95 paper. LC 84-26785. ISBN 0-8077-2765-2. Children's Book Review Index: 1984Annual. V.10. Heritage on Microfilnt Rare and out-of-print titles and doc·uments on 35mm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. ~~~~[M ~CO\AP?NY 70 Coolidge Hill Road Watertown, MA 02172 (617) 926-5557 540 College & Research Libraries Ed. by Gary C. Tarbert. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 445p. $78 cloth. LC 75-27408. ISBN 0-8103-0644-1. Children's Literature Review. V.8. Ed. by Gerard J. Senick. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 277p. $74 cloth. LC 75-34953. ISBN 0-8103-0333-7. Clark, Philip M. Microcomputer Spreadsheet Models for Libraries. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1985. 118p. $24.95 paper. LC 84-20470. ISBN 0-8389-0403-3. Clarke, Boden. The Work of Jeffrey M. Elliot: An Annotated Bi"IJliography and Guide. Bibliogra- phies of Modem Authors, no.2. San Bernar- dino, Calif.: Borgo, 1984. SOp. $9.95 paper. LC 84-21745. ISBN 0-89370-481-4. Cloke, Paul J. and Park, Chris C. Rural Resource Management. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 473p. $40 cloth. LC 84-22858. ISBN 0-312-69602-7. Cohabiting with Computers. Ed. by Joseph F. Traub. Los Altos, Calif.: William Kaufmann, 1985. 185p. $34.95 cloth. LC 84-27768. ISBN 0-86576-079-9. Computer Crime, Abuse, Liability and Security: A Comprehensive Bibliography, 1970-1984. Comp. by Reba A. Best and D. Cheryn Pica- quet. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1985. 155p. $33 paper. LC 84-43210. ISBN 0-89950-148-6. Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series. V.2. Ed. by Adele Sarkissian. Detroit: Gale, 1985. · 459p. $72 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-4501-3. Copper Supply & Consumption: 1964-1984. An- nual Data 1985. Greenwich, Conn.: Copper Development Assoc., 1985. 20p. Countries of the World and Their Leaders Yearbook 1985: Supplement. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 412p. $50 paper. LC 80-645249. ISBN 0-8103-1120-8. Current Biography Yearbook 1984. Ed. by Charles Moritz. New York: Wilson, 1984. 497p. $35 cloth. LC 40-27432. ISSN 0084-9499. de Staercke, Andre. NATO's Anxious Birth: The Prophetic Vision of the 1940's. Ed. by Nicholas Sherwen. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 192p. $25 cloth. LC 84-40609. ISBN 0-312-56060-5. de Young, Mary. Incest: An Annotated Bibliogra- phy. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1985. 161p. $29.95 paper. LC 84-43226. ISBN 0-89950-142-7. Decoding Prehistoric Ceramics. Ed. by Ben A. Nel- son. Carbondale: Southern illinois Univ. Pr., 1985. 441p. $35 cloth. LC 84-10631. ISBN 0-8093-1189-5. Design in the Information Environment: How Com- puting is Changing the Problems, Processes and Theories of Design. Ed. by Patrick Whitney. Carbondale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1985. 185p. $19.95 cloth. ISBN 0-8093-1251-4. November 1985 Deterrence in the 1980's: Crisis and Dilemma. Ed. byR. B. Byers. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 235p. $29.95 cloth. LC 85-10755. ISBN 0-312-19593-1. Dewey, Patrick R. Public Access Microcomputers: A Handbook for Librarians. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry, 1985. 151p. $34.50 cloth. LC 83-26776. ISBN 0-86729-086-2. Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook: 1984. Ed. by Jean W. Ross. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 358p. $92 cloth. LC 82-645185. ISBN 0-8103-1628-5. Directory of European Political Scientists. 4th ed. Comp. and ed. by the Central Services Euro- pean Consortium for Political Research, Uni- versity of Essex. New York: Saur, 1985. $75 cloth. ISBN 3-598-10417-0. Directory of United Nations Databases and Informa- tion Systems: 1985. Comp. by The Advisory Committee for the Co-Ordination of Informa- tion Systems (ACCIS). New York: United Nations, 1984. 323p. $35 paper. ISBN 92-9048-295-8. Dore, R. P. Land Reform in Japan. New York: Schocken, 1985. 544p. $28.50 cloth. LC 84-10646. ISBN 0-8052-3948-0. Duke, Judith S. The Technical, Scientific and Med- ical Publishing Market. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry, 1985. 218p. $29.95 cloth. LC 84-26163. ISBN 0-86729-084-6. Dunning, John H. and Pearch, Robert D. The World's Largest Industrial Enterprises: 1962-1983. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 186p. $55 cloth. LC 84-24810. ISBN 0-312-89278-0. The Ear of the Other: Otobiography, Transference, Translation. Ed. by Christie V. McDonald. New York: Schocken, 1985. 192p. $19.95. cloth. LC 84-16053. ISBN 0-8052-3953. Edwards, G. E. GDR Society and Social Institu- tions. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 244p. $27.50 cloth. LC 83-40526. ISBN 0-312-22488- 5. Edwards, George C., ill and Wayne, Stephen J. Presidential Leadership: Politics and Policy Mak- ing. New York: St. Martin's, 1985. 480p. $39.95 cloth. LC 84-18387. ISBN 0-312-64037- 4. Edwards, Gwynne. Dramatists in Perspective: Spanish Theatre in the 20th Century. 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