College and Research Libraries Financing Academic Libraries: Making the Transition from Enrollment Growth to Quality Enhancement John M. Cooper Recent studies addressing virtually every aspect of the quality of higher education have raised expectations for improving colleges and universities. Translating expectations into actions re- quires resources, and providing adequate funds for maintaining and improving the quality of academic libraries will require changes in the structure and use of funding formulas. Many library formulas are enrollment driven, making library funding vulnerable to stable or declin- ing enrollment. Some states have used cost studies and ACRL library standards to design for- mulas that rely less on enrollment. Redesigning funding methods to recognize fixed costs changes the underlying premise from one that funds should flow from enrollment growth to one linking funding with programmatic changes. The next challenge is to add factors that re- ward successful management and enhance the quality of libraries. II ecent studies addressing virtu- ally every component of a col- lege education have raised ex- pectations for improving the quality of higher education. Translating expectations into action requires re- sources, and providing adequate funds for maintaining and improving the quality of academic libraries will require changes in the structure and use of funding formu- las. Most formulas currently used by state-level coordinating and governing boards to calculate library funding re- quirements are enrollment driven. Those formulas were developed fifteen to twenty years ago in response to expecta- tions of rapid enrollment growth, and as long as enrollment increased, more funds were recommended for libraries. Projec- tions of stable or declining enrollments and the focus on quality bring into ques- tion the assumption that enrollment should be the primary determinant of li- · brary funding. Whether academic li- braries will have the resources to respond to expectations for higher quality will de- pend in large part on redesigning funding formulas. Approximately half of the state coordi- nating or governing boards use a formula approach to developing appropriation recommendations presented to governors and state legislatures. 1 Although formulas are also used by some university systems in allocating funds among constituent campuses, this paper examines state-level formulas, which are used in developing requests to governors and legislatures for state funding. While state formulas do not govern campus-level budget allocations to libraries, they can exert a strong influence as an expression of state priorities. Fur- thermore, the structure and logic of for- mulas can affect how state decision John M. Cooper is a graduate student at Harvard University, and his address is P. 0. Box 289, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02238. This paper was presented at the ACRL Fourth National Conference in Baltimore, April 9-12, 1986. 354 makers perceive the funding needs of col- leges and universities. Clearly, university administrators, including library direc- tors, have an important stake in under- standing and influencing funding formu- las. Although one frequently hears of "the formula,'' a formula budgeting process consists of several different formulas. To the casual observer these funding formu- las appear to be objective, quantitative methods of predicting the funds neces- sary for operating costs of colleges and universities. Actually, formulas express policy judgments about the mission, qual- ity, governance, and organization of higher education. 2 The twin policy ques- tions examined in this paper are What al- ternative approaches can be used to re- place enrollment as the dominant formula variable? and How can formulas be rede- signed to reward quality improvements in libraries? ENROLLMENT-DRIVEN FORMULAS Although concern is being expressed about the strong relationship between en- rollment and funding, which is built into virtually all formulas, change is occurring slowly. A 1982 survey found that thirty- one state higher education finance officers perceived a breaking down in the relation- ship between enrollment and state fund- ing.3 However, two years later the NIE Study Group on Conditions of Excellence concluded that approximately 75 percent of the education and general revenues in all public institutions were still dependent on enrollments. 4 A survey of library formulas used for fis- cal year 1985-86 conducted in preparation of this paper found that the enrollment/ funding relationship is still built into many library formulas in one of two ways. Library funding is calculated either using a cost rate per student or as a percentage of funding calculated for instruction. The li- brary formula used by the Alabama Com- mission on Higher Education is an exam- ple of the cost rate per-student method. Developed in 1973 and modeled after the Texas formula, student semester credit hours are multiplied by the following cost factors: Financing Academic Libraries 355 Undergraduate Grad. I (Master's) Grad. II (Doctoral) Law $ 5.46 $10.97 $46.97 $28.98 An example of the second method is the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education's formula, which calculates li- brary funding as 10 percent of instruc- tional costs. Since instructional formulas are driven by enrollment, library funding is vulnerable to enrollment declines in both methods. Table .1 classifies several states according to the type of enrollment- driven library formula used for fiscal year 1985-86. Formula states that have moved away from enrollment as the dominant variable are not shown in table 1 and are discussed in a later section on redesigning formulas. TABLE 1 CLASSIFICATION OF LIBRARY FORMULA METHODS Rate per Student Alabama Connecticut Tennesee Missouri Ohio Kentucky Texas Percentage of Instruction Louisiana South Carolina Georgia West Virginia Mississippi During the 1960s and early 1970s, when most formulas were developed, libraries benefited from the assumption that oper- ating costs varied according to enroll- ment. The assumption incorporated into Alabama's formula, and others like it, is that the cost of providing library services to each additional student is the same for an institution with two thousand students and one with twenty thousand students. In addition, the underlying assumptions are that library costs increase or decrease proportionately to increases or decreases in enrollment, and, at the margin, the cost of serving one more or one less student is equal to the average cost of delivering li- brary services to all students. Table 2 shows the results of simulating the impact of a 5 percent enrollment decline for a doc- toral institution having a total enrollment of fifteen thousand full-time students. Variations in total funding recommenda- 356 College & Research Libraries July 1986 l TABLE2 SIMULATION OF 5 PERCENT ENROLLMENT REDUCTION ON LffiRARY FORMULAS 15,000 State Enrollment Alabama $3,028.134 Connecticut $3, 615,802 Texas $2,947,701 Kentucky $4,288,427 Arkansas $3,333,873 tions (column 1) illustrate the diversity of assumptions and costing methods used in developing cost rates. Another important difference is the marginal impact (column 4) on funding of a decline in enrollment. Comparing the average library funding provided per student (column 2) for fif- teen thousand students with the reduc- tion in funding per student shows that some states (Kentucky and Arkansas) have developed formulas which moderate the impact of enrollment declines on fund- ing calculations. While some reduction in overall institu- tional funding may be appropriate if a de- clining enrollment trend is occurring, un- intentional and severe consequences occur to libraries when a formula subtracts the average cost per student when a sub- stantial portion of library costs are fixed or are not influenced by enrollment changes. Case studies of budget reallocations or re- ductions found that while support areas are often first targets for reductions, a short-term solution to funding reductions often becomes a long-term problem. 5 Re- ductions in a library's collection, hours of operations, and range of services have an adverse ripple effect on instruction, re- search, and an institution's ability to at- tract and retain faculty and students. Changing library formulas to more accu- rately reflect cost behavior is one of several approaches for redesigning formulas. REDESIGNING LIBRARY FORMULAS Studies of the major influences on li- brary costs have found a substantial por- tion of library costs to be fixed or influ- enced by factors other than enrollment. Any producer of goods and service, whether public or private, incurs certain Avg . Funds per Student $202 $241 $196 $286 $222 5 Percent Enrollment Decline ($151,408) ($181,050) ($147, 385) ($205,883) ($103,500) Funds Loss per Student $202 $241 $196 $275 $138 fixed costs regardless of size. Enrollment is just one of several variables reflected in standards developed by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). The formula for calculating the number of volumes is influenced much more by the number and type of academic offerings than by enrollment. It takes a change of four hundred full-time students to have the same impact as adding a single mas- ter's field (when no higher degree is of- fered).6 Consequently, funding formulas utilizing ACRL standards as a basis for cal- culating cost would be less sensitive to en- rollment declines. Fixed costs associated with many aca- demic functions are extremly hard to quantify, but ACRL standards can pro- vide a basis for redesigning funding for- mulas to reflect fixed costs. In 1979 the University of Wisconsin System initiated a study of fixed and variable costs because of a concern that the state funding formula did not adequately reflect actual cost be- havior. 7 One purpose was to better under- stand the resources required for academic libraries if they were to continue provid- ing adequate support during a period of declining enrollment. The Wisconsin study found that fixed costs represented 67.1 percent of total library costs for four nondoctoral institutions . ACRL standards provide the basis of a ''core funding'' formula developed in 1982 by the Arkansas Department of Higher Education . A fixed amount of funding is recommended for a core library program supporting existing academic programs and a base enrollment level. Fixed core amounts vary for four types of institutions and base enrollment levels as shown in table 3. The average funds per student in the core program rang_es from a Financing Academic Libraries 357 TABLE 3 ARKANSAS CORE FUNDING FORMULA, 1985-86 Institutional Group Enrollment Fixed Base Cost Base Doctoral Master's Other Four- year Two-year 10,000 $2,643,873 5,000 $1,141,414 $138 $138 2,000 $ 468,636 500 $105,627 $138 $138 high of $264 for doctoral to a low of $211 for two-year, considerably higher than the marginal rate of $138. The lower marginal rate is derived from ACRL standards al- lowing fifteen volumes per FTE student. Other states have also successfully in- corporated the use of ACRL or other ap- propriate standard into library formulas. A special task force revised the library for- mula used by the Maryland State Board for Higher Education. Changes came in response to concerns of university librari- ans that funding guidelines based solely on enrollment were too simplistic and un- representative of the scope and nature of library services. The revised library guide- line consists of five parts: a fixed cost com- ponent, a component for normal book purchases based on 5 percent of the Amer- ican Library Association standards for each library, a component to reflect faculty needs, a component for research needs, and a component for enrollment. 8 The Vir- ginia Council of Higher Education has added a basic staffing requirement regard- less of enrollment with the use of Associa- tion of Research Libraries or other appro- priate standard in calculating expenditure requirements for maintenance of current collections.9 The revisions made by these states rest on the assumption that a library must support a relatively fixed array of ac- ademic courses, mix of faculty, andre- search programs. Redesigning funding methods to recog- nize fixed costs changes the underlying premise from one that funding should flow from enrollment growth to one link- ing funding with programmatic decisions. · If significant enrollment decline is forecast or is occuring, decisions to cut back library funding should result from a review of the scope of academic programs and desired library services. For example, cancellation of health care periodical subscriptions should come from a decision to phase out a graduate program in public health rather than from a forced reduction caused by an enrollment-driven formula. Incorporating into funding formulas an analysis of library volumes required by ACRL or other appropriate standard draws attention to the gap between exist- ing and required volumes. Several states have recommended funding, in addition to formula amounts, to allow institutions to progress toward meeting library stan- dards. During the last three biennia $6.4 million has been appropriated from capi- tal improvement funds to Arkansas col- leges and universities to address arrear- ages in library collections. Capital funding has been in addition to regular state oper- ating funds. Funding for each institution was recommended to either close· the gap between existing volumes and ACRL standards by 10 percent or add 2 percent to total volumes required by ACRL stan- dards, whichever was greater .10 The North Dakota State Board of Higher Edu- cation approved a task force plan to attain, over the next three biennia, library collec- tions and services comparable with other academic libraries in the region. 11 A total of $317,155 was recommended for the 1985-87 biennium. A final example of over-formula funding is contained in the Virginia formula described earlier. Institu- tions showing a major deficiency in library holdings may request additional funds for reducing the deficiency. State action to address library deficien- cies is certainly laudable, but is it suffi- cient? What if institutions choose not to spend additional funds for library vol- umes? Extra funds to reduce deficiencies could supplant funds normally budgeted for collection replacement without in- 358 College & Research Libraries creasing the total library budget. If addi- tional funds are provided in proportion to the deficiency, what incentive or reward is provided for institutions which have struggled to improve library collections? Why should institutions that starve library budgets be rewarded with larger funding recommendations? An important task in redesigning formulas is to encourage ef- fective library management and planning by rewarding performance. However, ef- forts to redesign library formulas have not responded tothe challenge of creating for- mulas which reward successful results. THE NEXT CHALLENGE- ENHANCING QUALITY Many of those responsible for making state funding decisions are seeking ways to link quality with funding. Funding for- mulas that strive to treat similar institu- tions alike can have a ''leveling'' effect on institutional quality .12 For example, using a statewide average cost rate for a group of similar libraries benefits the ones below average and inadequately supports more diverse or specialized libraries. None of the library formulas reviewed for this pa- per attempt to hinge a portion of funding to excellence in the delivery of library ser- vices. Some formulas may even retard im- provements by yielding larger funding recommendations for those libraries with the weakest collections compared with ACRL standards. If an institution embarks on a program to improve its library collec- tion and services by raising private funds, by budget reallocations, or other strategy, the institution assumes all the risk and anxieties. The addition of selective fund- ing incentives could encourage institu- tions to take risks that could enhance qual- ity. Every formula has a reward or incentive system, and since 1979, Tennessee has been experimenting with performance- related funding. The Tennessee policy al- July 1986 lows an institution to earn an additional amount, up to 2 percent of its budget, de- termined by performance on five vari- ables.13 The variables assess overall perfor- mance such as the number of programs ac- credited or the performance of graduates on tests in their major fields. A recent study by the Education Commission of the States found that innovations various states have undertaken in the last several years encourage quality improvement. 14 The most common approaches provide special funds for quality improvement for specific programs or general areas, deem- phasize enrollment as a basis for appropri- ations, and provide special endowments or matching grants to attract top faculty. Much of this paper discusses redesign- ing formulas to deemphasize enrollment as the driving force for funding. Going be- yond that step to innovations which en- hance quality is desirable, but not without problems. Where quality determines a portion of funding, there will be winners and losers. Were a portion of funding linked to attainment of ACRL standards, tremendous pressure probably would mount to dilute the standards so more in- stitutions could qualify. Developing new measures of performance could be costly and might result in giving attention to the most easily measured efforts rather than the most .important aspects of library ser- vices. It might be that after a few years of trying, states will abandon efforts to de- sign funding strategies which enhance quality. However, if states persist in their efforts, those library administrators will- ing to contribute to the process may be among the winners. Given the contribu- tions that technological advances can make toward improved library services and the critical importance of libraries to an institution's instructional programs, funding innovations which address qual- ity could very likely result in improved funding for library services. REFERENCES 1. Francis M. Gross, "Formula Budgeting and the Financing of Public Higher Education: Panacea or Nemesis for the 1980's," The Association for Institutional Research Professional File, 3 (Fall1979). Financing Academic Libraries 359 2. William H. Pickens, "Statewide Formulas to Support Higher Education" (Paper prepared for the National Conference of State Legislatures, June 1980). 3. Larry L. Leslie, "Recent Financing Developments in the 50 States" in Suroival in the 1980's: Qual- ity, Mission and Financing Options, ed. R. A. Wilson (Tucson, Ariz.: Center for the Study of Higher Education, 1983}. 4. National Institute of Education, Involvement in Learning: Realizing the Potential of American Higher Education, Final report of the Study Group on the Conditions of Excellence in American Higher Education. (Washington, D.C.: NIE, 1984). 5. James A. Hyatt, C. H. Shulman, and A. A. Santiago, Reallocation: Strategies for Effective Resource Management (Washington, D.C.: Natl. Assoc. of College and University Business Officers, 1984). 6. The Association of College and Research Libraries, Standards for College Libraries. (Chicago: ACRL, 1975). 7. National Association of College and University Business Officers, Costing for Policy Analysis (Washington, D .C.: NACUBO, 1980). 8. Maryland State Board for Higher Education, Operating Budget Guidelines Development. (Annapolis, Md .: State Board for Higher Education, 1984). 9. Virginia Council for Higher Education, Operating Budget Guidelines and Special Requirements for 1984-86 Biennium, (Richmond, Va.: CHE, Dec. 1982). 10. Arkansas Department of Higher Education, General Revenue Recommendations for Arkansas Higher Education (Little Rock, Ark. : ADHE, Oct. 1984). 11. North Dakota State Board of Higher Education, Funding North Dakota Higher Education. (North Da- kota State Board for Higher Education, Nov. 1984). 12. Paul T. Brinkman, "Formula Budgeting: The Fourth Decade" in Responding to New Realities in Funding, New Directions for Institutional Research, no.43 ed L. L. Leslie (San Francisco : Jossey Bass, 1984). 13. E. Grady Bogue and Wayne Brown, "Performance Incentives for State Colleges," Haroard Busi- ness Review (Nov.-Dec. 1982). 14. Education Commission of the States, Catalog of Changes: Incentives for Quality and Management Flexi- bility in Higher Education (Boulder, Colo. : ECS, 1984).