College and Research Libraries 412 College & Research Libraries with philosophical issues than the actual mechanics of automation. Recent writings {post-1983) have not been included be- cause of their preponderance on engineer- ing and system interface design, with less attention given to the underlying philo- sophical issues of cataloging. By placing the selections in such an orderly and logi- cal fashion, these essays show the changes the profession is experiencing, not only in its philosophy but also in the technology shaping the development of cataloging. The issues raised by this collection result from a multitude of well-known factors, among them the problems of defining . user and cataloger needs, economics, and more recently, the advent of automation. A variety of age-old issues and questions are presented in the book, including the problem of defining the catalog's purpose and the method of arranging materials: How does the cataloger meet the objec- tives of the catalog? What has the cata- loger chosen through time to include in the catalog entry? What are the important points to consider? What points of consid- eration have been used in the past? How can cataloging be made economically fea- sible? The question of cost-effectiveness is July 1986 appropriately addressed time and again. Several selections deal with the question of authorship: Who is an author? Should the name of the author be the primary way of identifying library mate_rials? In consid- ering this point several essays investigate the need for main entries, both corporate and noncorporate. Is an author main entry necessary with the automated catalog? Will keyword searching eliminate or dras- tically alter current cataloging practices? Issues like these are addressed in great enough detail to give the reader a grasp of the problems at hand and the difficulties catalogers will face in the future. Since the definition of a catalog and the needs of its users have changed dramati- cally over the last century and a half, the methods employed by catalogers also need to change to keep up with the user's requirements and the technology of the times. Foundations of Cataloging provides a refreshing and thought-provoking look at the past, present, and future of catalog- ing. In view of this it becomes apparent that we can't know where we're going un- til we find out where we've been. -K. Juri- cek, University of Wyoming Library, Laramie, Wyoming. ABSTRACTS The following abstracts are based on those prepared by the ERIC Clearinghouse of Infor- mation Resources, School of Education, Syra- cuse University. Documents with an ED number here may be ordered in either microfiche (MF) or paper copy (PC) from the ERIC Document Reproduction Service, P.O. Box 190, Arlington, VA22210. Orders should include ED number, specify for- mat desired, and include payment for docu~ ment and postage. Further information on ordering documents and on current postage charges may be obtained from a recent issue of Resources in Educa- · tion. The Role of Fees in Supporting Library and Information Services in Public and Aca- demic Libraries. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. Washington, D.C., 198S. SSp. ED 2S8 S84. MF-$0.7S; PC-$S.40. An overview study was sponsored by the Council on Library Resources to gather existing information on the extent to which fees are charged for library and information services, the percentage of libraries charging for any ser- vices, and the services for which fees are charged. The review panel that conducted the study found that there is little data available on who is charging fees or the services for which they are charged and even less about the effect of fees on access to information. This report of panel's findings is divided into six sections: (1) the context of the fee issue in public and aca- demic libraries; (2) the types of existing fee structures and mechanisms and rationale for setting price; (3) the arguments for and against fees; (4) the types of services for which libraries are charging fees; (S) selected summaries of re- cent studies on the use of fees in public and aca- demic libraries; and (6) recommendations for future studies. An executive summary, foot- notes, and a forty-nine-item bibliography are included. New Communication Technologies and Their Impact on Western Industrialized Countries. Communication Manual. Summary Report of a Colloquium (Bonn, Federal Republic of Germany, December 17-19, 1982). Singapore, Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre; Bonn, Frie- drich Ebert Foundation. 156p. ED 259 697. MF-$0.75; PC-$12.60. This publication presents the papers and dis- cussion highlights of an international collo- quium on new communications technologies that was held to provide a forum for debate on economic, political, and social impacts of new communication technologies by western repre- sentatives from media, academic, politics, and industry . The following papers were pre- sented: (1) "Public Broadcasting-A Model for .the Future?" (Richard Becker); (2) "Satellite Systems in the Western World-The U.S. Ex- Recent Publications 413 ample" (Bert Cowlan); (3) "UNISPACE 82-A Successful Forum" (Lee Love); (4) "The PITS and the New Technologies" (Dietrich Elias); (5) "The Impact of New Communication Tech- nologies on the Third World" (Herbert J. Schil- ler); (6) "New Technologies and the Third World-A 'Distribution of Social Benefits'?" (Cees Hamelink); (7) "The New Communica- tion Technologies and Research" (James D. Halloran); (8) "New Technologies and Their Impact on Relationships between Industrial- ized Countries" (Bernard Blin); (9) "Com- puters in Telecommunications Services'' (Thilo Pohlert); (10) "The Electronic Technologies Markets in the Eighties" (Karl Joseph Frensch); (11) "Transnational Data Flow-A German Viewpoint" (Hans-Dieter Klee); (12) "Broad- casting Unions in the Future-Sports and News" (Werner Schneider); (13) "Communi- cation Satellites-A Third World Perspective" (Neville D . Jayaweera); and (14) "Advertising and the Creation of Global Markets: The Role of the New Communication Technologies" (No- reene Janus). Also provided are introductory remarks by Reinhard Keune, a welcoming ad- dress byE. J. Kerbusch, an agenda for the collo- quium, and a list of participants. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Effective with this issue, "Other Publications" will not list all books received, but will list only reference works and the professional literature.-Editor. · · American Newspaper Journalists, 1690-1872 . Ed. by Perry J. Ashley. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 541p . $88 cloth. LC 85-20575 . ISBN 0-8103-1721-4. American Poets, 1880-1945: First Series. Ed. by Peter Quartermain. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 512p. $88 cloth. LC 85-24601. ISBN 0-8103- 1723-0. American Screenwriters: Second Series . Ed. by Randall Clark. Dictionary of Literary Biogra- phy, V.44. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 471p. $88 cloth. LC 85-31221. ISBN 0-8103-1722-2 . Andrews, Theodora. Guide to the Literature of Pharmacy and the Pharmaceutical Sciences. Lit- tleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1986 . 425p. $37.50 cloth. LC 85-024110. ISBN 0- 87287-420-6. Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. 2d ed. Comp. by Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1986. SOp. ISBN 0-8839-3324-6. Anwar, Mumtaz A. Information Seroices in Mus- lim Countries: An Annotated Bibliography on Ex- pert Studies and Reports on Library, Information and Archive Seroices. Bronx, N.Y.: Mansell Publ., 1985. 160p. $42 cloth. LC 85-17211. ISBN 0-7201-1781-X. Beaudiquez, Marcelle. Bibliographic Services throughout the World. Suppl. 1981-1982 . Paris: UNESCO, 1985. 326p. Benson-von der Ohe, Elizabeth, and Valmari M. Mason. U.S. Scholarship on the History of the Family. AMS Studies in Social History, no.6. New York: AMSPr., 1986. 223p. $37.50 cloth. LC 85- 48008 . ISBN 0-404-6106-2. Berndt, Judy. Rural Sociology: A Bibliography of Bibliographies. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 185p. $17.50 cloth. LC 85-26070. ISBN 0-8108-1860-4. Bibliography of Bioethics. V.11. Ed. by LeRoy Walters and Tamar Joy Kahn. Washington, D.C.: Kennedy Institute of Ethics, 1985. 444p. $25 cloth. ISBN 0-9614448-1-9. Biography and Genealogy Master Index. Ed. by Barbara McNeil. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 668p. $180 cloth. LC 82-15700. ISBN 0-8103-1511-4. Bodmer, Jean-Pierre, and Martin Germann. Kantonsbibliothek Zurich 1835-1915: Zwishen Bibliothek des Chorherrenstifts Grossmun- ster und Zentralbibliothek. Zurich: Kantons- 414 College & Research Libraries bibliothek Zurich, 1985. 116p. paper. ISBN 3- 299-00006-3. Boswell, Jeanetta. Theodore Dreiser and the Crit- ics, 1911-1982: A Bibliography with Selective Annotations . Scarecrow Author Bibliogra- · phies, no.73. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 319p. $27.50 cloth. LC 85-14406. ISBN 0-8108-1837-X. Boyle, Deirdre. Video Classics: A Guide to Video Art and Documentary Tapes. Phoenix, Ariz .: Oryz, 1986. 182p. $20 paper. LC 83-43239. ISBN 0-89774-102-1 . Brady, Anne M ., and Brian Cleeve. A Biographi- cal Dictionary of Irish Writers. New York: St. Martin's, 1986. 399p. $35 cloth. LC 85-40074. ISBN 0-312-07871-4. Buy Books Where-Sell Books Where: A Directory of Out of Print Booksellers and Their Author/Subject Specialties . 5th ed. Comp . by Ruth E. Robin- son and Daryush Farudi. Morgantown, W. Va.: Ruth E. Robinson Bks., 1986. 230p . $25 paper. ISBN 0-9603556-6-9. Canadian Almanac and Directory. 139th ed. Ed. by Susan Bracken. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1986. 1,244p. $68 cloth. ISBN 0-7730-4095-1. Dist. by Gale. Canadian Selection: Books and Periodicals for Librar- ians. 2d ed. Comp. by Mavis Cariou, Sandra J. Cox, and Alvan Bergman. Buffalo, N.Y.: The Academic Librarians' Choic:e~~~J With CLASS • Over 18 Million Records • Subject Access/Boolean Capabilities • Choice of Accounts: • Search Access • Online Cataloging • Acquisitions • Interlibrary Loan Contact: CLASS, Dept. AC, · 1415 Koll Circle, Suite 101. San Jose, CA 95112 408/289-1756 July 1986 Univ. of Toronto Pr. , 1986. 517p. $65 cloth . ISBN 0-8020-4630-4. Cargas, Harry James . The Holocaust: An Anno- tated Bibliography. 2d ed. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1986. 184p. $27.50 cloth. LC 85-20069. ISBN 0-8389-0433-5. China Press and Publishing Directory 1985. Ed . by Gao Guo-Gan. London: Longman, 1985. 396p. $55 cloth . ISBN 0-582-97819-X.Dist. by Gale. China Urban Statistics 1985. Comp. by State Sta- tistical Bureau, People's Republic of China. London: Longman, 1985. 709p. $120 cloth. ISBN 0-582-90371-8. Dist. by Gale . The Chinese Recorder Index: A Guide to Christian Missions in Asia, 1867-1941. 2v. Ed. by Kathleen Lodwick. Wilmington, Del.: Schol- arly Resources, 1986. 800p. $150 cloth. LC 85- 26125. ISBN 0-8420-2250-3. Contemporary Authors. V.l16. Ed. by Hal May. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 825p. $88 cloth. LC 62- 52046. ISBN 0-8103-1916-0. Contemporary Graphic Artists. Ed . by Maurice Horn. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 272p. $50 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-2189-0. Contemporary Literary Criticism . V.36. Ed. by Daniel G. Marowski. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 683p. $88 cloth. LC 76-38938. ISBN 0-8103- 4410-6 . da Graca, John V. HeadsofStateand Government. New York: New York Univ. Pr., 1986. 265p. $60 cloth . LC 85-8769. ISBN 0-8147-1778-0. Dale, Doris Cruger. Directory of Oral History Tapes of Librarians in the United States and Can- ada. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1986. 120p. $20 paper. LC 85-30649. ISBN 0-8389- 0443-2. de Rostaing McMann, Evelyn. Canadian Who's Who Index 1898-1984: Incorporating Canadian MenandWomenoftheTime. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Pr., 1986. 541p. $125 cloth. ISBN 0- 8020-4633-9. Directory of College Facilities and Services for the Disabled. 2d ed . Ed . by Carol H. Thomas and James L. Thomas . Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1986. 424p. $95 cloth . LC 85-43111. ISBN 0- 89774-134-X. Directory of Language Collections in North Ameri- can Public Libraries. Comp. by Sylvia Ma- noogian and Natalia B. Bezugloff. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1986. 130p. $15 cloth . LC 85-15756. ISBN 0-8389-0437-8. Directory of Library Staff Organizations . Ed . by · Frances M. Jones and Patrick L. Jarvis . Phoe- nix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1986. 143p. $37.50paper. LC 83-42727. ISBN 0-89774-080-7. · Directory of Rural Development Projects. Ed. by In- stitute of Cultural Affairs International. IERD Series, V.1. New York: Saur, 1985. 514p. $95 cloth. ISBN 0-3-598-21041-8. Directory of Scientific Directories: A World Biblio- graphic Guide to Medical, Agricultural, Indus- trial, and Natural Science Directories. 4th ed. London: Longman, 1986. 238p. $115 cloth. ISBN 0-582-90151-0. Dist. by Gale. European Research Centres: A Directory of Organi- zations in Science, Technology, Agriculture, and Medicine. 6th ed. 2v. London: Longman, 1986. 2,453p . $410 cloth. ISBN 0-582-90027-1 . Dist. by Gale. Evans, MaxJ., and Lisa B. Weber. MARC for Ar- chives and Manuscripts: A Compendium of Prac- tice. Madison, Wis.: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1985. 932p. $20 Loose-leaf binder. LC 85-11457. ISBN 0-87020-232-4. . Guide to Popular U.S. Government Publications. Comp. by LeRoy Schwarzkopf. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1986. 464p . $28 .50 cloth. LC 85-28444. ISBN 0-87287-452- 4 . A Guide to World Cinema. Comp . and ed. by Elkan Allan. London: Whittet Bks., 1985. 688p. $125 cloth. ISBN 0-905483-33-2. Dist. by Gale. Herbs, Spices, and Medicinal Plants: Recent Ad- vances in Botany, Horticulture, and Pharmacol- ogy. V.l. Ed. by Lyle E. Craker and James E. Simon. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryz, 1986. 364p. $55 cloth . LC 85-011551. ISBN 0-89774-143-9. Homophones and Homographs : An American Dic- tionary. Comp. by James B. Hobbs. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1986. 272p. $25.95 cloth. LC 85-42522. ISBN 0-89950-182-6 . Irish Books in Print. Wicklow, Ireland : S & J Cleary, 1984. 1,020p. $90 cloth. ISBN 0- 947863-00-1. Dist. by Gale. Japanese Yearbook on Business History: 1984. Ed. by Keiichiro Nakagawa and Hidemasa Mori- kawa. Japan: Japan Business History Insti- tute, 1984. 195p. paper. Karp, Diane. Ars Medica: Art, Medicine, and the Human Condition. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Pr., 1985. 239p. $42.50 cloth. LC 85-19154. ISBN 0-8122-7953-0. King, Geraldine B. Reference Service in the Small Library. LAMA Small Libraries Publications, no.12 . Chicago: American Library Assn. 12p. $1 .95 paper. LC 85-20083. ISBN 0-8389-3323- 8. Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. V.2. Ed. by Dennis Poupard. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 608p. $82 cloth . LC 83-20504. ISBN 0-8103-6101-9. Macrothesaurus: For Information Processing in the Field of Economic and Social Development. 3rd ed. Ed. by Jean Viet. New York: United Na- tions, 1985. 356p. cloth. ISBN 92-1-100272-9. Manuscripts: Sacred and Secular. Ed . by Judith Oliver. Boston: Endowment for Biblical Re- search, 1985. 95p. paper. ISBN0-87270-051-8. Maritime Affairs-A World Handbook: !1 Reference Recent Publications 415 Guide to Maritime Organizations, Conventions and Disputes and to the International Politics of the Sea. Comp. byHenryW. Degenhardt. Ed. by AlanJ. Day. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 420p . $90 cloth. LC 85-27508 . ISBN 0-8103-2051-7. Moody, Marilyn K., and Jean L. Sears. Using Government Publications: Finding Statistics and Using Special Techniques. V .2. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1986. 240p. $67.50 cloth. LC 83-43249. ISBN 0-89774-124-2. Nineteeth-Century Literature Criticism . V.11. Ed. by Laurie Lanzen Harris and Cherie D. Ab- bey. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 557p. $88 cloth . LC 81-6943. ISBN 0-8103-5811-5. -Ologies and -Isms: A Thematic Dictionary. 3d ed. Ed. by Laurence Urdang. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 795p. $90 cloth . LC 85-31217. ISBN 0-8103- 1196-8. Pacific Research Centres: A Directory of Organiza- tions in Science, Technology, Agriculture, and Medicine. London: Longman, 1986. 522p. $200 cloth. ISBN 0-582-90028-X. Dist. by Gale. Palen, Roberta, and Sulzer, Jack. Guide to the Publications of Interstate Agencies and Authori- ties. Chicago: American Library Assn ., 1986. 56p. $7.95 paper. LC 85-28610. ISBN 0-8389- 0440-0 . Periodical Title Abbreviations. 5th ed. 3v. Comp . Heritage on Microfilnt Rare and out-of-print titles and doc·uments on 35mm silver halide microfilm. • French Books before 1601 • Scandinavian Culture • 18th Century English Literature • Victorian Fiction • Literature of Folklore • Hispanic Culture Send for catalog and title information today. ~~t:~~ ~ CQ\AP!t-JY 70 Coolidge Hill Road Watertown, MA 02172 (617) 926-5557 416 College & Research Libraries and ed. by Leland G. Alkire. Detroit: Gale, 1985. V.1/703p., V.2/701p., V.3/(First Sup- plement ready Aug. 1986). V.1/$150 cloth, V.2/$150 cloth, V.3/$130 paper. LC 84- 640700. ISBN V.1/0-8101-0531-3, V.2/0-8103- 0532-1, v .3/0-8103-0339-6. Popular Music: An Annotated Guide to American Popular Songs, 1980-1984. V.9. Ed. by Bruce Pollock. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 336p. $60 cloth. LC 64-23761. ISBN 0-8103-0848-7. The Printworld Directory. 3d ed. Ed. by Selma Smith. Detroit: Gale, 1985. 712p. $60 paper. LC 82-644944. ISBN 0-317-17632-3. Public Libraries and the Challenges of the Next Two Decades. Ed. by Alphonse F. Trezza. Little- ton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1985. 266p. $35 cloth. LC 85-24205. ISBN 0-87287-427-3. Reference and Online Seroices Handbook . V .2. Ed. by Bill Katz. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1986. 602p. $39.95 cloth. LC 81-11290. ISBN 0- 918212-49-9. Reference Books Bulletin 1984-1985. Ed. by Helen K. Wright . Comp. by Mary E. Gabel. Chi- cago: American Library Assn, 1985. 171p. pa- per LC 73-159565. ISBN 0-8389-3329-7. Sahli, Nancy. MARC for Archives and Manu- scripts: The AMC Format. Madison, Wis.: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1985. 918p. $30 cloth. LC 85-25039. ISBN 0-931828- 65-1. Schlacter, Gail Ann. Directory of Financial Aids for Minorities, 1986-1987. Los Angeles: Refer- ence Service Pr., 1986. 345p. $39.50 cloth. LC 85-25068. ISBN 0-918276-03-9. Schwartz, Ronald. Spanish Film Directors (1950-1985): 21 Profiles. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 276p. $20cloth. LC85-8287. ISBN 0-8108-1818-3. Smith, Clifford Neal. Federal Land Series: Grants in the Virginia Military District of Ohio. V.4. Pt.2. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1986. 318p. $40 cloth. LC 72-3238. ISBN 0-8389- 0445-9. The Social Science Encyclopedia. Ed. by Adam Ku- per and Jessica Kuper. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986. 944p. $75 cloth. LC 84- 27736. ISBN 0-7102-0008-0. Something about the Author Autobiography Series . V .1. Ed. by Adele Sarkissian. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 368p. $50 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-4450-5. The Speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives: A Bibliography, 1789-1984. Ed. by Donald R. July 1986 Kennon. Johns Hopkins Studies in Historical and Political Science, 103rd series, rio.1. Bal- timore, Md.: Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr., 1986. 353p. $37.50cloth. LC85-45047. ISBN0-8108- 2786-8. Spears, Richard A. The Slang and Jargon of Drugs and Drink. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 601p. $42.50 cloth. LC 85-26277. ISBN 0-8108- 1864-7. State Library Seroices and Issues: Facing Future Challenges. Ed. by Charles R. McClure. Nor- wood, N.J.: Ablex Publ., 1986. 305p. $45 cloth. LC 85-22870. ISBN 0-89391-317-0. Symbolism: A Comprehensive Dictionary. Comp. by Steven Olderr. Jefferson, N.C.: Mc- Farland, 1986. 159p. $25.95 cloth. LC 85- 42833. ISBN 0-89950-187-7. Tallman, Johanna E. Check Out a Librarian. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1985. 190p. $15 cloth LC 85-10845. ISBN 0-8108-1823-X. Trade Shows and Professional Exhibits Directory: An International Guide to Scheduled Events Pro- viding Commercial Display Facilities. Suppl. Ed. by Robert J. Elster. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 378p. $70 paper. ISBN 0-8103-1788-5. Ucrainica at the University of Toronto Library: A Catalogue of Holdings. 2v. Comp. by Paul Rob- ert Magocsi and Nadia Odette Diakun. To- ronto: University of Toronto Pr., 1985. 1,863p./set. $75.00 paper/set. ISBN 0-8020- 3430-6. Union List of African Censuses, Development Plans, and Statistical Abstracts. Comp. by Victoria K. Evalds. Ne.w York: Saur, 1985 . 246p. $36 cloth. ISBN 3-598-10576-2. Washington Libraries Public Library Statistics . Olympia, Wash.: Washington State Library, 1985. 47p. paper. Whitaker's Almanack 1986. 118th ed. London: J. Whitaker and Sons, 1985. 1,243p. $52 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-0674-3. Dist. by Gale. World Guide to Libraries . 7th ed. Ed. by Helga Lengenfelder. Handbook of International Documentation and Information, V .8. New York: Saur, 1985. 1,236p. $175 cloth. ISBN 3- 598-20531-7. Yearbook of International Organizations 1985/86. V .3. Global Action Networks: Classified Di- rectory by Subject and Region. Ed. by Union of International Associations. New York: Saur, 1985. 1,056p. $116 cloth. LC 49-22132. ISBN 3-598-21867-2.