College and Research Libraries Does the Catalog Record Make a Difference? Access Points and Book Use Gunnar Knutson This study builds on limited past research on correlations between catalog access points and circulation. The study examines 1,105 catalog records in three LC classifications and one sub- class, comparing number and type of access points with number of circulations by type of user. Results show little significant positive correlation between total numbers of subjects or other access points and total circulation, but some interesting trends occur in correlations by type of subject and user. As we consider modifying or enhancing the catalog record, we must take into account such differences in users and subject areas. rttr~~ s libraries make the transition \~L\ ~ from manual. to auton:'-ated sys- ~n~i ~., 1 terns, more mformahon about '" ,.... ,. - ~~ the effects of such changes is needed in order to make best use of the new technologies. One area where more knowledge is required is in the relation- ship between cataloging and user behav- ior. We need to understand better the results of our past efforts to provide biblio- graphic access to academic library users. The current study provides further infor- mation on the question of whether circula- . tion of library materials can be associated with elements of catalog records. The traditional cataloging format, as ex- emplified by the Library of Congress-style catalog record, has served the library com- munity well for many years and continues to answer different demands with its vari- ety of access points. However, we should not consider ourselves bound by the limi- tations of the card catalog as we design new online systems. We need to test past assumptions in many small ways in order to develop a better composite picture of how users approach the catalog and how the catalog record succeeds or fails in meeting their needs. The central concern of this study is the relationship between access points on cat- alog records and circulation: specifically, is there a correlation between an increased number of subject headings, and/or other access points, and the number of recorded uses of the book described? This is an at- tempt to discover whether there is a sim- ple, quantitative approach to the problem of improving bibliographic access. If such a key exists, catalogers would be advised to increase numbers of access points, or at least certain types of access points such as subjects. In the course of trying to answer this question some other aspects of the bibliographic record that might affect cir- culation are also considered. PAST RESEARCH There is surprisingly little information linking catalog records and circulation. Gunnar Knutson is Assistant Catalog Librarian at the University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois 60680. This paper was presented at the ACRL Fourth National Conference in Baltimore, April9-12, 1986. The author wishes to extend sincere thanks to Nancy John, Assistant University Librarian for Collection Con- trol and Delivery Service, and Stephen E. Wiberley, Jr., Bibliographer for the Social Sciences, both of the Univer- sity of Illinois, Chicago, for their advice and criticisms during the writing of this paper. 460 Margaret Taylor concluded after a litera- ture search for her 1982 doctoral disserta- tion that "there appears to be very little re- search which truly relates the idea of bibliographic accessibility, or the provi- sion of bibliographic information, to the ·use of materials. " 1 Studies that have ad- dressed the question directly have all con- cluded with calls for more research, as there are many ways of approaching the problem . Taylor studied circulation pat- terns in a public library ·using the Dewey Decimal system. Pal V. Rao confined his more limited study (100 records) to the Li- brary of Congress education (L) classifica- tion section of an academic library. 2 An earlier study by William Carl Highfill was conducted in a college library using the Dewey system. 3 It examined subject ac- cess points only, and was done during the summer session when use patterns may have been atypical. While Rao and Taylor found essentially no significant correlation between num- ber of access poirits and circulation, Highfill did conclude that "those books which have been assigned a greater num- ber of subject headings have a greater chance of being selected by catalog users during subject searches . " 4 Since type of li- brary and type of collection, as well as the subject areas chosen for study, might have influenced these different findings, all of the authors called for further inquiry. METHODOLOGY The present study was conducted at a medium-sized research library that uses the Library of Congress classification sys- tem. The library's cataloged collection of about 800,000 volumes is housed on open shelves. A divided author/title and subject card catalog provides primary access to the collection; this is augmented by an au- tomated circulation system with primary author and title search keys, but no added entries or subjects. There are no figures available on comparative use, but obser- vation indicates that the card catalog is the primary source of bibliographic informa- tion. A sample of one year's acquisitions in three different subject areas was studied and compared to circulation statistics for The Catalog Record 461 one fiscal year. The six months that elapsed between the date of the last acqui- sition and the beginning of circulation sta- tistics was chosen to make certain that all books had been returned from the bindery and that all catalog cards had been filed . The samples were taken from new book lists for the year 1981 . Using a standard sample size formula provided by Taro Yamane, 5 systematic samples were drawn in three subject areas: law (class K, 232 rec- ords), fine arts (class N, 301 records), and social science (class H, 372 records). In ad- dition, 200 records in the criminology sec- tion of social science (HV6001-9920, here- after referred to simply as HV) were examined. (There was an overlap of 46 rec- ords that appeared in both the H and the HV samples.) Three broad classifications were chosen to check if separate patterns in correla- tions could be observed. By choosing these distinct classifications, all of which exhibited a fair degree of circulation activ- ity, the study was able to look for both broad and unique characteristics. The criminology group (HV) was added to pro- vide an in-depth analysis of all1981 acqui- sitions in an area with exceptionally high circulation-about twice that of the other classes in the sample. For each record data were collected on the number and type of access points, plus date of publication, length, and language. To these were added circulation data de- rived from the library's automated circula- tion system for the fiscal year 1982-83. These data were entered by type of bor- rower: academic, graduate, undergradu- ate, and total. (The "academic" category includes all faculty, plus a small number of employees with faculty equivalent rank; the "total" category includes use by a small number of nonacademic, nonstu- dent employees.) Books that had circu- lated to nonuniversity users through in- terlibrary loan, etc., or had been placed on reserve during the year were removed from the study, because these circulations would probably not have occurred through use of the card catalog. Multicopy and multivolume sets were also removed because they had a greater potential for circulation. Only circulating items kept on 462 College & Research Libraries open shelves in the main library were con- sidered for the sample. All data were entered into a Time Zero Software statistical program designed for the Macintosh computer. 6 Each research hypothesis was that a significant positive correlation existed between the number of subjects or other access points and the to- tal number of circulations during the year. Each null hypothesis being tested was that there was no significant correlation be- tween the number of subjects or other ac- cess points and the number of times the item had circulated during the year. A 95 percent confidence interval was set for the tests. No cause-effect relationship was posited; what was sought was a level of correlation between the two factors that could not be explained by chance. It is important to stress that what was being measured was not the relative circu- lation of one classification versus another, which would have been influenced by such factors as total size of the subject ar- eas and university enrollment. The focus of the study was to examine the individual samples to see if a simple quantitative key could be found indicating that more of any of the various types of access points could be associated with significantly higher cir- culation. Some limitations affecting the study must be acknowledged. Open shelving means that browsing will be a factor of un- known dimensions in circulation figures. Recent studies indicate that catalog users often approach the subject catalog as a starting point to guide them to a shelf area where they can browse for books they need, 7 and one portion of this study-class HV-seems to support this belief. The ma- jor reason for choosing the K classification as an area of study was to try to offset the browsing factor, as this classification is particularly difficult to browse. The size of the classified collection in the study library (around 800,000 volumes) would also tend to make browsing more difficult. Online author/title access to a majority of the col- lection through the automated circulation system surely had some effect on the non- subject statistics gathered, but would be of use only in known-item searching. This is discussed further in that section of the analysis. September 1986 FINDINGS What follows is a summary of major findings and an attempt to apply such in- formation to cataloging theory. Full statis- tical data are given in accompanying ta- bles 1 and 2. A central point of the study was to learn if books with more LC subject headings circulated more than similar books with fewer such headings. Subjects are the one area of the standard cataloging record that seem to offer the possibility of easy expan- sion. Most of the records in this study were unaltered MARC cataloging (more than 90 percent in each classification, and 95 percent total). The range of subject en- tries observed was between one and eight, with an overall average of 2.2 subjects per record. This is considerably higher than the average figures of 1.3 reported by Mc- Clure in 19768 and 1.4 reported by O'Neill and Aluri in 1981, 9 and can be attributed to the choice of nonliterary classes with re- cent imprint dates. Classes H, K, and N have low positive total subject correlations with total circula- tion ranging from .046 to .088. HV has a negative correlation of - .072. In all cases the values are such that the negative hy- pothesis of no association cannot be re- jected. That is, the figures are low enough that it cannot be stated that they could not have occurred by chance. The average number of LC subject headings per rec- . ord, by itself, is not significantly associ- ated with higher circulation in the four ar- eas studied. An interesting finding is that undergraduate circulation figures are ex- ceptionally high in the criminology sec- tion, HV. This, coupled with an accompa- nying negative total subject-circulation correlation, makes it seem possible that browsing plays a larger role in high- circulation areas, while the subject catalog is more important in less-used areas of the collection. For high-circulation areas the catalog may serve more as a guide to the general classification number than to a specific work. Subject-heading data were recorded in two subcategories as well as a combined figure. The subcategories were labeled topical and specific. 10 "Specific" headings were any subject headings beginning with The Catalog Record 463 TABLE 1 DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Variable (average) Year of publication Number of pages English Foreign Topical subject Specific subject Total subject Personal author Corporate entries Series entries Title entries Total nonsubject Total access points Average number circulations Academic Graduate Undergraduate Total* *Includes local nonacademic circulation K (Law) 232 records 1978 312 96% 4% 1.80 .25 2.05 1.32 .18 .47 1.02 2.98 5.03 .04 .15 .50 .70 N (Fine Arts) 301 records 1977 220 92% 8% 1.61 .56 2.17 1.41 .23 .22 .98 2.83 5.00 .07 .14 .61 .89 H (Social Sci.) 372 records 1979 264 99% 1% 1.88 .38 2.25 1.30 .23 .37 1.01 2.91 5.16 .10 .24 .47 .85 HV6001-9920 (Criminology) 200 records 1979 251 96% 4% 1.97 .17 2.14 1.27 .17 .29 1.01 2.73 4.87 .12 .23 1.53 1.92 TABLE2 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS Correlation coefficients of total circulation and variables. (Underlined values have significant correlation at .05 level) HV6001-9920 K (Law) N (Fine Arts) H (Social Sci.) (Criminology) Variable: 232 records 301 records 372 records · 200 records Date .068 Length - .015 Language .104 Topical subject .050 Specific subject .067 Total subject .088 Personal author .016 Corporate entries - .097 Series -.026 Titles .066 Total nonsubjects -.042 Total access points .028 a personal or corporate name, or with a geographic name. One might expect that such headings would be easier for patrons to locate in the subject catalog and there- fore might be correlated with more circula- tions. Other subjects-the "topical," or general, headings-are not always repre- sented in the LC subject vocabulary in the same terms that may occur to a patron, and so conceivably might be associated with a lower correlation. Research shows that patrons rarely consult Library of Con- gress Subject Headings volumes for assis- .077 .041 .153 .024 .137 .095 .093 .055 .158 .042 .158 .020 .006 -.116 -.198 .046 .071 -.072 - .007 .084 .050 .078 -.094 - .107 - .026 -.155 -.061 .013 -.021 .077 .031 -.076 -.051 .054 -.002 -.093 tance in defining a subject. 11 As an exam- ple, a patron seeking a book on the -art of Marcel Duchamp could locate it directly by a subject search under Duchamp, but might have trouble seeking a work on modern French art, which could be sought by such terms as French art; modern art, French modern art, etc., rather than the LC form "Art, Modern-20th century- France.'' Just the opposite interpretation is sup- ported by the total circulation figures. In three of the four total circulation catego- 464 College & Research Libraries ries, topical subject headings were more strongly correlated with circulation than were specific subject headings. There may be other factors that account for the differences-for instance, the type of books represented by these headings might be less in demand for other reasons. September 1986 Nevertheless, the aggregate figures do not support the idea that users are more likely to select a subject heading beginning with a proper noun . When these statistics are broken down between types of users (see figures 1 and 2 and table 3) we see that there is a notice- Topical Sltlject-<:irculation Correlations 0.14 0 . 12 0 . 10 0 .08 0 .06 0 .04 COlT. 0 .02 0 .00 -{) .02 -{).04 -{) .06 -{) .08 0 .2 0 . 1 Corr. 0.0 -o.1 -o.2 Classification type FIGURE 1 Specific Subject-circulation c~tations Classification Type FIGURE 2 • AcJdlmic .Gr.o.t.e • l.hieryad • Academic • Graduata • lklder~ld The Catalog Record 465 TABLE 3 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BY TYPE OF SUBJECT AND USER (Underlined values have significant correlation at .OS level) K(Law) 232 records Topial Subjects: User groul' Acaderruc - .062 Graduate -.008 Undergraduate .082 Total* .050 itecific Subjects: ser groul' .159 Academic Graduate .067 Undergraduate .010 Total* .067 Total Subjects: User groul' Acaderruc .045 Graduate .036 Undergraduate .081 Total* .088 *Total figures incl).lde local nonacademic circulation able difference in the topical and specific subject correlations between undergradu- ates and other users. Undergraduate use correlates positively to topical, or general, subject headings, while the academic and graduate use correlation figures are mostly negative. With specific subjects, i.e., subject headings beginning with per- sonal, corporate, or geographic names, the undergraduate use correlations are the lowest of the categories in three of four cases. This difference might be caused by the type of materials sought by the differ- ent user groups, but that possibility is be- yond the scope of the data gathered. What can be stated is that subject use to retrieve library materials is even more complex than indicated by previous studies. Other access points are derived chiefly from the AACR2 rules by which a book is · being cataloged. Although AACR2 gives some leeway in determining which access points to give a particular book, generally this is a standardized process. Depending on its descriptive cataloging, one work will receive only an author and a title en- try, while another will also have access points for a series, joint author, and a prominent subtitle. It seems plausible that a patron approaching the catalog with an HV6001-9920 N (Fine Arts) H (Social Sci.) (Criminology) 301 records 372 records 200 records - .004 .004 -.003 -.063 .130 -.067 .054 .110 .037 .042 .158 .020 .035 .050 -.025 -.018 - .072 -.094 .007 -.115 -.175 .006 -.116 -.198 .018 .039 -.015 -.075 .075 - .110 .059 .024 -.043 .046 .071 - .072 incomplete citation might have a slightly · better chance of locating the book with more access points. Past research has shown that incomplete or garbled cita- tions are common with library users, 12 and so it is possible that books with these extra access points might be charged out more often. For three of the four classes examined (K, H, HV) there was a negative correlation between total nonsubject access points and total circulation. Class N had a slight positive correlation of .031. None of these figures disproved the negative hypothesis of no significant correlation. It is interest- ing to note that for nonsubject access points the most negative statistics came from series and corporate author correla- tions, while three-fourths of both the per- sonal author and title correlations were positive. This suggests the possibility that patrons access materials infreque·ntly · through series or corporate authors. The higher correlations for author and title en- tries may be accounted for in part by the existence of the library's automated circu- lation system with its title and principal author search keys . Access points are only part of the reason a patron might locate and choose a partie- 466 College & Research Libraries ular book. Some other factors were noted and analyzed. Date of publication, num- ber of pages, and language were recorded as possible contributing factors. Correla- tion results were mixed but three note- worthy figures were seen. Date of publica- tion did not vary widely because the sample was composed of all new addi- tions from the same calendar year, with average dates of 1977 to 1979. Circulation correlations were positive in all cases (i.e., newer books circulated more often). With class HV the figure of .153 was high enough so that the null hypothesis of no significant association could be rejected. As one might expect, there was also a pos- itive correlation between English lan- guage and circulation, and again the HV class figure of .158 was beyond the range of the null hypothesis. These figures would probably have been higher if there had been more foreign language books in the sample, but they ranged from only 1 to 8 percent of the totals. With such a pre- ponderance of English works there was not much opportunity to observe the lan- guage factor. Length is a more problematical factor as it is not easily associated with positive or negative characteristics. The correlations between greater length and higher use ranged from negative to positive, with the H class figure of .137 being high enough to indicate a significant positive correlation. CIRCULATING BOOKS AS A SUBCLASS A further set of tests was run following the conclusion of the initial phase of this study. As mentioned above, class K seemed the area most difficult to browse because of a mixture of local and LC classi- fication. If any area of the study was most immune from the influence of browsing it would be the law classification. Approxi- mately 33 percent of the 1981 acquisitions in this classification circulated during the 1982-83 fiscal year. (This compares to 39 percent in class N, 37 percent in class H, and 65 percent in class HV.) There is some question of whether one can generalize about book use based on statistics that combine circulating and noncirculating books. It is possible that September 1986 items accounting for more circulation rep- resent a different type of material than books that are seldom or never checked out. If the average noncirculating book has a distinctly different profile than the average circulating book it may be that fac- tors such as publication date, length, and language, not numbers of access points, determine relative use. For such reasons it seemed desirable to break one class down into these component parts for further comparison. The comparative figures are summa- rized in table 4. Circulating books as a group are somewhat newer (1979 as op- posed to 1977 for noncirculating books), and slightly longer (315 pages versus 310 pages). A more notable difference is that 100 percent of the circulating books are in English, while only 94 percent of the non- circulating books are English language. Differences in the average numbers of several access points are large enough to warrant testing. The large-scale test for comparing means described in Ott, Men- denhall, and Larson 13 was applied to the differences in selected means that exhib- ited the widest variation between circulat- ing and noncirculating samples (see table 4). Because it was assumed from the raw data that more subjects and total access points might be associated with increased circulation, a one-tailed test was em- ployed. The research hypothesis was that, for the variables of specific subjects, total subjects, and total access points, the means of the circulating subset of class K were greater than those of the noncirculat- ing group. The research hypothesis was formulated as: u 1 -u2 >0. The null hy- pothesis was: u 1 -u2 =0. In order to reject the null hypothesis, with a 95 percent con- fidence interval, a value of z greater than 1.645 had to be obtained. The values computed for two of the three tests surpassed the tabled figure, thus refuting the null hypothesis. The value of z was 1.8 for specific subjects, 1.68 for total subjects, and 0.78 for total access points. Thus it might seem that both the number of total subjects and the number of specific subjects play a role in higher cir- culation. There is a danger in putting too much The Catalog Record 467 TABLE4 ANALYSIS OF CLASS K-CIRCULATING AND NONCIRCULA TING BOOKS (Underlined value is significant at .05 level) Correlation coefficients be- tween variables and total cir- culation Variable Circulatinf Books Noncirculating Total Circulatin~ Total (average) (76 (156) (232) subset (76 (232) Year of publication 1979 1977 1978 -.088 .068 Number of pages 315 310 312 -.053 -.015 English 100% 94% 96% * .104 Foreign 6% 4% Topical subject 1.84 1.78 1.80 .072 .050 Specific subject .38 .18 .25 -.073 .067 Total subjects 2.22 1.96 2.05 .006 .088 Personal author 1.32 1.34 1.32 .058 .016 Corporate entries .18 .17 .18 -.227 -.097 Series entries .39 .50 .47 .108 -.026 Title entries 1.03 1.02 1.02 .194 .066 Total nonsubjects 2.92 3.03 2.98 .016 - .042 Total access points 5.14 4.99 5.03 .016 .028 *All circulating books were English language-no correlation possible . emphasis on a single test such as this. While the means make it appear that a dif- ference in the number of subject access points may account for higher circulation, the corresponding correlation coefficients cast doubt on this interpretation. The cir- culating subset of 76 books shows that the presence of more specific subjects is actu- ally associated with less circulation (- .073), and total subjects have only a weak .006 positive correlation with total circulation. These differences indicate that while. circulating books may on average have more subjects than noncirculating books, within the subset of circulating books those with more subjects do not necessarily circulate more often than those with fewer subjects. Factors such as chance, recommendations by faculty and peers, and qualitative judgments involved in choice of books, all of which may affect circulation, cannot be accounted for with- out more rigorous techniques of measure- ment. The quantitative factors that can be measured do not provide strong levels of association with circulation. One constant within these statistics may provide a clue to their interpretation. The dichotomy in correlation coefficients when examined by type of subject and type of user appears again (see table 5). Undergraduates seem to use more books with more topical (general) subject head- ings, and academics use books with more of the specific subject headings. What may well be causing most of the difference in correlations is the type of materials pre- ferred by the different user groups. Add- ing more access points to catalog records may have little association with circulation unless types of users are taken into ac- count. This point deserves further study. If valid, one might (ideally) want to apply different norms of subject analysis de- pending on the clientele being served. CONCLUSIONS These figures should be considered in the context of other studies dealing with cataloging. Use studies have indicated that certain types of materials, such as foreign-language books, circulate less fre- quently than average. 14 A study of short entry catalogs done at Bath University showed that most patron needs could be met by brief entry records with no more than two access points. 15 The current study lends some weight to the idea that for certain types of cataloging the equiva- lent of a full MARC record is not cost effi- cient in terms of future circulation of the titles. If circulation is accepted as a valid measure of library performance, there is little to suggest that the time and expense of full local cataloging of older backlog items for which no MARC cataloging is 468 College & Research Libraries September 1986 TABLE 5 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS BY TYPE OF SUBJECT AND USER-CLASS K (Underlined values have significant correlation at .OS level) Circulating Books (76) All Books in Class K (232) Topical Subjects: User Group Academic Graduate Undergraduate Total* Specific Subjects: User Group Acadenuc Graduate Undergraduate Total* Total Subjects: User Group Academic Graduate Undergraduate Total* *Total figures include local nonacademic circulation available, such as foreign-language mate- rials, is justified. . Given the varied evidence gathered in this study there does not seem to be a sim- ple, ready solution to the question of in- creasing subject accessibility. While it is true that most MARC records offer few subject access points, this research shows that merely increasing the number of LC subject headings may have little or no measurable effect on book retrieval and use. One intriguing possibility is that an incremental increase in subject headings, such as from one or two up to three or four, i$ not significantly associated with circulation, but that a very large increase up to perhaps ten or more-which would also allow access to subsets of information in monographs-may show an association with use figures. Carol Mandel has com- piled a number of possible methods for such subject enhancement. 16 However, the data presented here, which is based on traditional cataloging records, does not of- fer statistical evidence that a larger num- ber of subject headings is significantly as- sociated with increased circulation. It has been suggested that added entries are rarely consulted and might be dropped from catalog records under cer- -.120 -.029 .141 .072 .171 .037 -.144 -.073 .029 .004 .010 .006 -.062 -.008 .082 .050 .159 .067 .010 .067 .045 .036 .081 .088 tain circumstances, especially if keyword title access were added .17 In this study no type of added entry was positively associ- ated with circulation at a significant level. When one considers the authority work that is often necessitated by series and cor- porate entries, consideration must be given to simplifying certain types of cataloging-older imprints, . foreign- language materials, and various materials found in backlogs come immediately to mind. More information, particularly protocol analysis and transaction log analysis, which can be more directly correlated with circulation, is necessary before making any major changes to the catalog record. The research reported here indicates that use patterns are complex and that catalog use varies from one subject area to the next and from one user group to the next. The catalog record of today may be a sec- ondary factor in book selection for most users, compared to such other influences as browsing and booklists. The catalog of the future must be built on knowledge of actual user behavior, and should perhaps be keyed more to the institutional situa- tion and less to traditional expectations. It is conceivable that a record with less de- scription and fewer added entries will be combined with greater subject access of a type that will be simpler to use. As we move forward, creating new catalogs for a new generation of academic library users, The Catalog Record 469 every assumption concerning access should continually be tested. The knowl- edge gained will serve us well in the quest for ever better access to our collections. REFERENCES 1. Margaret Ann Thomas Taylor, "The Effect of Bibliographic Accessibility upon Physical Accessibil- ity in a Public Library Setting" (Ph.D. diss., Univ. of Michigan, 1982), p.19 . 2. Pal V. Rao, ''The Relationship between Card Catalog Access Points and the Recorded Use of Edu- cation Books in a University Library," College & Research Libraries 43:341-45 (July 1982). 3. William Carl Highfill, "The Relationship of Indexing Depth to Subject Catalog Retrieval Effective- ness" (Ph.D. diss ., Univ . of illinois, 1969). 4. Ibid., p.233. 5. Taro Yamane, Statistics: An Introductory Analysis, 2d ed . (New York: Harper, 1967), p.886. 6. Basic Statistics for the Macintosh (State College, Pa.: Time Zero Software, 1984). 7. Karen Markey, Subject Searching in Library Catalogs: Before and After the Introduction of Online Catalogs (Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, 1984), p.57-61. 8. Charles R. McClure, "Subject and Added Entries as Access to Information," Journal of Academic Librarianship 2:9-14 (Mar. 1976), p.10. 9. Edward T. O'Neill and Rao Aluri, ''Library of Congress Subject Heading Patterns in OCLC Mono- graphic Records," Library Resources & Technical Seroices 25:63-80 (Jan./Mar. 1981), p.70. 10. This is an altered and much simplified use of subject categories inspired by Stephen E. Wiberley, Jr., "Subject Access in the Humanities and the Precision of the Humanist's Vocabulary," Library Quarterly 53:420-33 (Oct . 1983). 11. Markey, p.108-9. 12. Renata Tagliacozzo, Lawrence Rosenberg, and Manfred Kochen," Access and Recognition: From Users' Data to Catalogue Entries," Journal of Documentation 26:230-49 (Sept. 1970), p.234-40. 13. Lyman Ott, William Mendenhall, and Richard F. Larson, Statistics: A Tool for the Social Sciences (North Scituate, Mass. : Duxbury, 1978), p.258-64. 14. Alan Kent and others, Use of Library Materials: The University of Pittsburgh Study (New York: De- kker, 1979), p .44 . · 15. Alan Seal, "Experiments With Full and Short Entry Catalogues: A Study of Library Needs," Li- brary Resources & Technical Seroices 27:144-55 (Apr ./June 1983), p.149. 16. Carol A. Mandel, "Enriching the Library Catalog Record for Subject Access," Library Resources & Technical Seroices 29:5- 15 (Jan ./Mar. 1985), p .12. 17. Seal, p .147.