College and Research Libraries 632 College & Research Libraries The advantages and problems of each are discussed, examples are given, and the success of such ventures is evaluated. Likewise, a number of electronic docu- ment delivery projects are described in de- tail, along with an evaluation of the feasi- bility and potential market for such services. As in earlier sections, the view- points of scientists, publishers, and librar- ians are discussed. The approach is practi- cal, not theoretical, and many examples r and descriptions of projects are provided. The orientation of most of these is strongly British. Lambert also provides a section on cita- tion analysis that summarizes major bib- liometric theories and studies. Much of this chapter is given over to a description of Science Citation Index and studies that have utilized data from that publication. She makes suggestions about the rele- vance of such work to the functioning li- brary and cautions about generalizing any such studies to a particular library situa- tion. The final chapter describes develop- November 1986 ment of the CODEN and ISSN serials identifiers. Also included is a good sum- mary of printed identification aids for cur- rent and retrospective work, with some _ details of their coverage, though little mention is made of corresponding online information sources. Each chapter of Scientific and Technical Journals includes an extensive list of refer- ences. The index, ·which was compiled by Peter Perry, works well, though addi- tional entries for complete names, not just their acronyms, would have been helpful. In general, the book is clearly written and accurate, though the synopses journals section becomes repetitious, and the sec- tion on computer conferencing is marred by an inaccurate description of synchro- nous versus asynchronous communica- tion. While this volume will provide little new information to the practicing serials librarian, it would be useful for library school students.-Jean K. Sheviak, Schaffer Library, Union College, Schenectady, New York. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Sanctandreani: Proceed- ings of the Fifth International Congress of Neo- Latin Studies. St. Andrews, August 24-Sep- tember 1, 1982. Ed. by I. D. McFarlane. Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, V .38 . Binghamton, N.Y. : Medieval & Renais- sance Texts & Studies, 1986. 645p. $50 cloth. LC 85-28405 . ISBN 0-86698-070-9. Allusions-Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Histori- cal: A Thematic Dictionary. 2d ed. Ed . by Laurence Urdang and Frederick G. Ruffner, Jr. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 634p. $68 cloth. LC 86- 9981. ISBN 0-8103-1828-8. American Literary Publishing Houses, 1900-1980: Trade and Paperback . Ed . by Peter Dzwonkoski. Dictionary of Literary Biogra- phy, V.46. Detroit : Gale, 1986. 465p. $88 cloth. LC 86-2210. ISBN 0-8103-1724-9. American Poets, 1880-1945: Second Series. Ed. by Peter Quarterman. Dictionary of Literary Bi- ography, V.48. Detroit: Gale, 1986. SlOp. $88 cloth. LC 86-7550. ISBN 0-8103-1726-5. ARBA Guide to Subject Encyclopedias and Dictio- naries. Ed. by Bohdan S. Wynar. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1986. 570p. $75 cloth. LC 86-10264. ISBN 0-87287-493-1. Bennett, James R. Bibliography of Stylistics and Related Criticism, 1967-83. New York: MLA, 1986. 405p. $17 paper. LC 85-25867. ISBN 0- 87352-143-9. Biographical Dictionaries and Related Works: An In- ternational Bibliography of More than 16,000 Col- lective Biographies. Ed. by Robert B. Slocum. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 2v. 1,319p. $140cloth. LC 85-8163. ISBN 0-8103-0234-8. The Black Resource Guide . Ed. by R. Benjamin Johnson . Washington, D.C.: Black Resource Guide, 1986. 246p. $15 paper. LC 85-91077 ISBN 0-9608374-2-6. Book Review Index: 1985 Cumulation . Ed . by Gary C. Tarbert and Barbara Beach. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 945p. $160 cloth. LC 65-9908 . ISBN 0- 8103-0567-3. Bookplates in the News, 1970-1985: A Collection of Sixty Issues of the Newsletter of the American So- ciety of Bookplate Collectors and Designers. Ed. by Audrey Spenser Arellanes. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 640p . $70 cloth. LC 74-616543. ISBN 0- 8103-4292-8. A Checklist of American Imprints for 1837: Items 42653-48672. Comp. by Carol Rinderknecht. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 514p. $42.50 cloth. LC 64-11784. ISBN 0-8108-1841- 8. A Checklist of American Imprints for 1836: Items 35602-42652 . Comp. by Carol Rinderknecht. Metuchuen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 617p. $52.50 cloth. LC 64-11784. ISBN 0-8108-1839- 6. Children and Families Watching Television: A Bibli- ography of Research on Viewing Processes. Comp . by Werner Muller and Manfred Meyer . Communication Research and Broad- casting, V.7. New York: Saur, 1986. 159p. $14 paper. ISBN 3-598-20206-7. Contemporary Authors. Vol. 117. Ed. by Hal May. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 511p. $88 cloth . LC 62- 52046. ISBN 0-8103-1917-9 . Contemporary Newsmakers. 1986 Issue 1. Ed. by Peter M. Gareffa. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 129p. $68 for 4v. subscription, paper . ISBN 0-8103- 2200-5. Contemporary Newsmakers. 1985 Cumulation. Ed. by Ann Evory and Peter M. Gareffa. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 408p . $68 cloth. ISBN 0-8103- 2201-3. D' Aleo, Richard J. FEDfind: Your Key to Finding Federal Government Information. Springfield, Va. : ICUC Pr., 1986. 280p. $9.95 paper . LC 85-27267. ISBN 0-910205-02-7. Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook: 1985. Ed . by Jean W. Ross. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 486p. $92 cloth. LC 82-645185. ISBN 0-8103- 1629-3. Dictionary of New Information Technology Acro- nyms. 2d ed. Ed . by Michael Gorden, Alan Singleton, and Clarence Rickards. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 243p. $68 cloth . ISBN 0-8103- 4315-0. Draper, Hal. Th e Marx-Engels Glossary: Glossary to the Chronicle and Register, and Index to the Glossary. New York: Schocken, 1986. 249p. $28.50 cloth. LC 85-25037. ISBN 0-8052-4002- 0. Eberhard, Wolfram. A Dictionary of Chinese Sym- bols. New York: Routledge, 1986. 332p . $29 cloth. LC 85-8187. ISBN 0-7102-0191-5 . The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography. n.s.8 for 1982. Ed. by Jim Springer Borck. New York: AMS, 1986. 603p. $67.50 cloth. ISBN 0-404-62213-5. Essential Articles for the Study of Sir Philip Sidney . Ed. by Arthur F. Kinney. Hamdan, Conn.: Shoe String, 1986. 458p. $35 cloth. LC 85- 23276. ISBN 0-208-02085-3 . European Marketing Data and Statistics 1986-87. London : Euromonitor, 1986. Dist. by Gale. 360p. $175 cloth. ISBN 0-86338-130-8 . Foulke, Jan. Blue Book Dolls & Values. 7th ed . Cumberland, Md.: Hobby House, 1986. Recent Publications 633 385p. $13.95 paper. ISBN 0-87588-272-2. Fry, Prem S. Depression, Stress and Adaptations in the Elderly: Psychological Assessment and Inter- vention . Gaithersburg, Md.: Aspen, 1986. 528p . $43.50 cloth . Gerhardstein, Virginia Brokaw. Dickin son's American Historical Fiction. 5th ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 368p. $27.50 cloth . LC 85-27656. ISBN 0-8108-1867-1 . Goldstone, Howard P. Real Estate!Bienes Raices: A Bilingual Dictionary, Spanish-English and English-Spanish . 3d ed. Jefferson, N.C.: Mc- Farland, 1986. 124p. $15 .95 cloth. LC 85- 23736. ISBN 0-89950-196-6. Granger's Index to Poetry. 8th ed. Ed. by William Bernhardt. New York: Columbia Univ. Pr., 1986. 2,014p. $150 cloth. LC 85-32571. ISBN 0-231-06276-1. Hart, George. Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Godesses . New York : Routledge, 1986. 229p. $12.95 paper. LC 85-11862 . ISBN 0-7102- 0167-2. Heard, J. Norman and Hamsa, Charles F. Book- man's Guide to Americana. 9th ed . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 476p. $39.50 cloth . LC 86-6467. ISBN 0-8108-1894-9 . Halligan, Patrick J. Access to Academic Networks. London: Taylor Graham, 1986. 91p . $26.50 paper . ISBN 0-947568-08-5. International Directory of Cinematographers, Set and Costume Designers in Film . V.S: Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden (From the Begin- nings to 1984). Ed. by Alfred Krautz. Interna- tional Directory of Cinematographers, V.S. New York : Saur, 1986. 588p. $64 cloth. ISBN 3-598-21435-9. International Books in Print 1986 . Ed. by Archie Rugh and Barbara Hopkinson . New York: Saur, 1986. 2v. 2,038p. $225 cloth. ISBN 3- 598-20589-9. Int ernational Marketing Data and Statistics 1986/87. 11th ed . London: Euromonitor, 1986. Dist . by Gale. 376p . $175 cloth. ISBN 0- 86338-132-4. Kohn, George C. Dictionary of Culprits and Crim- inals. Metuchen, N.J .: Scarecrow, 1986. 451p . $35 cloth. LC 85-30426. ISBN 0-8108-1877-9. Kremer, John. The Independent Publisher's Book- shelf. Fairfield, Ia. : Ad-Lib, 1986. 90p. $3.95 paper. ISBN 0-912411-09-0 . Kutsche, Paul. A Guide to Cherokee Documents in the Northeastern United States. Native Ameri- can Bibliography Series, no.7. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 541p. $75 cloth. LC 85- 11798. ISBN 0-8108-1827-2. Library Instruction and Reference Services. Ed. by Bill Katz and Ruth A. Fraley. New York: Ha- worth, 1986. 254p. $24.95 cloth. LC 84-505. ISBN 0-86656-288-5. Library Instruction: A Bibliography, 1975 through 634 College & Research Libraries 1985. Comp . by Tian-Chu Shih. Jefferson, · N.C. : McFarland, 1986. 112p. $14.95. LC 85- 43600. ISBN 0-89950-228-8. Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800. Ed. by James E. Person, Jr . Detroit: Gale, 1986. 584p . $85 cloth. LC 83-20504. ISBN 0-8103-6102-7 . Management Issues in Academic Libraries. Proceed- ings of the CoFHEIELG Annual Study Confer- ence, 1985. Ed. by Tim Lomas. London: Ros- sendale, 1986. 84p. $19 paper. ISBN 0-946138-08-7. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism. Ed . by Laurie Lanzen Harris and Cherie D. Abbey. NCLC V.12. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 576p. $88 cloth. LC 81-6943. ISBN 0-8103-5812-3. Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1986 Sup- plement. Ed. by P. William Filby. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 686p. $132 cloth. LC 80-15404. ISBN 0-8103-1799-0 . Picture Researcher's Handbook . 3rd ed. Comp. by Hilary Evans ·and Mary Evans. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1986. 401p. $54.95 cloth. ISBN 0-442-31737-9. Publishers ' International Directory with ISBN In- dex. 13th ed . 2v . Ed . by Barbara Vernel. New York: Saur, 1986. 2,229p. $145 cloth. ISBN 3- 598-20532-5. Retail Trade International1986. Volume 1: Europe. Volume 2: International. London: Euromoni- tor, 1986. Dist. by Gale. 900p . $495/set paper. ISBN 0-86338-128-6 . Room, Adrian. A Dictionary of Translated Names and Titles. New York : Routledge, 1986. 460p. $44 cloth. LC 84-26244. ISBN 0-7100-9953-3 . Room, Adrian . Dictionary of Changes in Meaning. New YC?rk: Routledge, 1986. 292p. $32.50 cloth. LC 85-18399. ISBN 0-7102-0341-1. Schweers, Hans F. Genre Paintings in German Museums: List of Artists and Works. New York: Saur, 1986. 373p. $95 cloth. ISBN 3-598- . 10517-7. Science Education. Comp. by Eileen E. Sch- roeder . Ed . by David A. Tyckoson. Oryx Sci- ence Bibliographies, V.6. Phoenix: Oryx, 1986. 103p. $15 paper. LC 86-42578. ISBN 0- 89774-227-3. Sheppard's Book Dealers in North America: November 1986 1986-87. London: Europa, 1986. 520p . $40 cloth. ISBN 0-8108-1927-9 . Something About the Author. Volume 44 . Ed. by Anne Commire. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 295p . $64 cloth. LC 72-27107. ISBN 0-8103-2254-4. Something about the Author Autobiography Series. Ed. by Adele Sarkissian. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 381p. $50 cloth. ISBN 0-8103-4451-3. Stevens, Rolland E. and Smith, Linda. Reference Work in the University Library. Littleton, Colo .: Libraries Unlimited, 1986. 530p. $37.50 cloth. ISBN 0-87287-449-4. Tate, Michael L. The Indians of Texas: An Anno- tated Research Bibliography. Native American Bibliography Series, no.9. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 514p . $52.50 cloth. LC 85- 19674. ISBN 0-8108-1852-3. Trade Names Dictionary: Company Index. 5th ed ., 1986-87. Ed. by Donna Wood. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 2v. 1,838p. $280 cloth. LC 82-642841. ISBN 0-8103-0687-5 . Trade Names Dictionary. 5th ed., 1986-87. Ed . by Donna Wood. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 2v. 1,828p. $275 cloth . LC 84-643242. ISBN 0- 8103-0686-7. Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism : Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, and Other Cre- ative Writers Who Died between 1900 and 1960, from the First Critical Appraisals to Current Eval- uations. Vol . 20. Ed. by Dennis Poupard . De- troit: Gale, 1986. 547p. $88 cloth. LC 76- 46132. ISBN 0-8103-2402-4. Walford's Guide to Current British Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Ed. by A.J. Walford. Chicago: American Library Assn ., 1985. 473p. $55 cloth. ISBN 0-85365-676-2 . Who's Who in Art. 22d ed. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 565p. $90 cloth. ISBN 0-900083-11-5. Who's Who in France: 1985-1986 . Paris: Editions Jacques Lafitte, 1985 . $150 cloth. ISBN 2- 85784-018-7. Women's Collections: Libraries, Archives, and Con- · sciousness. Ed. by Suzanne Hildenbrand. New York : Haworth, 1986. 194p. $22.95 cloth. LC 84-22529. ISBN 0-86656-273-7.