College and Research Libraries tion services by Kirkendall, Hannelore Ra- der's 1983 annotated bibliography on library orientation and instruction, and re- productions of handouts also add signifi- cantly to the value of the book. William Miller's paper features promi- nently among the conference offerings. Speculating upon the consequences of overzealous advertisement on already de- teriorating library collections and already overworked library staffs, he alludes to the need for skeptical investigation and strategic planning before advertising such a labor-intensive service. While one can debate the appropriateness of marketing library instruction, it is important to keep in mind a distinction between marketing a Recent Publications 83 package and marketing a quality product. It is doubtful that any of the speakers would endorse a full-scale adoption of pri- vate sector marketing to library instruc- tion. Rather, the conference proceedings do an excellent job of introducing the con- cepts, outlining appropriate steps in im- plementing marketings, cautioning against potential pitfalls, and providing examples of library-specific applications. As library instruction seeks to enhance its visibility in the eighties, this volume will serve as a stepping stone and a guidepost along the way.-Tara Lynn Fulton, North- western University Library, Evanston, Illi- nois. OTHER PUBLICATIONS 1982 Census of Manufacturers: Concentration Ra- tios in Manufacturing. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, BureauoftheCen- sus, 1986. 180p. paper, $13. LC 83-600153. Affiliates & Offices of Japanese Firms in USA & Can- ada: 1986 Edition. Tokyo: JETRO (dist. by Gale), 1986. 559p. paper, $80 (ISBN 4-8224- 0326-2). Afro-American Writers Before the Harlem Renais- sance. Ed. by Trudier Harris. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 369p. $88 (ISBN 0-8103-1728-1). LC 86- 12121. ALA Suroey of Librarian Salaries, 1986. Ed. by Mary Jo Lynch and Margaret Myers. Chi- cago: American Library Assn., 1986. 90p. pa- per, $40 (ISBN 0-8389-3335-5). The ALA Yearbook of Library and Information Ser- vices: A Review of Library Events 1985: Vol. 11 (1986). Ed. by Roger Parent. Chicago: Ameri- can Library Assn., 1986. 419p. $70 (ISBN 0- 8389-0458-0). American Poets. Ed. by Ronald Baughman. Con- temporary Authors Bibliographical Series, no.2. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 387p. $48 (ISBN 0- 8103-2226-9). American Publishers. V.l: U.S. Publishers A-M. V.2: U.S. Publishers N-Z and ISBN Index. V.3: Canadian Publishers and ISBN Index. Ed. by Barbara Verrel. New York: Saur, 1986. 1,712p. paper, $40 (ISBN 0-89664-375). The Annual Register: A Record of World Events, 1985. 227thed. Ed. by H. V. Hodson. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 562p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-2043-6). LC 4-17979. Artist's Market: Where and How to Sell Your Graphic Art, 1987. Ed. by Susan Conner. Cin- cinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Bks., 1986. 569p. (ISBN 0-89879-246-0). Artist Biographies Master Index. 1st ed. Ed. by Barbara McNeil. Gale Biographical Index, no.9. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 700p. $85 (ISBN 0- 8103-2107-6). LC 86-14955. Awards, Honors, and Prizes: An International Di- rectory of Awards and Their Donors. V .2: Inter- national and Foreign. 6th ed. Ed. by Gita Siegman. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 576p. $170 · (ISBN 0-8103-0446-5). LC 85-07062. Berdie, Douglas R.; Anderson, John F.; and Niebuhr, Marsha A. Questionnaires: Design and Use. 2d ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 344p. $22.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1884-1). LC 86-1783. Berger, Melvin. Hazardous Substances: A Refer- ence. Hillsdale, N.J.: Enslow, 1986. 128p. $12.95 (ISBN 0-89490-116-8). LC 86-8806. Best Reference Books: 1981-1985. Ed. by Bohdan S. Wynar. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlim- ited, 1986. 504p. $45 (ISBN 0-87287-554-7). LC 86-15316. Book Review Index: Reference Books, 1965-1984. Ed. by Barbara Beach. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 700p. $125 (ISBN 0-8103-2195-5). Business Organizations, Agencies, and Publications Directory. Ed. by Kay Gill and Donald P. Boyden. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 2v. 2,031p. set, $265 (ISBN 0-8103-2097-5). Caster, Lillie D. The Classifier's Guide to LC Class H. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1986. 143p. paper, $29.95 (ISBN 0-918212-99-5). LC 85- 28459. 84 College & Research Libraries Catala, Rafael and Anderson, James D. Index of American Periodical Verse: 1984. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 808p. $39.50 (ISBN 0- 8108-1918-X). LC 73-3060. Cities of the World. 2d ed. s4ppl. Ed. by Margaret Walsh Young. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 758p. $84 · (ISBN 0-8103-1110-0). Civil War Manuscripts: A Guide to Collections in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Con- gress. Comp. by John R. Sellers. Washington · D.C.: Library of Congress, 1986. 391p. $20 (ISBN 0-8444-0381-4). LC 81-607105. · Classical Antiquities: The Collection of the Stovall Museum of Science and History, University of Oklahoma. Ed. by A. J. Heisserer. Norman: Univ. of Oklahoma Pr., 1986. 162p. $34.50 (ISBN 0-8061-1993-4). LC 86-40074. Commonwealth Universities Yearbook 1986. Lon- don: Assoc. of Commonwealth Univ., 1986. 4v. 2,888p. $185 (ISBN 0-85143-100-3). LC 59- 24175. Contemporary Authors: Volume 18. Ed. by Linda Metzger and Deborah A. Straub. New Revi- sion Series. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 502p. $88 (ISBN 0-8103-1947-0). LC 81-640179. Contemporary Literary Criticism: Vol. 38. Ed. by Daniel G. Marowski. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 696p. $88 (ISBN 0-8103-4412-2). LC 76-38938. Contemporary Literary Criticism: Yearbook 1985. Ed. by Sharon K. Hall. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 723p. $88 (ISBN 0-8103-4413-0). LC 76-38938. Database Directory: Spring 1986. Ed. by Katharyn Dunham. DataBase Directory Service. White Plains, N.Y.: Knowledge Industry, 1986. 769p. $120 (ISBN 0-86729-199-0). Directory of Biomedical and Health Care Grants. 2d ed. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1986. 391p. $74.50 (ISBN 0-89774-336-9). LC 85-15562. Electronics Research Centres: A World Directory of Organizations and Programmes. Essex, U.K.: Longman (dist. by Gale), 1986. 546p. $265 (ISBN 0-582-90030-1). Encyclopedia of Associations: 1987. V.1: National Organizations of the U.S. Ed. by Katherine Gruber. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 2,350p. paper, $220 (ISBN 0-8103-1842-3). LC 76-46129. Encyclopedia of Associations: 1987. V.2: Geo- graphic and Executive Indexes. Ed. by Katherine Gruber. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 900p. paper, $200 (ISBN 0-8103-1843-1). LC 76- 46129. Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Poten- tial. Ed. by Union of International Assns. New York: Saur, 1986. $200 (ISBN 3-598- 21864-8). ESRC Data Archive Catalogue: Study Descriptions. 2v. Cambridge, England: Chadwyck-Healey, 1986. 765p. paper, $97 (ISBN 0-89564-180-5). Great Library Promotion Ideas II: ]CD Library Pub- lic Relations Award Winners and Nott;lbles 1985. January 1987 Ed. by Ann Heidbreder Eastman and Evelyn Shaevel. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1986. 62p. $8.95 (ISBN 0-8389-3331-9) LC 86- 3441. Guide to U.S. Government Publications. Ed. by John L. Androit. McLean, Va.: Documents Index, 1986. 1,207p. $275. Harris, Kevin. The Dickens House Classifications. SOLIS Research Report, no.18. London: Polytechnic of North London, 1986. 98p. (ISBN 0-946232-44-X). International Marketing Handbook. 2d ed. suppl. Ed. by Frank E. Bair. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 802p. $100 (ISBN 0-8103-0546-1). LC 86- 14846. International Bibliography of Historical Sciences, Vol. LI 1982. Ed. by Jean Glenisson and Mi- chaelKeul. New York: Saur, 1986. 399p. $474 (ISBN 3-598-20406-X). International Directory of Children's Literature Spe- cialists. Ed. by Leena Maissen. New York: Saur, 1986. 263p. $49 (ISBN 3-598-10623-8). The International Who's Who 1986-87. London: Europa, 1986. 1,783p. $145 (ISBN 0-946653- 16-X). LC 35-102-57. John Dewey, The Later Works, 1925-1953. Volume 12, 1938 Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. Ed. by Jo Ann Boydston. Carbondale, ill.: Southern il- linois Univ. Pr., 1986. 793p. $45 (ISBN 0- 8093-1268-9). LC 80-27285 . . Kaplan, Stuart R. The Encyclopedia of Tarot. 2v. New York: U.S. Games Systems, 1986. 939p. $70 (ISBN 0-913866-11-3, V. 1; 0-913866-36-9, V. 2). LC 77-94173. Katz, Bill and Linda Sternberg Katz. Magazines for Libraries. 5th ed. New York: Bowker, 1986. 1,057p. $95 (ISBN 0-8352-2217-9). Kies, Cosette. The Occult in the Western World: An Annotated Bibliography. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1986. 233p. $29.50 (ISBN 0-208- 02113-2). LC 86-7256. Kister, Kenneth F. Best Encyclopedias: A Guide to General and Specialized Encyclopedias. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1986. 356p. $39.50 (ISBN 0- 89774-171-4). LC 85-43370. Libraries and Information Centers of the Academies of Sciences of Socialist Countries Directory. Mos- cow, USSR: Nauka Publishers, 1986. 120p. Library Science Annual: Volume 2 1986. Ed. by Bohdan S. Wynar. Littleton, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1986. 250p. $37.50 (ISBN 0-87287- 541-5). Manheim, Jarol B. and Allison Ondrasik. Data- Map 1986: Index of Published Tables of Statistical Data. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx, 1986. 746p. pa- per, $165 (ISBN 0-89774-293-1). LC 85-43552. Manheimer, Martha L. OCLC: An Introduction to Searching and Input. 2d ed. New York: Neal- Schuman, 1986. 84p. paper, $17.95 (ISBN 0- 918212-97-9). LC 86-060506. ///NEW! Out-of-Print /Ill lnfonnation Available Online Compiled by Librarians for Library Use More than an annual list of publishers' announcements, Cumulative Book Index is a monthly index of current bibli- ographic information. While other services may set records for sheer quantity of data accumu- lated, CBI is renowned as a permanent record of accurate, complete, and reliable informa- tion on some 60,000 books published around the world each year. No other single service can make the following claims. • CBI records are created by a staff of professional librarians. • Subject, author, and title entries are included in a single alphabet, in a single volume. • Nearly half of all entries are based on an examination of the actual book. • Wilson's Name Authority File ensures consistent use of name fonns. • Approximately a third of all titles indexed in CBI are paperbacks. • CBI indexes English-language works published around the world. • CBI is published monthly, to ensure currency of infonnation. • Complete information on the publishers and distributors of all listed books is provided. Each Main CBI Entry Contains • Author or editor's full name • Title • Subtitle • Illustrator • Translator · • Compiler • Edition • Series note • Size, if other than standard • Paging • Illustrations • ~~~~~nt'kai~ cloth • Price • Publication data • Publisher • Distributor •ISBN & LC number New Flat Rates for Retrospective Volumes Is your CBI collection complete? Annual cumulative volumes of CBI from 1969 to 1979 have just been made available at special flat rates. Now all CBI volumes from 1928 to 1979 can be purchased at these special low rates, making this the perfect time to fill gaps in your collection. CBI Available Online, with Out-of-Print Data CBI is also available online through the WILSONLINEe retrieval system and the WILSEARCHesoftware pack- age. The CBI online database offers retrospective coverage to January 1982, including out-of- print status, whenever the publisher has made this infor- mation available. Call toll-free for more infonnation or to order. Subscribe Now A subscription to the printed version of CBI brings your library eleven monthly issues including quarterly cumulations in March, June, September, and December, plus a penn anent annual clothbound cumulation. CBI is sold on the service basis (book budget). To Order Call Toll-Free 1-800-367-6770 In N.Y.State, calll-800-462-6060; in Canada, call collect 212-588-8400. DTHE H.W.WILSON COMPANY 950 University Avenue Bronx, New York 10452 212-588-8400 86 College & Research Libraries A Manual of the Writings in Middle English: 1050-1500. V. 7. Ed. by Albert E. Hatung. Hamden, Conn.: Shoe String, 1986. 400p. $32.50 (ISBN 0-208-02107-8). LC 67-7687. A Manual on Government Finance Statistics. Washington, D. C.: International Monetary Fund, 1986. 373p. paper, $19.95 (ISBN 0- 939934-44-2). LC 85-2373. Maratos, Daniel C. and Marnesba D. Hill. Escri- tores de la Diaspora Cubana/Cuban Exile Writers: Manual Bibliographic Handbook. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 407p. $35 (ISBN 0- 8108-1878-7). LC 85-31756. Moore, Gloria and Ronald Moore. Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement: A Bibli- ography, 1911-1984. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1986. 230p. $18.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1903- 1) LC 86-10119. Middle East Economic Handbook. London, Eng.: Euromonitor (dist. by Gale), 1986. 487p. $80 (ISBN 0-86338-126-X). Miles, Susan Goodrich. Essential Guide to the Li- brary IBM PC. Volume 3: Library Application Software. Westport, Conn.: Meckler, 1986. 196p. $19.95 (ISBN 0-88736-035-1). LC 85- 10535. Morris, Brian and Klaus Boehm. The European Community: A Practical Guide and Directory for Business, Industry, and Trade. 2d ed. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 348p. $145 (ISBN 0-8103-4316-9). LC 85-2792. Mottoes: A Compilation of More Than 9,000 Mot- toes from Around the World and Throughout His- tory. Ed. by Laurence Urdang. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 1, 162p. $75 (ISBN 0-8103-2076-2). LC 86-12122. National Faculty Directory 1987. 17th ed. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 4v. 4,157p. $480 (ISBN 0-8103- 0498-8) LC 76-14404. Njoku, John E. Eberegbulam. Malthusianism: An African Dilemma: Hunger, Drought, and Starvation in Africa. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1986. 211p. $18.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1906- 6). LC 86-10182. Online Catalog Screen Displays: A Series of Discus- sions. Ed. by Joan Frye Williams. Washing- ton, D.C.: Council on Library Resources, 1986. 225p. paper, $7. · The People's Republic of China, 1979-84: A Docu- mentary Survey. Ed. by Harold C. Hinton. Wilmington, Del.: Scholarly Resources, 1986. 2v. 747p. $100 (ISBN 0-8420-2253-8). LC 85-30391. Photographer's Market: Where to Sell Your Photo- graphs, 1987. Ed. by Connie Eidenier. Cincin- nati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Bks., 1986. 593p. $16.95 (ISBN 0-89879-245-2). Planning for the Archival Profession: A Report of the SAA Task Force on Goals and Priorities. Chi- cago: Society of American Archivists, 1986. 42p. paper, $9.50. January 1987 Poet's Market: Where & How to Publish Your Po- etry, 1987. Ed. by Judson Jerome. Cincinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Books, 1986. 409p. $16.95 (ISBN 0-89879-244-4). Popular Music. Vol. 10: 1985. Ed. by Bruce Pol- lock. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 161p. $38 (ISBN 0- 8103-0849-5). Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium: Vol. 4. Ed. by Paul Jefferiss. Boston: Quinlin Campbell, 1986. 155p. paper, $16 (ISBN 0- 934665-05-2). Retrospective National Bibliographies. Ed. by Mar- celle Beaudiquez. IFLA Publication no.35. New York: Saur, 1986.189p. $37(ISBN3-598- 20399-3). Ricks, Beatrice. Ezra Pound: A Bibliography of Sec- ondary Works. Scarecrow Author Bibliogra- phies, no.74. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 307p. $27 (ISBN 0-8108-1862-0). LC 85- 26140. Roberson, William H. Robert Bly: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography. Scarecrow Author Bibliographies, no.75. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 419p . $35 (ISBN 0-8108- 1879-5). LC 86-939. Royal Historical Society: Annual Bibliography of British and Irish History. Ed. by David M. Palli- ser. New York: St. Martin's, 1986. 174p. $29.95 (ISBN 0-312-00228-9). LC 81-641280. Ryans, Cynthia C. and William L. Shanklin. Strategic Planning, Marketing & Public Rela- tions, and Fund-Raising in Higher Education: Perspectives, Readings, and Annotated Bibliogra- phy. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 280p. $20 (ISBN 0-8108-1891-4). LC 86-3871. Samples, Gordon. The Drama Scholars' Index to Plays and Filmscripts: A Guide to Plays and Filmscripts in Selected Anthologies, Series and Vol. 3. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1986. 426p. $35 (ISBN 0-8108-1869-8). LC 73-22165. Schwartz, Julia. Easy Access to Information in United States Government Documents. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1986. 49p. $12.95 (ISBN 0-8389-0456-4). LC 86-3393. Science and Technology in the U.S.A. Ed. by Al- bert H. Teich and Jill H. Pace. Longman Guide to World Science and Technology. De- troit: Gale, 1986. 408p. $95. (ISBN 0-582- 90061-1). Serials Librarianship in Transition: Issues and De- velopments. Ed. by Peter Gellatly. The Serials Librarian 10, no. 1/2. New York: Hawthorne, 1986. 305p. $34.95 (ISBN 0-86656-497-7). LC 85-16439. Smart, John C. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, Volume II. New York: Agathon, 1986. 462p. $48 (ISBN 0-87586-078- 8). Something about the Author. V. 45. Ed. by Anne Commire. Detroit: Gale, 1986. 304p. $64 (ISBN 0-8103-2255-2). LC 72-27107. Songwriter's Market: Where to Sell Your Songs, 1987. Ed. by Julie Wesling Whaley. Cincin- nati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Bks., 1986. 249p. $15.95 (ISBN 0-89879-47-9). Sources of Information in the Social Sciences. 3d ed. Ed. by William H. Webb. 832p. $70 (ISBN 0- 8389-0405-X). LC 84-20494. Stevens, Vance, Roland Sussex, and Walter Vladmir Tulman. A Bibliography of Computer- Aided Language Learning. New York: AMS Pr., 1986. 140p. $32.50 (ISBN 0-404-12666-9). LC 86-17450. Thomas Jefferson: A Reference Biography. Ed. by Merrill D. Peterson. New York: Scribner, 1986. 513p. $65 (ISBN 0-684-18069-3). LC 86- 6736. Recent Publications 87 Weisenstein, Gregory R. and Ruth Pelz. Admin- istrator's Desk Reference on Special Education. Rockville, Md.: Aspen, 1986. 255p. (ISBN 0- 87189-357-6). LC 86-10905. Woerner, R. K. The Alaska Handbook. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1986. 220p. $19.95 (ISBN0- 89950-219-9). LC 85-43599. The World Yearbook of Robotics Research and Devel- opment. 2d ed. Ed. by Peter Scott. London: Kogan Page (dist. by Gale), 1986. 583p. $85. (ISBN 1-85091-106-1). Writer's Market: Where & How to Sell What You Write, 1987. Ed. by Becky Hall Williams. Cin- cinnati, Ohio: Writer's Digest Bks., 1986. 1,062p. $21.95 (ISBN 0-89879-243-6). LC 31- 20772. CONFIDENCE Are you missing the confidence that comes from being well-informed? 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