College and Research Libraries Creative Thinking in Decision Making: A Bibliography Carl H. Losse and Arlyle Mansfield Losse n a time when communication techniques are rapidly being transformed, librarians must cope with a variety of new problems. As Charles McClure and Alan Samuels have noted, ''Change requires climates that are receptive to innova- tion. " 1 Alert persons in the field of infor- mation science will be eager to examine new ways to enhance their problem- solving skills. Modern approaches to decision making tend to include not only the well- established linear (logical) modes of think- ing but also thinking that deviates suffi- ciently from rigid patterns to allow scope for metaphor and intuitiveness. Perhaps the chief use of metaphorical thinking is in the generation of ideas. Intuition, a tool that has proved useful for eminent artists and scientists alike, needs to be submitted to analysis before final decisions are made . As Charles Martell has observed, "Some trends in the information world . . . seem to demand not coping but creative responses . " 2 Linear thinking has dominated the library world so exten- sively that readers need to turn to other fields for new approaches to decision making. Librarians and information spe- cialists may well glean helpful concepts of creative-thinking techniques from the fol- lowing selective bibliography. Anthony, William P., Walt Wheatley, and Nick Maddox. "Better Manage- ment through the Mind's Eye.'' Associa- tion Management 37:86-90 (Nov.1985). Typical activities that are aided by pur- poseful mental imagery are goal setting, creative problem solving, and communi- cations. In focusing on problems rather than symptoms, guided imagery facili- tates workable, creative solutions. Armes, Nancy. "For Creative Leaders: False Starts, Happy Mistakes." Commu- nity and Junior College Journal 54:22-25 (Oct. 1983). To encourage creativity among career- ists, Armes advocates three strategies: changing the tempo of work, forming sup- port groups, and finding professional re- source persons to help. Basadur, Min, and Carl T. Finkbeiner. ''Measuring Preferences for Ideation in Creative-Problem-Solving Training." Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 21, no.1:37-49 (Feb. 1985). Realizing that some theorists allow judgmental thinking to be expressed dur- ing group idea production, authors Basa- dur and Finkbeiner incline toward defer- ring attitudinal judgments until ideas have been generated. The writers con- sider creative thinking a two-step activity: ideation and valuation. Carl H. Losse and Arlyle Mansfield Losse of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, are retired librarians and life members of ALA. In the Milwaukee Public Library System, Carl Losse was formerly Special Services Librarian to Subject Areas, and Arlyle Losse was a librarian in the Art/Music/Recreation department. 297 298 College & Research Libraries Conrath, Jerry. "The Imagination Har- vest: Training People to Solve Problems Creatively.'' Supervisory Management 30, no.9:6-10 (Sept. 1985). Breaking down creative problem solv- ing into six phases, Conrath emphasizes defining a problem rather than concen- trating on irritants (symptoms). He sug- gests classifying perceived barriers to cre- ative thinking as personal and organizational. The Council of Scholars of the Library of Congress. Creativity: A Continuing In- ventoryofKnowledge. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1981. The council contends that for innova- tion to be creative it must be nontrivial, valuable, or profitable. A perceived need among thinkers is to promote creative borrowing-"the process by which ideas and modules in one field stimulate creativ- ity in another.'' Davidson Jeffery P. "A Way to Work in Concert." Management World 15:8-10 (Mar. 1986). Team resolution of issues is prudent be- cause ''more participation leads to more creative thinking, which often leads to more feasible alternatives," Davidson suggests. However, he warns against a group's settling for a harmonious decision rather than focusing on a truly innovative approach to problem solving. DeBono, Edward. Lateral Thinking: Crea- tivity Step by Step. New York: Harper, 1970. Lateral thinkers free information that can be arranged in a new way by changing the habitual method of looking at a spe- cific situation. Not concerned with proof, lateral thinking concentrates upon gener- ating ideas that may ultimately be helpful in decision making. DeBono, Edward. New Think: The Use of Lateral Thinking in the Generation of New Ideas. New York: Basic Books, 1968. The author of New Think believes that the mind's ability to create new ideas and ways of looking at things is the basis of July 1987 ... progress. Sometimes situations related to play can provide a helpful background for the development of future ideas. DeBono "- considers creative thinking a special part of lateral thinking. As lateral thinking gen- erates ideas and vertical thinking de- velops them, both have importance in de- ""! cision making. DeBono's Thinking Course. 10-part tele- vision series. London: BBC, 1983. This television series merited attention by providing many helpful devices to spark creative thinking. For example, De- Bono illustrated how a word selected at ~ · random (perhaps a certain page and column position in any available dictio- nary) can generate ideas. Another useful • device for making decisions is the ''simple matrix,'' in which people screen positive features of alternative actions in terms of three essentials that the solution must • have. Choosing targets is a thought- provoking method whereby decision makers name what needs to be achieved and then attempt strategy (broad guide- lines) and tactics (moment-to-moment variations) to attain their aim. Edson, Lee. "Intuition." Across the Board 19:7-10 (June 1982). • Edson outlines five phases in intuitive problem solving: preparation, frustration, incubation, illumination, and elaboration. 1 Gordon, William J. J. The Metaphorical Way of Learning and Knowing. Cam- bridge, Mass: Porpoise Books, 1971. (Especially consulted, introduction and section 1.) Gordon believes that the most signifi- cant element of the creative process in problem solving is "making the familiar strange." The author describes three metaphorical forms that aid innovative thinking: direct analogy, personal anal- ogy, and compressed conflict. Building upon analogies, the compressed conflict (a noun preceded by a seemingly incon- gruous modifier) tends to suggest new di- rections of thought. Gordon, William J. J. Synectics: The Devel- .. ... opment of Creative Capacity. New York, Harper, 1961. Synectics theory is based upon the abil- ity of people to learn metaphorical atti- tudes of mind. Creativity involves playing with associations (ideas and images) that may seem irrelevant to a specific problem. Maintaining that a functional group has advantages over an individual in problem solving, the author quotes conversations of selected groups engaged in creative thinking. Sometimes group participants must temporarily disbelieve scientific laws in order to derive a new viewpoint. Gordon, William J. J., and Tony Poze. ''Conscious/ Subconscious Interaction in a Creative Act.'' The Journal of Creative Behavior 15, no .1:1-10 (First Quarter 1981). This discussion of analogy formation helps the nonexpert perceive how illumi- nation or conceptual breakthrough occurs in creative thinking. The authors suggest that creative subconscious performs anal- ysis by image. Graham, John W. "Getting the Best from your Creative Staff." Industrial Design 26:52-54 (Sept./Oct. 1979). Written from the viewpoint of a director of creative workers, this article recognizes the need to allow peaks and valleys of ac- tivity, rather than requiring a steady high level of production. Graham believes that managers should provide deadlines that will motivate anxious workers to over- come information retrieval barriers and gain access to ideas from factual contexts not usually available. "Handling the Barriers to Creativity; or, How to Become More Like a Raccoon. 11 Nation's Business 70: 68-69 (Jan. 1982). Excerpted from Buggie, Frederick D. New Product Development Strategies. New York: American Management, 1981. Interpreting creativity as ''the ability to generate new options," the author men- tions six corporate hindrances and offers fifteen suggestions for overcoming those barriers . The concisely presented theories of Frederick D. Buggie provide a practical Creative Thinking 299 approach to achieving innovative decision making. Huyghe, Rene. "On the Contribution of Visual Art to the Way of Thinking." Leonardo 14, no.4:314-15 (Autumn 1981). Lamenting the current rupture between arts and sciences, Huyghe feels that peo- ple of our time should not limit them- selves to the scientific way of thinking. He affirms that artistic sensitivity, intuition, and imagination can supply complemen- tary factors for the exploration of reality . Kikuchi, Makoto. Creativity and Ways of Thinking: The Japanese Style.'' Physics Today 34:42-45 and 48-51 (Sept. 1981). When decision making needs to be done by a group that includes not only adher- ents to a logical approach but also thinkers who rely on pattern recognition, the infor- mation contained in this article may in- spire patience among discussion partici- pants. Kikuchi show how cultural backgrounds of persons affect their think- ing. Miles, Mary. "Going with Your Gut Feel- ing." Computer Decisions 14:206, 208, 210 (Nov. 1982). Though Mary Miles believes that intui- tion may help in decision making, she ad- vises submitting hunches to careful exam- ination. Test questions designed to probe the validity of ideas based on intense feel- ings are presented. Problem solvers should back up their hunches with all available objective knowledge before reaching a final decision. Moyers, Bill D. "Defining Creativity for Everyone to See Wasn't Exactly Easy." Smithsonian 12:64-73 (Jan . 1982). In preparing for the 1982 TV series '' Cre- ativity with Bill Moyers," the man who had been press secretary to President Johnson learned that "there may be as many creative processes as there are crea- tive people.'' Moyers warns against exces- sive regard for everything new, because novelty must, to be really creative, dem- 300 College & Research Libraries onstrate significance by generating in- sight. Osborn, Alexander F. Applied Imagination; Principles and Procedures of Creative Prob- lem Solving. 3d rev. ed. New York: Scrib- ner, 1963. The theme "To think intelligently is to think creatively'' is carried out with many variations in this comprehensive book. Osborn emphasizes the kind of creativity that involves generation of ideas. He be- lieves that creative problem solving ide- ally comprises fact finding, idea finding, and solution finding. In nearly all idea finding, association of ideas (reintegra- tion) plays an important role. After multiple tentative ideas have been gained, they usually must be screened, evaluated, and developed before a final solution is adopted. As spurs to idea pro- duction, the author suggests asking ques- tions that concern adaptation, modifica- tion, and substitution of a component. Questions about magnification, minifica- tion, rearrangement, reversal, and combi- nation may also help creative thought on a subject. Osborn concludes that "imagina- tion can be the key to the solution of al- most any kind of problem. 11 Parnes, Sidney J ., and Harold F. Harding, eds. A Source Book for Creative Thinking. New York: Scribner, 1962. (Especially consulted, section 21, ''Useful Creative Techniques," by John E. Arnold, p.251-68.) After mentioning other creative ap- proaches, Arnold offers his own checklist: "Question, observe, associate, and pre- dict. 11 He considers brainstorming one of the most effective tools of organized crea- tive activity. Pollock, Ted. "How to Ask Creative Questions." Consulting Engineer 65:50 (Sept. 1985). Pollock mentions four times during the problem-solving sequence when it is vital to ask questions. He also recommends un- covering creative opportunities in familiar surroundings and continuing to inquire about the why of things. July 1987 Raudsepp, Eugene. "The Hunch Factor." Executive Female 6:20-23 (July/ Aug.1983). Indicating that business and technology have profited from intuitive perceptions, Raudsepp affirms that intuition and logi- cal thinking typically complement each other. Psychologist Frances E. Vaughan's guidelines for awakening intuition are presented. These include intention, relax- ation, trust in oneself, openness, detach- ment, and other supportive factors. Raudsepp, Eugene. "Intuition: A Ne- glected Decision-Making Tool. 11 Ma- chine Design 52:91-94 (Sept. 25, 1980). Where there is necessity to reach a deci- sion that involves numerous complex, in- terrelated factors, an intuitive approach may be advantageous. Intuition should not be ignored, but rather, should be used as an effective supplement to analytical thought. Raudsepp offers five sugges- tions for improving intuitive capability. Raudsepp, Eugene. "101 Ways to Spark Your Employees' Creative Potential." Office Administration and Automation 46:38 (Sept. 1985). Among many guidelines for improving innovative achievement are suggestions to help subordinates perceive problems as challenges; to focus creative abilities on goals; and to consider creativity as a nec- essary aspect of complete organizational policy. Rosner, Stanley, and Lawrence E. Abt, eds. The Creative Experience. New York: Dell, 1972. (Especially consulted, "Con- clusion and a Review of the Literature on Creativity," p.377-92.) Remarks by achievers whom the editors interviewed suggest that the creative pro- cess is similar in both art and science. Cre- ative persons tend to become excited and feel a sense of urgency about their work. They also possess questioning minds. In- tellectual independence is considered es- sential for effective creative thinking. Rubinstein, Gwen. ''Whole Brain Man- J agement. '' Association Management 37:112-16 (Aug. 1985). The author suggests that one way to in- tegrate logical and intuitive skills is to let intuition guide decision making after all of the facts have been examined. Rubinstein quotes from Weston Agor, who advises eliminating such blocks to intuitiveness as tension, strict adherence to rules, consid- ering the status quo as excellent, and insis- tence on practicality. Slocum, John W., Jr., and Don Hellriegel. ''A Look at How Managers' .. Minds Work." Business Horizons 26:58-68 (July/Aug. 1983). Slocum and Hellriegel find that one of the differences between sensing and intui- tive types of managers is that the sensa- tion oriented are concerned with what can be achieved in the immediate present; in- tuitors like to take a long-range view of sit- uations. The authors admit that there is "no one best problem-solving style." Smith, Emily T. "Are You Creative?" Business Week 2914:80-84 (Sept. 30, 1985). Smith quotes William Herrmann's defi- nition of creativity as ''a combination of different types of thinking-analytical, verbat intuitive, and emotional." To spur Creative Thinking 301 innovation, practical people may ask "what if?" about any situation. Analogy often proves helpful when decision makers consider how a similar problem is solved in nature. White, Richard L. ''Keys to Creativity.'' Design News 41:17 (Sept. 23, 1985). Richard L. White, interviewer, con- siders freethinking the "linchpin of crea- tivity.'' Innovator Matthew Holtz berg be- lieves that every new idea is basically a dream. Robert Jarvik deems cooperative interaction with people especially impor- tant. Isaac Asimov declares, "Failure can guide you to success.'' Carl Marvel admits that a good sense of humor is essential in creative endeavor. Wiest, Jerome D. ''Heuristic Programs for Decision Making.'' Harvard Business Re- view 44:129-43 (Sept./Oct. 1966). For purposes of this article, heuristic means an aid to discovering a solution to a problem. For example, a manager may de- vise and follow this technique: "Resched- ule noncritical jobs, if possible, in order to free resources for scheduling critical jobs." Through combining various heu- ristics in a computer program, the planner may shorten the time needed to arrive at effective decisions. REFERENCES 1. Charles R. McClure and Alan R. Samuels, "Factors Affecting the Use oflnformation for Academic Library Decision Making," College & Research Libraries 46:483-98 (Nov. 1985). 2. Charles R. Martell, "Creative Behavior in Libraries," College & Research Libraries 46:293-94 (July 1985).