College and Research Libraries 466 College & Research Libraries The papers presented under the topic "Socio-Economic Aspects and Policy- Making'' are primarily concerned with cost/benefit models for information ser- vices and quantitative contributions of in- formation and information technology to productivity in business and industry. Inge Berg Hansen discusses the need for national information policies and the de- September 1987 sign of one such policy in Denmark. On the whole, this volume does not pro- vide a comprehensive overview of the field: it is a haphazard collection that ยท~ presents diverse opinions on different as- pects of informat~on and information tech- nology in the public and private sectors.- Dana S. Edwards, University Library, University of Illinois at Chicago. ..., OTHER PUBLICATIONS American Art Directory. Ed. by Jacques Cattell Press. New York: Bowker, 1987. 765p. $94.50 (ISBN 0-8352-2218-7). Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts. V.l. Ed. byP. F. Broxis. London: Library Assn., 1987. 264p . subscription, $756. ARBA Guide to Library Science Literature 1970-1983. Ed. by Donald G. Davis and Charles D. Patterson. Littleton, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, 1987. 682p. $65 (ISBN 0- 87287-585-7) . LC 86-27712. Asian Economic Handbook. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 272p. $80 (ISBN 0-86338-141-3). Beckman, Robert I. Find It Fast. New York : Harper, 1987. 260p. paper, $6.95 (ISBN 0-06- 096153-8). BioScan: The Biotechnology Corporate Service. Ed. by Oryx Pr. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 400p. $425. Book Review Index: 1986 Cumulation. V.22. Ed. by Barbara Beach. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 1, 196p. $170 (ISBN 0-8103-0578-X). LC 65-9908. Boswell, Jeanetta. Spokesman For The Minority . . . A Bibliography of Sidney Lanier, William Vaughn Moody, Henry Timrod, Frederick God- dard Tuckerman, and Jones Very, with Selective Annotations. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 306p. $29.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1944-9). Bums, Grant. The Sports Pages: A Critical Bibliog- raphy of Twentieth-Century American Novels and Stories Featuring Baseball, Basketball, Foot- ball, and Other Athletic Pursuits. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 284p. $25 (ISBN 0- 8108-1966-X). CD Review Digest. V.l. Ed. by Janet Grimes. Vooheesville, N.Y.: PeriPr., 1987. 200p. $39. Cassutt, Michael. Who's Who In Space: The First 25 Years. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1987. 336p. $35 (ISBN 0-8161-8801-7) . The Center for Research Libraries Handbook. Chi- cago: Center for Research Libraries, 1987. 161p. Consumer Sourcebook. 4th ed. suppl. Ed. by Kay Gill and Robert Wilson. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 217p. paper, $85 (ISBN 0-8103-0371-X). Contemporary Authors: A Rio-Bibliographical Guide to Current Writers in Fiction, General Nonfiction, Poetry, Journalism, Drama, Motion Pictures, Television, and Other Fields. V.l20. Ed. by Hal May. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 756p. -1 $90 (ISBN 0-8103-1920-9). LC 62-52046. Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series. V.S. Ed. by Adele Sarkissan. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 483p. $85 (ISBN 0-8103-4504-8). Contemporary Graphic Artists. V.l. Ed. by Maurice Hom. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 272p. $50 (ISBN 0-8103-2189-0). Contemporary Literary Criticism: Excerpts from -< Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Po- ets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, Script- writers, and Other Creative Writers. V.42. Ed. by Daniel G. Marowski and Roger Matuz. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 771p. $90 (ISBN 0-8103- 4416-5). LC 76-38938. Contemporary Newsmakers 1986. Ed . by Peter M. Gareffa. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 445p. $70 (ISBN 0-8103-2202-1). Cortez, Edwin M. Proposals and Contracts for Li- -, brary Automation: Guidelines for Preparing RFP's. Chicago: Pacific Information, 1987. 224p. paper, $29 (ISBN 0-8389-2043-8). LC 86- 30664. Der Ruf: Zeitung der Deutschen Kriegsfangenen in USA. New York: Saur, 1987. 232p. $89 (ISBN 3-598-10663-7) 0 Dictionary of Literary Biography Yearbook: 1986. Ed. by J. M. Brook. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 435p. $95. (ISBN 0-8103-2094-0). LC 82-645185. Directory of American Research and Technology 1987. Ed. by Jacques Cattell Pr. New York: Bowker, 1987. 744p. $185 (ISBN 0-83522310- 8). Directory of Grants in the Humanities, 1987. Ed. by Oryx Pr. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987 . 425p. $74.50 (ISBN 0-89774-358-X). DirectoryofHong Kong Industries 1987. Comp. by Hong Kong Productivity Council. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 839p. $100. The Economics of Online. V.2. Ed. by Peter By- south. London: Taylor Graham, 1987. 229p. .. RESOURCE AUTHORITIES. 12 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Woodbridge, CT 06525 Toll-free: 1-800-REACH-RP TWX: 710-465-6345 FAX: 203-397-3893 Journals of Science, Technology, and Medicine, in microform, from one source. Guaranteed availability, when you want them. Research Publications has taken journals in micro- form a giant step forward- every title filmed and delivered when your patrons need them. All current and backfile volumes are filmed in their entirety from the first issue forward. 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Craddock. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1987. 477p. $45 (ISBN 0-8161-8217-5). Feather, John. A Dictionary of Book History. New York: Oxford Univ. Pr., 1987. 278p. $39.95 (ISBN 0-19-520520-0). Ferenc Molnar: A Bibliography. Comp. by Eliza- beth M. Rajec. Vie.nna: Bohlan, 1986. 2v. $16.95 (ISBN 3-205-05029-0). Friedman, Ruth. Animal Experimentation and An- imal Rights. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 75p. paper, $15 (ISBN 0-89774-377-6). German Biographical Index. Ed. by Will Gorzny. New York: Saur, 1986. 2,298p. $600 (ISBN 3- 598-30435-8). Ghani, Cyrus. Iran and the West. New York: Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 967p. $85 (ISBN 0-7103-0243-6). Harmon, Robert B. Steinbeck Bibliographies: An Annotated Guide. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 145p. $15 (ISBN 0-8108-1963-5). Health Hazards of Video Display Terminals . Comp. by Meta Nissley. Chico, Calif.: Ryan Re- search. 63p. $9.95 (ISBN 0-942158-04). LC 87- 90423. Herail, Rene James, and Edwin A. Lovatt. Dic- tionary of Modern Colloquial French . New York: September 1987 Methuen, 1987. 327p. paper, $12.95 (ISBN 0- 7102-1099-X). LC 84-8231. Hupper, William G. Index to English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 1. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1987. 574p. $47.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1984- 8). LC 86-31448. Information for All: Access and Availability. Ed. by Brenda White. London: Taylor Graham, 1987. 241p. $15 (ISBN 0-947568-16-6). Instant Information. Ed. by Joel Makower and Alan Green. New York: Prentice Hall, 1987. 702p. $29.95 (ISBN 0-13-467804-4). International Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbrevia- tions Dictionary. Ed. by Julie E. Towell and Helen E. Sheppard. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 911p. $160 (ISBN 0-8103-2196-3). LC 85- 642206. International Bibliography of Historical Sciences. V.52. Ed. by Jean Glennison and Michael - Keul. New York: Saur, 1987. 390p. $74(ISBN 3-598-20407 -8). Japan Trade Directory 1987-88. Comp. by Japan External Trade Organization. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 500p. $265. Kohn, Michael C. Practical Numerical Methods: Algorithms and Programs . New York: Macmil- lan, 1987. 260p. $34.95 (ISBN 0-02-948760-9). is pleased to announce the acquisition of HABVIS!EB PUSS MIOBOFOBM mearchpublica~~LICA~~!~~~ Research Publications, Inc. 12 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Woodbridge, CT 06525 USA (203) 397-2600 Research Publications, Ltd. PO. Box 45 Reading, RGI 8HF England 011-44-734-58324 7 Harvester Microform 17 Ship Street Brighton, Sussex BN1 lAD England 011-44-273-723031 Lacey, A. R. A Dictionary of Philosophy. New York: Methuen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 265p. $21.95 (ISBN 0-7102-0991-6). Lazinger, Susan S., and Peretz Shoval. Proto- typing A Microcomputer-Based Online Library Catalog. Occasional Papers. Chicago: Univ. of Illinois, Graduate School of Library and In- formation Science, 1987. SOp. $3. Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Fifteenth, Six- teenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth-Century Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Philosophers, and Other Creative Writers, from the First Published Critical Appraisals to Current Evaluations. 5th ed. Ed. by James E. Person. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 549p. $88 (ISBN 0-8103-6104-3). LC 83- 20504. The Medical and Healthcare Marketplace Guide. 4th ed. Ed. by Adeline Hale and Arthur Hale. De- troit: Gale, 1987. 1,272p. $300 (ISBN 0- 915578-00-X). Meinke, Sue. Surrogate Mothers: Ethical and Le- gal Issues. Washington, D. C.: National Refer- ence Center for Biothics Literature, 1987. 6p. $3. Methodist Hymnal Concordance. Comp. by Rob- . ert F. Klepper. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 800p. $62.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1968-6). LC 86-29811. Microcomputer Marketplace 1987. New York: Bowker, 1987.1,115p. $95(ISBN0-8352-2267- 5). Miller, Willard E., and Ruby M. Miller. Doing Business in and with LAtin America: An Informa- tion Sourcebook. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 115p. $30 (ISBN 0-89774-308-3). LC 86-33280. The New Consciousness, 1941-1968. Bruccoli Clark Layman Series. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 539p. $58 (ISBN 0-8103-1822-9). LC 86-33657. The Official Guide to Fine Art. Ed. by Susan Theran. New York: House of Collectibles, 1987. 875p. $19.95 (ISBN 0-87637-589-1). Paine, Fred K., and Nancy E. Paine. Magazines: A Bibliography for Their Analysis with Annota- tions and Study Guide. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1987. 698p. $62.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1975- 9). Passenger and Immigration Lists Index. Ed. by P. William Filby and Dorothy M. Lower. De- troit: Gale, 1987. 645p. $140 (ISBN 0-81032- 2575-6). LC 80-15404. The Publishing and Review of Reference Sources. Ed. by Bill Katz and Robin Kinder. New York: Hawthorne, 1987. 336p. $34.95 (ISBN 0- 86656-571-X). LC 86-229120. The Research Collections at McMaster University Recent Publications 469 Library. Comp. by Charlotte A. Stewart and Carl Spadoni. Ontario: McMaster Univ. Li- brary Pr., 1987. lOOp. $35. Reverse International Acronyms, Initialisms, and Abbreviations Dictionary. 2d ed. Ed. by Julie E. Towell and Helen E. Sheppard. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 178p. $175 (ISBN 0-8103-2197-1). Schorr, Alan E. Directory of Services for Refugees and Immigrants. Juneau: Denali Pr., 1987. 375p. $27.95 (ISBN 0-938737-12-0). LC 87- 70700. Selected Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index, 1878-1985: An International Author and Subject Index to History and Criticism. Ed. by H. W. Hall. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 2v. 1,460p. set, $175 (ISBN 0-8103-2129-7). LC 87-173. Something about the Author: Facts and Pictures about Authors and Illustrators of Books for Young People. V.48. Ed. by Anne Commire. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 315p. $66 (ISBN 0-8103-2258-7). LC 72-27107. Sozialstrategien der Deutshen Arbeitsfront. Comp. by Michael Hepp and Karl Keinz Roth. Pt.A. New York: Saur, 1987. Sv. 6,250p. -$900(ISBN 3-598-31572-4). Stratford, Juri, and Jean Slemmons Stratford. Guide to Statistical Materials Produced by Gov- ernments and Associations in the United States. Alexandria, Va.: Chadwyck-Healey, 1987. 279p. $75 (ISBN 0-85964-127-9). LC 86-32722. TESTS: A Comprehensive Reference. 2d ed. Ed. by Richard C. Sweetland and Daniel J. Keyser. Detroit: Gale, 1987. 1, 123p. $85 (ISBN 0- 933701-03-9). LC 86-14416. Union List of Geologic Field Trip Guidebooks of North America. Ed. by the Geoscience Infor- mation Society Guidebooks Committee, Bea- trice Lukens, chair. Alexandria, Va.: Ameri- can Geological Institute, 1986. 200p. $47.50 (ISBN 0-913312-88-6). LC 86-071946. Who's Who in the Republic of China. 2d ed. Ed. by Wolfgang Bartke. New York: Saur, 19&7. 786p. $175 (ISBN 3-598-10610-6). Women and Business Ownership: A Bibliography. Comp. by Marcia Lasota. Mankato: Minne- sota Scholarly Pr., 1987. 175p. $37.50 (ISBN 0-93347 4-45-8). Word Finder: The Phonic Key to the Dictionary. Comp. by Marvin L. Morrison. Stone Moun- tain, Ga.: Pilot Light, 1987. 408p. paper, $11.95 (ISBN 0-9608376-1-2). World Economic Outlook, April1987. World Eco- nomic and Financial Surveys. Washington, D.C.: International Monetary Fund, 1987. 194p. $15 (ISBN 0-939934-85-X). ~c&" ~----~~--------------------------------------------~ lfl', Reference and Scholarly J Index to the Tower Commission Report James Joseph Sanchez. 63pp . , 1987, $8 .95p . Bantam edition (not otherwise indexed). Cross-referenced. By Middle East expert, librarian. LC 87-3116. -299-7 . Simenon: A Critical Biography Stanley G . Eskin. 318pp. , 1987, $24.95 . The most comprehensive in English or French; superb primary bibliography. Photographs, notes, index. LC 86- 43084. -281-4 . Chess Personalia: A Biobibliography Jeremy Gaige . 528pp., 1987,$45 . 14,000 entries, cross-referenced: name, dates, FIDE title, citizenship, media cites. In- dex to Bn.tish Chess Magazine obituaries. LC 86-43123. -293-8 . The Federal Government Subject Guide King F. Lovinger. 149pp., 1987, $15.95 . Three access paths: broad topics, agency directory, subject index (every little thing). LC 86-43179 . -238-5 . Information Seeking: Basing Services on Users' Behaviors Jana Varlejs . 94pp., 1987, $9.95 sewn softcover. 24th Annual Rutgers GSCILS symposium. Annotated bibliographies. LC 87-42524. -254-7. Football: A College History Tom Perrin . 442pp., 1987, $29 .95 . The top teams, games, players and coaches . Ca . 100 photographs, 4600-name index . LC 87-43029. -294-6. Film, Television and Stage Music on Phonograph Records: A Discography Steve Harris. [512]pp . , 1987, $49 .95. The most comprehensive, accurate and thoroughly researched reference on U.S. and British productions . Composer in- dex. LC 87-42509 . -251-2 . College Football Records: Division I-A and the Ivy League, 1869-1984 Robert K . Baldwin . [230]pp., 1987, $25.95 . Nickname, colors, location, sta- dium, year entered conference, number of championships, records. Index. LC 87- 42500. -246-6. American Poetry Contemporary Bibliography Series Edited by Lee Bartlett . Writer's works and annotated checklist of criticism and reviews . Photographs , index . 1. Diane Wakoski. By Robert Newton . [128]pp., 1987, $25. LC 87-43065. -297-0. 2. Na- thaniel Tarn. By Lee Bartlett . [144]pp . , 1987, $25. LC 87-43064 . -296-2. Going Back: An Ex-Marine Returns to Vietnam W .D. Ehrhart . 200pp., 1987 , $14.95 sewn softcover. Back by invitation in December 1985, north and south. Lucid and insightful journalism . 39 photo- graphs, index . LC 86-43085. -278-4. British Animated Films, 1895-1985: A Filmography Denis Gifford . 367pp., 1987, $29.95. From the first attempts to computer ex- periments: year, title, credits, plot, re- views, release date. Illustrations, filmog- raphy, index . LC 87-42507. -241-5. ISBN 0-89950- McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers - - Box 611, Jefferson North Carolina 28640