College and Research Libraries Recent Publications BOOK REVIEWS Pruett, Nancy Jones. Scientific and Techni- cal Libraries. Orlando, Fla.: Academic, 1986. 2v., alk. paper. $90 (ISBN 0-12- 566041-3; 0-12-566042-1). LC 86-10829. Pruett has undertaken the ambitious project of describing in these two volumes all aspects of scientific and technical re- search libraries other than medical li- braries. On the whole, she is very success- ful; I would have liked something of this sort when I was in library school, and I an- ticipate referring to it for information, sur- veys of relevant literature, and reasoned summaries of the various aspects of librar- ianship in science and technology. Obviously it is impossible to be totally comprehensive in a work of this scope. Pruett's aim, as stated in her preface, is to ''lean toward 'everything you wanted to know' when the literature seemed thin . . . and lean toward more of an outline when there seemed to be adequate sources published." One of the impres- sive features of the work is its thoughtful review of the literature. The first volume is on functions and management. It is organized around what Pruett defines as the five primary func- tions libraries provide their organizations: information retrieval; current awareness; collection development; collection control (including circulation, shelving, catalog- ing, indexing, and bibliographic control); and document delivery. Also discussed are secondary functions performed in support of the primary ones: manage- ment, space planning, automation, and equipment selection and maintenance. Of course this division is somewhat artificial, and Pruett acknowledges the blurring of boundaries, particularly in light of inte- grated online systems. This volume also has a general introduction, a review of "scientific literature and its use," and de- scriptions of three geological libraries (university, corporate and federal), used as a device to make some points more con- crete and to emphasize the variations in li- braries due to differences in settings and organizational objectives. This is an inter- esting approach that should be especially instructive to students who are relatively unfamiliar with details of technical library operation. Two of the descriptions are written by Pruett's colleagues, as are two of the twelve chapters in this volume. The second volume also comprises twelve chapters, including some very brief ones on special formats (conference literature, dissertations and theses, gov- ernment documents, in-house and propri- etary information, serials, maps, micro- forms, numeric data, patents, software, standards and specifications, technical re- ports, and translations). Of the seven subject-area chapters, only the one on geoscience is by Pruett, but there is little repetition or overlap. Although I am favorably impressed with the work, there are occasions when the author's judgment does not coincide with mine. She suggests the utility of a list of ''citations that could be expected to be asked for from a sci/tech library" as a self- administered test for comparisons of sci/ tech collections and document availabil- ity. But apart from certain core materials, sci/tech libraries are so much shaped by lo- 539 540 College & Research Libraries Books, Libraries, and Research, Third Edition Mary G. Hauer, Ruth C. Murray, Doris B. Dantin, Myrtle S. Bolner Louisiana State University 1987/272 pagesjpaper ISBN 0-8403-4294-2 Books, Libraries, and Research teaches your students the fundamentals of library research. Now in its Third Edition, the workjtext is an introduction in library research skills. New outstanding features include • New chapter on the use of online databases, catalogs, and laser discs. • Additional information about library catalogs, indexes, abstracts, reference and government publications. • Additional problems on using library material. • Additional end-of- chapter review questions. For more information call (319) 589-2882 or write: KendallfBunt Publishing Company, 2460 Kerper Blvd., Dubuque, Iowa 52001. November 1987 cal needs that I doubt the utility of such a list. She also gives more credence than I would to Library of Congress claims on the projected cost of DEZ deacidification. Still, in paging through my review copy, I find that among the critical marginalia I have entered, there are also about an equal number of passages marked yes, in- cluding "-many people hear scientists' complaints about publication delay times and proposed automated solutions: for example, unreviewed electronic journals which are available instantly. They do not understand that scientists view this as 'garbage in-garbage out' and that the re- view process and the formality of the pub- lication process are essential." At some points, progress has overtaken the author's judgments. I do not agree that "no one has yet solved the problem of individuals holding up [routed journal] is- sues, or the problem of tracking the issues when they are routed," since I have seen the routing system at Abbott Laboratories, where issues are sent back after each rout- ing and a computer picks the next user so as to reward those who return issues fast- est. There are occasional errors that may have been caused by the publication schedule: the National Translations Cen- ter at the John Crerar Library is given its old address, although earlier a 1985 article on Crerar's move to its present site. And there are a few minor annoyances such as citing the late Derek Price under ''De Solla Price .'' I noted two instances of repeated sen- tences (word-processor syndrome?). In an illustrative example on the Bradford distri- bution, we find the sentence ''The core collection of books then consists of every- thing which has not [sic] circulated in the last 60 months,'' which is presumably just a typographical error but might confuse a student. Finally, I don't think the index is up to the quality of the work as a whole. Most of the entries seem to be taken from section headings, and information in paragraphs without separate headings may be difficult to find; for example, in volume 2, the chapter on physics has a brief but useful survey of literature on the browsing behavior of physicists and other researchers, but neither volume index has E RESOURCE AUTHORITIES. 12 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB Woodbridge, CT 06525 Toll-free: 1-600-REACH-RP TWX: 71 0-465-6345 FAX: 203-397-3693 Journals of Science, Technology, and Medicine, in microform, from one source. 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D Please send me your catalog of Journals in Microform D Have a representative call me Name Title Ins~itution Address City State Zip Code Phone For further information, or to place your order directly, calll-800-REACH-RP (1-800-732-2477). CAL 1-800-BEACH-BP 542 College & Research Libraries November 1987 the heading "browsing." However, lapses in general are minor and could be corrected in a second printing of what is clearly going to be a standard work.- Robert Michaelson, Seeley G. Mudd Library for Science & Engineering, Northwestern Uni- versity, Evanston, Illinois. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Acid Rain: 1986, A Handbook for States and Prov- inces. Comp. by Acid Rain Foundation . St. Paul, Minn.: Acid Rain, 1987. 600p. $55 (ISBN 0-935577-07-6). in Answering Reference Questions: Two Studies. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1987. 313p . $29.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1940-6). Berg, Steven L., Dana Finnegan, and Emily McNally. NALGAP Annotated Bibliography: Air Pollutant's Effects On Forest Ecosystems . Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Lesbian/Gay Men. Fort Wayne, Ind.: National Assn. of Lesbian & Gay Alcoholism Professionals. 260p . paper, $25 (ISBN 0-9618753-1-3). Comp. by Acid Rain Foundation. St. Paul, Minn.: Acid Rain, 1987. 440p . $55 (ISBN 0- 935577-01-7) . Auld, Lawrence W .S. Electronic Spreadsheets for Libraries . Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 240p. $37.50 (ISBN 0-89774-245-1) LC 85-43324. Bibliography of Latin American Bibliographies, 1980-1984: Social Sciences and Humanities. Ed . by Lionel V. Lorona. Metuchen, N.J.: Scare- crow, 1987. 239p. $25 (ISBN 0-8108-1841-4). Balachandran, Sarojini. Decision Making: An In- formation Sourcebook. Oryx Sourcebook Series in Business & Management. Phoenix: Oryx, 1987. 208p . $43.50 (ISBN 0-89774-270-2) LC 87-7975. Borst, Raymond R. Henry David Thoreau: A Ref- erence Guide. Boston: Hall, 1987. 144p. $35 (ISBN 0-8161-8822-X) LC 87-7420. Benhan, Frances, and Ronald R. Powell. 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