College and Research Libraries Letters To the Editor: It is with dismay that I read your editorial, "The Best Librarians: Who Are They?" (Col- lege & Research Libraries, V .48, November 1987). Although I agree with your apparent inten- tion to identify excellent academic librarians, your stated control group, "direct patron con- tact and services,'' perpetuates classist attitudes about types of positions often present in academic libraries. As a longtime member of ACRL, J.believe that excluding any academic librarian from being recognized for excellent service to the campus community does not serve the division well. Why not let the nominator argue the case for the nominee rather than being so initially restrictive? Excellent service to our academic communities exists in many forms in our libraries and assuming that one type of service is best does not conform at least to my interpretation of the ''due process and equality of opportunity'' section of the 1981 ALA "Statement on Professional Ethics." Secondly, what are we saying about service to our patrons when we speak and write about excelling "in the trenches"? Is our "Best Librarian" to be a warrior? In the interest of ACRL, I urge you to reconsider your restrictions about academic library "superstars." To the Editor: CHARLOTTA C. HENSLEY University of Colorado What a superb thing to do! Kudos! [November editorial: "The Best Librarians: Who Are They?"] REBECCA KELLOGG University of Arizona ADVERTISING RETRACTION In the March issue the Midwest Library Service ad on the inside back cover incor- rectly pictured Kevin Coyle as the Midwest representative. Scott Schmidt should have appeared as the Midwest representative. 276 THE RESOURCE AUTHORITIES. Journals of Science, Technology, and Medicine, in microform., from one source. Guaranteed availability, when you want them. Research Publications has taken journals in micro- form a giant step forward- every title filmed and delivered when your patrons need them. All current and backfile volumes are filmed in their entirety from the first issue forward. The point is, you get them without ordering and then having to wait, and wait, and wait .... Research specialists, engineers, chemists, doctors, and the general public can access entire years of journals in microform. Your·paper issues can continue to circu- late. And it's all cost-efficient from your first sub- scription on. One purchase order, one invoice, and your current microform subscriptions will be ful- filled within three months of the end of the volume year. For further information, use the form below. Or calll-800-REACH-RP (l-800-732-2477) now. From Connecticut, Alaska and Canada, call collect (203) 397-2600. i¥J?:~~-----JTI---------fiifQfil8--#15--cRL I 0 Amertcan Medical . . I Periodicals research pubhcat16ns® : 1797- 1900 12 Lunar Drive/Drawer AB 0 U.S. and Interna· ~~~~~1d1~~:~~;~~-RP 0 Please send me your catalog of Journals in Microform tiOna! Patent TWX: 710.465-5345 0 Have a representative call me Documentation FAX: 203·397 ·3893 0 Patent Search and Awareness Services 0 International Newspapers on Microfilm Name Title Institution Address City State Zip Code 0 Newspaper Phone Indexes For further infol'ITlation, or to place your order : [ft~~.l-soo:f-m-;rcB-800-73:1p 0 Reference Books .1:1 .a