College and Research Libraries Recent Publications BOOK REVIEWS . Fee-Based Services: Issues & Answers: Second Conference on Fee-Based Re- search in College and University Li- braries: Proceedings of the Meetings Held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, May 10-12,1987, comp. by Anne K. Beaubien. Ann Arbor: Michigan In- formation Transfer Source, Univ. of Michigan, 1987. 82p. $28 (ISBN 0- 9619681-0-7). LC 87-34900. During the eighties the number of aca- demic libraries contemplating the estab- lishment of fee-based information services has grown from a mere trickle to a groundswell. Although the reasons for considering the implementation of these services varies from library to library most of the institutions are motivated by one of the following factors: a desire to bring ad- ditional monies into the library by charg- ing for special services to nonuniversity clientele, an opportunity to raise the pro- file and improve the image of the library on the campus and in the community, and finally, a chance to provide information services to other nonuniversity users without negatively affecting service to pri- mary clientele. This slim volume, the proceedings of the Second Conference on Fee-Based Re- search in College and University Libraries held at the University of Michigan in the Spring of 1987, provides a noteworthy in- troduction to the current thinking and practice on fee-based library services. In addition to the seven papers presented at the conference, there is a lengthy and ex- cellent selected bibliography on the topic. Libraries just beginning to explore this area will do well by beginning here. While the articles and bibliography provide an entree into the literature, the list of attend- ees will lead one to experienced and knowledgeable contacts. The proceedings begin strongly with two papers on marketing, the first on "Targeting Your Market" by Tracy Ca- sorso and Sharon Rogers, and the other on "Selling the Service" by Alice Sizer Warner. Both papers will provide a harsh dose of reality to any service that expects to open its doors and sit back and wait for clients to come streaming in. Another standout contribution is Elizabeth Lun- den's paper on "Quality Control." Her discussion of the six characteristics of a quality information product-accuracy, appropriateness, timeliness, absence of errors, consistency, and image-is su- perb. Other papers include a discussion of permissible activities under United States copyright law, a view on information bro- kerage from the private sector, and contri- butions on financial and policy issues re- lated to fee-based services. It should be noted that all of the papers are brief and as a result do not comprehen- sively cover their subject areas. They, serve best as both introductions to the subject area and outlines of issues to be consid- ered when establishing and managing a fee-based service. Further, there are many issues that are not covered here. Readers will need to turn to the bibliography to find information on the impact of the fee- based service on other areas of the library, 109 110 College & Research Libraries NEW FROM SCARECROW ADVENTURERS AFLOAT-- A NAUTICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY: A Comprehensive Guide to Books in English Ernest w. Toy, Jr. 1193 pp. 2 vol. 1988 88-31209 ISBN 0-8108-2189-3 $89.50 ILLUSTRATION INDEX VI: 1982-1986 Marsha C. Appel 541 pp. 1988 88-18207 ISBN 0-8108-2146-X $42.50 MAPS CONTAINED IN THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY, 1639- 1819: An Index and Checklist Jim Walsh 383 pp. 1988 88-31916 ISBN 0-8108-2193-1 $37.50 U.S. AND CANADIAN BUSINESSES, 1955 TO 1987: A Bibliography Priscilla C. Geahigan 601 pp. 1988 88-30538 ISBN 0-8108-2186-9 $52.50 WE SHALL BE HEARD: An Index to Speeches by American Women, 1978-1985 Beverley Manning 626 pp. 1988 88-6644 ISBN 0-8108-2122-2 $62.50 visit our booths at ALA & ACRL Scarecrow Press P.O. Box 4167 Metuchen, N. J. 08840 800-537-7107 89-32 January 1989 on establishing a realistic fee schedule, and on resources needed to begin a ser- vice. None of this, however, is meant as a criticism of the publication. Fee-Based Ser- vices: Issues and Answers is a useful contri- bution on a timely topic.-Patricia Tegler, Kirkland & Ellis Law Library, Chicago, Illi- nois. OTHER PUBLICATIONS AIDS 1988, Part 1. Comp. by David Tyckoson. Phoenix: Oryx, 1988. 139p. $19.50 (ISBN 0- 89774-504-3). ALA Suroey of Librarian Salaries 1988. Project Di- rector, Mary Jo Lynch. Chicago: American Li- brary Assn., 1988. 52p. (ISBN0-8389-3366-1). American Literary Critics and Scholars, 1880-1900. V.71. Ed. by John W. Rathbun and Monica M. Grecu. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 374p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-1749-4). LC 88-10879. Business Ethics and Responsibility: An Information Sourcebook. Comp. by Pamela A. Bick. Ed. by Paul Wasserman. Phoenix: Oryx, 1988. 205p. $32.50 (ISBN 0-89774-2%-6). LC 87-23191. Cities of the United States. Ed. by Deborah A. Straub and Diane L. Dupuis. V.1. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 403p. $69.95/vol. (ISBN 0-8103- 2501-2). Comic Books and Strips: An Information Source- book. Comp. by Randall W. Scott. Phoenix: Oryx, 1988. 160p. $30 (ISBN 0-89774-389-X). Commonwealth Universities Yearbook 1988. Ed. by Tom Craig. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 3,000p. 4v. $198 (ISBN 0-85143-113-5). LC 59-24175. Crimando, William, and T. F. Riggar. Handbook for In-Service Training in Human Services. Car- bondale: Southern lllinois Univ. Pr., 1988. 180p. $14.95 (ISBN 0-8093-1402-9). LC 87- 36%7. Ellingtonia: The Recorded Music of Duke Ellington and His Sidemen. Comp. by W. E. Timner. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 554p. $49.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1934-1). LC 86-21967. Ferguson, Brian, and Leslie Farragher. The An- thropology of War: A Bibliography. Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, Occasional Papers no. 1. New York: Guggenheim Foundation, 1988. 361p. French Novelists, 1900-1930. V.65. Ed. by Catharine Savage Brosman. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 381p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-1743-5). LC 87- 25822. French Novelists, 1930-1960. V.72. Ed. by Catharine Savage Brosman. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 478p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-4550-1). LC 88- 16462. Germans To America. V.1. Ed. by Ira A. Glazier and William P. Filby. Wilmington, -Del.: