College and Research Libraries ship development, it is refreshing to have that giant in the area of credentialing, Keith Cottam, say, "Too much time has been spent the last several years examin- ing minimum qualifications and creden- tials for librarians. . . . The field has be- come emotional and overly sensitive about the issue when the more important concerns should be with what an aca- demic degree represents in knowledge, skills and abilities, and in how profession- als use their competencies." While Cottam presents a model for would-be entrepreneurs and risk takers, the chapters by June Lester and James Wil- liams specifically discuss the roles of li- brary schools and library organizations in leadership development. Many library ed- ucators will probably disagree violently with Williams' statement that "library school is not the appropriate setting for leadership training and development,'' but he does present a strong argument for staff development programs, mentoring relationships, internships, etc. In contrast to Williams' point of view, Lester dis- cusses the current status of educating for leadership in schools of library and infor- mation science, and thoughtfully ad- dresses some of the impediments for li- brary school faculty who are not always in harmony with practice on the ''optimal di- rection and pace of change," and who find it difficult to both meet the university demands for research and at the same time project themselves as "an easily translatable role model for practicing li- brarians." Worthwhile reading for those Recent Publications 265 who administer and teach in library edu- cation! As in many compilations of this kind there is some unevenness of quality and . style and, as the editors point out, certain overlaps and redundancies in some of the essays. In most of these, however, the problem is not so much lack of content as it is an attempt to cover too much ground. An example of this is Ellen Hoffman's tan- talizing treatment and analysis of phases in the careers of leaders. Almost every paragraph calls for fuller explanation, elu- cidation, and examples, as when she writes, "The unpredictable nature of a ca- reer can be seen, not as the result of acci- dent, but as the outcome of complex recip- rocal interactions between an individual and the environment. The potential prod- ucts of these interactions are, of course, so numerous as to easily appear accidental." Hoffman's essay is extremely useful for those seeking predictors of leadership at- tainment. The festschrift also includes a detailed bibliographic essay on leadership (Charles Lowry) and review of several organiza- tions, such as CLR, ARL, OCLC, RLG, LC, etc., and their role in leadership and policy development affecting academic li- braries and librarians (Dorothy Gregor). Beyond the galaxy of admirers of Robert M. Hayes, educators and others inter- ested in leadership development for the profession will find this festschrift rewarding.-Brooke E. Sheldon, School of Li- brary and Information Studies, Texas Wom- an's University, Denton. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Adeney, Bernard. Just War, Political Realism, and Faith. ATLA Monograph Series. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 237p. $25 (ISBN 0- 8108-2152-4) LC 88-16605. Audiovisuals, 1988/89. Ed. by Malcolm H. Brantz and Lynn White. University of Connecticut Health Center. 430p. $28. Books For College Libraries. 3d ed. Project of the Association of College and Research Li- braries. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1988. 2,786p. $500/set (ISBN 0-8389-3353-X). Business Acronyms. Ed. by Julie E. Towell. De- troit: Gale Research, 1988. 414p. $60 (ISBN 0- 8103-2549-7). Business Serials of the U.S. Government. Ed. by Priscilla C. Geahigan and Robert F. Rose. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1988. $11.95 (ISBN 0-8389-3349-1). LC 88-3428. Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Middle East and North Africa. Ed by Trevor Mostyn and Albert Hourani. New York: Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1988. 504p. $39.50 (ISBN 0-521-32190-5). LC 88-10866. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Afro-American Writers, 1940-1955. Ed. by Trudier Harris. Detroit: Gale Research, 1988. 389p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-4554-4). LC 88-21423. Employment Creation Policies and Strategies: An 266 College & Research Libraries Annotated Bibliography, 1980-86. Compiled by Laurel Dryden. v3. Geneva: International La- bour Office, 1987. 400p. (ISBN 92-2-106173- 6). Financial 1000. Edited by Laura Gibbons. New York: Monitor Publishing, 1989. 600p. $100. Funding for Museums, Archives and Special Collec- tions. Phoenix, Ariz.: OryxPress, 1988. 384p. $48 (ISBN 0-89774-347-4). LC 88-21081. General Reference Books for Adults. Ed. by Marion Sader. New York: Bowker, 1988. 610p. $69.95 (ISBN 0-8352-2393-0). LC 88-10054. Government Reference Books 86187. Comp. by Le- roy C. Schwarzkopf. Englewood, Colo.: Li- braries Unlimited, 1988. 436p. $47.50 (ISBN 0-87287 -666-7). Government Research Directory. 5th ed. Detroit: Gale Research, 1988. 987p. $375 (ISBN 0- 8103-2593-4). LC 85-647549. Grants Register, 1989-1991. Ed . by Craig Alan Lerner. New York: St. Martin's, 1988. 779p. $75 (ISBN 0-312-02118-6). LC 77-12055. Great Library Promotion Ideas IV. Ed. by Sandra A . Scherba and John W. Berry. Chicago: American Library Assn., 1988. 57p. Griffen, Toby D. Germano-European: Breaking the Sound Law. Carbondale, ill.: Southern illi- nois Univ., 1988. 295p. $29.95 (ISBN 0-8093- 1451-7). LC 88-6529. 1~11\flfrom Pergamon Press LIBRARY SERVICES IN THEORY AND CONTEXT 2nd Edition Michael K Buckland, University of California . Berkeley , CA. USA The revised and expanded second edition of this successful book presents a coherent synthesis of all aspects of librarian ship. New material in this edition includes discussions of the role of collections. the development of technology in relation to library services. and long term change . For undergraduate and graduate courses in library and information sciences ; and library and information profess ionals in academic and corporate settings. 229XI25 mm 268 pp 10 illus 3261itrefs 1988 0 08 0357547 Flexicover $14.95 0 08 0357555 Hardcover $36.00 Prices are subject to change without prior notice PERGAMON PRESS INC Fairvi ew Park. Elmsford . NY 10523. USA PERGAMON PRESS pic Headington Hill Hall. Oxford OX3 OBW. UK March 1989 Guide to Current National Bibliographies in the Third World. Ed. by G. E. Gorman and J. J. Mills. New York: K. G. Saur, 1988. 372p. $75 (ISBN 0-905450-34-5). How to Find Information about AIDS. Ed. by Vir- ginia A. Lingle and M. Sandra Wood. New York: Haworth Press, 1988. 130p. $14.95 (ISBN 0-86656-752-6). . Hurt, C. D. Information Sources in Science and Technology. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Un- limited, 1988. 362p. $21.50 (ISBN 0-87287- 582-2). LC 88-22977. Johnson, Julie Greer. Book in the Americas. Prov- idence, R.I.: John Carter Brown Library, 1988. 142p. (ISBN 0-916617-30-0). Kister, Kenneth F. Kister's Concise Guide to Best Encyclopedias. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press. 108p. $15 ISBN (0-89774-404-2). Libraries and Research: A Practical Approach. Ed. by Dianne B. Catlett, Donald E. Collins, and Bobbie L. Collin. Dubuque, Iowa: Ken- dall/Hunt Pub., 1988. 178p. $14.50 (ISBN 0- 8403-4378-7). Libraries in the 90s: What the Leaders Expect. Ed. by Donald E. Riggs and Gordon A. Sabine. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1988. 224p . $24.95 (ISBN 0-89774-532-9). LC 88-20521. McCalpin, Deborah J. Health Media Review Index 1984-1986. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 771p. $52.50 (ISBN 0-8108-2171-9). LC 88- 18452. New Dimensions in School Library Media Service. Ed. by Mary M. Eble and Jeanne Renton. Me- tuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 468p. (ISBN0- 8108-2115-X). LC 88-4230. Paris, Marion. Library School Closings: Four Case Studies. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 176p. $20 (ISBN 0-8108-2130-3). LC 88-7276. Peterson's Guide to Certificate Programs at Ameri- can Colleges and Universities. In cooperation with National University Continuing Educa- tion Association. Princeton, N.J.: Peterson's Guides, 1988. 343p. $35.95 (ISBN 0-8766-741- 5). Popular Music. Ed. by Barbara Cohen-Stratyner. Detroit: Gale Research Inc., 1988. 656p. $70 (ISBN 0-8103-2595-0). LC 88-21191. Reader's Advisor, Indexes to Volumes 1-5. V.6. New York: Bowker, 1988. SlOp. $75 (ISBN 0- 8352-2315-9). LC 57-13277. Recommended Reference Books for Small and Medium-Sized Libraries and Media Centers 1988. Ed. byBohdan S. Wynar. Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, Inc., 1988. 261p. $32.50 (ISBN 0-87287-682-9). LC 81-12394. Schulze, Suzanne. Population Information in Twentieth Century Census Volumes, 1950-1980. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1988. 328p. $82 (ISBN 0-89774-400-4). LC 88-17937.