College and Research Libraries can expect, the excellent advice contained in the intervening essays is lost and made to seem beside the point. The final lesson of the volume is the marginality of the book review to American literary scholar- ship. Taken as a whole, Literary Reviewing is a victim of the identity crisis that con- tinues to grip higher education.-Frank Immler, Humanities/Social Sciences Libraries, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Sitzman, Glenn L. African Libraries. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 486p. $49.50 (ISBN 0-8108-2093-5). LC 87- 35658. African Libraries is a collection of unan- notated bibliographies and descriptive es- says on all types of libraries in Sub- Saharan Africa, excluding those in South Africa and the Comoros as well as the five North African countries of Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia. There are five parts, followed by a name index. Part 1, Buildings and People: a Photo- graphic Sampling (p.1-81), presents ninety black-and-white photographs that must have printed darker than the originals must Recent Publications 371 be. The photographs are both inside and outside shots taken by the author during his visits to the continent in the 1960s, 1971, and 1980. Description, history, and type of library is usually limited to one paragraph. While the national and academic libraries also are discussed later in part 4, part 1 is the only location for information on chil- dren'-s and special libraries. Part 2, Chronology of Library and Re- lated Events, 1773-1984 (p.82-101), is use- ful for all types of research, as there is no other chronology for libraries in Africa during the colonial period (1885-1958) and after independence (1959 for most of the fifty African countries). Although the ev~nts for the first half of the twentieth century are somewhat sparse, Sitzman has provided a framework on which oth- ers may build. Use of this section is limited because names and places are not in- dexed. Part 3, Development of Library Litera- ture, 1950-1980: A Bibliographical Essay · (p.102-57), is a chronological description that traces the development of libraries and librarianship in Africa using the cita- Plug into KIDSNET with ALANET! KIDSNET is the only database devoted to TV and radio programming for children and young adults, with listings for more than 25,000 pro- grams in more than 150 curriculum areas. Each search saves you hours of searching through distributors' catalogs and provides complete information about content, production, broadcast and non-broadcast rights, and availability of print materials. Subscribe to ALANET and KIDSNET together and receive a 10% discount! For more information, please contact Rob Carlson, ALANET System Manager, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. 312-944-6780 or 800-545-2433 (in Illinois, -2444; in Canada, -2455). DIALCOM 41 :ALA0006. ALANET • 50 East Huron Street • Chicago, IL 60611 372 College & Research Libraries tions found in Library Science Abstracts and Library and Information Science Abstracts, 1950-1980. This particular part provides a digest of the most important develop- ments about African libraries for this pe- riod. Again, the reader will have to read through each year to find information that covers more than one year or contains names of institutions or places because only personal names are indexed. How- ever, the abbreviated bibliographic cita- tion is found only in full in part 5. Part 4, Angola to Zimbabwe: a Nation- by-Nation Survey (p.158-259), according to the author is based on standard refer- ence books such as the Europa Year Book, the Unesco Statistical Yearbook, and the World of Learning. This is the easiest part of African Libraries to use because the text is arranged alphabetically by name of coun- try. The contents contain a number of sta- tistics and dates followed by type of li- braries, their names, locations, and in some cases, volumes held, but the intent seems to be the creation of a directory of African libraries. If so, then numbering May 1989 and indexing individual libraries might have been helpful for the user. Also, it should be noted that the list of sources used indicates that the information is five years old. Part 5, Bibliography of African Librari- anship (p.260-468), is the most important section, containing 2,700 unnumbered and unannotated citations to periodical and encyclopedia articles, monographs (unpaginated), and serials primarily in English, French, Scandinavian, and Ger- man, with a few titles in transliterated Russian. It is essential that the contents of the Guide to Arrangement of the Bibliog- raphy (p.262-69) be consulted before at- tempts are made to find references on Af- rica in general, Africana, interregional and regional titles, international meetings (1953-1984), and national bibliographies (further subdivided by name of country and then by type of library). The authors of books and articles are indexed in the name index. Updated supplements for 1986-87 are to appear in Advances in Library Administration and Organization. The com- Ll1)R~\Ul~{gl~ocl£~: l-NfORM-c.rt'liC~L Lis publication brings J_" 0 l }.: together in one place basic statistics about ~ srr~rtrl{N libraries in the United States that describe what .t'- ;J \\.11 ~ ' ~ l libraries are and do, how they are used and by C.=.- \\\1\.'1, )...t'- whom, what they contain, how they are financed 0 \.) 1.., l- and staffed, and how they spend their resources. It was compiled, with the aid of a grant from OCLC, for those outside the library community who wish to know more about libraries as well as for librarians and potential librarians who seek a summary of the field . • 32 pages • Paperback, 8W' x 11" • Date : 1987 •ISBN: 0-8389-7145-8 ORDER FROM: ALA PUBLISHING SERVICES 50 East Huron Street Chicago, IL 60611 NAME ADDRESS __ Copies @ $4.00 each $ ___ Total CITY STATE ZIP Librarians in the U.S. and Canada ... there is a foreign agent in your midst! But not under cover. I I In fact we are quite open about it: For outstanding management of subscriptions to all your foreign journals, there is really only one source you should consider. II Swets Subscription Service The Resourceful Source Contact: Dept. N.A.D. Swets Subsc ri ption Service P.O. Box 830 2160 SZ Lisse-Ho ll and Tel: (0)2521 -35111 Te lex: 41325 Fax : (0)2521 -15888 Swets North America Inc. P.O. Box 517 Berwyn Pa 19312 Tel.: 215-644-4944 Telex: 084-5392 Fax: 215 -644-4133 Offices in: Abingdon, United Kingdom/Berwyn, Pa. U.S.A/Frankfurt a.M ., Germany I Kungsbacka, Sweden/ Lisse, H olland I Milano, Italy I Rio de Janeiro, Brazil /Tokyo, Japan /.Trap pes Cedex, France ~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~---~----~----~--- ~Recent CLIPpings~ CUP Notes (College Ubrary Information Packets) Collection Development Policies. CLIP Note 1111 Annual Reports for College libraries. CLIP Note 1110 Friends of College libraries. CLIP Note 119 Periodicals In College libraries. CLIP Note liB Managing Student Workers In College Libraries. CLIP Note 117 Designed by ACRL's College Libraries Section to collect data and sample docu- ments from academic libraries, CLIP Notes assist academic librarians in establishing or refining services and operations. Compiled by Theresa Taborsky. 1989. 0-8389-7295-0. Forthcoming; inquire for price. Compiled by Kenneth Oberembt. Contains data-gathering forms, graphics, and se- lected annual reports. 1988. 135p. 0- 8389-7219-5. $20; ACRL member $1 7. Compiled by Ronelle Thompson. "This is a must for two groups of libraries: those who have Friends groups and those who · do not." Library Journal. 1987. 134p. 0-8389-71 71-7. $1 7; ACRL member $14. Compiled by Jamie Webster Hastreiter, Larry Hardesty, David Henderson. "Recommended for all college and univer- sity libraries." Library Journal. 1987. 116p. 0-8389-7143-1. $17; ACRL member $14. Compiled by Michael D. Kathman and Jane McGurn Kathman. "Supervisors looking for help in hiring and managing [student] workers, whether in small or large academic libraries, will find this compilation very useful." RQ. 1986. 182p. 0-8389-7097-4. $17; ACRL member $14. Association of College and Research libraries a division of the American Library Association do ALA Publishing Services, Order Department 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795 1-800-545-2433; 1-800-545-2444 (in Illinois); 1-800-545-2455 (in Canada) ~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~---~----~----~--- piler states that one-third or 900 citations are about Nigeria, Africa's most popu- lated country. Sitzman requires users to adjust to the idiosyncratic arrangement of his essays, chronologies, and bibliogra- phies before finding the important refer- ences buried in African Libraries; with some attention and skill, this can be done. Because of its comprehensive scope, Afri- can Libraries is an important guide to the li- brary literature about and from Sub- Saharan Africa that is difficult to identify. However, its arrangement, with some parts already out of date, and its lack of comprehensive indexes prevent it from being an unqualified first-choice reference tool.-John Bruce Howell, International Stud- ies Bibliographer, University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Acquisitions, Budgets and Material Costs: Issues and Approaches . Ed. by SulH. Lee . New York: Haworth, 1988. 162p. $29.95 (ISBN 0-86656- 690-2). LC 87-29867. Albright, Ronald G . Basic Guide to Online Infor- mation Systems for Health Care Professionals. Arlington, Va .: Information Resource Press. 282p. (ISBN 0-87815-056-0). LC 87-083599. Alexander Turnbull Library. Katherine Mans- field: Manuscripts in the Alexander Turnbull Li- brary. Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand. 136p. $49.95 (ISBN 0-908735-10-3). Almanac of Famous People . Ed. by Susan L. Stetler. 3v. set. Detroit: Gale, 1989. 3083p. $90/set (ISBN 0-8103-2784-8). American Short Story Writers Before 1880. Ed. by Bobby Ellen Kimbel. Dictionary of Literary Biography, v.74. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 437p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-4552-8). LC 88-21462. Appel, Marsha C. Illustration Index VI: 1982-1986 . Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 541p. $42.50 (ISBN 0-8108-2146-X). LC 88- 18207. AT&T Toll-Free BOO Directory. Business Edition . Indianapolis, Ind. 1988. 860p. $14.95. Authors and Artists for Young Adults. Ed. by Agnes Garrett and Helga P . McCue. V .1. De- troit: Gale, 1989. 258p. $49.95 (ISBN 0-8103- 2763-5). Black Writers: A Selection of Sketches from Contem- porary Authors. Ed. by Linda Metzger . De- troit: Gale, 1989. 619p . $75 (ISBN 0-8103- 2772-4). Boylan, Henry . Dictionary of Irish Biography. Recent Publications 375 New York: St. Martin's. 411p. $39.95 (ISBN 0-312-02497-5). LC 88-25142. British Mystery Writers, 1920-1939 . Ed. by Bernard Benstock and Thomas F. Staley. Dic- tionary of Literary Biography, v.77. Detroit: Gale, 1989. 414p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-4555-2) LC 88-30048. Brogan, T.V. F. Verseform: A Comparative Bibli- ography. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr. 107p. $19.95 (ISBN 0-8108-3362-0). LC 88- 45406. Brown, Robert N. Rights of Older Persons. Car- bondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1989. 413p. $7.95 (ISBN 0-8093-1432-0). LC 88-2030. Buckland, Michael K. Library Services in Theory ' And Context. 2d ed. Oxford: Pergamon, 1988. 249p. $21.95 (ISBN 008-0357555); paper, $8.95 (ISBN 008-0357547). LC 88-17864. Burgess, Michael. Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy in the Library of Congress Classification Scheme. San Bernardino, Calif. Borgo Press, 1988. 167p. $22.95; paper, $12.95 (ISBN 0- 89370-927 -1). Burgess, Michael. Mystery and Detective Fiction in the Library of Congress Classification Scheme. San Bernardino, Calif.: Borgo Press, 1988. 184p. $22.95 (ISBN 0-89370-818-6). LC 84- 12344. Chapman, Karen J. Commodities Price Locator. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 1988. 135p. $45 (ISBN 0-89774-366-0). LC 88-29371. Claghorn, Charles E. Naval Officers of the Ameri- can Revolution: A Concise Biographical Dictio- nary. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 383p. $35 (ISBN 0-8108-2096-X) . LC 87-35410. Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism . Ed. by Jelena 0. Krstovic. V.2 . Detroit: Gale, 1988. 508p. $85 (ISBN 0-8103-2351-6). Computer-Readable Databases. 5th ed. Ed. by Kathleen Young Maraccio. Detroit: Gale, 1989. 1188p. $160 (ISBN 0-8103-2775-9). Conservation Farming on Steep Lands. Ed. by W. C. Moldenhauer and N. W. Hudson . Ankeny, Iowa: Soil and Water Conservation Society, 1988. 282p. $25 (ISBN 0-935734-19- 8). LC 88-26325 . Contemporary Literary Criticism: Yearbook 1987. Ed. by Sharon K. Hall. V.SO. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 539p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103-4424-6). LC 76- 38938. Contemporary German Fiction Writers: Second Se- ries. Ed. by Wolfgang D. Elfe and James Har- din. Dictionary of Literary Biography, v.75. Detroit: Gale, 1988. 367p. $95 (ISBN 0-8103- 4553-6). LC 88-23267. Cook, Chris and John Stevenson. British Histor- ical Facts 1688-1760. New York: St. Martin's, 1988. 252p. $35 (ISBN 0-312-02106-2). LC 88- 7047.