College and Research Libraries environment in which local microfilming programs operate, and is continued in all the chapters. For instance, the chapter on selection of materials for microfilming stresses the variety of options that exist in a comprehensive preservation program and defines microfilming's niche within such a program. The afterword points out the need for preservation microfilming to be given the same attention as other criti- cal library or archival functions. This is not to say that Preservation Micro- filming emphasizes the theoretical at the expense of the practical. For example, the manual can serve as a checklist to ensure no important step or consideration in ami- crofilming program is being omitted. It can guide a reader through the decision making required for preservation micro- filming, including how to determine when microfilming is the best preserva- tion option. It can help a reader become a more effective advocate of microfilming within the organization and better under- stand his or her responsibilities vis-a-vis those of curators and bibliographers, scholars and faculty members, conserva- Recent Publications 493 tors, and catalogers. Finally, in addition to providing answers, the book suggests what questions should be asked in order to build a preservation microfilming pro- gram consonant with the goals and proce- dures of the institution. The book's clear organization; excellent index; and abundant references, foot- notes, and lists of suggested readings make it useful as a reference manual. Th~ appendixes contain citations to published standards and specifications and infOifua- tion ~n how to obtain them, a sample con- tract for microfilming services, a glossary, and a listing of institutions and organiza- tions that can be contacted for more ad- vice. The authors and editor of this volume deserve to be congratulated for the clear and thorough way in which they have captured the issues and steps involved in preservation microfilming. Preservation Microfilming: A Guide for Librarians and Ar- chivists is already well on its way to becom- ing a classic in the field.-Connie Brooks, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, Cali- fornia. OTHER PUBLICATIONS Allaby, Michael. Dictionary of the Environment. New York: New York Univ. Pr., 1989. 423p. $70 (ISBN: 0-8147-0591-X). LC 88-19184. American Magazine Journalists, 1850-1900. Dic- tionary of Literary Biography, V.79 Ed. by Sam G. Riley. Detroit: Gale, 1989. 387p. $98 (ISBN 0-8103-4557-9). American Short Story Writers, 1880-1910. Dictio- nary of Literary Biography, V. 78. Ed. by Bobby Ellen Kimbel. Detroit: Gale, 1989. 402p. $98. (ISBN0-8103-4556-0). LCBS-30994. Audiovisuals. Ed. by Malcolm H. Brantz and Lynn White. Farmington: Lyman Maynard Stowe Library, Univ. of Connecticut Health Center, 1988. 430p. $28. Bell, Arthur H. Complete Manager's Guide to In- terviewing. Homewood, Ill.: Dow-Jones- Irwin, 1989. 206p. $24.95 (ISBN 1-55623-109- 1). LC 88-29963. Books to Help Olildren Cope with Separation and Loss. V.3. Ed. by Joanne E. Bernstein and Masha K. Rudman. New York: Bowker, 1989. 532p. $37.95 (ISBN 0-8352-2510-0). LC 88-7591. Brandes, Paul D. History of Aristotle's Rhetoric; with a Bibliography of Early Printings. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1989. 230p. $32.50 (ISBN 0-8108-1952-X). LC 88-33713. Bromberg, Murray, and Julius Liebb. Hot Words for the SAT. New York: Barron, 1989. 224p. $5.95 (ISBN 0-8120-4120-8). LC 88-34272. Brooke, Robert, and John Hendricks. Audience Expectations and Teacher Demands. Carbon- dale: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr.,· 1989. 138p. $10.95 (ISBN 0-8093-1514-9). Burress, Lee. Battle of the Books: Literary Censor- ship in the Public Schools, 1950-1985. 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Prov- idence, R.I.: John Carter Brown Library, 1988. 142p. (ISBN 0-916617-30-0). Jweid, Rosann, and Margaret Rizzo. Library- Classroom Partnership: Teaching Library Media Skills in Middle and Junior High Schools. Metu- chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1988. 247p. $27.50 (ISBN 0-8108-2191-5). LC 88-31920. Keller, Harald, and Uwe Erb. Dictionary of Engi- neering Acronyms and Abbreviations. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1989. 312p. $75 (ISBN 1-55570-028-4). LC 88-28840. Kenney, Louis A. Catalogue of the Rare Astronom- ical Books in the San Diego State University Li- brary. San Diego: San Diego State Univ., 1988. 336p. $125 (ISBN 0-295-96801-X). LC 88- 80983. Libraries, Information Centers, and Databases in Science and Technology, 2d ed. Ed. by Helga Lengenfelder. New York: Saur, 1988. 600p. $195 (ISBN 3-598-10757-9). Library Chronicle. Series no.42/43. Ed. by Dave Oliphant. Austin, Tex: Univ. of Texas, 1988. 203p. Lutz, James M. Protectionism. 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London: Library Association, 1989. 176p. $32 (ISBN 0- 85365-887 -0). Morse-Cluley, Elizabeth, and Richard Read. 496 College & Research Libraries Webster's New World Power Vocabulary. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989. 247p. $8.95 (ISBN 0-13-949223-2). Moulton, Harper W. CER Evaluation Guide to Executive Programs. Fairfield, Ia: Corporate Univ., 1989. 363p. $150. Muller, Georg P. Comparative World Data: A Sta- tistical Handbook for Social Science. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr., 1989. 496p. $49.95 (ISBN 0-8018-3734-0). LC 88-45391. New Literary History: International Bibliography of Literary Theory and Interpretation, 1984-85. Ed. by Ralph Cohen and Jeffrey M. Peck. Balti- more: Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr., 1989. 188p. $30 (ISBN 0-8018-3687-5). LC 88-3016. Nonprofit Sector: Research Handbook. Ed. by Wal- ter W. Powell. New Haven, Conn.: Yale Univ. Pr., 1989. 465p. $21.95 (ISBN 0-300- 04497-6). • Oklahoma Milmmalogy. Ed. by Robert D. Owen and Gary D. Schnell. 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