College and Research Libraries Recent Publications 499 countries took these laws seriously and abided by them. Banks singles out the Ro­ mantic period as the first "to bring a con­ viction that the preservation of beautiful historic objects was a responsibility of civi­ lized man." Another essay with a narrow focus is Mary Niles Maack's "Scholarly Resources for the Study of the Third World: The Case of Africa.'' She discusses the small collection size of most African li­ braries, and the irony that many American libraries, Northwestern in particular, have much larger collections of African materi­ als. As other writers on Africana have noted, bibliographic control and identifi­ cation of these publications are still diffi­ cult, and bibliographies are often incom­ plete and out of date. Maack plays particular attention to how Africanists at UCLA use the Africana collection. Few scholars, for example, use national bibli­ ographies to identify new titles; rather, they use journals to which they subscribe for that function. Another finding, consis­ tent with other surveys, is that few faculty take advantage of online databases to sup­ port their research, although some use the computer to download and manipulate data sets, or use videodisc and laserdisc technology to conjoin visual with textual information. Most of the essays in this collection are readable and will assist librarians inter­ ested in the historical background to re­ search collections and scholarly com­ munications.-Scott Stebelman, George Washington University, Washington, D.C. OTHER PUBLICATIONS The Acquisitions Budget. Ed. by Bill Katz. New York: Haworth, 1989. 246p. $29.95 (ISBN: 0­ 86656-930-8). LC 89-33790. Adaptation of Turnkey Computer Systems in Sci­ Tech Libraries. Ed. by Ellis Mount. New York: Haworth, 1989. 116p. $22.95 (ISBN: 0-86656­ 859-X). LC 88-23593. Authority Control in Music Libraries: Proceedings of the Music Library Association Preconference, March 5, 1985. Ed. by Ruth Tucker. 109p. (ISBN: 0-91495-437-7). LC 89-12683. Choosing a Bibliographic Utility: User Views ofCur­ rent Choices. Ed. by Leslie R. Morris. New York: Neal Schuman, 1989. 137p. $37.50 (ISBN: 1-55570-048-9). LC 89-13582. Computing, Electronic Publishing and Information Technology: Their Impact on Academic Libraries. Ed. by Robin Downes, New York: Haworth, 1989. 99p. $22.95 (ISBN: 0-86656-788-7). LC 88-23594. Coping with Information flliteracy: Bibliographic Instruction for the Information Age: Papers Pre­ sented at the Seventeenth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference Held in Ann Arbor, Mich­ igan, 4 and 5 May 1989. Ed. by Glenn E. Mens­ ching, Jr., and Teresa B. Mensching. Ann Ar­ bor, Mich.: Pierian Press, for Learning Resources and Technologies, Eastern Michi­ gan University, 1990. 202p. $35 (ISBN: 0­ 87650-267-2). Directory of Information Management Software for Libraries, Information Centers, Record Centers, 1989-1990 Edition. Felton, Calif.: Pacific In­ formation, 1990. 300p. $59 (ISBN: 0-91320­ 320-3). Ford, Geoffrey. Review of Methods Employed in Determining the Use of Library Stock. London: British Library Research Fund, 1990, 83p. £15.00 (ISBN: 0-71233-210-3). The Freedom to Publish. Ed. by Haig A. Bosma­ jian. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1989. 230p. $35 (ISBN: 1-55570-005-5). Hendricks, Evan. Your Right to Privacy: A Basic Guide to Legal Rights in an Information Society. 2d ed. Carbondale, Ill.: Southern Illinois Univ. Pr., 1990. 186p. $7.95 (ISBN: 0-80931­ 632-3). Hobson, Anthony. Humanists and Bookbinders: The Origins and Diffusion of the Humanistic Bookbinding, 1459-1559. New York: Cam­ bridge Univ. Pr., 1989. 296p. $125 (ISBN: 0­ 52135-536-2). LC 88-20335. Human Resources Management in Libraries. Ed. by Gisela M. Webb. New York: Haworth Press, 1989. 130p. $22.95 (ISBN: 0-86656-938-3). LC 89-11211. The Impact of Rising Costs of Serials and Mono­ graphs on Library Services and Programs. Ed. by SulH. Lee. New York: Haworth, 1989. 125p. $19.95 (ISBN: 0-86656-885-9). LC 88-36774. Information Science: The Interdisciplinary Context. Ed. by J. Michael Pemberton and Ann E. Prentice. New York: Neal-Schuman, 1990. 189p. $39.50 (ISBN: 1-55570-048-9). LC 89­ 13291. Integrated Planning for Campus Information Sys­ I tems: A Series of Conferences for Undergraduate Institutions Sponsored by OCLC and the Associa­ tion of American Colleges. Ed. by Daphne N. Layton. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Com­ puter Library Center, Inc., 1989. 120p. $13 (ISBN: 1-55653-071-4). LC 89-8732. Integrating Library Use Skills Into the General Edu­ cation Curriculum. Ed. by Maureen Pastine and Bill Katz. New York: Haworth, 1989. 334p. $44.95 (ISBN: 0-86656-841-7). LC 89­ 31193. Library Instruction Clearinghouse: A Directory, 1989. Ed. by Teresa B. Mensching. Chicago: Association of College and Research Li­ braries, 1990. 19p. $4.95, $3.95 for ACRL members (ISBN: 0-83897-402-3). The Need to Read: Essays in Honour of Hedwig Anuar. Ed. by S. Gopinathan and Valerie Barth. Singapore: Festival of Books Pte Ltd., 1989. 416p. $34 ($26, softcover) (ISBN: 9-810­ 01275-6). Planning and Caring for Library Audio Facilities. Ed. byJamesP. Cassaro. Canton, Mass.: Mu­ sic Library Association, 1989. 69p. (ISBN: 0­ 91495-438-5). LC 89-12807. Seibert, Warren F., Marjorie A. Kuenz, and Paul A. Games. Research Library Trends II: 35 . ii Libraries in the 1970's and Beyond. Bethesda, Md.: Lister Hill National Center for Biomedi­ cal Communications, National Library of Medicine, 1990. 128p. Social Responsibility in Librarianship: Essays on Equality. Ed. by Donnarae MacCann. Jeffer­ son, N.C.: McFarland, 1989. 134p. $15.95 (ISBN: 0-89950-457-4). LC 89-42965. Stephenson, Mary Sue. Planning Library Facili­ ties: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography. Metu­ chen, N.J.: Scarecrow, 1990. 259p. $25 (ISBN: 0-81082-285-7). Stone, Peter. JANET: A Report on Its Use for Li­ braries. London: The British Library Board, 1990. 138p. £12.50 (0-71233-225-1). Subject Control in Online Catalogs. Ed. by Robert P. Holley. New York: Haworth, 1989. 251p. $34.95 (ISBN: 0-86656-793-3). LC 89-19953. Whitlatch, Jo Bell. The Role of the Academic Refer­ ence Librarian. New York: Greenwood, 1990. 111p. $32.95 (ISBN: 0-31326-634-4). LC 90­ 2702. Zachert, Martha JaneK. Educational Services in Special Libraries. Chicago: Medical Library As­ sociation, 1990. 229p. $36 for MLA members, $39.95 fo~ nonmembers (ISBN: 0-91217-629­ 6). Resources for Catalogers from ALA Books The Concise AACR2, 1988 Revision Michael Gorman $15.00pbk. Approx. 160p. 0-8389-3362-9 December 1989 American Reference Books Annual said of the first editon: "Practicing librarians, library technicians and cataloging students will appreciate The Concise AACR2 for its ability to clear away the rarely used specific rules, and present a clear path to describing common library materials." Authority Control: Principles, Applications, and Instructions Doris Hargrett Clack $45.00cl. Approx. 336p. 0-8389-0516-1 January 1990 Examines both theoretical issues and practical aspects of the complex field of authority control. The text is heavily illustrated with examples, charts, and diagrams. Authority Control is an essential professional resource for all cataloging departments. Information Access: Capabilities and Limitations of Printed and Computerized Sources Richard Joseph Hyman $35.00pbk. 208p. 0-8389-0512-9 October 1989 The central purpose of Information Access is to explore the effectiveness of the tools available for constructing and verifying catalog records. Students and practicing librarians alike will find their professional skills greatly enhanced by a deeper understanding of this area. ALA Books American Library Association 50 East Huron Street Chicago, Illinois 60611 Whitney-Carnegie lA"wards · In Search ofExcellence in the preparation ofguides to research resources. Recognizing Excellence Twice a year, the AlA Publish­ ing Committee recognizes outstanding proposals for the preparation of guides to research resources in the literature of a chosen discipline or subject area. The guides must show promise of being useful to both scholarly and general audiences and serve an unfilled need. Funding Excellence The maximum Whitney-Carnegie Award is $5,000 to cover the costs of research and compilation. Publishing Excellence All Whitney-Carnegie projects are carefully reviewed by AlA editors for possible publication. Eligibility Librarians, bibliographers, and scholars are invited to submit proposals in any recognized discipline or subject area. Deadlines Proposals are accepted through­ out the year. The bi-annual deadlines for submission are the 15th of March and September. Applications received after these dates will be considered at the next meeting. For More Information Contact the Director of AlA Publishing Services at 800-545-2433, ext. 5416. Or write to : Chair, AlA Publishing Committee, clo Director of Publishing, American Library Association, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago, Illinois 60611