College and Research Libraries "Here Today ... Gone Tomorrow'': A pH Investigation of Brigham Young University's 1987 Library Aquisitions Randall R. Butler Millions of library books are literally turning to dust because of acid. Only recently has the papennaking industry attempted to restore product pennanency by producing acid-free and · alkaline buffered papers. American publishers are showing a greater interest in such penna- nent papers. However, the transition to acid-free alkaline buffered paper by publishers has not been adequately monitored or surveyed. The 1989 pH investigation of 1987 acquisitions at Brigham Young University provides an in-house reference point for future monitoring and indicates that many publishers use acid-free and alkaline papers. The BYU survey and test model are designed for easy replication. illions of books in American li- braries are threatened with de.:. struction because they are printed on acidic paper. The ac- ids come from chemicals that are either in- herent in the pulp material, introduced during the papermaking process, or sub- sequently acquired from the environ- ment. Over time these acids destroy cellu- lose fibers through oxidation, causing paper to become brittle, darkened, and weak. A process to neutralize woodpulp acids was developed in the late nineteenth century and nonacidic synthetic sizes have been available for nearly a half cen- tury. The technology to produce nonacidic paper buffered with alkaline calcium car- bonate was developed over forty years ago. In spite of these capabilities, the pa- per industry has been very slow to accept the new technology of alkaline or acid-free production. Until recently, publishers have been equally slow to demand dura- ble quality paper. In 1988, book-quality paper repre- sented only 9 percent of the paper indus- try's total production. 1 The expense of converting to an alkaline system must be weighed against savings in production and environmental control costs. Experi- ence has proved, however, that alkaline systems are cheaper to run, cause less equipment corrosion, and produce less Randall Butler is Coordinator of Special Collections and Archives at Cline Library, Northern Arizona Univer- sity, Flagstaff. This paper represents research conducted at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. The author wishes to express special appreciation to Nathan M. Smith, Director, School of Library and Information Sciences, BYU; Randy Silverman, Preservation Librarian, BYU; and Ellen McCrady, publisher, Abbey Publications, for their advice, seasoned counsel, and generous support and encouragement. 539 540 College & Research Libraries harmful effluent. 2 Industry-analyst Bar- bara Wortley succinctly characterizes the industry's reluctance to change systems in her comment, "traditional methods die hard. " 3 PAPER STANDARDS FOR PERMANENCY The standard for paper permanence is defined by two basic factors-chemical and physical stability. These factors have a direct impact on the longevity and dura- bility of paper. 4 Permanence refers to pa- pers that should last at least several hun- . dred years without significant deteriora- tion under normal library use and storage conditions. An alkaline paper is an essen- tial criteria for longevity and overall per- manence. The physical characteristics of paper, including weight and tensile strength, determine its durability. A dura- ble paper has high initial strength and re- sists wear and tear. Acidic paper does not have these qualities. Chemical and physi- cal properties of paper are interdepen- dent.5 Acidity and alkalinity are measured on a scale of 1-14 with 7 as neutral. Measure- ments on the descending scale of 7-1 are progressively more acidic and measure- ments from 7-14 are progressively more alkaline. In 1984 the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) adopted a minimum 7.5 pH specification for the pub- lishing community. 6 A publisher's adher- ence to the standard is stated and/or sym- bolized by printing the infinity symbol within a circle on the title page verso. The term acid-free literally means that the pa- per is free of any acid; however, alkaline buffered paper below 7.0 pH is not neces- sarily acid-free. THE PRESERVATION PROBLEM Among Western nations, the problem of paper acidity is most acute in the United States. 7 Research has revealed that acid causes 85-95 percent of destruction in book papers. 8 More than 40 percent of ma- jor library collections are estimated to be unusable. 9 The Association of Research Li- braries (ARL) estimates that 80 million books in North American research li- braries are threatened with destruction. November 1990 Within twenty years, this figure may rise to 114 million. 10 Most modern book papers have an ex- pected useful life span of less than fifty years. 11 Several major libraries, including the Library of Congress, report serious de- terioration of their collections. 12 One esti- mate claims 530 million of the 3 billion pieces of paper in the National Archives are at risk. 13 The Association of Research Li- braries estimates that 80 million books in North American research li- braries are threatened with destruc- tion. Standards for alkaline and acid-free pa- per have been established but adherence to them is voluntary, making accountabil- ity nearly impossible. No official monitor- ing program for alkaline paper production or publishing use exists. In an attempt to determine preservation strategies, library surveys are increasing. 14 A University of California Libraries' study found 61 per- cent of their books measured less than pH 4.5, while a Yale University Library inves- tigation found 87 percent of its collection less than pH 5.4. 15 However, a recent Co- lumbia University survey discovered that 78 percent of its United States imprints published between 1987-1988 were alka- line. 16 Columbia's discovery may be indic- ative of a favorable trend in publishing. It certainly gives credence to a widely held assumption that a significant increase in acid-free or alkaline paper production has occurred over the past few years. While proclaimed adherence to paper durability and longevity standards on title or verso pages has increased, particularly among academic publishers, discrepan- cies in these proclamations have been dis- covered.17 In at least one study, paper de- clared alkaline proved acidic and others undeclared proved alkaline. 18 It cannot be assumed, therefore, that statements of compliance or assumptions regarding acidity are accurate. THE PURPOSE OF THIS STUDY The objective of the investigation re- ported here was to determine the percent- age of 1987 alkaline or acid-free hardback and paperback American imprints pur- chased by the Harold B. Lee Library (an ARL member) at Brigham Young Univer- sity (BYU). The BYU findings have the po- tential to corroborate or refute the Colum- bia University survey results and assumptions regarding alkaline book pa- per use. The reliability of acid-free or per- manence statements in books and acid- free notations or qualifiers added to publisher's International Standard Book Numbers (ISBN) was also determined. In addition, a primary purpose of the BYU study was to develop a simple but re- liable survey method and statistical model that could be easily replicated in-house and at other institutions. The results of this investigation will provide a reference point for future surveys and collection monitoring at BYU. The study was con- ducted with the hypotheses that a major- ity of the titles would test alkaline, and that acid-free or paper permanence ISBN statements would prove accurate. METHODOLOGY Each year approximately 35,000 new books are added to the Harold B. Lee Li- brary collection. This total includes both foreign and American, commercial and ac- ademic imprints. The population selected for investigation consisted of the commer- cial titles published in the United States in 1987. The year 1987 was selected because it was the most recent year to have its com- plete acquisition records loaded on the NOTIS online acquisition system when this study was conducted in March 1989. · This study did not include United States Government and academic press publica- tions. The United States Government Printing Office is the nation's largest pub- lisher and biggest user of acidic paper. 19 In contrast, academic presses use mostly al- kaline paper for the major portion of their publications. 20 Selection of individual books for testing involved a set of consecutive substeps: (1) generating a random numbers table, (2) determining the sample size and selection Here Today . . . 541 sequence, (3) generating a population list of book titles, (4) selecting specific books, (5) identifying catalog numbers (Dewey or LC), and (6) locating the book in the stacks. A random numbers table was generated by using the SUCCESS program. The pro- gram picked from the table the number three for the start of the selection sequence and the number twelve for the order of se- lection. This means that beginning with the third title from the population list, every twelfth title was chosen for a total of 400 books. Selection of 400 books required more than one run through the popula- tion list using the "wrap-around" tech- nique. Obtaining the 400 sample volumes required 2.25 wrap-arounds from the pop- ulation list. The BYU Center for Statistical Research used the following equation to determine that a sample of 400 books would be sufficient for a 95 percent confi- dence interval. A NOTIS terminal was used to select the population. Although book orders are not arranged by publication date or place of origin, a search for American 1987 titles was conducted without having to retrieve the full purchase record. A keyword search using the command, (1987 .FXD- DAT1.), identified all1987 purchases. In order to limit book selection to Ameri- can publishers, it was necessary to elimi- nate foreign English-speaking cities that are publishing centers. This was accom- plished by altering the search command to read: (1987.FXDDAT1.) NOT (London, Manchester, Oxford, Toronto, Sydney, Hong Kong). Although this did not ex- empt the few English titles published in other foreign countries, it did exclude most of them. The United States Govern- ment was not defined as a commercial publisher for this study. Its publications were excluded by adding ''Washington, DC" to the list of cities. This search pro- cess did not distinguish between commer- cial and academic presses; that selection was conducted manually. The keyword search for 1987 English- language publications identified 12,450 ti- tles. Of these, an undetermined number of American government and foreign En- glish imprints were still included. How- 542 College & Research Libraries ever, the complete list of 12,450 titles was not accessible by NOTIS. Only the first 5,000 imprints in order of purchase were available by computer. This fixed the total population available for any given year of surveying to 5,000. Using the every- twelfth book selection process, the popu- lation list was searched for the specific book titles to be tested. Each title selected was marked for later bibliographic identi- fication on a BYLINE (BYU public access version of NOTIS) terminal. The color reaction of the chlorophe- nol red solution is nearly immediate, within five seconds. All pH testing was conducted in the stacks of the Harold B. Lee Library using a chlorophenol red indicator pen (the pens are available from Abbey Publications, Provo, Utah). The chlorophenol red solu- tion is applied through a felt tip on the tail or foot edge (the permanent stain is less noticeable in this location) of the text- block. A single light stroke approximately one inch in length parallel to the case edges deposits enough solution for a read- ing. p(1-p)Z2 n=--- B2 n = sample size November 1990 The cut edge of the textblock provides a more accurate reading than the surface of a page because the cut edge allows direct access of the chemical to the interior fibers of the paper. Paper surface coatings and additives hinder absorption and can cause false test readings. Cut foredges of books provide easy access to acid impurities. The 1987 volumes included in this investiga- tion were in circulation for less than eigh- teen months, which is not considered a long enough exposure to acid or other pol- lutants in the atmosphere to bias the test. 21 The chlorophenol red pen provides three broad categories of acidic-alkaline measurement. The chemical changes color in contact with either acid or alkaline material. Acidic paper under pH 6.0 turns the test solution yellow (or colorless in some cases). Alkaline paper greater than pH 6.7 turns the chlorophenol red solu- tion a bright purple (or occasionally pink). Papers in the range of pH 6.7 or greater may also be acid-free. The test pen is not specifically calibrated for a pH 7.0, but vir- tually all papers above that range are acid- free. Papers testing between pH 6.0-6.7 that contain a measurable positive alkalin- ity, but are not acid-free, show a grey color of various shades: yellow-grey at the bot- tom end and a purple-grey at the top of the measuring range. n = .5(1-.5)22 = 400 12 p = .5 (estimated proportion) p(l-p) = formula for variance B = Bound (for accuracy of estimate within 5%) Z = Z score squared (1. 96 for a 95% confidence level rounded to 2 which actually increases sample size over the statistical requirement) FIGURE 1 EQUATION FOR DETERMINING SAMPLE SIZE WITH A 95% CONFIDENCE LEVEL + P-2 P(1-P) n P = observed proportion 2 = Z score (1. 96 rounded to 2) n = sample population (400) FIGURE2 CONFIDENCE INTERVAL EQUATION < 6.0 6.0- 6.6 6.7 > 160~--------------------------------~------------------. 143 140 -·-·-·-·-· ··---·-·-·-·--··-·-· -·-·-· -·- ·-· ---· ··-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- 130 127 120 -·-· -··· 100 ~ -- ·- ·-· 80 ._ ______ _ 60 ~--·-·-· 40 ~------ 20 ~--·-··· oL_~----~~------~-----L----~~------L-----~-----L-1~--~~ Yellow Yellow-Grey to Purple-Grey FIGURE 3 TEST DISTRIBUTION OF SAMPLE BOOKS Purple 544 " " \0 " \0 I 0 \0 0 \0 v College & Research Libraries l""""t Ul .!< 0 0 .0 N l""""t 0\ c--i Ul fJl ,.... Q) .!< .d 0 Ul 0 ...... .0 M M .0 ~ qe ::r: c--i ~ Ul z ,.... Q(J') Q) ~§~ .d Ul ~~..J ·r-i ~ 0 ;:J(/)> M ...... c.? ...... ~ .0 Q) -Cl....J :::J '--' ~~~ l""""t ~(/) (/) Ul ::3 Ul.!< ~ ,.... 0 Q) 0 p.. .d .0 ~ fJl s:: ...... Q) Q) M > ) .0 ·r-i ~ ~~ I '--' November 1990 The pen is most effective at measuring one extreme or the other on the pH scale. The purple-grey color in the pH 6.0-6.7 range is distinctly unlike the purple of the pH 6.7 plus range or the yellow at the pH level below 6.0. The pen does not test for alkaline-buffering per se. 22 The color reac- tion of the chlorophenol red solution is nearly immediate, within five seconds. Several seconds are needed for penetra- tion of the solution into the fibers and par- tial drying before reading the results. Infinity symbols or acid-free state- ments of compliance were carried on eighty-one books by twenty-one publishers, and proved 96 percent re- liable. Some publishers include an acid-free notation or qualifier at the end of a book's International Standard Book Number. The Library of Congress has offered this service since 1985 and encourages its use. 23 A list of publisher's ISBN numbers can be searched for acid-free qualifiers by entering the company's identifying prefix number on a NOTIS terminal. The prefix number is the first set of digits in the ISBN number (e.g., 0-395 in 0-395-20360-0). A publisher's ISBN number and acid-free notation were then checked for accuracy against previously recorded data for each book. A Test Data Log (see appendix A) was developed to record the data collected for each title selected and tested. Individual titles were entered on the log sheets when the book was located in the library stacks and after completion of the chlorophenol red test. Needed bibliographic informa- tion from the title page verso was also ob- tained at this time. Information recorded included: whether the book was hardback or paperback, whether an infinity symbol and/or permanence statement in compli- ance to ANSI standards was included on the title page verso, whether the pub- lisher's ISBN designation included an acid-free notation or not, the publisher's name, and the actual results of the chloro- phenol red test. Data analysis was based on tabulation of all the Test Data Log information. The data were later coded on a ''data list file'' and loaded on the SPSS software program for computations. Ratio percentages (fre- quencies) were the computations of pri- mary interest. These percentages indi- cated what portion of the sample were acidic or alkaline and identified the quan- tity and accuracy of permanence state- ments, ISBN qualifiers, and other col- lected data. Confidence intervals were computed by either SPSS or calculated with the equation below. One promising discovery in the BYU investigation was that 78 percent of the paperback books tested alkaline. DATA ANALYSIS The random sample of 400 books in- cluded 163 publishing houses, 368 hard- back and thirty-two paperback titles (see appendix B for individual test results). In- finity symbols or acid-free statements of compliance were carried on eighty-one books (20% of the sample) by twenty-one (13%) publishers. Symbols proved 96 per- cent reliable. Fifteen (9%) publishers listed the acid-free ISBN qualifier fifty-nine times with an accuracy of 93 percent. A to- tal of four hardbacks, including two from one publisher, and one paperback were falsely labeled acid-free when they were actually acidic. These five volumes repre- sented 4 percent of the 140 titles labeled acid-free or permanent and/or carrying ISBN acid-free qualifiers. The chlorophenol red test found 130 (33%) books less than pH 6.0, 143 (36%) between pH 6.0-6.7, and 127 (32%) above pH 6.7. The 130 acidic and 127highly alka- line books represent the opposite ends of the pH scale. The middle-range books tested alkaline, but were on the lower end of alkalinity (yellow-grey). Among the 163 publishers in the BYU study, twenty-four (15%) produced 143 Here Today . . . 545 acid-free and alkaline books. The publish- ing trend appears to be that large firms produce both acidic and alkaline books with little concern for paper quality. No fewer than fifty-three ( 47%) of the pub- lishers produced at least one of the sixty- five imprints (32.5% of the sample) with high acid content only. In contrast, eighty- six companies or organizations (53% of the total) published only alkaline volumes and each had at least one of the 192 alka- line books (48%) in the sample. Publishers producing only alkaline or acidic volumes within the sample were generally smaller and mid-sized corporations. Out of the 270 titles that tested alkaline, only 140 (52%) contained an infinity sym- bol, an acid-free statement, or had an ISBN acid-free qualifier, and five of these books were mislabeled (lowering the ac- tual percentage to 50%). One promising discovery in the BYU investigation was that twenty-five (78%) of the thirty-two paperback books tested alkaline. This counters the common assumption that all paperbacks are printed on acidic paper. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Comparison of test results from similar BYU and Columbia University sample groups reveal some significant correla- tions. The chlorophenol test results for 1987 American commercial imprints found that 67.5 percent of BYU' s books and 65 percent of Columbia's were alka- line. The same sample groups tested 32.5 percent acidic at BYU and 35 percent at Columbia. 24 Both surveys found five books mislabeled as alkaline when in fact they were acidic. Results for 1987 American commer- cial imprints found that 67.5 percent of BYU's books were alkaline. There is a 95% confidence level that be- . tween 63-72 percent of the BYU statistical population {5,000 1987 U.S. imprints) is also acid-free or alkaline. The evidence from this study clearly indicates that a sig- nificant portion of American commercial 546 College & Research Libraries trade publications are produced on acid- free or alkaline paper. Publications produced on alkaline paper will not need deacidification or microfilm- ing for preservation, thereby effecting a long-term cost savings for libraries and other institutions. 25 Alkaline and acid-free books may last for centuries rather than decades in ordinary library use, without significant deterioration. Adherence to the ANSI standards by paper mills and publishers remains volun- tary. Still, the March 7, 1989, decision by some authors and publishers to publish first editions of quality hardcover trade books on acid-free paper is encouraging. This decision could result in a 50 percent November 1990 increase in acid-free publications. 26 It is perhaps indicative of a trend for larger publishing firms to join the ranks of the typically smaller or mid-size printers of al- kaline materials. State and federal govern- ments are also showing an increased inter- est in the use of permanent paper. 27 Public interest and concern should be continued to help persuade the publish- ing community to use acid-free and alka- line paper in order to stem the flow of acidic paper into libraries. Replication of this study will contribute to the establish- ment of a monitoring program and the growing interest and concern for books of permanence. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. Lockwood-Post's Directory of the Pulp, Paper and Allied Trades (San Francisco: Miller Freeman Publica- tions, Inc., 1988), p.2. 2. R. E. Freis and W. D. Pote, ''Deposit Control in Alkaline Papermaking Systems,'' in 1983Alkaline Papermaking: Seminar Notes of the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Held in Portland, Oregon, April27-29, 1983, by TAPPI (Atlanta, Ga.: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1983), p.12-13. 3. Barbara Wortley, "Alum Use in Alkaline and Neutral Sizing Systems," Pima Magazine 70:63 (March 1988). 4. "Paper Preservation in Library Collections: Basic Information," (Washington,D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1988), p.1; and Roland Aubey, "Specifications and Test Methods Associ- ated with Papers for Permanent Books, Records and Documents,'' in Proceedings of 1988 TAPPI Paper Preseroation Symposium: Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, D. C., October 19-21, 1988 (Atlanta, Ga.: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1988), p.42. 5. Ibid. 6. Jerome P. Frank, "ANSI Publishes New Standard on Uncoated-Paper Permanence," Publishers Weekly 227:18 (May 23, 1985); "National Standard Setfor Permanent Acid-Free Paper," LC [Library of Congress] Information Bulletin 44:10 Oan. 21, 1985); ''Paper Preservation," p.1; and Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials (New York: American National Standards Institute, 1984), p.8. 7. Herman Liebaers, "Opening Remarks," in Preseroation of Library Materials Conference Held at the National Library of Austria Vienna, April7-10, 1986, V.1 (New York: K. G. Saur, 1987),p.5. 8. Richard D. Smith, "Mass Deacidification: The Wei T'o Way," College & Research Libraries News 45:589 (Dec. 1984); and S. A. Walkden, "Permanence and Durability of Paper," in Proceedings of 1988 TAPPI Paper Preseroation Symposium: Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C., October 19-21, 1988 (Atlanta, Ga.: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1988), p.99. 9. Smith, "Mass Deacidification," p.589; Joyce M. Banks, "Mass Deacidification at the National Li- brary of Canada," Conseroation Administration News 20:14 Oan. 1985); Barbara Goldsmith, "Mak- ing Books That Will Last: A Call for Authors to Join the Campaign for Acid-Free Paper," The Au- thors Guild Bulletin (Winter 1988): p.34; [Richard DeGennaro, "Research Libraries: Mankind's Memory at Risk,"] p.13-14; in Proceedings of 1988 TAPPI Paper Preseroation Symposium: Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, D. C., October 19-21, 1988 (Atlanta, Ga.: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1988); [Sally A. Buchanan, "The Reality of Slow Fires,"] p.27; in Proceedings of 1988 TAPPI Paper Preseroation Symposium: Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C., October 19-21; 1988 (Atlanta, Ga.: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1988); and [George E. Brown, Jr., "Our Crumbling Heritage,"] p. 92; in [Proceedings of 1988 TAP PI Paper Preseroation Sym- posium: Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, D. C., October 19-21, 1988 (Atlanta, Ga.: Technical Associ- ation of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1988)]. Here Today . . . 547 10. "Preserving Knowledge: The Case for Alkaline Paper Some Frequently Asked Questions," ARL Briefing Package Number 3, November 1988 (Washington, D.C.: Association of Research Libraries, 1988):1, 2; and Linda Nainis and others, "Why GPO Should Use Alkaline Paper," Documents to the People (March 1988) p.38. 11. Library of Congress, Environmental Protection of Book and Related Materials; Preservation Leaflets, No . 2 (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1975): 1; Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler, Archives & Manu- scripts: Conservation, SAA Basic Manual Series (Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1983): p .19; and Book Preservation Technologies (Washington, D. C.: U.S. Congress, Office of Technology Assessment, 1988), p.3. 12. Chandru J. Shahani and William K. Wilson, ''Preservation of Libraries and Archives,'' American Scientist 75:240 (May-June 1987); George Martin Cunha, "Mass Deacidification for Libraries," Li- brary Technology Reports 23:369 (May-June 1987); Jerome P. Frank, "Making Books to Last," Pub- lishers Weekly 223:19-22 (May 29, 1981); Mike Todd, "Libraries Fight Decay of Books," The Press- Enterprise (Riverside, Calif.), 3 June 1987, 7(B); Kristi Vaughan, "Crumbling Culture," Yale (Summer 1987):34-38; Jan Merrill-Oldham, "Preservation Comes of Age: An Action Agenda for the '80s and Beyond," American Libraries 16:770 (Dec. 1985); "Preserving Knowledge," p.2; and Walkden, "Permanence and Durability," p.99. 13. John F. Waterhouse, ''Monitoring the Aging of Paper,'' in Proceedings 1988 TAP PI Paper Preserva- tion Symposium : Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, D. C., October 19-21, 1988 (Atlanta, Ga.: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1988): p.59. 14. Rose Mary Magrill and Constance Rinehart, "Selection for Preservation: A Service Study," Li- brary Resources & Technical Services 24:44-57 (Winter 1980); Vaughan, "Crumbling Culture," p.34-38; and Gay Walker and others, "The Yale Survey: A Large-Scale Study of Book Deteriora- tion in the Yale University Library," College & Research Libraries 46:111-32 (March 1985). 15. Raysabro Oye, ''A Consideration on Significance of DeacidifiCation,'' in Proceedings of 1988 TAP PI Paper Preservation Symposium: Capital Hilton Hotel, Washington, D.C., October 19-21, 1988 (Atlanta, Ga.: Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, 1988), p.198. 16. Bonnie Curtin, Elaine Harger, and Akio Yasue, "The pH of New Library Books: Monitoring Ac- quisitions at Columbia University," Alkaline Paper Advocate 1:30 (Oct. 1988); and Ellen McCrady, "Why Collections Deteriorate: Putting Acidic Paper in Perspective," Alkaline Paper Advocate 1:31 (Oct. 1988). 17. Curtin, Harger, and Yasue, "The pH of New Library Books," p.30. 18. Ibid. 19. [Ellen McCrady], "Joint Committee on Printing Gets Permanence Specs," Alkaline Paper Advocate 1:35 (Oct. 1988); [Ellen McCrady], "Government to Get Permanent Paper Standards," The Abbey Newsletter 12:23 (Feb. 1988); Frank, "Making Books," p.22; and "Preserving Knowledge," p.2. 20. "Preserving Knowledge," p .2; Frank, "Making Books," p.21; and Curtin, Harger, and Yasue, "The pH of New Library Books," p.30. 21. Ellen McCrady, interview by Randall R. Butler, 23 February 1989. 22 . Ibid. 23. Jerome P. Frank, "ANSI Publishes New Standard on Uncoated-Paper Permanence," Publishers Weekly 227:18 (May 23, 1985). 24. Columbia percentages are based on unpublished data provided to the author by Elaine Harger. Elaine Harger, ''Unpublished Columbia University Study Data,'' Feb. 1989. 25. Nainis and others, "Why GPO Should," p.38. 26. Frank, "ANSI Publishes New Standard," p.18. 27. [Ellen McCrady], "House Action Needed on Permanent Paper Measure," The Abbey Newsletter 13:97-98 (Oct. 1989); [Ellen McCrady], ''News,'' The Abbey Newsletter13:99 (Oct. 1989); [Ellen Mc- Crady], "Congressional Action on Permanent Paper," The Abbey Newsletter 13:77-78 (Sept. 1989); [Ellen McCrady], "Connecticut Takes Steps to Require Use of Alkaline Paper," Alkaline Paper Ad- vocate 1:27 (Oct. 1988); and [Ellen McCrady], "Joint Committee on Printing," p.35. 548 College & Research Libraries November 1990 APPENDIXA. TEST DATA LOG* PERM. ISBN STAT./ AIF # INFINITY INDIC. HBIPBt ISBN #t YIN§ Y I N 1 PUBLISHER# ID#** --"' * Each standard length data sheet contains fifteen entry lines. t Space for the sequency number of each book and designation for hardback or paperback cover. t International Standard Book Number. § Yes or No, whether a permanence statement or infinity symbol is included in title page verso. I ISBN acid-free qualifier or notation, Yes or No. I Publisher's abbreviated name. ** Publisher's ISBN identifying prefix number. tt pH reading. <6 6-6.7 >6.7tt APPENDIX B. TEST LOG DATA TABULATIONS AND DISTRIBUTION Permanence Statement/ ISBN Infinity Acid-Free Publisher HB PB Symbol Notation <6.0 6-6.7 >6.7 Abbe 1 1 1 1 Ablex 2 2 Academic 3 3 2 1 1 1 Addison-Wes. 2 1 1 2\ 1pb Alan R. Liss 2 2 A. Whitman 1 1 Allen Smith 1 1 Allyn& Bac. 3 1 2 Am. Assoc . of Cereal Chemists 1 1 Am. Chern. Society 1 1 Am. Math Society 1 1 1 AMA 1 1 Apple Com. 1 1 Appleton 2 2 Ardis 1 1 1 Aspen 1 1 Assoc. for Educ. Comm. 1 1 Atheneum 5 4 1 Avon 1 1 Ballinger 1 1 Bantam 1 1 Barnes & Noble 1 1 Here Today ... 549 Permanence Statement/ ISBN Infinity Acid-Free Publisher HB PB Symbol Notation <6.0 6-6.7 >6.7 Basic Bks. 1 1 Basil Blkw. 1 1 Beacon 1 1 Birkhauser 1 1 Bll<. Sparrow 1 1 Bookcraft 1 1 P. H. Brooks 1 1 Business Pb. 1 1 CBI 1 1 Camden 1 1 1 Capitol 1 1 C. C. Thomas 1 1 Chelsea 8 7 4 7 1 Cold Spring 1 1 Collins 1 1 Computer Sci. Pr. 1 1 Computer Soc. Pr. 1 1 Council for Foreign Relations 1 1 CRC 7 7 Crown 3 3 D. C. Heath 8 1 9 8 7 2/1pb Dodd, Mead 1 1 Doubleday 2 1 1 2/1pb Dow Jones 3 1 1 1 Dryden 4 4 Dutton 1 1 Edwin Mellon 1 1 1 Elsevier (NY) 2 1 1 Facts On File 2 2 Fawcett 1 1 Fortress 1 1 1 1pb Franklin Watts 1 1 Free Press 1 1 Freeman 1 1 Fromm Inti. 1 1 Gale 2 1 1 Garland 15 15 15 10 5 Globe Pequot 1 1 Gloucester 1 1 Greenwood 8 8 8 3 5 Guilford 3 1 1 1 Hackett 1 1 Hall, G. K. 4 4 2 4 Harcourt 2 2 Harper&Row 12 5 5 2 Hastings 1 1 Henry Holt 3 3 Holt, Rinehart 1 1 Houghton 3 2 1 Interweave 1 1 John Knox 1 1 Jones & Bartlett 1 1 Jossey-Bass 2 2 Kendall/Hall 1 1 550 College & Research Libraries November 1990 Permanence Statement/ ISBN Infinity Acid-Free Publisher HB PB Symbol Notation <6.0 6-6.7 >6.7 Knopf 3 1 2 Lawrence Erlbaum 2 2 Lea & Febiger 1 1 Libraries Unlimited 4 1 1pb 2/1pb 3 Lippincott 1 1 Little, Brown 2 2 Longman 2 1 1 2/1pb Lynne Rienner 2 2 1 1 Macmillan 10 7 2 1 Martinus Nijhoff 1 1 McFarland 2 2 2 McGraw-Hill 13 1 10/1pb 1 3 Mercel Dekker 2 2 Methuen 1 1 Mitchell 1 1 Morrow 1 1 Mosby, C. V. 1 1 Multi-Lingual 1 1 Nat. Educ. Assoc. 1 1 Nelson Doubleday 1 1 New American Library 1 1 N.Y. Literary Forum 1 1 Northland 1 1 North Point 1 1 Orbis 1 2 1 2pb Oryx 1 1 1 1 Overlook 1 1 Paradigm 1 1 Paragon 1 1 Parker 2 2 Paulist Pr. 1 1 Pergamon 1 1 Peter Lang 1 1 Philosophical Library 1 1 Pitman 1 1 Plenum 4 1 3 Praeger 9 9 8 6 3 Prentice-Hall 25 2 11 3 13/2pb Probus 6 4 2 Productivity 1 1 Pro-Ed. 1 1 Prometheus 1 1 Pruett 2 2 Publishing Horizons 1 1 Here Today ... 551 Permanence Statement/ ISBN Infinity Acid-Free Publisher HB PB SymbOl Notation <6.0 6-6.7 >6.7 Putnam 3 1 2 Que 1 1 Quorum 2 2 1 1 Random House 1 1 Rutledge & Kegan 2 2 Sage 1 1 St. Martins 6 4 1 1 Scarecrow 3 2 1 Scholars Pr. 2 2 1 2 Science Technology 1 1 Scott, Foresman 2 1 2/1pb 1 Scribners 1 1 Shambhala 1 1 2 Simon & Schuster 1 1 So. 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