College and Research Libraries Book Reviews Arms, Caroline, ed. Campus Strategies for Libraries and Electronic Information. EDUCOM Strategies Series on Infor- mation Technology. Bedford, MA: Digital Pr., 1990. 404p. $34.95 (ISBN 1-55558-036-X). LC 89-16879. While texts on electronic information seldom . find their way into Christmas stockings or birthday wrap, library di- rectors ought to buy the latest book from EDUCOM as a gift for their favorite com- puter center director or university ad- ministrator. This third volume in EDUCOM' s strategy series entices the reader to consider how and why aca- demic libraries will play an increasingly critical role in higher education. The book is intended to stimulate campus planning and greater cooperation be- tween computing and library profes- sionals. If read by those two groups, it will succeed. Patricia Battin, president of the Com- mission on Preservation and Access, in- troduces the book by analyzing the impact of technology on higher educa- tion. Her vision of the evolving "elec- tronic university" calls for direct delivery of information services to the scholar's workstation. This vision be- comes a unifying theme of the book as authors of later chapters articulate the same objective in institutionally specific ways. Battin's introduction is a thought- provoking statement of the challenges and opportunities facing unjversities in a technologically saturated environ- ment. Caroline Arms both edited the book and contributed three chapters. She out- lines the technological context in which library automation has developed and prognosticates the advances and deci- sion points that will shape electronic in- formation services in the future. These 204 chapters will be particularly informative for the nonlibrarian or the librarian who lacks background in the application of computer and communications technol- ogies. Nonlibrarians will also appreciate the two chapters that provide an over- view of the mission, organization, prod- ucts, and services of the two national library utilities, OCLC and RLG. The majority of the book is dedicated to separately authored chapters from ten universities. Each chapter outlines achievements in automation of library services and plans for the future. Institu- tional reports were gather.ed from uni- versities of varying size and with differing disciplinary strengths. In- cluded are Brigham Young, Clemson, Columbia, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, Georgia Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the University of Southern California. Consistent with the objectives of the book, the institutional chapters focus heavily on campus planning. Readers will be struck by the strong sense of mis- sion and goals that have guided initia- tives in the universities covered. For example, Miriam Drake, Director of Li- braries, notes that in 1984 Georgia Tech's president stated that "he wanted the in- stitute to have the most technologically advanced library in the nation." Given this objective, librarians formulated a project named Library 2000 that contin- ues to guide the aggressive application of new technologies at Georgia Tech. Similar ventures are reported by other universities such as the Teaching Library at the University of Southern California and the Mercury project at Carnegie Mellon. The university chapters also detail or- ganizational changes that resulted from the introduction of automation or were instituted to encourage the effective uti- lization of new computing and telecom- munication technologies. Paula Kauf- man, formerly Acting Vice President for Information: Services, describes the evo- lution of Columbia's Scholarly Informa- tion Center as an organizational unit that functionally integrates library and com- puting activities. Authors of the section on the University of Illinois relate how that school contributed to the develop- ment of ILLINET, the statewide library network dedicated to resource sharing. Most librarians, computing profes- sionals, and administrators should find this book surprisingly readable despite its often technical subject matter. Jargon and acronyms are kept to a minimum, and a glossary provides concise, mean- ingful explanations of library and tech- nical terminology. Important concepts are emphasized throughout the book by enumerating them in sections separated from the text. This stylistic practice, along with liberal use of tables and charts, enables the reader to focus readily on each author's essential points. Although the book is well edi~ed, there are a few weaknesses. First, it suf- fers somewhat from attempting to ad- dress multiple audiences. Most librarians will be familiar with the infor- mation in the chapters on OCLC and RLG, while computing professionals may find discussions of technology ele- mentary. Second, the format of the uni- versity chapters becomes somewhat tiresome as each author relates the his- tory of automation at his or her institu- tion. Third, various authors forecast the future of library services and electronic information. By the time the book was published, however, some of the future had become the present, and readers who keep up on the literature will be aware of important developments not covered in the text. These weaknesses are minor and do not seriously detract from the value of the book. Campus Strategies for Libraries and Elec- tronic Information is an important book for decision makers committed to afford- Book Reviews 205 ing faculty and students the most ad- vanced information services possible. I highly recommend it to administrators and computing professionals who need to become familiar with issues sur- rounding the application of computer technology in libraries. I do not recom- mend the book to those looking primar- ily for advice on selecting an integrated library system or other specific com- puter-related products. Although there is certainly ample discussion of specific integrated systems, there is no direct comparison of systems currently being marketed. This is not a failing of the text, because its purpose is to encourage sound planning as a process, not to in- fluence technological decisions. The publication of Campus Strategies for Libraries and Electronic Information at the beginning of the new decade is more than fortuitous. As noted by the presi- dent of EDUCOM, Kenneth King, it is part of EDUCOM's continuing effort "to promote the rational and effective use of information technology in higher educa- tion." This book is a noteworthy contri- bution toward that goal and should be read by decision makers who will shape the scholarly information systems of the 90s.-Randy f. Olsen, Brigham Young Uni- versity, Provo, Utah. Frank, Francine Waltman, and Paula A. Treichler. Language, Gender, and Pro- fessional Writing: Theoretical Ap- proaches and Guidelines for Nonsexist Usage. New York: Modern Language Association, 1989. 341p. paper, $14.50 (ISBN 0-87352-179-X). LC 88-38161. After almost a decade of discussion and debate, the Executive Council of the Modern Language Association adopted in October 1980 a revised statement of editorial policy for the Association's major journal, P MLA. The new guide- lines "urge[d] contributors to be sensi- tive to the social implications of language and to seek wording free of discriminatory overtones." Those de- ceptively simple sentiments opened the floodgates of reaction and response to the adoption of these new guidelines for