College and Research Libraries Serials Pricing and the Role of the Electronic Journal Paul Metz and Paul M. Gherman Editor's note: This article is the third part of a series on scholarly communications and serials prices. The rapid escalation of serials prices is a serious threat to the system of scientific and scholarly communication. The growth of science, the increase in commercial publishing, and the inherent monopolies enjoyed by journals help account for this problem. Changes in academic reward structures and cooperative action by librarians, individual scientists and scholars, scholarly societies, and university presses are needed. The electronic journal may have a powerful role to play in combating serials inflation if its evolution is shaped thoughtfully and by the right hands. he dilemma of serials pricing, one of the gravest challenges to research libraries in the 1980s, promises to persist as a conun- drum seriously threatening our service levels well into the 1990s. It is too soon to say whether this decade will also bring structural changes in scholarly and scientific communication, electronic alternatives to the printed journal, or both. Certainly large economic and tech- nological forces are at work, forces we can, at best, hope to understand and help steer. Any efforts by the academic commu- nity and its librarians to preserve the safe assumption that most researchers can have local access to most of the world's important serial literature most of the time must be based on some understand- ing of the forces that threaten that histor- ical standard of service. Certainly, intellectual analysis and understanding will be more important than moral alarm or moralistic accusation in solving the problem. However, if we define moral action as the dedicated effort of individ- uals and institutions to change matters for the public good, moral action will have its place. HOW WE GOT HERE In recent years, scientists and scholars have begun to analyze the pricing prob- lem, spreading an alarm echoing that of librarians, and informing their col- leagues that the problems their local li- braries face represent a systematic threat to the structure of academic communica- tion. Together with the library literature, these analyses can be drawn on in docu- menting the several forces whose com- pound effects have made serials prices escalate with logarithmic speed. Perhaps the best way to review these forces is by examining the process as its information product flows-from re- searcher to journal to library. Certainly, one great source of serials inflation has been the enormous increase in scientific and scholarly productivity. According to the physicist Henry N. Barschall, the Paul Metz is Principal Bibliographer and Paul M. Gherman is University Librarian, both at the- University Libraries, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24062. 315 316 College & Research Libraries number of abstracts in physics alone leapt from 24,000 in 1962 to 143,000 in 1988. With the number of physicists dou- bling and their per capita productivity growing, the number of Physics Review pages quintupled in the same period. 1 According to Ulrich's, more than 133,000 periodicals are now in print; that is more than twice the roughly 60,000 listed in 1978.2 Price increases have finally made it impossible for Association of Research Libraries (ARL) libraries to increase the number of serials to which they sub- scribe, and there is evidence of a slight decline in the total number of subscrip- tions among the membership. Together with the increase in titles, the effect has been a reduction in the percentage of the serials universe held by the average ARL library, from nearly 33 percent in 1973- 74 to just over 26 percent in 1986-87.3 Such vast increases in scientific and scholarly output represent pages of text, which must appear somewhere if aca- demic communication is to continue un- changed. These additional pages are often absorbed first by the best journals, which dramatically increase the number of pages they publish annually-in- creases that complicate the calculation of serial inflation rates. Ultimately, of course, journals grow unmanageably large. Simultaneously, the increasing clustering of specialists whose areas di- vide and subdivide makes a journal's contents too heterogenous to appeal to a single population of readers. At this point, the journal "twigs," becoming two or more discrete publications di- rected to more specialized audiences. At the same time that foundations, the government, and individual researchers have been working to effect a great in- crease in publishable research, the inter- est of these same parties in subsidizing the .publication of research results has waned. Barschall has claimed that for journals such as Physics Review, the re- sult of the dramatic decline in page charges has been a radical shift from au- thor to library as the provider of the majority of revenue.4 The enormous increase in the volume of potentially publishable scholarly July 1991 work has, of course, stimulated a re- sponse from publishers eager to provide new avenues for the dissemination of results. Here, things have worked out in the worst way possible; that is, most new journals have been founded by commer- cial publishers, and commercial publish- ers have almost invariably charged more than have their private counterparts in societies or universities. The separate analyses of Paul H. Rib be and Barschall suggest that the price dif- ferential between private and for-profit journals is very large. Ribbe's analysis of journals in mineralogy, petrology, and geochemistry revealed differences of more than three to one. Journals edited by societies, but published privately, were intermediate in price, but closer to the prices of entirely commercial jour- nals. A recent study by Sandra R. Moline also demonstrated significant price dif- ferences between journals by commer- cial and society publishers. 5 Barschall' s analysis in physics concluded that "all the publishers whose journals have low average costs per character or low ratios of cost to impact (factor) are scientific societies or associations, while the pub- lishers whose journals have high costs per character or high ratios of cost to impact are commercial firms." 6 Similar significant price differentials between commercial and society publications have now been documented in crystal- lography, chemistry, optics, and mathe- matics. 7 Clearly, as science changes, new jour- nals are needed. The very different will- ingness of private and commercial publishers to launch new journals has been the cause of much "harrumphing" and finger pointing on both sides. Com- mercial publishers claim that they are merely filling a gap created by the undue conservatism of societies. Robert Shirrell of the University of Chicago Press has acknowledged that societies are indeed financially' conservative and are reluc- tant to launch specialized journals that might appeal to only portions of their memberships and . that will inevitably lack the prestige of their flagship jour- nals.8 While new journals are unquestion- ably needed, it is not difficult to question the necessity of some of the twigs, leaves, and buds commercial publishers have initiated, generally with initial prices that acquisitions librarians suspiciously regard as "loss leaders." The launching by the Haworth Press of twelve journals with the word marketing in their titles, including Health Marketing Quarterly, Journal of Ambulatory Care Marketing, and Journal of Hospital Marketing, shows that invention can have mothers other than hecessity and that the creation of new titles-without which the morning sun would presumably still appear-is not confined to European publishers of sci- ence journals. When the analysis turns from why some publishers initiate new journals to why they charge more for their offerings, strong differences of opinion emerge. Generally, commercial publishers do not levy page charges, and this source of revenue must be made up. A wide variety of hidden subsidies, most prominently the contributed time of expert reviewers, also favors the not-for-profit journal. Obvi- ously, the necessities of turning a profit and paying taxes impose cost pressures on commercial publishers. Economists have analyzed the costs of commercial journals and found that ob- jective cost increases do not account for the alarming price increases of recent years. A study conducted by Economic Consulting Services for ARL concluded that "each targeted publisher has in- creased subscription prices for the sam- ple of titles examined at a much faster rate than the rate at which their costs have increased." The differentials cited for the four most intensively studied publishers (Elsevier, Pergamon, Plenum, and Springer-Verlag) indicated that prices per page had risen from between half again to more than double costs per page.9 Outside analyses of costs and profits can quickly lead to a slippery slope of subjectivity and arbitrary accounting conventions, of course. How much profit is enough? Does profit later applied to new risk ventures count as true profit? Serials Pricing 317 Are the costs of mergers and buyouts of profitable journals as legitimate as the costs of paper and ink? How about the costs of luxurious office space or of send- ing top-level representatives to every li- brary conference to persuade librarians that their prices are fair? The answers to such questions about accounting are elusive. Ultimately, how- ever, questions about publishers' costs may not be important. It is clear that many scientific and scholarly journals are exempt or nearly exempt from the pressures a perfect market would exert to limit their prices. Each journal, and certainly each prestigious journal, is a monopoly by its nature. Each journal is unique, and no other can substitute for it (imagine telling a faculty representative that to compensate for the cancellation of journal X you would place a second subscription to journal Y). The monop- oly enjoyed by each journal exists not only for the journal as a whole, but for each article. Here, the copyright laws, created to protect authors, are used to protect the monopoly status of publish- ers and to prohibit the redistribution of property that has been ceded to them by its creators. Economists have analyzed the costs of commercial journals and found that objective cost increases do not account for the alarming price increases of recent years. The ARL report on serials prices sum- marizes the economic argument well by pointing out that the combination of high fixed costs, low marginal costs per unit, and a limited marketplace neces- sarily leads to high journal prices. The low elasticity of demand (e.g., the ab- sence of buyer response to price in- creases) and the inherent monopoly of each title combine to invite high prices and high profit margins. 10 The best jour- nals have inelastic demand curves be- cause of the repercussions collection development officers anticipate as a con- sequence of cancellation. Once the po- 318 College & Research Libraries tential for high profitability exists, it is inevitable that it will be seized because, as Malcolm Getz points out, any firm whose management does not maximize profit invites entry into its market by potential competitors and the subse- quent disgruntlement of the firm's own- ers. 11 One of the most important effects of each journal's monopoly status may be that it frees the process of establishing prices from considerations of cost. If, after all, another publisher could plausi- bly offer the same journal, a high markup would provide an attractive margin of profit to competitors, who would reason that they could sell the same journal for less and still enjoy good profits. When such market penetration is not feasible, it becomes possible to charge what the market will bear. Robert L. Houbeck's analysis of differ- entials between the prices U.K. and U.S. customers pay for British journals pro- vides some evidence that the process of liberating prices from cost, and rnstead basing them on value (the utility of a title as expressed by citation counts, number of holding libraries, etc.), may well have begun. In his study of 108 journals pub- lished by seven British publishers, Houbeck found that both high prices and high price differentials correlated with various indicators of use and value. 12 Clearly, the correlation between price and value is still far from absolute; oth- erwise, Barschall would not have found enormous variation in the ratios of price to citation counts. 13 But the process ·may be well underway, especially for com- mercially published journals. Certainly, the trend toward multitiered pricing of CD-ROMs (whose physical production costs about $4 at the margin) and other products whose prices are based on en- rollment counts reflects value-based, not cost-based, pricing. If this trend toward value-based pricing continues, it may be difficult to imagine the price limits of the few core journals that have always at- tracted enormously disproportionate use in each field of science. 14 By extrapo- lating current trends, we can co~ceive of July 1991 future serials collections confined to a few exorbitantly priced core journals. The final element explaining the run- away prices for some journals is the vi- cious circle touched off when librarians are finally forced to begin cancellation. The combination of a narrow subscrip- tion base and high fixed costs makes a journal whose profit is marginal (and clearly this excludes many of the most problematic journals) vulnerable to any shrinkage of the subscription base. A. F. Spilhaus, executive director of the Amer- ican Geophysical Union, explained this phenomenon in a February 1990 presen- tation to the American Association for the Advancement of Science: To illustrate the relation of profit to the number of subscribers, consider the following example. If a journal has fixed costs of $90K and incremental costs of $10 per volume, then at a sub- scription price of $100, 1,000 subscrib- ers produces $100,000 or exactly the amount I need to break even. For each additional subscriber, the income is $100 and the cost $10, so the profit is 90 percent of the income. The flip side is that I can save only $10 when I lose a subscriber, so my loss is $90. This means that if the journal is close to the break-even point and is price sensi- tive, the loss of a few subscribers can drive it underY If the journal is not price sensitive- that is, has the usual low elasticity-the loss of a few subscribers can equally well lead to offsetting increases in the sub- scription price. GETTING OUT Before we examine the cooperative steps librarians and others can take to reorganize the structure of scholarly communications, it is important to re- mind ourselves that the elasticity of de- mand is not an inherent attribute of a journal. Elasticity is defined by · con- sumer action. As serials inflation forces individual libraries to look hard at their subscrip- tion lists, a new emphasis on relative costs and benefits is dawning. Libraries can no longer accept blindly the bias of faculty, which is to vote yes or no on titles without respect to their costs, but are learning that a few respectable, but seri- ously overpriced, journals can be cut to save many less expensive titles. Once libraries establish that there can be life after Nuclear Engineering and Design or Linear Algebra and Its Applications both of which cost more than $1,000 though they fail to place in the top 1,000 of journals cited in the science literature, their indi- vidual actions will collectively define new elasticity curves for overpriced journals, inevitably forcing publishers to temper their pricing. Publishers should be aware that librarians will not find it so difficult to cut significant journals once they have done it the first time. There are even reports of life after Beilstein. While such individual actions by li- braries will have wholesome effects, larger structural changes are needed. Li- brarians, scholars, scientists, and other participants in the cycle of scholarly communications have proposed a vari- ety of responses to the serials pricing dilemma. Most of these solutions, which are familiar to most librarians by now and can be quickly summarized, would require the conscious effort of individu- als and groups to affect structural changes in scholarly communication it- self. Although the impetus of these ap- peals is moral in that the suggestions arise from a disinterested concern for the vitality of scholarly communication, the appeals do not seek to persuade individ- ual scholars or commercial publishers to change their behaviors. Recognizing the inherent naivete of such appeals, these authors and speakers have instead sug- gested changes that would alter reward structures so that self-interested actions would not have the negative conse- quences they presently do. One appeal receiving much attention recently is that changes in the reward structure of higher education could re- duce the incentive scholars-and per- haps more so, scientists-feel to publish in such prolific quantity. To the extent that promotion and tenure reviews are based on quantity, and not quality, of faculty publication, academicians are Serials Pricing 319 motivated to break their research reports into what have been called LPUs (least publishable units). 16 Because large parts of any research report must discuss, al- most as boilerplate, the setting, intellec- tual context, and methodology of the research, there is great redundancy among the reports. To reduce the great waste this practice causes, colleges and universities are being asked to evaluate candidates for promotion and tenure on the basis of a subset of their publications, which candidates are asked to advance as their best work. 17 The other major theme of moral appeal has been the argument that librarians, uni- versities, societies, and others do all they can to reverse the trend that has increased the share of academic publishing in the hands of commercial publishers. The ARL report specifically recommends that "ARL should strongly advocate the transfer of publication of research results from seri- als produced by commercial publishers to existing noncommercial channels. ARL should specifically encourage the creation of innovative nonprofit alternatives to tra- ditional commercial publishers."18 James C. Thompson's 1988 editorial in College & Research Libraries-a must read for anyone interested in the serials pric- ing issue-presents the argument in its simplest and most forceful form: In the long run, though, we hold the most important cards. The raw mate- rial of scholarly publishing, the re- search and writing, originates within the res.earch community, as does the copyright to it. The commercial pub- lishers are in the information conduit for historical and anachronistic rea- sons; there is no technical or economic reason why they must remain a part of it. Unthinkable as it might have seemed until very recently, the idea of the academy retaking control of the bulk of scholarly publishing is being forced into consideration by the practices of the commercial publishers them- selves. Their bills simply cannot be paid indefinitely, and something must give. I suspect that the sleeping giant of higher education is about to wake up 320 College & Research Libraries to this problem, and that a long-term solution will be mandated by the fac- ulties and chief administrators of uni- versities and colleges, and by the professional societies. After all, schol- arly information originates here in the academy; there's no reason why it shouldn't become a financial asset for education rather than a liability.19 The appeal to shift the balance· of aca- demic publishing away from commer- cial publishers has been made to both university presses and scholarly socie- ties. It has come both from the library community and from within the scien- tific community, whose dawning real- ization of the violence that publishing practices have done to science may, in time, provide the impetus to resolve the serials dilemma. 20 What has been unsaid, and perhaps unrecognized, in these appeals is the de- gree to which their proponents are pro- posing changes in academic reward systems. One reason that commercial publishers have launched new journals and taken over old ones may be that the editorial work required for journal pub- . lication is long and tedious, work that current reward structures do not suffi- ciently encourage. Commercial journals that are willing to reward editors and readers generously provide competition for reviewers' services when editorial work for society publications is not given tangible reward and, ultimately, libraries pay to underwrite this generosity. Societies already lack, in many cases, the economies of scale, technical facili- ties, and marketing experience required to run successful journals. This work can be contracted out, however, to service firms, which can be assured decent prof- its without being ceded the right to set prices. 21 It is the intellectual work that cannot be contracted out. When an aca- demic department, scholarly society, or university press decides that it is no longer able to perform this work on a pro bono basis, a journal is well on its way toward becoming a creature of a com- mercial publishing house. The salient change required to reverse this behavior must, then, be a new recognition by the July 1991 academic community of the great intel- lectual contribution that conscientious and informed editors and readers make to scholarly communication and a greater willingness to reward this work with salary, overhead support, and ac- knowledgment in the promotion and tenure process. THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL Question One: Will It Come? In a sense, the answer to the question of whether the electronic journal (e-jour- nal) will come is "Of course. It has al- ready arrived." For example, Virginia Tech recently launched JIAHR: The Jour- nal of the International Association of Hos- pitality Research, distributed as a nonprofit operation to paid subscribers. Payment of the annual subscription fee places the subscriber on an e-mail distribution list, which is used to disseminate articles as they appear. It is notable that articles are the units of distribution, as there seems to be no reason to bundle articles into issues. This article has itself cited an elec- tronic newsletter journal, the Newsletter on Serials Pricing, edited by Marcia Tuttle of the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill. While the existence of these journals is encouraging, it is noteworthy that both are new ventures. Their ap- pearance as new publications offers col- lection development librarians no opportunity for cost avoidance, as there is no prior or co-existing paper journal to cancel. This has typically been the case with electronic journals. While the e-journal has arrived, and while new journals can be expected to appear at an increasing pace, it does not follow that electronic journals will~ plant or ~tjpg print j9J,lr- ~~ Boorstein' s remarks in the .preserVa'flon film Slow Fires are instruc- tive here: There are very few examples of tech- nologies that have outdated or made totally obsolete their predecessors. We know in our own experience that when people came up with the radio, many people thought that it would make the telephone obsolete. Why should you pay to send a message by wire when you could send it over the air free? And then with television it was suggested that of course people wouldn't listen to radio anymore, but ·I think the statistics show that there are more radios now than there have ever been. There's a rate of increase, with people walking with radios in their ears, which nobody had thought would happen. But they still carry books in their pockets, and they are likely to continue to do so even when it's possible for us to drive our cars while watching television. 22 If print journals do continue in the future, it would, of course, be a grave error for librarians to have abandoned efforts to solve the present problem of serials pricing. Brett Butler has argued that many key journals will never con- vert to electronic media: The 20 percent of journals that rep- resent 80 percent of the journals cur- rently and cumulatively in use will continue to be received by the library in printed form, for two reasons. First, these journals will be the last to aban- don print for online, optical disk, or other electronic distribution media. Second, their level of use will require that they initially be distributed and available for use in their original form. 23 · If it is true that journal prices increas- ingly reflect value and not cost to pro- duce, it follows that the 20 percent of the journals Butler identifies as critical may gradually become the 20 percent that drive up the majority of subscription costs for libraries. The crucial point seems to be that pub- lishers, especially commercial publish- ers, have no incentive to give away what they can now sell. Perhaps the critical point about the print medium is that it converts intellectual property into a physical commodity whose use can be limited and monitored and whose repli- cation and redistribution is inconvenient and unsatisfactory. These limitations in reproducibility and transportability, while serious drawbacks to libraries and their users, are highly valuable strategic ad- vantages to publishers. There is cur- Serials Pricing 321 rently no mechanism in place to prevent the duplication and redistribution of electronic text. Without such a mecha- nism, publishers of profitable journals will regard the electronic journal with the same fear and suspicion that the en- tertainment industry has had of dual VCRs or digital audio tape, both of which have faced legal and economic roadblocks despite their technological feasibility. Publishers, especially commercial publishers, have no incentive to give away what they can now sell. In considering the fears that publish- ers express about easily copied media, we must recognize that although pub- lishers have unquestionably exploited the copyright protection that is mainly intended to safeguard authors, they do have legitimate needs in this area. No journal can be produced for the three or four cents a page required for wholesale photocopying of its contents. To waive all copyright protection for publishers would be to expose them to wholesale redistribution of their products, redistri- bution that would allow them no recom- pense for the managerial and editorial work they contribute to scholarly com- munications. Question Two: If It Comes, Will It Be Villain or Savior? Eldred Smith has made it clear that electronic technology has the potential either to add new and costly expendi- tures to the research library's burdens or to provide less costly alternatives to ex- isting investments. 24 This observation implies a warning that the electronic journal may become part of the problem rather than part of the solution. The first question to ask in considering the economic impact of the electronic journal is how much journal publishers will be able to save by publishing elec- tronically. This question reduces to an effort to estimate the proportion of jour- nal costs which are print-bound. Paper, 322 College & Research Libraries ink, postage, and typesetting are the spe- cific costs the electronic medium avoids. But we should not exaggerate the sav- ings journals will realize by a voiding print. Journals accepting camera-ready copy or electronic text meeting Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) standards already avoid most typeset- ting costs. Also, we should not assume that the costs of electronic distribution will remain negligible, depending on na- tional telecommunications policy as it emerges through deliberations over the National Research and Education Net- work. Still, it does appear that the costs avoided when a journal migrates from paper to an electronic format are consid- erable. In the surprising absence of cur- rent hard data, the Economic Consulting Services study used "reasonably de- tailed" U.S. data from 1975, which indi- cated the following distribution of costs for journal production: 25 TABLE 1 ESTIMATED COSTS OF JOURNAL PRODUCTION, 1975 Exp ense Editing labor Typesetting Printing labor Paper Postage Other Total % . 25 25 25 10 10 5 100 If these cost percentages still per- tained, well over halfof the costs of jour- nal publication would be associated with paper and could be avoided by elec- tronic publication. However, it is likely that as editing, managerial, and capital costs have soared, the traditional costs of printing have become less significant. Butler estimates that actual printing ac- counts for only 10 percent of costs, with the managerial and editing costs that persist in any format accounting for about 60 percent.26 To base our estimates of the effect of electronic publication on publisher costs July 1991 alone would be to ignore our earlier con- clusion that value, not cost, is the key factor in establishing journal prices. If we assume that commercial publishers will not con vert from paper to electronic publication until they can monitor and restrict use at least as well as they can today, then these same publishers will be as free as they currently are to base price on value or need rather than on cost. One possible outcome-one we could expect if the worst possible scenario con- tinues to be the one that will transpire- is the dual publication of each journal. There would be nothing to stop commer- cial publishers from "prepublishing" solely in electronic format, and then sell- ing the archival and canonical version of the same journal in print a year or so later. The paper version could quite likely contain modifications based on electronic dialogues between readers and authors of the original version. Li- braries would be under heavy pressure from their research communities to sub- scribe to the first (electronic) edition, but would also require the second (paper) edition if they were to fulfill their tradi- tional goal of making materials available to students, nonspecialists, and future users. Fears such as these have led to expres- sions of deep suspicion. Spilhaus makes worried allusions to Robert Maxwell's recruitment of top executives skilled in electronics from the not-for-profit pub- lishing arena, and Thompson questions the motivations behind the ADONIS project.27 Question 3: How Can We Shape the Electronic Journal so that It Is a Benefit to Scholarly Communications? Although commercial publishers may well fear the electronic journal, it may offer a window of opportunity for acade- mia to recapture control of scholarly communication because thee-journal is not a replacement for the paper journal, but a new means of communication. Sharon J. Rodgers and Charlene S. Hurt, in an editorial in the Chronicle of Higher Education, envisioned a new, fluid, and evolving means of communication be- tween scholars that adds increased val~~ to the paper journaJ.28 The e-journ wi1~, add spe-e4-and-spo tanei't1C>-s:om unf- catj.oJl that the paper journa t at- tain. Its disttil5ufi6il mstarttaneous, responses to authors c~ b~ appended to the original author's work, and the work itself can evolve in light of commentary by the community of scholars in a spe- cific field. Indeed, the e-journal will re- establish the community of scholars in a new~y-. The e-journal is not a replacement for the paper journal, but a new means of communication. Eventually, sound and animation will enhance the medium. The power of hypertext will give new depth to schol- arly works, and the unit of information transfer will change from the issue to the article, with hypercard stacks leading the reader to backup data or related paths to the central thesis of each schol- arly idea. The true power of thee-journal is that it retains information in its fluid state and resists its conversion to a commod- ity, as occurs with the print version. Har- land Cleveland has pointed out that information does not behave like a com- modity; it leaks, increases in value as it is shared, is difficult to control, and can- not be used up. 29 Thee-journal amplifies these qualities. This is why commercial publishers have been so reticent to enter into e-journal publishing, and why copy- right protection cannot survive in the elec- tronic networked environment. The academic community can use this power of thee-journal to its advantage. Academia can readily enter thee-jour- nal environment because, unlike com- mercial publishers, it has nothing to lose. Academicians have already given their information away to commercial pub- lishers and have lost control of it via the copyright law, which protects primarily publishers, not authors. Commercial publications, in turn, transform the in- formation into a commodity and sell it Serials Pricing 323 back to academia at exorbitant prices. In the e-journal environment, academia can continue to give its information away, but it will return to academicians many times multiplied and enhanced at no or very little cost. Steven W. Gilbert and Peter Lyman, in their article "Intellectual Property in the Information Age," ask several important philosophical and ethical questions, such as, "In what ways should the re- sults of intellectual work be considered property? Whose?" and "Should inter- ests in property impede access to ideas?" 30 The answer to each of these questions seems clear. Access to ideas must supersede ownership of ideas, and intellectal work should remain the prop- erty of the author or the agency that supports the work of authors. A new model for dealing with intellec- tual property already resides in our li- brary culture; it is called interlibrary loan. Librarians freely lend most of their books to other libraries, with the as- sumption that other libraries will reciprocate. The e-journal can work in the same way. Each university-spon- sored e-journal could be offered free or nearly free over the electronic network in exchange for e-journals sponsored by other universities. The system would not be completely equitable, but neither is interlibrary loan. Generally, net lenders see it as their responsibility to share their resources with less fortunate libraries in return for the value the total system of exchange offers them. The same model can apply to the e-journal. In this new environment of shared information, the smallest and poorest library can have the same access to information riches as the wealthy library, and at very little mar- ginal cost. All the smaller institutions have to do to enjoy the riches of elec- tronic ideas is develop their telecommu- nications and computing infrastructure. At a recent meeting of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), keynote speaker John Witherspoon from . San Diego State University recalled the cre- ation of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting in the 1960s. At that time, about twenty-five universities had edu- 324 College & Research Libraries cational television stations. With fund- ing through the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, there is today no congres- sional district without access to publicly supported television. Likewise, there is an equally strong network for sharing programming among these stations. Access of ideas must supersede own- ership of ideas, and intellectual work should remain the property of the author or the agency that supports the work of authors. The same model might be proposed for publishing. A Corporation for Public Publishing could be developed to sup- port university presses and other non- profit e-publishers of scholarly and scientific information. Federal support could encourage standardization of e- publications and the free sharing of this information. Indeed, it could be made a requirement that all federally supported research be published via a member of the CPP. There needs to be the recogni- tion that free access to federally sup- ported information is in the national interest and that it should not fall into the hands of for-profit publishers. If universities are to take on the re- sponsibility of fostering and supporting the e-journal and sharing these publica- tions freely, ultimately, cost must be a driving force. Will the costs of support- ing freely shared information via thee- journal be more economically viable than supporting the current system of information bondage to the commercial publishers? There has been strong de- bate as to whether thee-journal will offer cost savings over the print journal and, as mentioned earlier, data are scant. Pub- lishers have noted that the actual cost of typesetting and printing is only a minor element in the total cost of producing a journal. To gain an understanding of this issue, Virginia Tech established an Office of Scholarly Communication, which de- veloped a program of scholarly journal publishing in both print and electronic· media. Over the past two years, Virginia July 1991 Tech has taken over the publication of the International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis-a high- quality scientific publication in paper- from a scholarly society. It has also launched the JIAHR: Journal of the Inter- national Association of Hospitality Re- search, an electronic publication. Although it is too early to tell conclu- sively, the cost differential is significant. The typesetting, printing, and mailing costs of the paper journal make the over- all costs well over 50 percent higher than the e-journal's. Both journals enjoy the same pro bono reviewing and editing by faculty, as do many for-profit journals. Each has a managing editor; however, thee-journal's editing cost is less due to the ease of editing e-text. Because academia already fully sup- ports the cost of commercial journals, the e-journal freely shared could realize sig- nificant savings, which could be put into developing the telecommunications and computing infrastructure on our cam- puses, resulting in ancillary benefits. Be- yond the direct savings generated from subscriptions, there are other savings that accrue to universities by reducing the library costs of shelf space to house the journals, as well as the costs of new buildings. The costs of binding, theft, mutilation, and handling are also direct cost savings to libraries and, ultimately, provide universities with the added ben- efit of ubiquitous and assured availabil- ity. These savings can be used to expand the information stock, instead of to sup- port an ever decreasing, but costly, infor- mation stock. Although libraries are close to the ful- crum of the problem of rising serial prices, they are far from the fulcrum of the solution. The responsibility for the creation of an alternative scholarly com- munications system rests with the fac- ulty and administrators of all major universities in this country and beyond. Libraries have been successful in sound- ing the alarm; now we must plant the seeds of the solution. Thee-journal could rightfully be grown in our university presses. However, the presses histori- cally have not involved themselves in journal publishing, but have concen- trated primarily on monographs. They do not have the same cultural values of sharing information as do libraries be- cause they have to keep a closer eye on the bottom line and cannot afford to sub- vene too many publications. Presses have not developed the networks librar- ies have, nor do they adhere to a system of standards as do libraries. Also, univer- sity presses, unlike libraries, have no ex- perience in archiving their products, which could become a major require- ment of the publisher of the future. Li- braries have, by necessity, forged closer relationships with computing and tele- communications organizations on cam- pus. Therefore, libraries might well be the singular organization to foster and develop the e-journal on campuses where no press exists. Where they do exist, we might join with them in the establishment of the e-journal. These new e-journals would reside in the aca- demic departments of the universities and be edited by the teaching and re- search faculty. The libraries could help foster these journals by assisting with standards, distribution, subscriptions, and-most of all-archiving back files. Each library might then become part of the virtual electronic library by main- taining these back files on the network for ready access by the community of scholars. 31 Libraries, along with utilities like OCLC, could then support the direc- tory of network locations for the archives of all e-journals. A Corporation for Public Publishing could be developed to support univer- sity presses and other nonprofit e-publishers. The creation of the e-journal will in- volve a major cultural and value change on the part of the faculty, who must ac-. cept this new medium as a valid means of being vested in the academy. Faculty will have to become comfortable with surrendering copyright for their articles to the university, not the publisher. It will Serials Pricing 325 mean the acceptance of information as a shared resource, instead of a commodity. It will mean that libraries will truly have to embrace access to information over ownership and that we will have to de- velop new control mechanisms for infor- mation in this environment. We will have to become the archivists of record for those e-journals that are created on our campuses and, at the same time, li- braries will have to become nodes of the virtual library of tomorrow. Libraries have been successful in sounding the alarm; now we must plant the seeds of the solution. Libraries may have more power to lend credibility to the new e-journal than we realize. As we integrate e-journals into the information structure by listing them in our OPACs, and as we insist that they be indexed by the commercial in- dexing services, our teaching and re- search faculty may more readily accept them as a valid means of scholarly com- munication. We are the stewards of our cultural heritage, and we can make the e-journal a part of that heritage if we choose to. The new coalition of ARL, EDUCOM, and CAUSE brings together a much larger segment of the academic commu- nity with like goals. The Coalition for Networked Information started by these groups could have the creation of e-jour- nals as one of its goals. Allegiances like those of OCLC and AAAS also foster new partnerships between the library community and scholarly societies in the creation of the e-journal. Many more such joint partnerships must be developed be- tween the scholarly community and li- braries as we forge not only the new paradigm of libraries, but of scholarship. There are many technical and organi- zational issues as well as value issues to be addressed as we create this new sys- tem. Many universities and libraries are not yet part of the internet. In the in- terim, an organization like OCLC might use its telecommunications system to de- 326 College & Research Libraries liver e-journals to libraries not on the internet. Indeed, one strategic advan- tage academia has is that commercial publishers do not yet have ready access to networks for delivery of thee-journal. An organization like OCLC might also host the network directory of e-journals and serve as the billing and subscription agent for our universities. Current print- ers are too slow and limited to print the e-journal, especially bit-mapped images of pages. Xerox has recently announced a new product called Zenith, which is a high-quality digital photocopier capable of producing off-set print quality. 32 De- vices like these may soon make on-de- mand publishing a reality as they turn thee-journal into high-quality print to be sent to faculty members via campus mail, especially when telecommunica- tions or desktop workstations may not yet be available. A task force has just been established at the Virginia Tech library to determine how it integrates the e-journal into li- brary procedures and processes. How will bibliographers determine which ones the library should subscribe to? Will it list them in its OPAC? How will the patron locate them? Should the li- brary include thee-journal's internet ad- dress in the OPAC? How do patrons receive or claim an e-journal? Should the library create a full text file of these jour- nals on its computer or simply allow its patrons to access the host computer files over the internet if it exists? Should the patron be able to go to the full text from the OPAC by a simple key stroke? How July 1991 many copies of an e-text should be stored on the university system? These are just a few of the questions the library will need to answer. CONCLUSION Time is short for universities to rees- tablish themselves as controllers of the information stock they themselves cre- ate. Once commercial publishers recog- nize that universities might attempt to reestablish their rightful role in scholarly communication, they will undoubtedly try to subvert the effort. They currently have significant economic leverage over librarians and our faculty, and they have the momentum of the status quo behind them. They have the prestige of the es- tablished journals and long-standing re- lationships with many of our most recognized faculty. It must be our role to show these same faculty that it is in their long-term best interest to join the ranks of those who would change the system. The problem is that many of our older established faculty have yet to embrace the technology that willmake thee-jour- nal possible, and they will see thee-jour- nal as lacking credibility. We must bring them to the realization that they can no longer surrender their intellectual prop- erty to the for-profit sector. Instead, aca- demic and scholarly societies can control scientific and technical information and share it freely. But we must act now to change the social and cultural values among the teaching faculty, as well as develop the conceptual and institutional means of promoting e-publications. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. Henry H. Barschall, "The Cost-Effectiveness of Physics Journals," Physics Today 41:56- 59 (July 1988). 2. Gregg Sapp and Peter G. Watson, "Librarian-Faculty Relations during a Period of Journal Cancellations," Journal of Academic Librarianship 15:285-89 (Nov. 1989). 3. Ann Okerson, "Of Making Many Books There Is No End: Report on Serials Prices for the Association of Research Libraries," report to Association of Research Libraries, 1989, passim. 4. Henry H. Barschall, comments summarized in Deana L. Astle, "Association of College and Research Libraries Discussion Group on Serials Pricing," Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues 17 (Feb. 16, 1990). Electronic newsletter; access via E-mail TUT- TLE@UNC.BITNET. Serials Pricing 327 5. Paul H. Rib be, "Assessment of Prestige and Price of Professional Publications," Amer- ican Mineralogist .73:449-69 (1988); Sandra R. Moline, "The Influence of Subject, Pub- lisher Type, and Quantity Published on Journal Prices," Journal of Academic Librarianship 15:12-18 (Mar. 1989). 6. Barschall, "Cost-Effectiveness," p.57. 7. Okerson, "Of Making Many Books," p.30. 8. Robert Shirrell, comments summarized in Astle, "Discussion Group on Serials Pric- ing." 9. Economic Consulting Services Inc., "A Study of Trends in Average Prices and Costs of Certain Serials over Time," report to Association of Research Libraries, 1989, p.l, 2,22. 10. Okerson, "Of Making Many Books," p.36. 11. Malcolm Getz, "How Journals Are Priced," The Bottom Line 2(4):37-39. 12. Robert L. Houbeck, Jr., "British Journal Pricing: Enigma Variations, or What Will the U.S. Market Bear?" Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory 10(3):183-97 (1986). 13. Barschall, "Cost-Effectiveness," p.57. 14. Eugene Garfield, "Citation Analysis as a Tool in Journal Evaluation," Science 178:471-79 (Nov. 3, 1972). 15. A. F. Spilhaus, Jr., "The Financial Crisis in Science Libraries: The Scientific Community Is the Problem and the Solution," Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues 21 (Apr. 27, 1990). Electronic newsletter; access via E-mail TUTTLE®UNC.BITNET. 16. Deana L. Astle, "With Sci/TechJournals, Hidden Costs Cost a Lot," Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory 12(2):163-67 (1988), p.164. 17. Okerson, "Of Making Many Books," p .33; Peggy Johnson, "Crisis in Scholarly Com- munications, What You Can Do," Library Line: An Occasional Newsletter of the University of Minnesota Libraries, cited in Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues 18 (Mar. 1990). Elec- tronic newsletter; access via E-mail TUTTLE®UNC.BITNET. 18. Okerson, "Of Making Many Books," p.42. 19. James C. Thompson, "Journal Costs: Perception and Reality in the Dialogue," College & Research Libraries 49:481-82 (Nov. 1988). 20. Okerson, "Of Making Many Books," passim. 21. A. F. Spilhaus, Jr.'s presentation specifically mentioned the Allen Press in Lawrence, Kansas as an excellent provider of "marketing programs and all sorts of other assis- tance in publications management for the society that is too small or does not care to have that kind of expertise on staff," Spilhaus, "The Financial Crisis." 22. Daniel J. Boorstein in Slow Fires on the Preservation of the Human Record, (video cassette) (Santa Monica, Cal.: American Film Fdn., 1987). 23. Brett Butler, "Scholarly Journals, Electronic Publishing, and Library Networks: From 1986 to 2000," Serials Review 12:47-52 (Summer/Fall1986). 24. Eldred Smith, "Resolving the Serials Dilemma," College & Research Libraries 52:235 (May 1991). 25. Economic Consulting Services, Inc., "A Study of Trends," p .8. 26. Butler, "Scholarly Journals," p.49. 27. Spilhaus, "The Financial Crisis"; Thompson, "Journal Costs," 481-82. 28. Sharon J. Rodgers and Charlene S. Hurt, "How Scholarly Communications Should Work in the 21st Century," Chronicle of Higher Education 36(7):A56 (Oct. 18, 1989). 29. Harlan Cleveland, "Information as a Resource," Futurist 16(6):36-37 (Dec. 1982). 30. Stan W. Gilbert and Peter Lyman, "Intellectual Property in the Information Age," Change 21(3):28 (May /June 1989). 31. The term "virtual library" is used in the same context that "virtual memory" is used in computer science. The user will perceive that the library has a single physical location when, in reality, it is dispersed across many computers residing on the network. 32. "High-Tech Gamble, Xerox Tries to Shed Its Has-been Image with Big New Machine," Wall Street Journal 216(57): Section A: 1, 8 (Sept. 20, 1990).