College and Research Libraries 448 College & Research Libraries Bender nowhere systematically analyzes what he means by the public and the public sphere. Recent controversies over multiculturalism together with contem- porary advances in the technologies of communication and persuasion make this a vexed matter indeed. Fortunately, the present work serves as a sort of parergon to Bender's more extensive ex- amination of this question, shortly to be published under the title History and Public Culture.-David S. Sullivan, Stan- ford University, Stanford, California. Sieber, Joan E., ed. Sharing Social Science Data: Advantages and Challenges. New- bury Park, Calif.: Sage, 1991. 168p. $46 (ISBN 0-8039-4082-3). This concise and straightforward col- lection of essays, written by leading authorities who create, document, dis- seminate, and use social science data, builds on the earlier, seminal report of the Committee on National Statistics of the National Research Council, Sharing Research Data (National Academy Press, 1985). Subsequent conferences focusing on social science data sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science in 1988 and 1989 inspired much of the work in this volume. Major archives that organize and dis- seminate social science research data have existed since the 1940s, gaining in strength during the 1960s when the In- teruniversity Consortium of Political and Social Research (ICPSR) was founded at the University of Michigan. However, promotion of data sharing has intensified since the mid-1980s, by which time most funding agencies, in- cluding the NSF, systematically required investigators to deposit their primary data at a public archive within one year of project completion. The NSF require- ment now even extends to data gathered by graduate students on NSF-funded fel- lowships. New policies intended to ad- vance open scientific research coincided with more widespread access to comput- ers, facilitating data collection, analysis, and distribution. The convergence of these trends has brought social science September 1993 data increasingly into the mainstream of scholarly research. Readers familiar with the Research Libraries Group's 1989 assessment of information needs in the social sciences will find that Sharing Social Science Data reinforces and illumi- nates many of its findings. Editor Joan E. Sieber, who is professor of psychology at the University of Cal- ifornia, Hayward, has assembled a coher- ent and compelling case for data sharing, concentrating on the need for archived data for current research interests. The first part of Sharing Social Science Data uses three carefully selected case studies to il- lustrate how different disciplinary trends and methodological perspectives in- fluence scholarly research, drawing on investigations in demography, anthro- pology, and criminal justice. These ex- amples document the complex issues in contemporary social science research and are worthy of close consideration. V. Jeffery Evans describes a number of innovative hybrid projects that blend demographic constructs with various behavioral and social science methods of data collection, resulting in multilevel research designs that answer multidisci- plinary questions. The strengths and weaknesses of data sharing in anthro- pology are ably presented by Douglas R. White. White writes: Data sharing occurs in anthropology when there are shared theoretical, methodological, and data collection paradigms such as in archaeology and physical anthropology, and in areas of sociocultural or develop- ment anthropology ... He demonstrates how comparative data sets from diverse disciplines like environmental science, historical demo- graphy, and development studies permit anthropologists to test hypotheses about human populations in new ways. From his perspective further progress hinges on standardizing documentation, fully implementing a computer workstation COJ;lcept that "combines advanced meth- odologies with ease and reliability in data management," and maintaining mecha- nisms for cost-effective, international dis- semination of information. In the final chapter in this section, the investigating team uses criminal and civil justice research, specifically the Spouse Assault Replication Program sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, to explore how issues of con- fidentiality and protection of privacy of research participants, as well as the pro- prietary interests of researchers, were re- solved in a multi-site field experiment while still achieving the standards and policies of data sharing. Part II, on the "Elements of Successful Data Sharing," includes three chapters: 'Pfhe Science of Data Sharing" by economist Martin David; "Establishing and Operating a Social Science Data Ar- chive," by Josefina J. Card and James L. Peterson; and ''Use of Shared Data Sets in Teaching Statistics and Methodology," by Sieber and Bruce E. Trumbo. Well-docu- mented data sets, according to David, should permit the user to assess their "completeness, reliability, appropriate- ness of design, error, ambiguity, and porta- bility." He then elaborates on weaknesses of current data documentation, using tech- nical measures best understood by the spe- cialist, although his interpretations and concepts are accessible to all readers. Card and Peterson discuss the purpose and structure of a centralized data archive from their perspective as professional psy- chologists who operate a commercial facility, Sociometries, Inc., which is under contract to various federal fund- ing agencies to manage social and be- havioral data. Most of their criteria for evaluating a centralized data archive transfer to a university setting as well. Finally, Sieber and Trumbo discuss how the use of real data sets in teaching generates student interest and focuses their attention on substantive research problems rather than statistical tech- niques. In the third section, "Challenges," Sie- ber poses questions most frequently asked by social scientists about the value of sharing data. She divides them into three groups: the professionally uncon- cerned who are either naively willing to share or reject sharing altogether; the concerns of neophyte investigators; and Book Reviews 449 the informed concerns of experienced in- vestigators. Two key factors will in- fluence more widespread acceptance of data sharing-greater recognition and rewards for researchers who do share data, and, more systematic training of beginning social scientists in the value and methods of data sharing. Vivian Weil and Rachelle Hollander close the volume with ''Normative Issues in Data Sharing." Trends toward team research, the erosion of boundaries between pri- vate and public research institutions, and the participation of government, in- dustry, and foundations as funders call for the development of standards in data sharing. Weil and Hollander identify the following seven factors which need com- mon guidelines: data quality, access, proprietary interests, maintenance (or- ganizational support), privacy interests, informed consent arrangements, and as- sistance to users of data along with lend- ing criteria. Sharing Social Science Data effectively distills many aspects of the current de- bate about data sharing into a cogent argument. In many university settings, social science data archives are attached to specialized research institutes and often operate independently from the li- brary. However, as more and more data sets become available in multiple for- mats or migrate from the domain of mainframe computing to the scholar's workstation, social science librarians need to forge closer alliances with data archivists. As this review goes to press, Sociometries, Inc. has announced the re- lease of The American Family Data Ar- chive, which combines over 20,000 variables from 10 nationally recognized studies on family dynamics and child care. It exemplifies recent capabilities in the flexible "packaging'' of data and its documentation, and, makes the com- plementary roles of librarians and data archivists more visible. Librarians who wish to keep current of the evolving discussion about data sharing might consider joining the Inter- national Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST), which also sponsors a lively 450 College & Research Libraries electronic discussion group, or the Asso- ciation of Public Data Users (APDU)- neither of which are mentioned by Sieber.-Martha L. Brogan, Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Connecticut. Bibliographic Instruction in Practice: A Tribute to the Legacy of Evan Farber. Ed. Larry Hardesty et al. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian, 1993. 168p. $35 (ISBN 0-87 650-328-8). What Is Good Instruction Now? Library Instruction for the 90s. Ed. Linda Shirato. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian, 1993. 184p. $35 (ISBN 0-87650-327-X). Working with Faculty in the New Elec- tronic Library. Ed. Linda Shirato. Ann Arbor, Mich.: Pierian, 1992, 195p., $35 (ISBN 0-87650-291-5). Ann Lipow begins a 1991 LOEX con- ference presentation reproduced in Working with Faculty in the New Electronic Library by promising her audience that "because ours is a practical occupation," her talk will quickly tum to the "nitty gritty." It is at this level that the collec- tions under review define their utility. Although this turn to the nitty gritty- rough, pestiferous, and hallowed ground of practicrats everywhere-in- tends to persuade us of the detailed real- life veracity and value of these volumes, it ensures a certain tedium as well. These volumes are the three most re- cent in Pierian's Library Orientation Ser- ies, which began in 1972 with a collection documenting the first of the LOEX con- ferences. Two of the volumes, Working with Faculty in the New Electronic Library and What Is Good Instruction Now? Li- brary Instruction for the 90s, constitute the proceedings of the nineteenth (1991) and twentieth (1992) LOEX conferences; Bib- liographic Instruction in Practice: A Tribute to the Legacy of Evan Farber includes papers presented at the fifth (1992) bib- liographic instruction conference spon- sored jointly by Earlham College and Eckerd College as successors to a series held at Earlham. Both LOEX volumes reproduce four papers and a dozen "instructive" and September 1993 poster sessions. The papers tend to be synthetic, hortatory, and prognosticat- ing, while the session reports describe projects designed around specific user groups, technological applications, courses and fields, or methodologies and "problems." Working with Faculty finds Evan Farber rehearsing the argu- ments for and challenges of working with faculty in any environment; Ann Lipow discussing how librarians at the University of California, Berkeley, com- municate with faculty; Nathan M. Smith et al. describing Project FORE, a hyper- media library skills program at the Uni- versity of Utah; and Fred Roecker and Thomas Minnick talking about the Gate- way that provides online guidance in re- search at Ohio State University, and about the Gateway's relationship to the "how-to-college" requirement the uni- versity places on all incoming students. The second LOEX volume, What Is Good Library Instruction Now? ยท offers Thomas T. Surprenant on teachers and students and the library's future place in their work; Virginia Tiefel on a number of university library projects to enhance user services with electronic information technologies; Mary Reichel on the com- plex of issues surrounding develop- ments in scholarly communication, learning theory, and the future of librar- ies and librarianship; and Hannelore B. Rader on the last twenty years' work among library instruction practitioners, a period during which she sees an evo- lution from concern with library orienta- tion to a more broadly conceived information literacy. Bibliographic Instruction in Practice epitomizes the work of Evan Farber and others at Earlham College since they began their now famous program in the 1960s. After Farber's introductory paper, in which he rehearses the familiar argu- ments for library instruction and the development of the Earlham program, the volume reproduces papers that de- scribe departmental instructional ration- ales and goals, specific assignments, and instructional techniques. Transcripts of discussions, presentations,. and testi- monials cover the librarian's role in