College and Research Libraries 556 College & Research Libraries proving the Library of Congress sub- ject headings has been a hot topic for over twenty years in library literature and at conferences, where Berman con- tinues to make his case for reform, re- lying on a seemingly endless supply of good examples from the Library of Congress. Nine editions of LC Subject Headings (LCSH) have appeared since Berman first called attention to its ra- cial and cultural biases. Many of the remedies he proposed have been adopted; however, according to Ber- man, his 1971 book "just didn't go far enough," and the world of LCSH is still greatly in need of mending. To this end, he provides seven petitions to the Library of Congress for specific head- ing revisions, ready for convinced readers to sign and send. (M.R.) Sourcebook for Bibliographic Instruc- tion. Prepared by the Editorial Board of the Bibliographic Instruction Sec- November 1993 tion. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 1993. 89p. $18.99, $16.92 for ACRL members (ISBN 0-8389-7673-5). This collection is intended as a hands- on aid to librarians who teach or admin- ister instructional programs. Lori Arp provides a useful introduction to be- havioral and cognitive learning models in the library context. The remaining contributions-on instructional design, teaching methods, and the evaluation and management of a bibliographic in- struction program-will help librarians who wish to be introduced to the basic contours of instructional issues and who can use checklists and flow charts in implementing their programs. Sup- plementary materials include a list of recommended readings, organizations, and electronic bulletin boards. (S.L.) Contributed by Martha L. Brogan, Stephen Lehmann, Patricia Renfro, Milr- garet Rohdy and Bob Walther.