College and Research Libraries COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES EDITOR: Gloriana St. Clair, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 EDITOR-DESIGNATE: Donald E. Riggs, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109 BOOK REVIEW EDITORS: Stephen Lehmann and Bob Walther, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104 RESEARCH NOTES EDITOR: Larry R. Oberg, Willamette University, Salem, OR 97301 ASSISTANT TO THE EDITOR: Karen L. Gerboth, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802 EDITORIAL BOARD Robert K. Baker Pima Community College Larry R. Oberg Willamette University Althea H. Jenkins Executive Director, ACRL Karyle Butcher Emma Perry Oregon State University Southern University Susan K. Martin Past-President, ACRL Jinnie Y. Davis Ruth Person North Carolina State Ashland University Richard Hume Werking Chair, ACRL Publications Committee Larry Hardesty Austin College Rod Henshaw Donald E. Riggs University of Michigan Interns: Christopher W. Nolan Trinity University Emory University Michael Ryan Irene Hoadley University of Pennsylvania Julie B. Todaro Texas A&M University Ex Officio: Austin Community College James Neal Johns Hopkins University Mary Ellen K. Davis C&RL News Editor College & Research Libraries (ISSN 001 0- 0870) is the official journal of the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library association. It is published bimonthly at 50 E. Huron St. , Chicago, IL 60611. Second-class postage paid at Chicago and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to College & Research Libraries, Subscription Dept., c/o Choice Magazine, 1 00 Riverview Ctr., Middletown, CT 06457. Manuscripts should be sent to the Editor: Donald E. Riggs, 818 Hatcher Library South, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 481 09; voice: (313) 764-9356; fax: (313) 763-5080; e-mail: Review books should be sent to Fred J. Hay, Appalachian State University, University Hall, Boone, NC 28608. Advertising office: Stuart M. Foster, Advertising Sales Manager; Pam Marino, Administrative Assistant to Advertising, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; (860) 347-1387. Production and circulation office: ACRL, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611: Mary Ellen Davis, senior production manager; Hugh Thompson, production manager; Pam Spiegel, production editor; Darlena Davis, editorial assistant. Change of address and subscription orders should be addressed to College & Research Libraries, Subscription Department, c/o Choice Magazine, 1 00 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457-3445, at least two months before the publication date of the effective issue. Subscription price: To members of ACRL, $25, included in membership dues; to nonmembers, U.S. $55; Canada and Mexico $60; and other foreign countries $65. Retrospective subscrip- tions not accepted. Single copies and back issues, $14 each. Inclusion of an article in C&RL does not constitute official endorsement by ACRL or ALA A partial list of the services indexing or abstracting the contents of C&RL includes: Current Index to Journals in Education; Infor- mation Science Abstracts; Library & Information Science Abstracts; Library Literature; and Social Sciences Citation Index. Book reviews are included in Book Review Digest, Book Review Index, and Current Book Review Citations. The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Science-Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992. oo ©American Library Association, 1996. All .materials in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be photocopied for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement granted by Sections 1 07 and 1 08 of the Copyright Revision Act of 1976. For other reprinting, photocopying, or translating, address requests to the American Library Association, Office of Rights and Permissions, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Perceptio Perception - , :;e:r, S\~, English language approval coverage is the same from all vendors. Only Blackwell maintains their own buying offices in the US and UK to insure total pre-publication coverage of the entire range of English language scholarly titles. Perception __ £1:. , All UK origin titles are available in the US. Approximately 30% of UK origin titles are not distributed in the US within one year. Only Blackwell provides timely 100% coverage of English language scholarly titles. Perception -~1~< ~ US editions are cheaper than their UK counterparts. 60% of titles are less expensive in their UK editions. Only Blackwell offers approval customers a choice of editions. Only Blackwell's Preferred Edition provides the REAUTY of complete, timely English language Approval coverage First in a series from BLACKWELL Acknowledgments C&RL is the scholarly journal of the Association of College and Research Li- braries (ACRL); its mission is continuing education for association members through the publication of the best re- search and thinking about academic li- brarianship. In surveys, the members of ACRL have consistently ranked C&RL and C&RL News as the most important ACRL activities. I thank the ACRL Board of Directors for appointing (and reap- pointing) me, for giving me the opportu- nity to serve in this capacity for the past six years, and for their support during my tenure. I also extend my thanks to the five ACRL presidents who, during their presi- dential year, wrote an editorial for C&RL. The journal is financially stable, sup- porting itself through advertising and sales of subscriptions, and generally ends each fiscal year with a net revenue that is available to ACRL to support services and programs. However, rising costs may mean that some members' dues will be needed to support the journal. Should this occur, I encourage the ACRL Board to provide the necessary financial support. Penn State University and its libraries, under the leadership of dean Nancy Cline, have provided generous support of the journal through most of the six years I've been editor. Office space, equipment, the editorial assistant's salary, and my time have constituted a major gift from Penn State to ACRL. The third major support for C& RL is the volunteered time of numerous ACRL members who serve as authors, book re- viewers, referees, editorial board members, interns, and editors. The authors are the ones who create the journal by envision- ing research projects, obtaining results, and sharing those results with their colleagues; the rest of us add value to the authors' original contribution. I thank the authors and those who refine the articles for their ~ continuing commitment to the journal. 206 The Publications Commit- tee, with its mixed member- ship of member editors, staff editors, and members, pro- vided a collegial atmosphere for molding ACRL' s publica- tions program. We had a suc- cession of strong leaders with Ruth Person,Pamela Snelson, Karen Siebert, and Richard Hume Werking. This year, at the request of the C& RL Editorial Board and the ACRL Publications Committee, the ACRL staff assumed responsibility for the production of C&RL. I thank the Board and the staff for making this posi- tive change a reality. This arrangement is an excellent one: communications have improved, flexibility has increased, and overall quality has been enhanced. In making the move to new people and a new computer platform, the new ACRL team, the editor, and the editor- designate made several stylistic alter- ations. Key ACRL staff members work- ing on C&RL this year are Mary Ellen Davis, Hugh Thompson, and Pam Spiegel. This team is excellent, and I've really en- joyed working with them. I particularly want to thank Althea Jenkins, ACRL's ex- ecutive director; she was an ongoing source of encouragement and good ad- vice. Larry Oberg, the Research Notes editor, and Stephen Lehmann and Bob Walther, the Book Review editors, have been an inno- vative and entertaining sounding board for ideas and problems on the journal. Throughout the past few years, all three have refined their portions of the journal and have worked with me to create the whole. I had never met any of them when we began our work together and now I consider them my most trusted col- leagues. . I also want to thank Eldon Tamblyn and Kit Dusky who have generously provided an annual author/title index to C&RL. My editorial assistants have made wonderful contributions to the effective production of the journal. Successively, Mary Steckel, John Antinori, Jill Schwartz, Martha Anandakrishnan, and Karen Gerboth have worked with authors, coordinated with the publisher, organized manuscript flow, and offered practical advice on a myriad of topics. Without their commit- ment, C&RL could not have been pro- duced. Thoughtful and conscientious referee- ing is the most important element in pro- ducing a superior academic journal. The members of the Editorial Board are re- sponsible for advising the editor on issues about the journal, for enhancing the journal's reputation by their own stand- ing in the field, and for providing the most cogent and balanced referee reports. These Editorial Board members have of- fered outstanding service over two three- year terms: Karyle Butcher, Larry Hardesty, Rod Henshaw, Irene Hoadley, James Neal, Referees Deborah Dancik Noreen Alldredge Peter Deekle Acknowledgments 207 Larry Oberg, Emma Perry, Ruth Person, and Donald E. Riggs. Serving single three-year terms were Ross Atkinson, Margaret Holleman, and Peter Hernon for the first three years, and Robert K. Baker, Jinnie Y. Davis, and Michael Ryan for the last three years. Interns included: Cheryl Metoyer- Duran, Mary Beth Fecko, Fred J. Hay, Chris Nolan, and Julie Todaro. In order to have more ACRL members participate in the decision-making for the journal, when librarians asked what they could do to help, I have asked them to be referees. Over the years, many, many in- dividuals have read and commented on one or more articles submitted to C&RL. The breadth of opinion gained from in- creasing the number of people reviewing articles has improved the diversity of the journal and contributed to ACRL' s stra- tegic initiative on diversity. I know that some people's names have been missed in compiling this six-year list; I thank them, too. Gloria Leckie Mary Ellen Litzinger John Attig Margaret Dittemore Charles Lowry Chris Avery Nancy Douglas Bonnie MacEwan Nancy Baker Ronald Dow Rose Mary Magrill Adele Bane Connie Dowell Tod R. Massa Marie Bednar Deborah Fetch Gillian McCombs Barbara Berman Barbara Ford Jacqueline McCoy Frederick Bogin Jan Fortier Terrence Mech Sharon Bonk Marlena Frackowski Salvatore Meringolo Joseph Branin Michael Freeman Bede Mitchell Roger Brisson Linda Friend Ann Okerson Betty Bryce Melvin George Rosanna O'Neil Nicholas Burckel Kathleen Gunning Bonnie Osif Marifran Bustion Dave Harmeyer Marcia Pankake Nan Butkovich George V. Hodowanec Leila Payne Jennifer Cargill John Kaiser Jack Pontius Carol Chamberlain Sally Kalin William Potter Clarence Chisholm Sue Kellerman Cole Puvogel Katherine Clark Cheryl Kern-Simirenko Kris Rankka Paul Coleman Thomas Kilton Joan Reyes Thomas Conkling Tom Kirk Keith Richard Brian Coutts Elizabeth Kislitzin Dana Rooks William Crowe JimKopp Eva Sartori Pamela Czapla Mary Larsgaard Louise Saylor 208 College & Research Libraries May 1996 Margaret Schaus Charles W. Brownson Raleigh Clayton Muns Alice Schreyer Robert H. Burger James J. O'Donnell Tony Schwartz James M. Campbell Ann Okerson • Shirley Scott Eric Carpenter Mark Olsen Peggy Seiden Charlene K. Clark Randy J. Olsen John Sheridan Virginia Clark Michael P. Olson J ohannah Sherrer James Coleman Charles W. Osburn Michael Spalti Walt Crawford Marcia Pankake Susan Steele Margo Crist Mary Jane Parrine Richard Stern Kurt DeBelder John Price-Wilkin Carla Stoffle Jack Eckert Maxine Reneker Lee Stout Mary Beth Fecko Patricia Renfro Jack Sulzer Richard Fitchen Susanne F. Roberts Jan Swan beck Stephen P. Foster Margaret Rohdy Susan Swartzburg Elaine A. Franco Susan F. Rosenblatt Sarah Thomas Jeffrey Garrett John B. Rutledge Christine Thompson Jeffrey N. Gatten Michael T. Ryan Charles Townley Jean Walstrom Haley John Ryland Jane Treadwell Dan Hazen Eva M. Sartori Todd Trevorrow Joe A. Hewitt Margaret Schaus Michael Van Houten W. Lee Hisle William Z. Schenck Julie Voelck Robert P. Holley Marjorie Schuetze-Coburn Brigid Welch Heidi L. Hutchinson Louise S. Sherby Timothy Wherry MarciaJebb Bradd Shore Sara Whildin Fred W. Jenkins Elliott Shore Howard White Richard D. Johnson James H. Spohrer Steven E. Wiberley, Jr. Donald Franklin Joyce Edward Shreeves Helen Williams William L. Joyce Scott Stebelman Craig Wilson Thomas A. Karel Julie Still Carl Wingo Jack Kessler Kendon Stubbs Carol Wright Michael A. Keller David S. Sullivan Arthur Young Robert Kieft Sem C. Sutter Thomas D. Kilton Elizabeth Swaim Book Reviews Richard J. Kuhta Barbara B. Tillett Jean M. Alexander Jeffry Larson Matthew Wall Tony Angiletta Ray R. Larson Patricia A. Wand Joan Ariel Craig S. Likness Sarah Watstein Ross W. Atkinson Henry Lowood William Welburn Charles W. Bailey, Jr. Beverly P. Lynch Richard Hume Werking Joseph W. Barker Joseph Lucia Ethelene Whitmire Scott Bennett Jay Lucker Robert Wolven Larry X. Besant Rose Mary Magrill Flo Wilson FayM. Blake Nina W. Matheson Lizabeth L. Wilson Elizabeth Blakely Steve McKinzie Patrick Wilson Jane G. Bryan William McPheron J. Bradford Young Martha L. Brogan William S. Monroe Georgianna Ziegler Ellen Broidy Ed Morman Itabari M. Zulu Ellen Brow THEY LEARN ABOUT THEM IN BIOLOGY. THEY LEARN ABOUT THEM IN HEALTH. THEY LEARN ABOUT THEM AT HOME. 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