College and Research Libraries A Multicultural Library 413 16. Sims, Diversifying Black Colleges, 122. 17. "Minority Recruitment and Retention," 20. 18. Sims, Diversifying Black Colleges, 72. 19. Gillett-Karam et al, Underrepresentation and the Question of Diversity, 210. 20. Ibid., 236. 21. Joseph A. Boisse and Connie V. Dowell, "Increasing Minority Librarians in Academic Research Libraries," Library ]ournal12 (Apr. 15, 1987): 52-54. 22. Ibid., 53. 23. Donald E. Riggs and Patricia A. Tarin, Cultural Diversity in Libraries (New York: Neal- Schuman, 1994). 24. Ibid., 95-98. 25. Taken from the "Annual Report of the University of the District of Columbia Learning Resources Division." 26. Justiz et al, Minorities in Higher Education, 14. 27. Gillett-Karam et al, Underrepresentation and the Question of Diversity, 154. 28. Ibid., 12. 29. "Minority Recruitment and Retention," 363. 30. Speller, Educating Black Librarians, 109. 31. Gillett-Karam et al, Underrepresentation and the Question of Diversity, 154. 32. Sims, Diversifying Black Colleges, 75. 33. Gillett-Karam et al, Underrepresentation and the Question of Diversity, 154-57. 34. "Minority Recruitment and Retention," 72. Letter To the Editor: Thank you very much for publishing my article, "Publishing in the Journal Lit- erature of Library and .Information Sci- ence" in the July 1996 issue of C&RL. I am writing to apologize for a couple of errors that I did not catch in the page proofs. They are in Table 1. Fortunately, the errors do not affect the text, discus- sion, or conclusions in any way. However, I would like to set the record straight. My sincere apologies for letting these errors slip into the final manuscript. I in- tend to e-mail the editors of the journals where the errors were made to let them know that I recognize the errors. Thank you. The correct numbers are as follows: Journal Title Library Mosaics RBML School Libr. Media Qrtrly. Table 1 %of fea- ture art. 25 #of %of unsolic. unsolic 20 90 25-50 varies Barbara Via University at Albany, SUNY And open the world of life science to your researchers. Open the world of life science to all your searchers with the com- pact disc version of Biological Abstracts - the publication that has served the life science community for over 65 years. Now, your searchers can benefit from the convenience of CD- ROM as they use the world's most comprehensive life science database. BIOSIS monitors nearly 6,500 journals, representing virtually every biological and biomedical discipline. Available on your choice of Ovid or SilverPlatter search software, Biological Abstracts on CD offers user-friendly search fea- tures , and allows for free-text, field-limited, and multiple database searches. BIOSIS isaregisteredtrademaricofBiologicaiAbstracts, lnc. Apply for a free 30-day trial so your searchers can evaluate Biological Abstracts on CD using their own research topics. With the trial, you'll receive a recent disc containing at least six months' worth of data, your choice of search software, a quick refer- ence card, database documen- tation, and complete support from the BIOSIS Help Desk. Call today to apply for the free trial program. 1-800-523-4806 (USA and Canada) 215-587-4847 (Worldwide) Or simply return the coupon. --=-------, 0 Yes! Contact me about the free 30-day trial program. 0 Please send me a brochure and price card. Name Title Organization Address City State Country Postal Code Return this coupon to BIOSIS, Inquiry Fulfillment CRL996BCD, 2100 Arch Street, Pbiladeiphia. PA 1911X> 1399 USA. tbe Official Representafuoe or Authorized Distributor in your area. Fax 215-587-2016. To contact BIOS IS via Internet e-mail, L:or!::.:b=~~k>s!::,rg- ..J