nisonger.p65 Use of the Journal Citation Reports for Serials Management 263 Use of the Journal Citation Reports for Serials Management in Research Libraries: An Investigation of the Effect of Self-Citation on Journal Rankings in Library and Information Science and Genetics Thomas E. Nisonger This article explores the use of the Institute for Scientific Information’s Journal Citation Reports (JCR) for journal management in academic libraries. The advantages and disadvantages to using JCR citation data for journal management are outlined, and a literature review summa­ rizes reported uses of these data by libraries and scholars. This study researches the impact of journal self-citation on JCR rankings of library and information science (LIS) and genetics journals. The 1994 rankings by impact factor and total citations received were recalculated with jour­ nal self-citations removed; then the recalculated rankings were com­ pared to the original rankings to analyze the effect of self-citations. It is concluded that librarians can use JCR data without correcting for jour­ nal self-citation, although self-citations do exert a major effect on the rankings for a small number of journals. t is unnecessary to state that management of serials has been one of the largest chal­ lenges confronting academic libraries in the past decade. A growing number of university libraries are using Journal Citation Reports (JCR) data to help reach difficult serials collection manage­ ment decisions, whereas scholars use the data for journal ranking and other re­ search purposes. There is an underlying assumption that citation indicates use of a journal by a researcher, and thus the more a journal is cited, the greater is its research value. Although acknowledging some limitations, Theresa Dombrowski maintained that “Citation analysis … can provide a fairly accurate picture of a journal’s value to workers within a spe­ cific discipline,” and Thomas E. Smith asserted that “the JCR is a helpful objec­ tive tool.”1,2 Most authorities agree that Thomas E. Nisonger is an Associate Professor in the School of Library and Information Science at Indiana University; e-mail: The author thanks Stephen P. Harter, Professor Emeritus, Indi­ ana University, School of Library and Information Science, for reading a draft of the manuscript and providing valuable comments; and Kenneth B. Thompson and Ted Baldwin, two of his graduate assis­ tants, for helping to compile the data. 263 264 College & Research Libraries May 2000 for decision-making purposes, a journal’s relative rank within its discipline, rather than the raw citation score, is the critical factor. Yet, many unresolved issues sur­ round the JCR’s effective utilization, in­ cluding how journal self-citations (which are included in the JCR totals) affect the relative rank of journals. The remainder of this article briefly describes the JCR and its benefits and drawbacks, as well as the purposes for which librarians and schol­ ars have used the citation data it contains. The article also reports an investigation concerning the influence of journal self- citations on JCR rankings for library and information science (LIS) and genetics. Critics consider “total citations” a crude measure that unfairly advan­ tages larger journals that publish more articles and older journals with longer back runs. The Journal Citation Reports The Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), located in Philadelphia and founded by the well-known proponent of citation studies, Eugene Garfield, publishes three major citation indexes; the Science Cita­ tion Index (SCI), the Social Sciences Cita­ tion Index (SSCI), and the Arts & Humani­ ties Citation Index. In 1975 and 1977, respectively, the SCI and the SSCI began publishing a separate section (actually one or two bound volumes) entitled the Journal Citation Reports. The JCR became available on microfiche beginning in 1989, on CD-ROM in 1994, and through a Web interface in 1999. It contains a wide vari­ ety of citation data for almost six thou­ sand journals. New editions, containing data for the current year, are issued on an annual basis. The Arts & Humanities Cita­ tion Index does not contain a JCR, presum­ ably because journals are considered less important for scholarly communication in the humanities. The most important cita­ tion measures contained in the JCR are explained below. Total Citations Received Total citations received is the oldest cita­ tion measure, dating back to the pre-JCR journal rankings published in the 1920s and 1930s. The total citations figure in the JCR tabulates citations made during the current year to all issues of the journal for which data are being reported (current as well as back issues) from all journals cov­ ered in the ISI database, termed “source journals” by the JCR. It includes citations to any type of item: article, book review, letter to the editor, etc. The figure also in­ cludes citations a journal receives from it­ self. Citations received from nonsource journals or any book are, of course, not represented in this figure. Impact Factor Critics consider “total citations” a crude measure that unfairly advantages larger journals that publish more articles and older journals with longer back runs. Ac­ cordingly, the ISI developed a citation measure termed “impact factor” that nor­ malizes for journal age and size. Impact factor represents a ratio of citations re­ ceived to the number of articles published. Thus, it may be viewed as the number of times an “average” article has been cited. Figure 1 illustrates the formula for calcu­ lating impact factor, using the year 1994. Impact factor has been subjected to considerable criticism and controversy in the professional literature. For a recent example, the reader is referred to Stephen P. Harter and Thomas E. Nisonger.3 Nev­ ertheless, impact factor is the most fre­ quently used citation measure for journal collection management. FIGURE 1 Formula for Calculating 1994 Impact Factor 1994 impact factor = Number of 1994 citations to 1993 + 1992 articles Number of articles published in 1993 + 1992 Use of the Journal Citation Reports for Serials Management 265 Other Citation Data in the JCR A journal’s “cited half-life” indicates the age of its issues that were cited in the cur­ rent year and potentially might be used in weeding decisions (i.e., if older issues tend not to be cited, the back runs may be candidates for removal from the collec­ tion). The JCR defines cited half-life as “the number of years going back from the cur­ rent year which account for 50% of the total citations received by the cited jour­ nal in the current year.”4 In contrast, the “immediacy index” reveals how quickly a journal is receiving citations but is sel­ dom used in serials collection manage­ ment decisions. According to the ISI, “im­ mediacy index considers citations made during the year in which cited items were published. Thus, the immediacy index of journal X would be calculated by divid­ ing the number of all current citations of current source items published in journal X by the total number of articles journal X published that year.”5 A more detailed description of these measures and the JCR itself may be found in Nisonger ’s text­ book on serials management.6 Following is a list of the advantages associated with the use of JCR citation data for serials collection management decisions: • Objective data are provided. • The data are available for thou­ sands of journals. • Four citation measures (total cita­ tions, impact factor, cited half-life, and immediacy index) plus other citation data are provided for each journal. • The data are relatively current be­ cause the JCR is issued annually. • The data can be retrieved with minimal effort. • The citation measures are easily understood. • The JCR ranks journals in a subject area by impact factor, thus providing con­ text for interpreting the data. • The CD-ROM version allows ma­ nipulation of the data in numerous ways, including ranking journals in a self-de­ fined group by a variety of citation mea­ sures. • The data represent national and international citation patterns rather than local usage in a specific library. Following is a list of disadvantages to or limitations of JCR citation data: • Only a fraction of all scholarly jour­ nals are included in the JCR, so data may not be available for the journal the re­ searcher is interested in. • Because they are created from a national/international database, JCR ci­ tation measures do not necessarily reflect the local needs of a particular library’s clients. • The data may be biased against non-English journals and journals pub­ lished outside North America and West­ ern Europe. • The data do not necessarily reflect a journal’s importance to its own disci­ pline because it includes citations from journals in other disciplines. • A journal’s rankings can fluctuate from year to year. • Self-citations may exaggerate a journal’s citation measures and ranking. • Many libraries do not have access to the data. Literature Review A search of the Library and Information Science online database covering 1969 through August 1999 under the term Jour­ nal Citation Reports retrieved 102 items. However, this author, through his own bibliographical research, is aware of many other publications that mention the JCR, although they are not indexed under that term in the discipline’s databases.7 A com­ prehensive review of every reported use of the JCR in library serials management or research regarding serials is clearly beyond the scope of this article. Pertinent items retrieved from the search were or­ ganized into broad categories, outlined below. Typical examples from the litera­ ture are cited for each category. Introductions to the JCR: Introductions to the use of JCR for library serials collection management decisions have been pro­ vided by Nisonger and Smith, and Katherine W. McCain included the JCR in 266 College & Research Libraries May 2000 her review of bibliometric tools for serials management in academic libraries.8–10 Journal cancellation projects: Dozens of library journal cancellation projects have been reported in the literature. A num­ ber of these used JCR citation data— along with other criteria—in the deci­ sion-making process. The rationale is that librarians would wish to maintain journals highly ranked within their dis­ cipline, but lowly ranked titles are can­ didates for cancellation. The use of JCR impact factors in a cancellation project at the Stanford University Biology Li­ brary has been described by Joseph G. Wible and at Thomas Jefferson Univer­ sity by Kate Herzog, Harry Armistead, and Marla Edelman.11,12 Formal journal decision-making models: A journal decision model presents a formula for assigning numerical weights to vari­ ous journal evaluation criteria (e.g., use, cost, indexing, relevance, etc.) and com­ bining them to create a separate rating for each title in a set of journals. The journals then are placed in a rank order that can be used for either subscription or cancel­ lation decisions.13 More than a dozen such models have been published, and several include JCR citation data as a variable. SCI JCR total citation, impact factor, and im­ mediacy index data were incorporated into a multivariate regression for physics journals by Bruce C. Bennion and Sunee Karschamroon and in a model developed at the University of Nijmegen Faculty of Medical Sciences (in the Netherlands) by Rikie Deurenberg.14,15 Journal rankings: A journal ranking places the journals in a subject area or discipline in an explicit hierarchical or­ der according to some measure of value. The potential application of these rankings for serials collection manage­ ment or for scholars for manuscript se­ lection decisions does not require elabo­ ration. Approximately a dozen rankings using JCR impact factor data have been identified in the bibliographical work of Mary K. Sellen and Nisonger.16,17 Specific examples include the ranking of public administration journals by Haro l d Colson as well as the ranking of both sociology and political science journals by James A. Christenson and Lee Sigelman.18,19 Research on journal pricing: JCR impact factor data have been used to investigate journal cost-effectiveness. Henry H. Barschall as well as Barschall and J. R. Arrington calculated for physics journals the cost per 1,000 published characters in relation to the JCR impact factor.20,21 They termed this measure “the cost/impact ratio” and contended that “This ratio is perhaps the most significant measure of the cost-effectiveness of the journal.”22 Additional uses: JCR citation data have been used in a wide variety of other re­ search projects. For example, Donatella Ugolini and others evaluated departmen­ tal research productivity at the National Institute for Cancer Research in Genoa, Italy, through the JCR impact factors of the journals in which their members pub­ lished.23 Other examples could be cited in all the above categories. Turning to the issue of journal self-ci­ tation, one should note what P. Pichappan wrote in 1995: “Very little work has been done on journal self-cita­ tion.” 24 Hajnalka Maczelka and S. Zsindely, using JCR data for twenty-two new chemistry journals, discovered that the self-citation rate was high immedi­ ately following a journal’s founding but then decreased during the first two years of the journal’s existence and finally sta­ bilized after four or five years.25 Nisonger reported preliminary findings concern­ ing the effect of self-citation on JCR rankings of LIS journals.26 Self-citation rates for approximately forty Australian journals were reported by Pam Royale.27 “Journal Citation Studies,” the well- known series of journal rankings (cov­ ering more than fifty subjects) published by Eugene Garfield, beginning in 1972, presented self-citation rates for each jour­ nal but did not correct the rankings for self-citation.28 A few studies have ana­ lyzed journal self-citation using data de­ rived directly from journals rather than the JCR, but they are not reviewed here. http:self-citation.28 http:Royale.27 http:journals.26 http:years.25 http:lished.23 http:decisions.13 Use of the Journal Citation Reports for Serials Management 267 Journal Self-Citation, JCR Data, and the Problem Statement Garfield has defined journal self-citation as “the common tendency for a journal to cite itself.”29 This concept should be dis­ tinguished from author self-citation, which is defined as an author citing an­ other work he or she wrote—a separate topic beyond the scope of this study. There are two journal self-citation mea­ sures: the self-citing rate, the proportion of a journal’s references that are to itself; and the self-cited rate, the percentage of citations received by a journal that derive from itself. The distinction between cit­ ing and cited is illustrated in figure 2. If journal A contains references to journals A, B, and C, journal A is citing A, B, and C, whereas journals A, B, and C are being cited by A. Accordingly, when a journal cites itself, it is both self-citing and self- cited. This investigation focuses on the latter because journal evaluations and rankings are based on citations received from other journals rather than citations given to other journals. Many (but not all) observers have questioned the validity of both journal and author self-citations and attribute to them less value than citations received from others. C. K. Y. So commented that “a journal with a high self-citing rate means that it is relatively ‘closed,’ seek­ ing intellectual inputs mainly from itself,” and Pichappan asserted that “a number of scholars have reservations about the worth of [journal] self-citations.”30,31 In regard to author self-citation, Herbert W. Snyder and Susan Bonzi observed that “There appears to be a general feeling of rank.”33 Nevertheless, with a few excep­ tions, individuals using JCR data for the purposes outlined in the preceding sec­ tion did not correct for these self-citations. Indeed, there is no evidence that librar­ ies using the JCR for serials management have ever corrected the data. Thus, the distinct possibility exists that JCR citation rankings (past, present, and future) may be distorted by journal self-citations— whose value has been questioned by some scholars. This study addresses ques­ tions such as: Do top-ranked journals owe their high status to self-citations? How many journals would occupy notably dif­ ferent ranking positions if self-citations were eliminated? Would the overall rankings be fundamentally different if corrected for self-citations? Should JCR data be adjusted for journal self-citation by individuals using them for decision- making purposes? Methodology The effect of journal self-citation on JCR rankings of LIS (selected as a social sci­ ences discipline) and genetics (chosen to represent the sciences) journals is inves­ tigated in this study. Rankings by impact factor and total citations received are ex­ amined because these are the two most frequently used citation measures for se­ rials management decision making. The analysis is based on the CD-ROM version of the 1994 JCR. The fact the data are three years old (as of the summer of 1999 when this paper was written, the most current JCR was 1997) should not be of concern because there is neither evidence to sug­ gest nor intuitive reason to believe that condemnation toward the practice of citing one’s own work.”32 As previously explained, the JCR includes self-citations in the calculation of the data it presents for a particular journal title. The JCR itself states: “Self-citations of­ ten make up a significant portion of the citations a journal gives and receives ….You may wish to recal­ culate impact factors without self- cites and note any changes in FIGURE 2 Distinction between Citing and Cited If journal A contains references to: Journal A Journal B Journal C Journal A is citing: Journals A, B, and C Journals A, B, and C are cited by: Journal A 268 College & Research Libraries May 2000 this analysis is based were derived: FIGURE 3 LIS journals ranked by total citations;College & Research Libraries Impact LIS journals ranked by impact factor;Factor Calculation Data genetics and heredity journals ranked Citations in 1994 to articles published in: 1992 = 44 1993 = 48 1992 + 1993 = 92 Number of articles published in: 1992 = 35 1993 = 35 1992 + 1993 = 70 Calculation: Citations to recent articles 92 Number of recent articles = 70 = 1.314 journal self-citation patterns have changed in the past three years. To ascertain the influence of journal self-citations on JCR rankings, revised rankings, corrected for journal self-cita­ tion, were compared with the original rankings, which included self-citations. The following steps were used in this pro­ cess: 1. Determine the original rankings. This in­ formation is readily gathered from the CD-ROM. One “filters” by subject cat­ egory to identify the set of fifty-nine jour­ nals classified as information and library science in the social science JCR and the seventy-four genetics and heredity jour­ nals in the science version. Next, one “sorts” first by total citations and then by impact factor to create separate rankings according to these two citation measures. This is how the four rankings on which by total citations; and genetics and he­ redity journals ranked by impact fac­ tor. The rankings can be printed or ex­ ported into another database. 2. Recalculate the data for each journal with self-citations removed. In this step, the total citation and impact factor scores were recalculated with journal self-ci­ tations eliminated for each journal in the study. The necessary data are ob­ tained from the “Impact Factor Calcu­ lation” and the “Cited Journal Listing” boxes that can be displayed for each journal in the JCR. (The data also are available in the JCR’s print version.) Figure 3 depicts the data from the “Im­ pact Factor Calculation” box for College & Research Libraries, a journal of obvious interest to readers. Table 1 presents selected data from the “Cited Journal Listing” box for College & Research Libraries. The two bits of data re­ quired for recalculating the impact factor with self-citations removed are under­ lined. The total citations datum for College & Research Libraries can easily be recalculated with the information presented above: 140 (the number of times that all years of Col­ lege & Research Libraries were cited by it­ self in 1994) is subtracted from 420 (College & Research Libraries’ total 1994 citation fig­ ure) to produce a corrected total of 280. The recalculation of College & Research Librar­ ies impact factor with self-citations re­ moved is illustrated in figure 4. TABLE 1 Cited Journal Listing Data For College & Research Libraries Number of times articles published this year were cited in 1994 Citing Journal All years 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 AUU joum aUs 420 7 48 44 48 44 College & Research Libraries 140 2 18 18 16 15 Journal of Academic Librarianship 87 2 12 10 4 10 Library Resources & Technical Services 23 0 1 0 6 0 Use of the Journal Citation Reports for Serials Management 269 FIGURE 4 Recalculation of College & Research Libraries's Impact Factor by Removing Self-Citations (1994 citations to 1992 + 1993 articles) - (1992 + 1993 self-citations) number of articles published in 1992 + 1993 (92-36) = 56 = 0.800 70 70 The thirty-six citations that College & Research Libraries made to itself in 1992 and 1993 (eighteen each year) are sub­ tracted from the ninety-two citations it received from all journals, including it­ self, during those two years. The revised citation count is then divided by the num­ ber of articles published in 1992 and 1993 (which, of course, remains the same), re­ sulting in a corrected impact factor of 0.800. These recalculations were done for all 133 journals under analysis. 3. Construct new rankings corrected for jour­ nal self-citation. The journals were placed in descending order according to their recalculated citation scores to create new rankings corrected for journal self-cita­ tion. 4. Compare the rankings based on corrected data with the original rankings. Three tech­ niques were used: • Pearson Product Movement correla­ tion: The original and corrected scores were correlated with each other using the Pearson Product Movement, a frequently used statistical test in social science re­ search. Needless to state, the higher the correlation, the greater the similarity be­ tween the two rankings. A high correla­ tion would indicate that the rankings are very similar to one another and that jour­ nal self-citations had minimal influence on the original JCR rankings. • Overlap among top-ranked journals: The original top five and top ten journals were compared to the top five and ten titles in the corrected rankings. To the ex­ tent that the original and corrected rankings overlap with each other at the top (i.e., contain the same serial titles), one can conclude that elite journals do not occupy their positions because of self-ci­ tation. In contrast, a low level of overlap indicates that self-citations are impacting the rankings. Analysis of overlap among top-ranked journals has been used previ­ ously by a number of researchers, includ­ ing Pauline A. Scales and Maurice B. Line, who studied the correspondence between journals requested at the British Library Lending Division and cited in both SSCI and SCI, and Nisonger, who investigated the year-to-year consistency of JCR rankings.34–36 • Tabulation of journal movement in rank: In calculating the ranking position, ties were prorated by adding the positions and dividing by the number of titles in­ volved. Thus, two titles tied for tenth and eleventh place would be assigned a posi­ tion of 10.5. This is a modified form of a method used by Carole J. Mankin and Jacqueline D. Bastille to compare two dif­ ferent journal ranking approaches for a periodical use study at the Massachusetts General Hospital Library.37 The modified approach was also used by Nisonger to study the year-to-year consistency of JCR rankings.38 Results The overall self-citation rate in 1994 for LIS journals was 27 percent (1,703 of 6,296 citations received were self-citations) and 11.7 percent (28,757 of 246,235) for genet­ ics journals. Two LIS journals had a 100 percent self-citation rate: Knowledge Or­ ganization, which received all four of its citations from itself; and Journal of Gov­ ernment Information, with two citations both from itself. In contrast, eleven LIS titles had no reported self-citations: Li­ http:rankings.38 http:Library.37 270 College & Research Libraries May 2000 brary Trends, Online Review, Government Publications Review, Canadian Library Jour­ nal, International Classification, Library and Information Science, Interlending & Docu­ ment Supply, Journal of the American Medi­ cal Informatics Association, Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian , Nauchno- Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya Seriya 1, and Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya Seriya 2. Among genetics journals, Genetika dis­ played the highest self-citation rate at 60.6 One is tempted to speculate why the journal self-citation rate is higher for LIS than for genetics. percent (534 of 881 citations were from itself), followed by Mammalian Genome at 41.9 percent (677 of 1,616) and Mutation Research at 31.4 percent (4,727 of 15,078). Seven genetics journals had no self-cita­ tions: Advances in Genetics, Evolutionary Biology, Journal of Genetics, Journal of Evo­ lutionary Biology, Disease Markers, Evolu­ tionary Trends in Plants, and Revista Brasileira de Genetica. One is tempted to speculate why the journal self-citation rate is higher for LIS than for genetics. Although a definitive answer is elusive, several factors probably contribute to this phenomenon. Genetics journals receive a much larger number of citations (246,235 compared to 6,296), so self-citations are diluted and result in a lower self-citation rate. Because the num­ ber of LIS journals in the ISI database is smaller (fifty-nine as opposed to seventy- four genetics journals), they have fewer opportunities to be cited by other jour­ nals in their area. LIS represents an entire discipline, whereas genetics is usually considered a subarea of biology and not a discipline unto itself. Because genetics is a cutting-edge topic that receives con­ siderable scholarly and popular attention, its journals undoubtedly receive more ci­ tations from other subject areas and dis­ ciplines than do LIS journals. Finally, it should be noted that the LIS 27 percent self-citation rate falls in the above aver­ age range, whereas the 11.7 percent fig­ ure for genetics is clearly below average. Garfield asserts that a 20 percent self-ci­ tation rate is “about normal,” a figure also cited by Royale.39,40 Further investigation concerning the question is beyond the scope of this article. The Pearson Product Movement (based on the raw data rather than the ranking position) correlations between the original JCR rankings and those corrected for jour­ nal self-citations are presented in table 2. The correlations range from a low of 0.9390 to a high of 0.9972.41 One does not have to consult a statistics textbook to know that these correlations are exceedingly high and that they indicate that the original and cor­ rected rankings are very similar to each other. The logical conclusion is that jour­ nal self-citations are not exerting a major influence on the rankings from a broad, macro perspective. Table 3 summarizes overlap among top-ranked journals, which ranged from 80 to 100 percent. For LIS total citation rankings, Library Journal replaces Scientometrics in the top five, while Social Science Information and Journal of Informa­ tion Science take the place of the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association and the TABLE 2 Pearson Product Movement Correlations Between Original JCR Ranking and Ranking Corrected for Self-Citations Ranking Correlation Library and information science-total citations 0.9801 Library and information science-impact factor 0.9390 Genetics-total citations 0.9935 Genetics-impact factor 0.9972 http:0.9972.41 Use of the Journal Citation Reports for Serials Management 271 International Journal of Geographical Infor­ mation Systems among the top ten, after correction for self-citations. In the LIS impact factor ranking, the top five titles remain the same, but Library and Informa­ tion Science enters the top ten at the ex­ pense of Journal of Academic Librarianship. Turning to genetics journals, after dele­ tion of self-citations, Molecular & General Genetics replaces Mutation Research in the top five of the total citations ranking, but there is 100 percent overlap among the top ten. The top five journals in the ge­ netics impact factor ranking do not change, but DNA and Cell Biology dis­ places Genomics in the top ten. Thus, one can confidently conclude that most up­ per-echelon journals do not owe their sta­ tus to self-citations. The third method of analysis consisted of calculating the change in ranking po­ sition for the research project’s 133 jour­ nals after their JCR citation scores were corrected by eliminating self-citations. In calculating changes in position, the direc­ tion of movement was not considered, so that a movement from tenth to eighth place would be equivalent to moving from tenth to twelfth place (i.e., each counting as two). The summary data are presented in table 4. It is apparent from table 4 that the ma­ jority of titles do change their ranking po­ sition after self-citations are eliminated, but for all but a relatively small number, the changes are not especially large and would not influence practical decision making. Of the four rankings analyzed, TABLE_3 Overlap_among_Top_Ranked_Journal__a__er__orre___on__or__el_____a__on Library and Information Science Journals Total Citations Ranking' Remain the Same Impact Factor Ranking2 Remain the Same Top 5 Top 10 Number Percentage 4 80% 8 80% Number Percentage 5 100% 9 90% Genetics Journals Total Citations Rankingl Remain the Same Impact Factor Ranking4 Remain the Same Top 5 Top 10 Number 4 10 Percentage 80% 100% Number 5 9 Percentage 100% 90% 1. The original top ten, in order, were Journal of the American Society for Information Science, College & Research Libraries, Scientometrics, Information Management, Information Processing & Management, Library Journal, Journal of Documentation, Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, and Journal of Academic Librarianship. 2. The original top ten, in order, were College & Research Libraries, Journal of the American Society for Information Science, Journal of Documentation, Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, Library Quarterly, Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Journal of Academic Librarianship, Information Management, International Journal of Geographical Information Systems, and Information Processing & Management. 3. The original top ten, in order, were Genes & Development, Gene, Mutation Research, Genetics, American Journal of Human Genetics, Oncogene, Molecular & General Genetics, Genomics, Nature Genetics, and Human Genetics. 4. The original top ten, in order, were Nature Genetics, Genes & Development, Annual Review of Genetics, Trends in Genetics, American Journal of Human Genetics, Human Gene Therapy, Oncogene, Advances in Genetics, Genomics, and Genes, Chromosomes, & Cancer. 272 College & Research Libraries May 2000 TABLE 4 Summary of Journal Movement in Rank after Correction for Self-Citation Library and Information Science Journals eN = 59) Total Citations Ranking Impact Factor Ranking Mean movement in rank 2.94 3.85 Number of journals maintaining 5 3 identical position Number of journals moving 13 19 5+ positions Number of journals moving 1 4 10+ positions Genetics journals eN = 74) Total Citations Ranking Impact Factor Ranking Mean movement in rank 1.38 1.91 Number of journals maintaining 27 25 identical position Number of journals moving 4 11 5+ positions Number of journals moving 2 0 10+ positions only in the LIS impact factor ranking does the mean movement in rank exceed three (3.85). In both disciplines, the mean move­ ment is larger for the impact factor than for the total citations ranking. This obser­ vation may indicate that impact factor is subject to greater fluctuation because its calculation is based on data from only two years, whereas “total citations” considers a journal’s entire back run. That the jour­ nals in the two genetics rankings display The results of this research project strongly suggest that librarians and others do not need to adjust JCR data for journal self-citations. a smaller mean movement than in the two LIS rankings can easily be understood be­ cause of the lower self-citation rate in ge­ netics. Throughout the four rankings, only a few titles move ten or more positions. Li­ brary Acquisitions: Practice & Theory de­ clines thirteen positions, moving from 27.5 to 40.5, in the ranking of LIS journals by total citations. In the LIS impact factor ranking, Scientometrics falls 14.5 positions from 11.5 to twenty-six, the largest move­ ment of any journal in the study. Library Acquisitions: Practice & Theory drops eleven places (thirty to forty-one), while ten place increases in rank are displayed by Library Trends (twenty-five to fifteen) and Interlending & Document Supply (twenty-six to sixteen). For genetics jour­ nals, Genetika declined fourteen ranking positions (forty-five to fifty-nine) and Mammalian Genome fell ten positions (thirty-two to forty-two) in the ranking by total citations received, while in the impact factor ranking no journal moved ten positions. The largest change was eight places, displayed by Theoretical and Applied Genetics (twenty-four to thirty- two) and the American Journal of Medical Genetics (forty-three to fifty-one). There are not enough cases to allow definite conclusions concerning the jour­ nal characteristics associated with large movement in ranking position other than the obvious observation that titles with high self-citation rates will drop in rank. Library Acquisitions: Practice & Theory is a practitioner-oriented title and Scientometrics is research oriented, but Use of the Journal Citation Reports for Serials Management 273 both focus on fairly narrow, specialized areas. One is tempted to speculate that specialized journals tend to decline in rank and that titles with a broad subject focus (e.g., Library Trends) or ones that deal with a “hot” topic (such as Interlending & Document Supply in an era emphasizing access) will increase their standing. Fur­ ther research is needed on this issue. Fi­ nally, it should be noted that five of the seven titles moving ten or more positions actually declined rather than rose in rank. This fact seems to indicate that the JCR’s policy of including self-citations is more likely to advantage titles with high self- citation rates than disadvantage journals with low rates. Conclusions The author contends that the JCR is a use­ ful tool that can assist research librarians in the serials decision-making process. Yet, serials collection management decisions should not be made strictly on the basis of JCR citation data but, instead, in conjunc­ tion with other traditional factors such as cost, use or potential usage, indexing, rel­ evance to the library’s collecting priorities, etc. One of the challenges facing librarians and researchers is that of knowing how to use the JCR efficiently and effectively. The results of this research project strongly suggest that librarians and others do not need to adjust JCR data for journal self- citations. Except for a minute number of titles, self-citations do not exert an appre­ ciable enough effect on a journal’s relative rank within its discipline to influence prac­ tical decision making. This study’s major findings may be summarized as follows: • From a macro perspective, the rankings change very little after self-cita­ tions are eliminated. • Most top-ranked journals maintain their position after correction for self-ci­ tation. • For most journals, the change in ranking position is minimal after self-ci­ tations are removed, although a few jour­ nals do display large changes in rank af­ ter correction for self-citation. • For most practical decision-making purposes, one can use JCR rankings with­ out adjusting the data for journal self-ci­ tations. • Previous studies that did not cor­ rect JCR data for self-citation probably would not have obtained significantly dif­ ferent results by doing so. It should be acknowledged that this research represents only one piece of some larger puzzle concerning the JCR’s effective use by librarians and the impli­ cations of journal self-citation for schol­ arly communication. Further research questions regarding the JCR include: • How many libraries use JCR data? • Which data do they used? • How are the data used? • For what purpose are the data used? • What decision rules can be devel­ oped for effective use of the JCR by librar­ ians? For the topic of journal self-citation, fur­ ther investigation is needed concerning: • Would similar journal self-citation patterns be found in other disciplines? • What characteristics are associated with high self-citation rates in a disci­ pline? • What characteristics are associated with high self-citation rates in a journal? • What implications does journal self-citation have for scholarly communi­ cation? • Do electronic journal self-citation patterns correspond to those of print jour­ nals? Notes 1. Theresa Dombrowski, “Journal Evaluation Using Journal Citation Reports,” Collection Man­ agement 10, nos. 3/4 (1988): 175. 2. Thomas E. Smith, “The Journal Citation Reports as a Deselection Tool,” Bulletin of the Medi­ cal Library Association 73 (Oct. 1985): 388. 274 College & Research Libraries May 2000 3. Stephen P. Harter and Thomas E. Nisonger, “ISI’s Impact Factor as Misnomer: A Proposed New Measure to Assess Journal Impact Factor,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science 48 (Dec. 1997): 1146–48. 4. Journal Citation Reports on CD-ROM, 1994 Annual [CD-ROM] (Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information, 1995). 5. Ibid. 6. Thomas E. Nisonger, Management of Serials in Libraries (Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Un­ limited, 1998), 124–30. 7. ———, Collection Evaluation in Academic Libraries: A Literature Guide and Annotated Bibliog­ raphy (Englewood, Colo.: Libraries Unlimited, 1992). 8. ———, Management of Serials in Libraries, 124–34. 9. Smith, “The Journal Citation Reports as a Deselection Tool,” 387–89. 10. Katherine W. McCain, “Bibliometric Tools for Serials Collection Management in Academic Libraries,” in Advances in Serials Management, vol. 6, ed. Cindy Hepfer, Teresa Malinowski, and Julia Gammon (Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Pr., 1997), 105–46. 11. Joseph G. Wible, “Comparative Analysis of Citation Studies, Swept Use, and ISI’s Impact Factors as Tools for Journal Deselection,” in IAMSLIC at a Crossroads: Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference, ed. Robert W. Burkhart and Joyce C. Burkhart (N.p.: International Association of Marine Science Libraries and Information Centers, 1990), 109–16. 12. Kate Herzog, Harry Armistead, and Marla Edelman, “Designing Effective Journal Use Studies,” Serials Librarian 24, nos. 3/4 (1994): 189–92. 13. For a more detailed discussion, see Nisonger, Management of Serials in Libraries, 97–103. 14. Bruce C. Bennion and Sunee Karschamroon, “Multivariate Regression Models for Esti­ mating Journal Usefulness in Physics,” Journal of Documentation 40 (Sept. 1984): 217–27. 15. Rikie Deurenberg, “Journal Deselection in a Medical University Library by Ranking Peri­ odicals Based on Multiple Factors,” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 81 (July 1993): 316– 19. 16. Mary K. Sellen, Bibliometrics: An Annotated Bibliography, 1970–1990 (New York: G. K. Hall, 1993). 17. Nisonger, Collection Evaluation in Academic Libraries, 97–119. 18. Harold Colson, “Citation Rankings of Public Administration Journals,” Administration & Society 21 (Feb. 1990): 452–71. 19. James A. Christenson and Lee Sigelman, “Accrediting Knowledge: Journal Stature and Citation Impact in Social Science,” Social Science Quarterly 66 (Dec. 1985): 964–75. 20. Henry H. Barschall, “The Cost-Effectiveness of Physics Journals,” Physics Today 41 (July 1988): 56–59. 21. H. H. Barschall and J. R. Arrington, “Cost of Physics Journals: A Survey,” Bulletin of the American Physical Society 33 (July—Aug. 1988): 1437–47. 22. Ibid., 1438. 23. Donatella Ugolini et al, “Assessing Research Productivity in an Oncology Research Insti­ tute: The Role of the Documentation Center,” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 85 (Jan. 1997): 33–38. 24. P. Pichappan, “A Dual Refinement of Journal Self-Citation Measures,” Scientometrics 33 (May 1995): 14. 25. Hajnalka Maczelka and S. Zsindely, “All Well If Starts Well? Citation Infancy of Recently Launched Chemistry Journals,” Scientometrics 25 (Oct. 1992): 367–72. 26. Thomas E. Nisonger, “Journal Self-Citedness in Journal Citation Reports Library and Infor­ mation Science and Genetics Journal Rankings,” in ASIS ‘98: Proceedings of the 61st ASIS Annual Meeting, ed. Cecilia M. Preston (Medford, NJ: American Society for Information Science by Infor­ mation Today, 1998): 267–78. 27. Pam Royale, “A Citation Analysis of Australian Science and Social Science Journals,” Aus­ tralian Academic & Research Libraries 25, no. 3 (1994): 162–71. 28. Eugene Garfield, “Journal Citation Studies,” published in Current Contents from the 1970s through the 1990s. A significant portion has been reprinted in Eugene Garfield, Essays of an Infor­ mation Scientist (Philadelphia: ISI Pr., 1977–). 29. ———, Essays of an Information Scientist: Volume 4, 1979–80 (Philadelphia: ISI Pr., 1981), 244. 30. C. K. Y. So, “Openness Index and Affinity Index: Two New Citation Indicators,” Scientometrics 19 (July 1990): 25–34. 31. Pichappan, “A Dual Refinement of Journal Self-Citation Measures,” 13. 32. Herbert W. Snyder and Susan Bonzi, “An Enquiry into the Behavior of Author Self-Cita­ tion,” in ASIS ‘89: Proceedings of the 52nd ASIS Annual Meeting, ed. Jeffrey Katzer and Gregory B. Newby (Medford, N.J.: American Society for Information Science by Learned Information, 1989), Use of the Journal Citation Reports for Serials Management 275 147. 33. Journal Citation Reports on CD-ROM, 1994 Annual [CD-ROM]. 34. Pauline A. Scales, “Citation Analyses as Indicators of the Use of Serials: A Comparison of Ranked Title Lists Produced by Citation Counting and from Use Data,” Journal of Documentation 32 (Mar. 1976): 17–25. 35. Maurice B. Line, “Changes in Rank Lists of Serials over Time: Interlending versus Citation Data,” College & Research Libraries 46 (Jan. 1985): 77–79. 36. Thomas E. Nisonger, “The Stability of Social Sciences Citation Index Journal Citation Re­ ports Data for Journal Rankings in Three Disciplines,” JISSI: International Journal of Scientometrics and Informetrics 1 (June 1995): 139–49. 37. Carole J. Mankin and Jacqueline D. Bastille, “An Analysis of the Differences between Den­ sity-of-Use Ranking and Raw-Use Ranking of Library Journal Use,” Journal of the American Soci­ ety for Information Science 32 (Mar. 1981): 224–28. 38. Nisonger, “The Stability of Social Sciences Citation Index Journal Citation Reports Data.” 39. Garfield, Essays of an Information Scientist, 245. 40. Royale, “A Citation Analysis of Australian Science and Social Science Journals,” 167. 41. The Pearson Product Movement correlations were calculated with Kwikstat, version 1.3.