reviews Book Reviews 279 gies are to be understood on an analogy with the lamppost. The classification schemes we rely on or dispense with, the catalogs and database systems we use for storage of records, the shelf space and the servers where we house materials, and the vocabularies we use to retrieve them—all of these not only help bring the field into sharp focus, but they also pro­ vide innumerable places where items get lost. Using this as a point of departure, the remainder of the essay sketches a broad outline of library history that divides the field into seven great ages. Krummel ob­ serves that there is nothing special about the number seven, so perhaps his seven- league-booted stride from 3000 B.C. to the present age is simple coincidence. If so, it is useful for it enables us to fly high, some­ thing not enough of us do very often. When we do, we see extinct volcanoes, the floors of ancient oceans, riverbeds dry for centuries, and immense fields of petrified wood where green forests once flourished. And all this has brought us here. In the earliest periods of recorded his­ tory, libraries and librarians in the agri­ cultural empires of the Fertile Crescent tended working archives housing the evi­ dence of the shared understandings of government. In the Greco-Roman period, the first academic institutions arose, and their libraries served to support them (not included in this necessarily truncated ac­ count, in the twilight of Roman domina­ tion, Greek-speaking grammarians devel­ oped the first systems of textual annota­ tion). By the early medieval period, Chris­ tian Europe had supplanted and yet pre­ served these both with libraries devoted to the glory of God. Renaissance human­ ism radically challenged this emphasis on the divine and produced materials and collections devoted to celebrating human virtue and courage. Writers such as Francis Bacon—in the Age of Science, which began in the later medieval period under the Franciscan and other orders— substituted for this the idea that knowl­ edge must benefit people, that learning must advance and improve the human estate. By the beginning of the eighteenth century, the spread of literacy had created a larger and more diverse reading pub­ lic, and by the middle of the following century, that public was a mass audience, reading for many different and some­ times incompatible reasons. And a cen­ tury after this, which brings us very close to the present, the Baconian ideal was transformed by very rapid technological development, which produced the array of record and material formats and me­ dia we all use today. Krummel concludes with some recom­ mendations for further reading. Unfortu­ nately absent from this list is the book he once hoped to make from this essay, origi­ nally given as a lecture back in 1983. Spe­ cialists will poke holes—they always do—in the large, overarching framework, but most other readers will, I think, very much enjoy the informal and global treat­ ment. As the author himself admits, much is missing, especially the essential story of libraries in the Islamic world. In the end, Fiat Lux, Fiat Latebra creates a blind spot of its own, for there is another fruit­ ful opposition that remains latent, the contrast between lux and tenebra. The search for knowledge actually creates ig­ norance: the more we know, the more we do not know. What role do libraries and librarians play in the creation of igno­ rance? Obviously, this is a subject for an­ other essay.—Michael F. Winter, University of California, Davis. Librarians as Learners, Librarians as Teach­ ers: The Diffusion of Internet Expertise in the Academic Library. Ed. Patricia O’Brien Libutti. Chicago: ALA, 1999. 296p. $27 (ISBN 0-8389-8003-1). LC 99­ 13042. As early as 1994, members of ACRL’s New York chapter planned a book docu­ menting their experiences learning and teaching the Internet. The resulting col­ lection of more than twenty articles by librarians, MLS students and faculty, and administrators should strike a chord with anyone who lived through the techno­ logical changes of the past five years. 280 College & Research Libraries The book is organized into four roughly chronological sections: “Foundations of Internet Expertise in the Academic Library”; “Enlarging the Internet Literature: Early Training and Learning Experiences”; “The Present Tense: The Diffusion of the Internet into the Workflow of Academic Librarians”; and “Preparing Librarians to Teach the Internet.” Contributions range from per­ sonal accounts to research articles and resource lists. The articles vary in qual­ ity, style, and methodology; and there is much overlap in content, perhaps reflect­ ing the light editorial hand of a demo­ cratic editor. It would be impossible to do justice to individual articles, so this re­ view focuses on themes that recur throughout the book. The relationship between learning and teaching has taken some unexpected turns over the years. Rapid technological change forced librarians to learn so that they could teach. At the same time, they found that they had to teach in order to learn. New attitudes had to develop, as technology forced librarians into a learn­ ing mode driven by need and (some­ times) curiosity rather than tradition or formal credentialing. Ideally, the result was a new sense of competence for both teacher and learner (if the two can be dis­ tinguished), and a diminished fear of both technology and change. Several authors make the point that library school stu­ dents and practicing librarians experience many of the same frustrations and re­ wards as other adult learners. David W. Carr’s opening essay, “The Situation of the Adult Learner in the Library,” pro­ vides a thoughtful, humane reflection on this theme. Several authors describe their experi­ ences with the Internet over time. Early learning was unstructured, and early teaching stressed the use of tools. Since the arrival of the Web and other user- friendly tools, it has become possible to use the Internet without any understand­ ing of computers, networking, or infor­ mation storage and retrieval. Whether this is a blessing or a curse depends on May 2000 your point of view. David J. Franz, in his engaging memoir, “Between Gutenberg and Gigabytes: A New Librarian Makes the Leap,” laments that kids today “are raised on AOL. Spoon fed. They are not learning as I did.” Others are relieved that the pioneering days are over and they can concentrate on conceptual issues rather than techniques and tools. Anne Woodsworth states in her foreword that “No matter what work arena graduates wish to enter, the core curricula they take will have to incorporate areas such as in­ troduction to information science, infor­ mation storage and retrieval, database searching, metadata management, knowl­ edge management, information process­ ing, human–computer interaction, elec­ tronic records management, indexing, and information systems management, to name a few.” The hyperbole here does the cause no good, in my opinion. Another common thread is the recog­ nition that the Internet is not only some­ thing to teach, but also a new medium for teaching and learning. Heather Blenkinsopp’s piece on using the Internet as a teaching tool to connect MLS students with cataloging practitio­ ners is a good illustration. The Internet has made it easier to simulate the work­ place, blurring the lines between “school” and “work” in a way that mirrors wider trends in academia. This collection might serve best as a reference repository of practical advice and Internet teaching resources. Reading it from cover to cover, I became frustrated by the absence of an overarching intellec­ tual framework, as well as periodic lapses in coherence, clarity, and analytic rigor. The bibliographies and resource lists seemed in danger of trying to include everything on or about the Internet, rather than concentrating specifically on teach­ ing and learning. I felt a little the way I do when using the Internet itself: over­ whelmed by information overload and an inability to synthesize or even make sense of all the information. The quantity of Web sites, listservs, online tutorials, syl­ labi, program statements, and other re­ Book Reviews 281 sources is mind-boggling. How is a per­ son to choose? Anne Woodsworth and Theresa M. Maylone do a good job of pulling together some of these diverse, contradictory ele­ ments in their foreword and afterword. But the collection remains no more than the sum of its parts. It never really fulfills the promise of its subtitle, “The Diffusion of Internet Expertise in the Academic Li­ brary.” I doubt that the fault lies with the authors, or even the editors. It may be that the topic itself is too amorphous or would be better addressed in a monograph. De­ spite some disappointments, this book is well worth adding to library collections for the practical ideas and tools that it makes available on a topic of importance to all librarians.—Jean M. Alexander, Carnegie Mellon University. Rhodes, Barbara, and William Wells Streeter. Before Photocopying: The Art & History of Mechanical Copying, 1780– 1938. New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll Pr., 1999. 494p. $95 (ISBN 1-884718-61-2). LC 98-8045. The ubiquity and speed of modern com­ munication—computers, photocopiers, e- mail, cellular phones, and scanners—tend to obscure the technological achievements of the preelectronic age when, for the ef­ fective conduct of business and govern­ ment, it also was necessary to make rapid copies of letters, contracts, inventories, shipping manifests, invoices, receipts—the entire galaxy of documents upon which contemporary, transaction-oriented civili­ zation rests. Today’s scholars and students take for granted the ready, cheap availabil­ ity of copies. But how did their predeces­ sors, long before electric power and pho­ tography became practical realities, make record copies of data except by laboriously, and sometimes inaccurately, hand-copying everything? How did they efficiently copy their letters and papers? The surprising answer lies in a forgot­ ten mechanical copying device that origi­ nated more than two centuries ago: the copying press, an apparatus that enabled almost anyone in the Western world to make, with considerable dispatch, iden­ tical multiple copies of vital documents. In fact, Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, and Madison all used the copying press to generate file copies of their correspon­ dence. The copying press encouraged the rapid growth of scientific communication and publishing, accelerated the expansion of industry, and, ultimately, led to the early establishment of institutions such as the United States National Archives. It was not the Xerox process or the laser printer that first threatened to drown us in a sea of paper. Rather, it was the copy­ ing press, invented in 1780 by James Watt, the Scottish-born engineer who perfected the steam engine. Why Watt? Watt was a businessman as well as an inventor. In the course of England’s rapid industrializa­ tion, he traveled widely to promote his engines and needed to have with him copies of designs and specifications, con­ tracts, and correspondence. Thus, he was powerfully motivated to develop a copy­ ing apparatus. Watt’s device, which was to have many imitators, relied on the simple principle of offset, the same principle that led Alois Senefelder in 1796 to invent offset lithog­ raphy, the printing method that produces virtually all modern newspapers, books, and other mass ink-printed publications. But each exploited offset in a quite differ­ ent way. Senefelder’s use of offset relied on the natural repulsion of water and oil-based inks. But Watt’s process relied on inks capable of producing several ad­ ditional copies onto special paper from an original, handwritten document. In the Watt process, a recently written ink origi­ nal is squeezed against a fresh piece of unsized paper in a press whose force transfers some of the ink from the origi­ nal to the carefully dampened copy pa­ per. After the Watt process was perfected, it spread with incredible speed. “Inventors” brazenly infringed his patents; chemists formulated new inks; manufacturers im­ proved the device and developed me­ chanical variations; and salespeople flooded the market. The copying press