reviews Book Reviews 471 ing a library that truly belongs to all. If politicians and citizens were as truly evenhanded and fair as these profession­ als, there would be little need for a book such as this. And because they are not, we can be grateful that the editors and the writers have shared their experiences to create a book of great value to those dedicated not just to the preservation of information and information systems, but also to culture and its legacy. “This was not an academic conference,” Sturges con­ cludes, but he and Rosenberg have, nev­ ertheless, created a work of interest to academics, information professionals, and the engaged general public.—Harlan Greene, Charleston County Public Library and the South Carolina Preservation Project. Distance Learning Technologies: Issues, Trends and Opportunities. Ed. Linda Lau. Hershey, Pa.: Idea Group Publish­ ing, 2000. 252p. $69.95 (ISBN 1-878-28980-2). LC 99-048171. Distance Learning Technologies is not rec­ ommended. The stated purpose of this compilation is “to provide both academi­ cians and practitioners with a body of knowledge and understanding regarding the distance learning technologies.” The editor is a financial consultant with Salomon Smith Barney, Inc.; her academic background was with the School of Busi­ ness and Economics at Longwood Col­ lege. Many chapter authors have exper­ tise in management information systems and business management; some have expertise in educational technology. De­ spite the stated purpose of the book, it contains little on technology per se. Some interesting case studies are reported; however, they do not make the book a worthwhile purchase. In the preface, it is asserted that the book is organized into three sections: theoretical, conceptual, and case studies. However, it is unclear from either the table of contents or the chapters themselves that there is any dis­ tinction between sections. Case studies, for example, appear throughout the book. If a misleading organizational layout were the book’s only problem, it could possibly be overlooked. But many of the chapters focus on general educational principles and theories, and contain very little on distance learning or technology. In addition, the titles of many chapters do not reflect the content. On occasion, it is difficult to determine whether the chap­ ter authors are actual practitioners of dis­ tance learning or are conducting literature reviews. Even when suggesting areas for further research, it is unclear whether the authors intend to conduct the research themselves or are recommending it for others to do. A few of the case studies do present in­ teresting and useful, if not innovative, in­ formation and represent the best the book has to offer. For example, the chapter on the Department of Defense’s electronic school presents a model case study for suc­ cessful implementation of distance learn­ ing with clearly outlined advice for the beginning distance learning practitioner. The digital video chapter also presents some interesting information, although its value is limited because the use of tech­ nology was tested in an on-campus envi­ ronment. It would have been more inter­ esting if the authors also had attempted to use the system in a remote situation and been able to discuss the results of using video technology across a distance with its associated issues of access, bandwidth, and download times. The Pepperdine case study also presents valuable advice on developing a sense of community in the distance learning setting. This topic is of interest to many in the field as a way to increase and maintain student motivation to complete distance learning programs. In addition, the chapter on using the Internet in Egypt presents a fascinating perspective. However, it too would have been more in­ teresting had it contained less general theory and more detail on the implemen­ tation of the project and related issues such as translation of material into Arabic or the information infrastructure of the Arabic world. These rather interesting studies are refreshing bits in a compilation that adds little value to the literature on technology and distance learning and teaching. 472 College & Research Libraries The book contains no recognition or discussion of the need for library or sup­ port services for distance learning stu­ dents. Librarians have been on the fore­ front of working with information tech­ nologies to provide remote services to stu­ dents, and some of this information would have been a valuable contribution to this book. Librarians and others interested in the use of technology to provide distance learning opportunities would be better served by looking elsewhere. This bur­ geoning field has sprouted many fine publications, both books and journals. People interested in the field of distance learning, or teaching in general, would be better served by the resources avail­ able through the Distance Learning Clear­ inghouse at the University of Wisconsin ( or Educause ( Listservs such as DEOS-L keep practitio­ ners and theorists alike abreast of new de­ velopments and issues while providing novices with advice and guidance. Within the library field, information on issues pertaining to library service and use in distance learning can be obtained through the Journal of Library Services for Distance Education (­ brary/jlsde/), as well as the January 2000 issue of the Journal of Academic Librarianship. The OFFCAMP listserv is dedicated specifically to the discussion of library-related services to remote students and provides an excellent forum for li­ brarians engaged in these activities. Fi­ nally, the Distance Learning Section of ACRL is currently compiling a list of re­ sources and other information to be in­ cluded on its Web site.—Barbara J. D’Angelo, Arizona State University, West. Mates, Barbara T., with contributions by Doug Wakefield and Judith Dixon. Adaptive Technology for the Internet: Making Electronic Resources Accessible to All. Chicago: ALA, 2000. 192p. $36 (ISBN 0-8389-0752-0). LC 98-31936. “For people without disabilities, technol­ ogy makes things convenient, whereas for September 2000 people with disabilities, it makes things possible . . . [this] fact brings with it an enormous responsibility because the re­ verse is also true. Inaccessible technology can make things absolutely impossible for disabled people . . .” Could Helen Keller or Stephen Hawk­ ing use your electronic indexes, journals, or catalogs? Could they access your li­ brary Web page? There are an estimated 12 million visually handicapped indi­ viduals, 11.7 million physically handi­ capped people, and 39 million individu­ als with learning disabilities in the United States alone. With passage of the Ameri­ cans with Disabilities Act, it is incumbent upon academic and public libraries to make electronic resources available to all, including the disabled. In Adaptive Technology for the Internet, Barbara Mates (Cleveland Public Library for the Blind and Physically Handi­ capped), Judith Dixon (National Library Services for the Blind and Physically Handicapped), and Doug Wakefield (U.S. Access Board) offer a blueprint for elec­ tronic resource access through the design of universally accessible Web pages and the provision of adaptive computer work­ stations in libraries. An introductory chapter, entitled “Could Helen Keller Use Your Library?” offers an overview of the issues of uni­ versal access and assistive technology. It contains a useful chart of disabilities and the types of accessibility solutions avail­ able for assisting persons with visual im­ pairments, blindness, mobility impair­ ments, deafness, or learning disabilities. Chapter two, “Click (W)Here(?)!---Ba­ sic Document Design,” describes how to design Web pages that are accessible to the disabled through adherence to guide­ lines set by the Web Accessibility Initia­ tive (WAI) of the World Wide Web Con­ sortium (W3C). It is one thing to ensure that our own library Web pages are ac­ cessible, but what about the commercial databases and full-text sources to which our libraries subscribe? “[Librarians] should avoid subscribing to commercial sites that present obstacles to patrons us­