reviews 96 College & Research Libraries January 2002 substantially more success than he did in the official organ, and the book truly tow- ers over the task force draft. The eight values, though innocuous and agreeable enough, are each given a fourteen- to sixteen-page chapter in the book. Written in his unique, readable style and mercifully brief, some chapters are surprisingly argumentative and some contain pure invective. They suggest that core values give the profession much more to debate than we expected. Gorman picks fights with any who see digitization replacing print on paper for nearly any purpose. Early on, the digitizers are accused of publishing “in- comprehensible papers about digital li- braries” and holding “conferences that float on an abundant supply of hot air.” Later on, he dispenses with the discipline of information science (IS), asserting that “there is really no such thing,” but “this bogus discipline has a stranglehold on many of our library schools.” The legiti- macy of IS was settled on many decades ago. (Then, of course, there’s “library sci- ence.”) Give the guru credit, he puts his val- ues to work on current issues in the pro- fession, from filtering the Internet to in- struction in library use (read the delight- ful essay on bibliographic instruction on pages 106–109), and much more. Should you buy and even read the book? Absolutely! You’ll enjoy the guru’s witty anger, even at those times when it is reduced to pedantic condescension. You’ll even cheer him on when he scores direct hits on those old straw targets and twirling windmills against which he has tilted so consistently and bravely all these years.—John Berry, Library Journal. Hinchliffe, Lisa Janicke. Neal-Schuman Electronic Classroom Handbook. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2001. 257p. $75, alk. paper (ISBN 1555704077). LC 00-51958. Over the past five years, many academic libraries have built their own electronic classrooms, a necessary initiative inspired by the proliferation of information that is now accessible by computer. Often serv- ing the dual purpose of teaching space and computer lab, these classrooms have helped libraries become a major player in the electronic innovations of higher edu- cation. Not only is the modern academic library a gateway to electronic informa- tion, it also teaches students how to find and use it. The library literature on electronic classrooms has consisted, up to now, mostly of journal articles and book chap- ters. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, library in- struction coordinator at Illinois State Uni- versity, Web-published a bibliography on the subject in 1994 and updated it in 1998 as an article in the online MC Journal ( mcjrnl/v6n1/class.html). With the Neal-Schuman Electronic Classroom Hand- book, Hinchliffe has produced a complete reference work that brings together all the information that a library administrator responsible for building and operating an electronic classroom would need. It also contains useful information for biblio- graphic instructors, system administra- tors, scheduling staff, and anyone else who is actively involved in an electronic classroom. This book covers the preliminary pro- cesses, the design and construction, and the use of an electronic classroom in a contemporary academic library. The text is supplemented by extensive tables, il- lustrations, and appendices. A particular strong suit of the author is her expertise Index to advertisers BIOSIS 2 EBSCO 7 Elsevier Science 24 Faxon/Rowecom 46 Haworth Press 1 Library Technologies 35 Modern Language Assoc. 8-9 OCLC Online cover 3 Optical Society of America cover 4 Pacific Data Conversion 5 Primary Source Microfilm 12 Science Direct cover 2 Book Reviews 97 on equipment and space utilization. These topics are covered comprehen- sively and will likely be the most heavily consulted sections of the book. The reader comes away from them with a clear over- view of the many options available. Also notable is Hinchliffe’s thoroughness as a bibliographer on this subject. There are close to two hundred book/article refer- ences, thirty-one legal references to codes, standards, and the like, a directory of sev- enty-two suppliers, and a list of twenty- three library classroom Web sites. URLs are supplied whenever possible. Less successful is the section on plan- ning, mainly because of its rudimentary nature. Most librarians at this level are unlikely to need coaching on how to gather information and reach a decision. It also should be noted that the book is geared toward those libraries that are big enough (and rich enough) to have a ro- bust instruction program that justifies a dedicated electronic classroom. Many small academic libraries do not fall into this category. They wind up using exist- ing facilities or sharing space with other programs such as distance education. As the use of electronic information in academia has increased, library-based instruction has evolved from handy op- tion to practical necessity. And, of course, a fundamental element of such instruc- tion is a properly designed and equipped facility. Although the majority of major academic libraries today are likely to have electronic classrooms up and running, some still do not. A ready audience, es- pecially in those institutions that need to upgrade out-of-date or inadequate facili- ties, exists for this useful handbook.— Paul Rolland, Mesa State College. The Renaissance Computer: Knowledge Tech- nology in the First Age of Print. Ed. Neil Rhodes and Jonathan Sawday. London, New York: Routledge, 2000. 212p. alk. paper, $85, cloth (ISBN 0415220637); $25.99, paper (ISBN 0415220645). LC 99-087623. The essays of this collection are guaran- teed to raise some hackles among book history purists. Is it acceptable, for ex- ample, to characterize an octavo edition of a seventeenth-century book—the Eikon Basilike of 1649—as a “neat palmtop,” while referring to larger quarto and folio versions as cumbersome “laptops” and “desktops?” How can Claire Preston de- scribe the curiosity cabinet of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries as a “visual search-engine” and Neil Rhodes call the humble almanac “the information super- highway (or cobbled lane, at any rate) of the later sixteenth century?” Anne Prescott begins an essay on early modern reference books by asking, dead seriously, “Is an encyclopedia a computer?” The last straw for a number of readers may just be Jonathan Sawday’s comparison of John Donne (1572–1631), the great Elizabethan poet, with William Gibson, the cyberpunk author of the 1984 cult novel Neuromancer. In essay after essay, we are confronted with never-before-heard comparisons, similes, metaphors, and analogies, imposing, it would seem, the nomenclature of our com- puter age onto aspects of early modern lit- erature and book culture. This book contains then, prima facie at least, more than enough evidence to convict the editors and contributors alike of the high historiographical crime of anachronism, which the Encyclopaedia Britannica defines as “neglect or falsifica- tion, intentional or not, of chronological relation,” as “disregard of the different modes of life and thought that character- ize different periods… in ignorance of the facts of history.” But then take a closer look at the con- tributors’ biographies: There’s not a cyberpunk or a geeky anachronist among them. Timothy J. Reiss, for example, is a distinguished early modernist at New York University; Leah S. Marcus, a Re- naissance scholar at Vanderbilt; and Stephen Orgel, professor of humanities at Stanford, is the editor of standard edi- tions of works by Shakespeare, Jonson, and Marlowe. The more numerous U.K. contributors are equally distinguished. 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