reviews Book Reviews 331 331 Book Reviews Archives and the Public Good: Account- ability and Records in Modern Soci- ety. Ed. Richard J. Cox and David A. Wallace. Westport, Conn.: Quorum, 2002. 340p. alk. paper, $68.95 (ISBN 1567204694). LC 2001-57863. The earliest years of the twenty-first cen- tury are interesting times for archivists and records managers. The transition in recent decades from traditional methods and media to electronic records is one source of challenge and opportunity. The increasing democratization of countries around the world brings us closer to the three goals of transparency, accountabil- ity, and citizen participation in govern- ment, exerting new pressures on exist- ing structures often unaccustomed to openness. In the wake of the terrorist at- tacks in late 2001, we also are negotiat- ing the difficult path between Scylla and Charybdis as we seek to balance freedom and security—two goals that sometimes lead to awkward and tenuous compro- mises. Add to this mix the recent disclo- sures of corporate corruption, such as those revealed in investigations of the Enron collapse and the shredding of documents by employees of Arthur Andersen, and we can begin to compre- hend the complicated environment in which archivists work today. Even so, the social role of record keepers is replete with problems and never simple. Cox and Wallace (Univer- sities of Pittsburgh and Michigan) have brought together fourteen original case studies that examine the ethical conflicts and practical problems that occur in the varied environments in which we work. The invited papers, well researched and written, are by archivists from North America, Australia, Africa, Europe, and the Caribbean. A listing of the subjects covered gives an overview of the wide variety of areas dealt with: the Iran-Con- tra affair, “Big Tobacco,” stolen Holo- c a u s t - e r a a s s e t s , N a z i w a r criminal immigrants, commer- cial bank failures in Jamaica, allegations of child abuse in state-operated institutions, Of- ficial Secrets Acts and Execu- t i ve O r d e r s , t h e Tu s k e g e e Syphilis Study, Apartheid, the papers of M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g J r. , p e r s o n n e l records in academic institutions, and the forgery of Mormon “historical” docu- ments. In aggregate, they present a mo- saic of conflict for record keepers, often as engagingly told as Altick’s classic, The Scholar Adventurers, is for the literary historian. These original papers are presented in four sections. The first deals with the problems of explanation (how archivists explain to others, often in the courtroom, the nature and value of the historical record). The second section illustrates the problems of secrecy and the inevitable result of government and corporate cover-ups as they seek protection from responsibility for their misdeeds. Memory treats the preservation and thus the possibility of interpretation of the historical record. The final section deals with trust and violations of honesty and the occasional, or pervasive, bungling of basic record-keeping protocols. The introductory essay is an excellent overview of the subject, giving context to the overlapping themes developed in the case studies. The book has a very de- tailed index, and the copious set of cita- tions will lead readers to sources used, but also to other areas of study for stu- dents preparing for careers in archives and records management. The wider audience includes all of us who are de- pendent upon records and, to a very sub- stantial degree, that includes all of us in modern society, wherever we may find ourselves.—Charles Wm. 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