TOC.indd Editorial Bringing Librarianship to E-Science In venues where I have been recently, the topic of e-science often comes up, and comments range widely. Some col- leagues ask—why should we librarians become involved in data management at all? Others argue—we have a professional responsibility to help meet the challenge that scientists face in managing massive amounts of data. Beginning in the 1950s, scientists and engineers were among the fi rst to use computers to enhance the research process. They moved from research in the laboratory to modeling that uses algorithms, computer programs, and new information technology. The use of modeling helped to inform, enhance, and speed up the research process. However, modeling requires and generates massive amounts of data. Today, data sets are scatt ered around the world in individual researchers’ computers, university centers and labs, and national and/or disciplinary digital repositories. Data sets have been gener- ated that contain great detail about water and other environmental conditions, the atmosphere and the heavens, the myster- ies of plants and the human body, and the most elemental, physical particles, currently the focus of nanotechnology. Numerical data sets have become the lifeblood of computational research in many scientific and engineering areas. Today’s researcher, working indepen- dently or in a team, determines what data are needed to undertake a specific computational test. The researcher then shares the findings from the test with colleagues through prescribed, vetted methods—a research journal or a confer- ence paper. We as librarians have this last step –management of the formal literature that has evolved over the last 150 years – well in hand, but not the earlier phases in the life cycle of scientific information that have become so important today. We should learn from our past success. During the first half of the nineteenth century, researchers shared their findings by sending their papers to colleagues in order to share findings and receive com- ments. To facilitate sharing, researchers came together and eventually founded pro- fessional societies including, among others, the American Society of Civil Engineers (1853), the American Chemical Society (1876), the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (1880), the Geological Society of America (1888), the American Physical Society (1899), and the American Astro- nomical Society (1899). It wasn’t long before researchers needed an additional method for communicating research results beyond the professional meeting. Consequently the professional journal was born. The chal- lenge then became to acquire, organize, and preserve these research publications for continuing reference and referral. The proliferation of these research publications created a need for a “repository” to house, organize, and provide access. Toward the end of the nineteenth cen- tury, academic and research libraries ac- cepted responsibility to collect and house research publications. Prior to this time, academic libraries were generally small, housing static collections that primarily supported the teaching of the classics. So as scientific research grew, academic libraries grew as well. To help researchers locate material in the chaotically growing body of material 212 published by scientists and others, three developments occurred at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twen- tieth century. What we call “knowledge management” today started as classifi- cation/subject headings, cataloging, and indexing. First, through the collaboration of li- brarians with disciplinary subject special- ists, the Library of Congress developed a classification scheme and a subject- heading system that brought materials related in content together, both on the shelf and in the catalog. The result was a consistent, uniform, and universal access- and-retrieval system. (Melville Dewey also developed the Decimal Classification System, which could be substituted for the classification part of the duo.) Second, in order to provide a researcher or student with a consistent method of discovery and access, the Catalogue Code was agreed upon in 1908 by the American Library Association and the Library Asso- ciation. Uniform bibliographic description ensured that books and journals in library collections would be described consis- tently no matter which library held them. The third development came from outside libraries. The publishing industry responded to the need of researchers for ways to locate articles within research journals. In the early twentieth century, in- dexes and abstracts were started, includ- ing Science Abstracts (1903) and Chemical Abstracts (1907). So why have I taken us down memory lane? In the twenty-first century, the chal- lenge of data-set management is similar to the one faced nearly 150 years ago by researchers who wanted to share their findings among colleagues. Discover- ability and availability must come to data management to foster today’s scientifi c re- search. A logical, accepted, intuitive struc- ture must be developed to facilitate dis- covery and access to data sets throughout the world. Libraries must step up and as- sume responsibility for archiving data that underlies the research article. Those who argue that it is not the role of libraries to Editorial 213 archive data used in the scientifi c research process should remember this: massive quantities of original documents held by archives in libraries throughout the world are collected, organized, and preserved, for the most part as, these documents “raw data” until a researcher in the humanities or social sciences uses them to answer a research question. (Questionable: are human readable documents in archives really comparable to bits of data? Want to modify or revise this statement? How does that really differ from the collection and use of scientific digital data? The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL) have recognized the role librarians can play in data manage- ment. For an in-depth discussion of the challenges and opportunities, read the following publications: US National Science Board. Long-Lived Digital Data Collections Enabling Research and Education in the 21st Century. Septem- ber 2005. htt p:// nsb0540/nsb0540_1.pdf Association of Research Libraries. To Stand the Test of Time: Long-term Stewardship of Digital Data Sets in Science and Engineering. A report to the National Science Foundation from the ARL Workshop on New Collaborative Relationships: the Role of Academic Libraries in the Digital Data Universe. September 26-27, 2006, Arlington, VA. htt p:// bm~doc/digdatarpt.pdf The application of library science prin- ciples and methodologies, such as catalog- ing, classification, and resource sharing, can be reinterpreted to meet the specifi c needs of scientific digital data management and described in terms that are more expansive and expressive of today’s challenges, such as metadata, taxonomy, and open source. In this way a network of well-documented data sets can be built that will facilitate the retrieval of data by researchers, today and into the future. Who else is bett er qualified than we librarians to bring this about? James L. Mullins Purdue University http:p://