194 College & Research Libraries March 2011 Singapore. Chapter 14 describes Murray State University Libraries’ implementation of the Google Custom Search Engine (CSE) in which librarians choose the Web sites that are included in the index. Section III.3 contains four chapters on new reference service models and marketing collections. Part III concludes with Section III.4, which focuses on staff training models, including a co-mentoring program at Baruch Col- lege’s Newman Library. The editors mention in their Intro- duction that the reference renaissance “can be seen in the return to core values of service excellence in libraries and to the rising surge of innovative reference initiatives…” Based on the Reference Renaissance conference, the papers look at the way new information technologies have blended with traditional reference services in efforts to discover the “human process of questioning, contextualizing, and learning.” While the work serves as a good look at reference activities in 2008, in 2010 it misses the mark in the editors’ aim to “reveal an exciting and unfolding reference landscape.”—Nicole Mitchell, University of Alabama at Birmingham. G.G. Chowdhury. Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval. 3rd ed. London: Facet, 2010. 508p. alk. paper, $90 (ISBN 9781555707156). LC2010-013746. Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval by G.G. Chowdhury is designed for new- comers to the library profession who seek a broad overview of information retrieval (IR). In this third edition textbook, the majority of the content about concepts that drive IR technology remains the same as the previous edition with the addition of a few new concepts and technologies. Because of the broad nature of IR, most of the chapters only address the basics of IR and do not delve into detail. However, there are some large topics that are sur- prisingly absent in this text, such as the Resource Description and Access (RDA) cataloging standards which have been in development since 2005 to update the AACR2 standards. Social network tools like social tagging and reviews are also not covered—to be fair, Facebook was briefly mentioned. The average chapter is structured with an introduction at the beginning that consists of one or two paragraphs. A nice feature for the introduction is the last sentence, which clearly summarizes what readers can expect to find. Within the chapter, there is a logical progression of related topics. Many topics include bullet point lists that highlight the main points. The bullets may bother some readers because they are used so much, but this reviewer found it handy in most cases to quickly get to the meat of the topic. Chapters typically end with one to two brief paragraph “Discussions,” which summarize the main aspects, followed by a decent reference list that averages between twenty and forty sources. There is a modest index at the end of the book. Adequate graphs, figures, and images are appropriately included throughout most chapters to enhance the dialog within the book. One complaint about this edition is the quality of the screen- shot images; the screenshot quality is far better in the second edition. Many of the screenshots are so blurry that small and even moderate text sizes are unreadable, such as figure 12.3 NCBI Entrez taxonomy home page. A few more additional illustra- tions would also enrich some of the more text-heavy chapters like the “Hypertext and Markup Language” chapter. Although the chapters are not grouped in this manner, the first three chapters cover the basic concepts of an IR system, types of database systems, and main bib- liographic formats. Chapters four through eight cover the important process of cata- loging and analysis of individual items prior to retrieval, including metadata, classification schemes, subject analysis, indexing and organization schemes, vo- cabulary control, and abstracting. Chapters nine through twenty-two focus on the main types of IR systems: search and retrieval, user-centered mod- els and interfaces, evaluation of IR Book Reviews 195 systems, and IR system types (systems for CD-ROM, multimedia, markup languages, Internet, natural language processing, citation analysis, and digital libraries). The final chapter discusses trends in information retrieval in regard to issues from previous chapters. There are a few oddities throughout the book. Curiously, there is an entire chapter devoted to retrieving information from CD-ROMs & online sources, but there is no discussion of more contemporary physical devices such as DVDs, Blu-ray, flash-drives, or cloud servers. There is also no discussion of the economic value of IR systems like the decreasing cost of memory. Chapter nine includes semitech- nical mathematical functions that are likely to be difficult for students to grasp (for instance, the vector processing model). The Discussion section of Chapter 12 includes a number of similarly worded summary points, which gave the section a very repeti- tive feel. Chapter 14 is entirely devoted to early studies on evaluating IR systems. This entire section, while providing interesting historical information, is really out of place from the rest of the book because it does not use contemporary examples. The final chapter, “Trends in Information Retrieval,” is disappointing, for it does not mention some of the current or cutting-edge IR tools like social tagging as one might expect. Overall, this book does a decent job of introducing general concepts of informa- tion retrieval without delving into over- whelming detail. In doing so, Chowdhury provides a good understanding of where much of our current systems have come from. Used with current supplemental readings, this book would be a good resource for a basic information retrieval course that focuses on traditional and, to a lesser extent, contemporary retrieval systems. The author has written numerous works related to IR systems—many are cited in this book—that demonstrate his knowledge of IR systems. For a contempo- rary alternative that focuses on the same topics, but does not go into as much depth or breadth as Chowdhury’s book, consider Heting Chu’s book, Information Representa- tion and Retrieval in the Digital Age.—John Repplinger, Willamette University. Critical Library Instruction: Theories and Methods. Eds. Maria T. Accardi, Emily Drabinski, and Alana Kumbier. Duluth, Minn.: Library Juice Press, 2010. 341p. acid-free paper, $35 (ISBN 9781936117017). LC2009-039408. Written by librarian-practitioners and li- brarian-scholars, Critical Library Instruction examines critical pedagogy in the scope of library instruction. Critical pedagogy, as explained in this anthology, is a branch of educational research and practice that highlights the influence of power relation- ships in the educational process and tends to focus on the social, cultural, political, economic, and cognitive influences on instruction and learning. The relationship between critical pedagogy and library in- struction is more precisely designated as critical library instruction and described as “the ideas that background critical practice in the classroom—from Freire’s models of liberatory teaching to Kapitzke’s criticisms of standards models to Elmborg’s blending of literacy theory and library practice.” These writers, as well as Henry Giroux and Troy Swanson, are frequently cited throughout the book. The book is divided into five sections, each consisting of four or more chapters. The first section contains five chapters that offer a conceptual toolkit for critical library instructors seeking new ways to reinterpret and reframe their own library instruction. Several topics discussed in this section include the role of historical archives, nature of the information cycle, and impact of problem-based learning on critical consciousness. Section two presents a classroom toolkit that blends theoretical models with classroom strategies and les- son plans. These chapters mention some strategies for library instruction such as problem-based learning, use of workshops, and integrating feminist pedagogy as part of a research presentation. The third section focuses on teaching in context by highlight-