548 The Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty Debra Engel, Sarah Robbins, and Christina Kulp Debra Engel is Associate Dean of Libraries for Public Services, Sarah Robbins is Web Services Coordinator, and Christina Kulp is Sciences Librarian at University of Oklahoma Libraries; e-mail: dhengel@ou.edu, srobbins@ou.edu, and ckulp@ou.edu, respectively. © Debra Engel, Sarah Robbins, and Christina Kulp Many studies of information-seeking habits of engineers focus on understanding the similarities and differences between scientists and engineers. This study explores the information-seeking behavior of academic engineering faculty from twenty public research universities. This investigation includes an examination of how frequently engineer- ing faculty seek or access information, how they keep abreast of current developments in the field and find less recent journal articles, how often they visit the library in person, and how important library services and resources are in meeting their information needs. The responses from the survey participants emphasize the importance of electronic access to current and archived scholarly journals for meeting the research and information needs of engineering faculty. cademic librarians continu- ously strive to meet the infor- mation needs of their users. This requires an understand- ing of their users’ information needs and information-seeking behaviors. This study examines the information-seeking behavior of engineering faculty at twenty academic institutions from across the United States. To better understand how engineering faculty are responding to changes in the information environment, the researchers examined how frequently engineering faculty seek or access infor- mation to complete specific tasks, how engineering faculty keep abreast of cur- rent developments, how they discover less recent journal articles in their field, how often they visit the library in person, and how important library resources and services are in meeting their information needs. Understanding the nature of the user community and the information-seeking habits and practices of the users are com- mon themes in library literature. With improved understanding of the infor- mation-seeking behavior of engineers in academic environments, librarians can better develop information services and resources, implement policies that help engineering faculty access quality infor- mation, and improve collection develop- ment practices. Literature Review Engineers as Practitioners King, Casto, and Jones compiled a com- prehensive literature review of engineers’ information needs, noting that “the 1960s yielded a plethora of STI [scientific and technical information] user studies and surveys largely funded by the federal government.”1 The information-seeking crl-155 The Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty 549 behavior of engineers within the corpo- rate and government environment has been well documented since that time. Many of these studies illustrate the differ- ences between scientists’ and engineers’ information-seeking behaviors. Several studies of engineers as practitioners in- dicate that engineers do not use library resources or libraries as a primary in- formation source for their work.2 In a study that identified accessibility as the key factor that influenced an engineer’s information-seeking behavior, Fidel and Green aptly stated, “The information- seeking behavior of engineers is a com- plex phenomenon.”3 Thomas E. Pinelli documents forty years of information-seeking behavior among engineers and compares and con- trasts their behavior to scientists’. He as- serts, “Engineers, unlike scientists, work within time constraints; they are not in- terested in theory, source data, and guides to the literature nearly as much as they are in reliable answers to specific ques- tions. Engineers prefer informal sources of information, especially conversations with individuals within their organiza- tion.”4 In the early 1990s, Cynthia Steinke wrote, “Despite an abundance of studies, we still don’t understand the information- seeking habits of our user communities well enough and thus, we probably are not meeting them. In addition, different fields have developed varying systems of communication which must be identified and recognized.”5 Jean Poland reviewed engineers’ communication behavior with an emphasis on informal communica- tion.6 She concluded that “[l]ibraries are in effect part of the formal spectrum of information transfer, and as such, among the last places scientists and engineers look for information.”7 Holland and Powell investigated the habits of engineering graduates who had taken a technical communications class during their senior year as compared to engineering graduates who had not taken the technical communications class. They concluded that engineers in both groups showed similar information-gathering preferences and “prefer word of mouth and their own library of information when they seek information.”8 In a subse- quent article, Holland discusses the value of current engineering information and engineering back files within the engi- neering user community. She asserts that “[t]here is also mounting proof that en- gineers and their students pragmatically select the closest source of information.”9 In a study of two product development companies, Hertzum and Pejtersen inves- tigate the information-seeking habits and practices of engineers and suggest that engineers value timely access to informa- tion that did not waste their efforts. They write, “[w]e find that engineers search for documents to find people, search for peo- ple to get documents, and interact socially to get information without engaging in explicit searches.”10 They confirmed ear- lier research work about the information- seeking behavior of engineers: “Previous work has repeatedly found that engineers’ primary source of information is their col- leagues within the organization and that the major reason for this is that colleagues are easily accessible.”11 An investigation on how aerospace engineers and scientists select information providers confirmed a strong preference to gain information from their colleagues and collections within their own orga- nizations.12 Lishi Kwasitsu examined the information sources used by design, process, and manufacturing engineers within one corporate environment. The researcher discovered that the higher the respondents’ academic degree, the less likely they were to rely on colleagues or their own personal files for information and the more likely they were to rely on the corporate library. Kwasitsu notes, “Many of the respondents had used librar- ies extensively for their degree work and were not only aware of library resources but had acquired a culture of finding and using reliable, published information.”13 Mueller, Sorini, and Grossman studied one corporate firm with an engineer- 550 College & Research Libraries November 2011 ing function and suggested that the tight delivery times and a distributed workforce may provide different chal- lenges to engineers’ information-seeking behavior in the corporate environment than in the academic environment.14 The best practices identified by this research group include development of personal relationships with the engineers, balanc- ing virtual and physical library services, and integrating library services into the engineering Web models developed by their engineering constituents.15 Madely Du Preez provides a review of studies concerning the information-seeking be- havior of engineers. The author confirms the observation by other researchers that engineers prefer interpersonal communi- cations and information from their trade journals as opposed to information found in scholarly journals.16 Engineers as Faculty In 1993, Barbara D. Farah surveyed en- gineering faculty at eight universities and asserted that computer engineering faculty chose accessibility as the most frequent reason for selecting an informa- tion provider.17 Farah concluded that “[a] cademic computer engineering faculty showed a clear preference for consulting their own academic library to assist them with their information problems in work- related situations.”18 Steve Hiller investigated the simi- larities and differences between scientists and engineers and other academic areas in library use and information needs at the University of Washington. He con- cluded that “[t]he decrease in physical visits to the library was most pronounced among faculty and graduate students in health sciences, sciences and engineer- ing.”19 Hiller further asserts that faculty in the sciences and engineering were more likely to use library resources re- motely and viewed desktop delivery as the highest priority for library support.20 In a subsequent conference presentation at the American Library Association/ Canadian Library Association meeting in 2003, Hiller reaffirmed this position: “Many recent studies confirm strong preference for remote access to electronic information.”21 In 2004, Finn and Johnston surveyed index use and other primary informa- tion sources by engineering faculty and concluded that journals were selected as the most important resource.22 M. Doraswamy conducted a case study of 126 engineering faculty in India and concluded that the engineering faculty used monographs more in teaching than in research and used journals significantly more in research than in teaching.23 In a recent investigation of the information- seeking behavior of academic research- ers in natural science, engineering, and medical science, the researchers identified that the most often used resources were journals, Web pages, and personal com- munications.24 Comparison of Engineers as Practitioners and Engineers as Faculty According to Leckie, Pettigrew, and Sylvain, studies of information-seeking behaviors of engineers have illustrated the preference for oral communication in both universities or corporate research and development settings.25 The literature suggests that accessibility is the key issue for practitioners. Tenopir and King pro- vide an in-depth analysis of the literature on how engineers communicate, with an emphasis on information resources used by engineers to perform their work.26 The researchers conclude that “[e]asy access is an engineer’s top priority, particularly for practitioners.”27 A consistent theme among the studies of information-seeking behaviors of engineers as practitioners is that they rely on their own knowledge base, interpersonal communication with colleagues, or information from within their own organization. In contrast to the engineers in corporate organizations, Tenopir and King assert that “[i]n aca- demia, engineers tend to be more aware of the services available through formal sources like libraries.”28 The Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty 551 Methodology The researchers surveyed engineering faculty members at twenty large research institutions from across the United States. The 12-item survey consisted of demographic, open-ended, and close- ended questions (see Appendix). The survey gathered both qualitative and quantitative data and was designed to take less than ten minutes to complete. In September 2009, an e-mail invitation to participate in an online survey was sent to approximately 4,900 engineer- ing faculty members at twenty public research institutions. The institutions were selected as a purposive sample and represented different regions of the United States with engineering programs and relatively large libraries. Student assistants gathered e-mail addresses of all faculty listed on the institutions’ Web sites for their Engineering department or college. This typically included both tenured and nontenured faculty as well as researchers and faculty emeritus; the survey was sent to the entire population as denoted on the institutional Web sites. Faculty members were given three weeks to respond; a reminder e-mail was sent after two weeks. Results and Discussion About the Respondents Of the 4,905 e-mail invitations sent, 903 engineering faculty members responded, for a response rate of 18.4 percent. The majority of the respondents were ranked as professors (35%), associate professors (24%) and assistant professors (23%). The remaining 17 percent of respondents were ranked as adjunct faculty, instructors, lecturers, professors emeriti, and “other.” A total of 45 percent of the engineering faculty members and researchers had been in their position for sixteen or more years, followed by 22 percent who had been in their position for five years or less, 19 percent who had been in their position six to ten years, and 14 percent who had been in their position for eleven to fifteen years. Thus, almost 60 percent of the respondents had been in their positions more than eleven years. Meeting Research Needs The survey found that engineering faculty rely heavily on scholarly journals, Internet resources, and face-to-face discussions with students and colleagues to assist them with their research (see figure 1). It is not a surprise that scholarly journals figure 1 Percentage of respondents reporting the following information Sources as Very important, important, Neutral, or unimportant 552 College & Research Libraries November 2011 and Internet resources are the two most important resources for the engineering faculty. In many studies about informa- tion- gathering behaviors of faculty, the reliance on and demand for electronic journals and desktop delivery of materi- als has increased exponentially in the last five years.29 The results from this study indicate that the third and fourth most important resource for engineering faculty was face-to-face discussion with students and face-to-face discussion with colleagues. The reliance on personal communication among the engineering faculty closely mirrors the reliance on personal commu- nication for information among practicing engineers in the corporate environment.30 Frequency of Information Seeking and/or Accessing Information Engineering faculty were asked how frequently they sought and/or accessed information to complete seven tasks: preparation for student lectures, prepa- ration for a conference presentation, determining protocols for laboratory procedures, researching patents, research or writing for publication, preparing a new research proposal or grant applica- tion, and professional development. In this question, respondents were asked to choose daily, weekly, monthly, once or twice per semester, annually, or not applicable (see table 1). The frequency of information-seeking behaviors among the engineering faculty respondents relate to their primary re- sponsibilities as faculty members within research and teaching institutions. Fully 81 percent of the engineering faculty seek or access information at least weekly to prepare for student lectures. Nearly three-quarters, or 74 percent, seek or access information at least monthly to conduct research or write publications; 77 percent seek or access information at least monthly for professional development or to stay current in their field. Almost eight out of 10 (79%) of the respondents seek or access information at least once or twice per semester to prepare a new research proposal or grant application; 84 percent seek or access information at least once or twice per semester to pre- pare for conference presentations, and 62 percent seek or access information at least annually to determine protocols for laboratory procedures. Fewer than half of the survey respondents seek or access Table 1 Percentage of respondents reporting the frequency of Seeking or accessing information to Complete the following Tasks Tasks Daily Weekly Monthly 1-2/ Semester annually N/a Prepare for student lectures 32% 49% 5% 5% 1% 7% Prepare for a conference presentation 2% 11% 32% 39% 11% 6% Determine protocols for laboratory procedures 4% 13% 15% 17% 13% 38% Research patents 1% 3% 8% 13% 21% 53% Write/research for publication 23% 30% 21% 16% 5% 5% Prepare a new research proposal/grant application 4% 12% 28% 35% 12% 8% Professional development/ remain current in the field 25% 34% 18% 11% 8% 5% The Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty 553 information to investigate research pat- ents annually. These results closely align with the primary responsibilities of an engineering faculty member, with more than 80 percent seeking and/or access- ing information most often for student lectures, secondarily for professional development or staying current in their field, and third for research and writing. In-person Library Visits Given the value that engineering fac- ulty place on library services available electronically, the results to the question about how often the engineering faculty had visited the library in person during the past twelve months should not be a surprise. Close to three-fourths of the re- spondents (73%) indicated that they had visited the physical library fewer than five times in the past year. Only 5 percent of the respondents indicated they had vis- ited the library 24 or more times during the past year. These results are similar to the results from the recent study of academic researchers who reported, with the exception of one university of the five universities studied, that “37%–48% of academic scientists visit their library less than five times a year.”31 Because engineering faculty increas- ingly use electronic resources and ser- vices, their use of the physical library space has decreased. Of the twenty academic institutions surveyed, fifteen have a separate facility identified as an engineering branch library, although many are combined with other li- braries. For example, some of these engineering libraries include a science and engineering library, an engineer- ing and physical science library, and an art, architecture and engineering library. In the current economy that has stressed the budgets of public and private academic institutions across the country, it will be interesting to observe whether these engineering branch libraries remain viable or are closed or consolidated with larger collections in the next five to ten years. Keeping Current in the Engineering Field The respondents were asked how they keep abreast of current developments in engineering and allowed to choose all of the options. As shown in table 2, engineer- ing faculty rely on conference attendance, references from an article of interest, current issues of journals, and personal communication to keep abreast of current developments in their field. To a lesser extent, the engineering faculty rely on abstracting or indexing tools, electronic discussion lists, RSS feeds, and current awareness services. Awareness of Less Recent Journal Articles The engineering faculty also responded to a question that asked how they became aware of less recent journal articles. This question presented the following options: citations at the end of journal articles, citations at the end of book chapters, ret- rospective searching of indexing and ab- stracting tools, personal communication, browsing of older volumes, and “other.” As shown in figure 2, engineering faculty rely most heavily on citations at the end of journal articles to track less recent in- formation. To a lesser extent, they rely on retrospective searching of indexing and abstracting tools, personal communica- Table 2 Percentage of respondents Who Selected Methods to Keep abreast of Current Developments in Their field Methods for Current awareness % Conference attendance 22% Follow references from an article 21% Scan current issues of journals 21% Personal communication 18% Scan recent abstracting or indexing tools 10% Electronic discussion lists 4% Other 2% RSS feeds 2% Current awareness service 1% 554 College & Research Libraries November 2011 tion, citations at the end of book chapters, and browsing of older volumes. Importance of Library Services The engineering faculty were asked to rate eleven library services as very im- portant, important, neutral, unimport- ant, or not applicable to their needs. As illustrated in figure 3, an overwhelming 96 percent of the respondents indicated that electronic access to scholarly jour- nals—both current and archives—is important or very important; maintaining print access to journals is important or very important to only 37 percent of the respondents. The physical book collection is valued as important or very important to 71 percent of respondents, whereas the electronic book collection is seen as important or very important to only 56 percent of respondents. Interlibrary loan services are seen as important or very im- portant by 70 percent of the respondents, whereas document delivery is important or very important to 50 percent of the respondents. Library databases are im- portant or very important to 69 percent of the respondents, but access to labora- tory protocols is minimally important to engineering faculty, with only 23 percent indicating it is important or very impor- tant. Providing library space to conduct research is seen as important or very im- portant by only 36 percent of respondents. Assistance from library personnel is rated important or very important by 47 percent of respondents. These results parallel the findings of Hiller, who concludes that faculty and graduate students in engineering rank desktop delivery as the highest priority for library support.32 He confirms that many recent studies indicate that faculty in the sciences and engineering prefer remote access to electronic information.33 As budgets allow, most university librar- ies are working to meet the demands of faculty who consider online access to library resources and materials essential to their research and teaching. The data support the popular belief that the physi- cal space of the library as a repository for materials is of decreasing importance to engineering faculty. One finding that surprised the re- searchers was that almost half (47%) of respondents rated assistance from library personnel as very important or important. Particularly in an environment of increas- ing multidisciplinary research among figure 2 Percentage of respondents Who Selected Methods to become aware of less recent Journal articles 6% 24% 48% 53% 58% 95% 0% 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 10 0% Other Browsing older volumes Citations at the end of book chapters Personal communication Retrospective searching of indexing/ abstracting tools Citations at the end of journal articles The Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty 555 engineering faculty, librarians are con- tinuously reinventing their role in higher education to remain relevant to faculty and students as teachers, as navigators, as procurement agents for the thousands of electronic resources available, and as organizers of these materials to make them relevant and easily accessible to faculty. Almost half of the engineering faculty who responded to this survey found value in the role of library person- nel providing assistance in accessing relevant information. Branch of Engineering and Value Placed on Library Services The researchers conducted a chi-square test of association to determine the sta- tistical significance of the relationship between the faculty members’ branch of engineering and the value they placed on library resources and services for meeting their information needs. Of the eleven library services rated, seven showed a statistically significant relation to a branch of engineering (see table 3). Those that were statistically associated to a branch of engineering include: interlibrary loan (p<0.001), physical book collection (p<0.001), assistance from library person- nel (p<0.001), access to laboratory proto- cols (p<0.001), library databases (p=0.001), document delivery (p=0.001), and print subscriptions to journals (p=0.002). This suggests for many services that the im- portance engineering faculty place on library services is predicated somewhat by the faculty member’s discipline and area of emphasis. As expected, faculty members from all branches of engineering valued electronic access to journals—both current issues and archives. More than 90 percent of the respondents in every branch of engineer- ing rated electronic access to journals as important or very important. Library space to study and conduct research was not valued highly by any branch of engineering. Industrial engineering had the highest number of faculty, indicating that space was important or very impor- tant; but, even so, only 45.9 percent of figure 3 Percentage of respondents reporting the importance of library resources and Services in Meeting their information Needs as Very important, important, Neutral, unimportant, or Not applicable 556 College & Research Libraries November 2011 Ta b l e 3 P er ce nt ag e of r es po nd en ts b y b ra nc h of e ng in ee ri ng C or re la te d w it h im po rt an ce T he y P la ce d on l ib ra ry r es ou rc es a nd S er vi ce s fo r M ee ti ng th ei r in fo rm at io n N ee ds e ng in ee ri ng D is ci pl in e il l P hy si ca l bo ok co lle ct io n a ss is ta nc e lib ra ry pe rs on ne l a cc es s la b pr ot oc ol l ib ra ry da ta ba se s D oc um en t de liv er y P ri nt sc ho la rl y jo ur na ls e -a cc es s cu rr en t sc ho la rl y jo ur na ls Sp ac e fo r st ud y& re se ar ch e -a cc es s ar ch iv es sc ho la rl y jo ur na ls e -b oo k co lle ct io n p ≤ 0. 00 1 0. 00 1 0. 00 1 0. 00 1 0. 00 1 0. 00 1 0. 00 2 0. 07 5 0. 17 2 0. 18 9 0. 93 1 a er os pa ce 71 .1 % 10 .3 % 40 .0 % 14 .3 % 66 .6 % 43 .2 % 36 .8 % 92 .3 % 22 .9 % 92 .3 % 63 .1 % b io m ed ic al / b io en gi ne er in g 64 .7 % 44 .9 % 33 .0 % 43 .7 % 65 .9 % 44 .9 % 24 .7 % 10 0. 0% 41 .4 % 10 0. 0% 66 .2 % C he m ic al 78 .2 % 74 .0 % 59 .3 % 27 .3 % 73 .4 % 54 .6 % 36 .4 % 97 .5 % 36 .4 % 96 .2 % 48 .8 % C iv il 71 .5 % 67 .8 % 62 .3 % 34 .0 % 71 .9 % 51 .7 % 42 .7 % 94 .1 % 35 .7 % 93 .2 % 57 .4 % C om pu te r Sc ie nc e 53 .2 % 51 .0 % 22 .3 % 8. 7% 44 .6 % 34 .5 % 21 .3 % 92 .7 % 37 .6 % 93 .7 % 56 .3 % e le ct ri ca l 63 .3 % 75 .3 % 37 .0 % 14 .9 % 74 .1 % 46 .2 % 29 .7 % 97 .5 % 30 .1 % 96 .6 % 53 .9 % e nv ir on m en ta l 77 .6 % 75 .5 % 49 .0 % 36 .9 % 75 .8 % 55 .1 % 36 .8 % 98 .3 % 36 .9 % 98 .3 % 52 .5 % in du st ri al 86 .2 % 67 .5 % 47 .2 % 13 .9 % 64 .9 % 56 .7 % 34 .2 % 92 .1 % 45 .9 % 92 .1 % 57 .9 % M ec ha ni ca l 79 .2 % 80 .0 % 50 .5 % 20 .6 % 76 .0 % 56 .1 % 50 .9 % 99 .2 % 38 .3 % 99 .1 % 60 .1 % P et ro le um 75 .6 % 74 .3 % 62 .4 % 20 .3 % 74 .8 % 56 .8 % 44 .2 % 95 .3 % 36 .2 % 93 .0 % 51 .6 % O th er 87 .5 % 62 .5 % 50 .0 % 28 .6 % 62 .5 % 37 .5 % 75 .0 % 10 0. 0% 37 .5 % 10 0. 0% 50 .0 % The Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty 557 respondents gave it this rating. A mere 22.9 percent of the aerospace engineering faculty members rated space to study or conduct research as important or very important. Longevity in the Field and Value Placed on Library Resources and Services The researchers conducted a chi-square test of association to determine the sta- tistical significance of the relationship between a faculty member ’s longevity in the field and the value placed on li- brary resources and services for meeting information needs. Of the eleven library services rated, four showed a statistically significant relationship to the number of years in the field (see table 4): access to laboratory protocols (p=0.002), docu- ment delivery (p=0.003), interlibrary loan (p=0.003), and print subscriptions to jour- nals (p=0.011). The data illustrate that the longer a faculty member has been in the field, the greater the importance he or she places on print access to scholarly journals. How- ever, only 44 percent of those with more than sixteen years in the field indicated that it was important or very important to maintain print subscriptions. In addi- tion, those with eleven to fifteen years in the field value assistance from library personnel more than other groups, but only 52.6 percent of them indicated that it was important or very important. Electronic access to journals contin- ues to reign supreme for both current and archival content; it was valued as important or very important by over 90 percent of the respondents in every longevity category. Electronic access to monographs was ranked as important or very important by 62 percent of the faculty respondents who had been in the field less than five years, as compared to the low of 52 percent of the faculty respondents who had been in the field sixteen or more years. Access to physical book collections was ranked important or very important by all respondents at ap- proximately 70 percent. It would appear that electronic access to journals is more Table 4 Percentage of respondents by longevity in the field Correlated with importance They Placed on library resources and Services in Meeting their information Needs library resources & Services p= 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16+ years Access to lab protocols 0.002 27.1% 27.2% 33.6% 18.5% Document delivery 0.003 53.9% 51.8% 61.5% 46.0% Interlibrary loan 0.003 72.8% 72.6% 80.7% 66.4% Print subscriptions scholarly journals 0.011 29.0% 30.0% 39.0% 44.4% Electronic book collection 0.058 61.9% 56.9% 59.3% 52.3% Space to study/conduct research 0.096 34.8% 37.6% 40.2% 35.3% E-access to current scholarly journals 0.181 98.0% 95.8% 99.0% 92.6% Library databases 0.224 62.0% 75.1% 77.7% 68.7% E-access to archives scholarly journals 0.413 97.5% 94.6% 98.3% 94.7% Physical book collection 0.726 70.5% 70.5% 71.8% 70.1% Assistance from library personnel 0.814 42.6% 44.5% 52.6% 49.9% Imaging: A Laboratory Manual Edited by Rafael Yuste This manual describes the theory and practice of a wide array of imaging methods. 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Kelly Proper expression, folding, transport, and clearance of proteins is critical for cell function. This volume covers the entire spectrum of protein homeostasis in healthy cells and the diseases that result when control of protein pro- duction, folding, and degra- dation goes awry. 2011, 349 pp., illus., index Hardcover $135 ISBN 978-1-936113-06-4 CSHL-CRLNews2ad_Layout 1 10/24/11 4:52 PM Page 1 Means to an End: Apoptosis and Other Cell Death Mechanisms By Douglas R. Green Douglas Green, a leader in the field, provides a clear and comprehensive view of apoptosis and other cell death mechanisms. The book is of great use to all biologists interested in how cells function in the context of multicellular organ- isms and will appeal to everyone from under- graduates encountering the topic for the first time to researchers actively working in the field. 2011, 220 pp., additional reading, index Hardcover $81.00 ISBN 978-0-879698-87-4 Paperback $46.00 ISBN 978-0-879698-88-1 The Mammary Gland as an Experimental Model Edited by Mina J. Bissell, Kornelia Polyak, and Jeffrey M. Rosen This volume reviews our understanding of mammary gland development, physiology, and tumor formation, emphasizing the value of the organ as a model system. It will be of interest to all researchers working in cell, developmental, and cancer biology, as well as those focused specifically on mammary gland biology and breast cancer. 2011, 325 pp., illus., index Hardcover $135 ISBN 978-0-879699-06-2 The Golgi Edited by Graham Warren and James Rothman The Golgi, identified more than 100 years ago by Camillo Golgi, is a series of flattened cister- nae that acts as a critical sorting and processing station for intracellular traffic. This volume, which includes discussions of Golgi bypass mechanisms, the evolution and diversity of the Golgi, and the involvement of Golgi in devel- opment and human inherited diseases, serves as a comprehensive reference for all cell biologists interested in this intriguing organelle. 2011, 322 pp., illus., index Hardcover $135 ISBN 978-0-879698-73-7 The Nucleus Edited by Tom Misteli and David L. Spector Including an historical introduction to the field and discussion of the numerous pathological conditions involving disruption of nuclear struc- ture and function, this volume is essential read- ing for all molecular and cell biologists, as well as pathologists interested in the role of nuclear architecture in disease. 2011, 517 pp., illus., index Hardcover $135 ISBN 978-0-879698-94-2 Calcium Signaling Edited by Martin D. Bootman, Michael J. Berridge, James W. Putney, and H. Llewelyn Roderick This volume explores the channels and pumps that transport calcium between different compartments and the regulation of calcium fluxes. The contributors discuss calcium buffers and sensors and how these produce distinct spatiotemporal calcium signals in different circumstances. 2011, 499 pp., illus., index Hardcover $135 ISBN 978-0-879699-03-1 Protein Homeostasis Edited by Richard I. Morimoto, Dennis J. Selkoe, and Jeffrey W. Kelly Proper expression, folding, transport, and clearance of proteins is critical for cell function. This volume covers the entire spectrum of protein homeostasis in healthy cells and the diseases that result when control of protein pro- duction, folding, and degra- dation goes awry. 2011, 349 pp., illus., index Hardcover $135 ISBN 978-1-936113-06-4 CSHL-CRLNews2ad_Layout 1 10/24/11 4:52 PM Page 1 560 College & Research Libraries November 2011 nine information sources provided in the survey, only one showed a statistically significant relationship to longevity in the field—face-to-face discussions with students (p=0.026) (see table 5). However, while there may be a statistically signifi- cant relationship between longevity in the field and the value placed on face-to-face discussions with students for research, an in-depth examination of the responses would indicate that there is little dif- ferentiation, even in this area, between those with more than sixteen years in the field and those with less than five years. For faculty with more than sixteen years in the field, 87.3 percent indicated that face-to-face discussions with students was important or very important for their re- search; for those with less than five years of experience, 89.3 percent indicated it was important or very important. Engineering Faculty Narrative Comments The researchers included an open-ended question in the survey that asked the engineering faculty whether there were services or improvements that their library did not currently provide that would assist them in meeting their infor- mation needs. Of the 903 respondents, 167 (18.4%) answered the open-ended ques- highly valued than any other information resource. The recent Faculty Survey 2009 issued by ITHAKA confirmed that faculty members in many disciplines are increas- ingly comfortable not only with current scholarly electronic journals but also with electronic journal back files.34 Faculty attitudes suggest that a tipping point has been passed for journal current issues, and, with certain narrow exceptions, that print editions of current issues of scholarly journals are rapidly becoming a thing of the past. And although faculty attitudes on journal backfiles have not yet experienced the same nearly-complete shift, they are changing in parallel with library resources constraints such that backfile print collections will increasingly be replaced exclusively by digitized versions.35 Longevity in the Field and Sources of Information for Research The researchers also compared the as- sociation between a faculty member ’s longevity in the field and the importance placed on selected sources of informa- tion for the member’s research. Of the Table 5 Percentage of respondents by longevity in the field Correlated with Selected Sources of information for research Sources of information for research p= 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years 16+ years Face-to-face discussion with students 0.026 89.3% 90.2% 89.2% 87.3% Face-to-face discussion with colleagues 0.071 89.8% 92.2% 91.7% 88.2% E-mail discussion with colleagues 0.072 84.3% 84.2% 83.3% 82.0% Attendance at conference 0.072 89.4% 95.0% 85.,1% 77.2% E-mail discussion with students 0.316 42.1% 67.0% 74.0% 68.3% Books 0.337 80.8% 80.7% 80.9% 85.5% Internet resources 0.473 96.5% 95.3% 95.0% 92.7% Scholarly journals 0.605 96.5% 94.7% 97.5% 94.9% Textbooks 0.872 63.1% 67.2% 62.5% 60.1% The Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty 561 tion. The researchers coded the responses by category such as collections, services, compliments, complaints, and commu- nication (see table 6). Not surprisingly, 34.5 percent of the narrative responses indicated that the engineering faculty wanted more journals, more electronic access to journals, or more electronic access to journal archives. The second most frequently requested improvement was in document delivery services, with 11 percent of the respondents making statements to this effect. The remainder of the open-ended questions represented 10 percent or less of the total responses to the open-ended question. The narrative comments showed a wide range of compliments and com- plaints from the engineering faculty that are not surprising to the researchers. For example, “I am not aware of any colleague whose library provides more resources than ours. As such, I am very pleased with the library’s offerings” and “Our library is excellent” to “The books our library has in my research area are mostly too old. Many of those books were published in the 1980s” and “The library is woefully lacking in recent online access to many journals in which I’m interested.” While few (2.9%) of the narrative responses indicated that the engineering faculty needed assistance from librarians in their institutions, those who commented were specific in their requests for personalized services, such as, “There’s basically too much information available. I need librar- ians to come to my office to assist [me].… Now that faculty access all the archives from their offices, librarians need to go to faculty offices to have the wonderful impact that they used to have before the [I]nternet.” The wide range of responses also addressed the physical space of the library and ranged from “There is NOT enough space in the library or elsewhere so I resort to coffee shops to do my re- search and meet with students!!” to “I wish they’d dispense with the physical library and use the cost savings to sub- scribe to more e-journals and buy more e-books. The leather-patched-jacket- wearing professor smoking a pipe at the library doesn’t work anymore. If it’s not electronic access, it isn’t useful.” In gen- eral, the narrative responses reinforced the high value that faculty place on the availability of electronic resources for their research and teaching. Conclusion The researchers studied the information- seeking behavior and habits of engineer- ing faculty in academic environments. The responses from survey participants confirmed the findings of other stud- Table 6 engineering faculty Narrative responses ranked Narrative responses # % Increase journals, E-journals, journal back files 47 34.5% Improve document delivery services 15 11.0% Compliment (general) 13 9.5% Increase E-book collections 8 5.8% Compliment (electronic resources) 6 4.4% Increase E-access to databases, indexes, citation indexes 6 4.4% Increase monograph collection 5 3.6% Complaint (budget) 5 3.6% Complaint (journal cut) 4 2.9% Improve communication w/ library personnel 4 2.9% 562 College & Research Libraries November 2011 ies that electronic access to current and archived scholarly journals and Internet resources are important to meeting their research and information needs. Similar to their engineering colleagues in the corporate environment who rely on co- workers as trusted information sources, academic engineering faculty also rely on face-to-face discussion with their students and colleagues to help with their research and teaching. As the most recent ITHAKA study on faculty attitudes indicated, faculty in all disciplines increasingly rely on electronic resources for their research and teaching. The study verified the trend that “the library’s physical edifice and catalog have declined steadily as starting points for research.”36 As a result, faculty are using online services for their discovery path, with the library becoming the ‘behind the scenes’ procurement agent.37 Unless branded by the library, it may not be obvi- ous to the faculty member that the library has any role in providing these resources and services for research and teaching. The ITHAKA report asks a relevant ques- tion of the academic library community: “Can the academic library reengage with scientists?”38 The researchers of this paper would suggest a corollary question: “Can the academic library reengage with engi- neering faculty?” Is the library becoming more or less relevant to engineering faculty in the aca- demic environment? The mission of the university library is to provide resources and information services that help the engineering faculty meet their research and teaching goals. This study’s respon- dents clearly indicate that electronic access to journals, journal back files, and even monographs are important to their research and teaching. The library has a unique opportunity to develop its role as the procurer and curator of the elec- tronic resources that engineering faculty demand. Simultaneously, the physical space of the library is less important to the engineering faculty surveyed. Librar- ians are thus challenged to expand and promote their role as educators, onsite research consultants at the engineering faculty members’ point of need, procure- ment agents, and organizers of access to electronic resources that will continue to serve the needs of engineers within their universities. Further research on engineering faculty must be conducted to answer additional questions. Do the information-seeking behaviors of academic engineering fac- ulty mirror the behavior of researchers in other disciplines, or do they more closely mirror that of their peers in engineering corporate environments? In addition, how have academic librarians used Web 2.0 applications to integrate new models of information discovery through blogs, RSS feeds, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking tools for engineering faculty? Is the information-seeking be- havior of academic engineering faculty influenced largely by what is available at their local university library? Further research will help address these questions and assist librarians in fulfilling the core library mission of supporting the research and teaching needs of academic engineer- ing faculty. The Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty 563 Appendix: Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty Survey 1. What is your status within your university? q Professor q Associate Professor q Assistant Professor q Adjunct Professor q Instructor q Lecturer q Professor Emeritus q Other (please specify): 2. Which branch of Engineering is your area of emphasis? (Please select the answer most closely aligned with your area.) q Aerospace q Biomedical/Bioengineering q Chemical q Civil q Computer Science q Electrical q Environmental q Industrial q Mechanical q Petroleum q Other (please specify): 3. How long have you been a faculty member/researcher in your area of study? q 0-5 years q 6-10 years q 11-15 years q 16+ years 4. Which of the following are included in your departmental duties? (Select all that apply.) q Undergraduate Instruction q Graduate Instruction q Laboratory Research q Field Research q Commercial/Proprietary Research q Supervision of Doctoral Research q Grant Preparation q Other (please specify): 5. How many of the following have you completed within the last 5 years? 0 1-3 4-7 8-11 12+ Refereed journal articles or book chapters Non-refereed journal articles or book chapters 564 College & Research Libraries November 2011 Conference proceedings Grant applications Patents/commercial projects Books 6. How frequently do you seek and/or access information to complete the following tasks? Daily Weekly Monthly 1-2 times/ semester Annually N/A Prepare for student lectures Prepare for conference presentation Determine protocols for laboratory procedures Research patents Write/research for publication Prepare new research proposal/ grant application Professional development/ remain current in field 7. How important are the following in helping you with your research? Very Important Important Neutral Unimportant N/A Scholarly Journals Internet resources Books Textbooks Attendance at conference Email discussion with a colleague Face to face discussion with a colleague Email discussion with a student Face to face discussion with a student 8. How do you keep abreast of current developments in your field(s)? (Please check all that apply.) q Scanning current issues of journals q Scanning recent issues of abstracting/indexing tools q Personal communication The Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty 565 q Attendance at conference q Follow references or leads from an article or item of interest (citation trail) q Electronic discussion lists q RSS feeds q Current Awareness service q Other (please describe): 9. How do you become aware of other less recent journal articles? (Please check all that apply.) q Citations at end of journal articles q Citations at end of book chapters q Retrospective searching of indexing/abstracting tools q Personal communication q Browsing through older volumes q Other (please describe): 10. How often did you visit the library in person in the last 12 months? q Never q 1-2 visits q 3-5 visits q 6-12 visits q 13-23 visits q 24 or more visits 11. How important are the following library services in meeting your information needs? Very Important Important Neutral Unimportant N/A Electronic access to current scholarly journals Electronic access to archives of scholarly journals Print subscriptions to scholarly journals Physical book collection Electronic book collection Access to laboratory protocols Library databases (e.g. INSPEC) Interlibrary loan Document delivery Space to study/conduct research Assistance from library personnel Other (please specify) 12. Are there services your university library does not currently provide, but you wish they did? If so, please explain how these services would assist you in meeting your information needs. 566 College & Research Libraries November 2011 Notes 1. Donald W. King, Jane Casto, and Heather Jones, Communication by Engineers: A Literature Review of Engineers’ Information Needs, Seeking Processes, and Use (Washington, D.C.: Council on Library Resources, Inc., 1994). 2. Thomas J. Allen, Managing the Flow of Technology: Technology Transfer and the Dissemination of Technological Information within the R&D Organization (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1977); Hedvah L. Shuchman, Information Transfer in Engineering (Washington, D.C.: The Futures Group, 1981); Thomas E. Pinelli, Ann P. Bishop, Rebecca O. Barclay, and John M. Kennedy, “The Information- Seeking Behavior of Engineers,” Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, eds. Allen Kent and Carolyn M. Hall (New York: Marcel Dekker, 1993), vol. 52: 167–201; Donald O. Case, Looking for Information: A Survey of Research on Information Seeking, Needs and Behavior (San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press, 2002); David Ellis and Merete Haugan, “Modelling the Information Seeking Pat- terns of Engineers and Research Scientists in an Industrial Environment,” Journal of Documentation 53, no. 4 (l997): 384–403. 3. Raya Fidel and Maurice Green, “The Many Faces of Accessibility: Engineers Perceptions of Information Sources,” Information Processing and Management 40 (2004): 563–81. 4. Thomas E. Pinelli,“The Information-Seeking Habits and Practices of Engineers,” Science & Technology Libraries 11 (1991): 5–25. 5. Cynthia Steinke, Information Seeking and Communicating Behavior of Scientists and Engineers (Binghamton, N.Y.: Haworth Press, 1991). 6. Jean Poland, “Informal Communication among Scientists and Engineers: A Review of the Literature,” Information Seeking and Communicating Behavior of Scientists and Engineers, ed. Cynthia A. Steinke (Binghamton, N.Y.: Haworth Press, 1991), 61–69. 7. Ibid., 69. 8. Maurita Peterson Holland and Christina Kelleher Powell, “A Longitudinal Survey of the Information Seeking and Use Habits of Some Engineers,” College & Research Libraries 56 (1995): 7–15. 9. Maurita Peterson Holland, “Modeling the Engineering Information Professional,” Science & Technology Libraries 17, no. 2 (1998): 31–43. 10. Morten Hertzum and Annelise Mark Pejtersen, “The Information-Seeking Practices of Engineers: Searching for Documents as Well as People,” Information Processing and Management 36 (2000): 761–78. 11. Ibid., 776. 12. Claire J. Anderson, Myron Glassman, R. Bruce McAfee, and Thomas Pinelli, “An Investiga- tion of Factors Affecting How Engineers and Scientists Use Information,” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management 18 (2001): 131–55. 13. Lishi Kwasitsu, “Information-Seeking Behavior of Design, Process and Manufacturing Engineers,” Library & Information Science Research 25 (2003): 459–76, available online at doi:10.1016/ S0740-8188(03)00054-9 [accessed 18 March 2010]. 14. Britt K. Mueller, Greg Sorini, and Elizabeth Grossman, “Information Seeking Behavior of Engineers in the Corporate Environment: Implications for Information Delivery,” 2005 Contributed Professional Papers, Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada (June 5–8, 2005), available online at www.sla.org/content/Events/conference/ac2005/contribpapers/index.cfm [ac- cessed 18 March 2010]. 15. Ibid., 7. 16. Madely Du Preez, “Information Needs and Information-Seeking Behavior of Engineers: A Systemic Review,” Mousaion 25, no 2 (2007): 72–94. 17. Barbara D. Farah, “The Information-Seeking Behavior of Academic Computing Engineers,” in Looking to the Year 2000: Information Professionals Chart the Course: Professional Paper from the 84th Annual Conference of the Special Libraries Association, June 5–10, 1993, Cincinnati, Ohio (Chicago, Ill.: Special Libraries Association, 1993): 65–101. 18. Ibid., 95. 19. Steve Hiller, “How Different Are They? A Comparison of Academic Areas of Library Use, Priorities and Information Needs at the University of Washington,” Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship 33 (2002), available online at www.istl.org/02-winter/article1.html [accessed 18 March 2010]. 20. Ibid., 12. 21. Steve Hiller, “How Scientists and Engineers Find Information and Use Libraries,” ACRL-STS Program Partners in Science: An Exploration of a Scientist-Librarian Relationship, ALA/CLA Annual Conference, June 23, 2003, Toronto, Canada, available online at www.lib.washington.edu/assess- ment/conferences/STSjune2003Hiller_files/frame.htm [accessed 18 March 2010]. The Information-Seeking Habits of Engineering Faculty 567 22. Bette Finn and Pat Johnston, “Index Use by Engineering Faculty and Students,” Georgia Library Quarterly 41, no. 3 (2004): 5–15. 23. M. Doraswamy, “The Relationship of Academic Role and Information Use by Engineering Faculty,” Library Philosophy and Practice (2009): 1–9, available online at http://unllib.unl.edu/LPP/ doraswamy2.pdf [accessed 19 March 2010]. 24. Xi Niu, Bradley M. Hemminger, Cory Lown, Stephanie Adams, Cecelia Brown, Allison Level, Merinda McLure, Audrey Powers, Michele R. Tennant, Tara Cataldo, “National Study of Information Seeking Behavior of Academic Researchers in the United States,” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61, no. 5 (2010): 869–90, available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/asi.21307 [accessed 24 May 2010]. 25. Gloria J. Leckie, Karen E. Pettigrew, and Christian Sylvain, “Modeling the Information Seeking of Professionals: A General Model Derived from Research on Engineers, Health Care Professionals, and Lawyers,” The Library Quarterly 6, no. 2 (1996): 161–93. 26. Carol Tenopir and Donald W. King, Communication Patterns of Engineers (Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, 2004). 27. Ibid., 58. 28. Ibid. 29. Hiller,“How Different Are They?” 12; Hiller, “How Scientists and Engineers Find Informa- tion and Use Libraries,”10. 30. Anderson et al., “An Investigation of Factors,” 151; Hertzum and Pejtersen, “The Infor- mation-Seeking Practices of Engineers,” 761. 31. Xi Niu et al., “National Study of Information Seeking Behavior,” 878. 32. Hiller, “How Different Are They?” 12. 33. Hiller, “How Scientists and Engineers Find Information and Use Libraries,” 5. 34. Roger C. Schonfeld and Ross Housewright, Faculty Survey 2009: Key Strategic Insights for Libraries, Publishers, and Societies (2009), available online at www.ithaka.org/ithaka-s-r/research/ faculty-surveys-2000-2009/Faculty%20Study%202009.pdf [accessed 22 April 2010]. 35. Ibid., 15. 36. Ibid., 5. 37. Ibid. 38. Ibid., 14.