1186 College & Research Libraries November 2020 Part II moves from examining the academic library as an organization to focus on develop- ing individual leadership potential. Seven chapters discuss the importance of understanding yourself, emotional intelligence, vision, and strategy, leading with intention, what leaders really do, correcting through reflection, mindset, grit, and resilience. The third and final part focuses on cultural intelligence and diversity. Aside from the specific emphasis of each chapter and the overarching narrative structure, the chapters are organized in a consistent way. Each contains an introduction and a series of conceptual definitions that frame the argument. Additionally, the book offers new leaders a series of activities that the reader is encouraged to complete. Each activity is designed to develop an aspect of leadership covered in the chapter. For example, an activity in chapter 5 lays out a strengths and weakness analysis of leadership skills. In addition to the organization of the book, there are some good leadership insights as well. The authors do a good job extending the discussion of leadership in the academic library. One area where the book excels is in the topic of collegiality. Leadership in the academic library has certain specific ideas and nomenclature, while collegiality is a term that has a meaning both within the library and on the academic campus. Taking the time to discuss how colle- giality is understood in the academic setting is important. The chapter on grit and resilience is of note as well. Grit is often talked about, but the authors do a good job of extending the conversation to include Carol Dweck’s growth mindset, a nice companion to discussions of grit. The authors also demonstrate how to transform planning into action through a chapter on intention in leadership. Such action requires leaders to recognize that leadership is an ongoing process that requires continuous efforts to improve those skills. While the overall organization and content presented in the book is comprehensive and informative, there are a few areas that could be expanded upon. First, the authors should expand the scope of their audience. They begin with the argument that the audience for this book is new leaders; however, much of this book could apply to existing leaders as well. While the authors are correct in their assessment and preparation of new leaders, there are existing leaders who could benefit from this book as well. To limit the audience early on introduces a roadblock to potential readers who are existing leaders. The other area of opportunity for the authors is the chapter on diversity and cultural intelligence. As universities increase diversity and discussions of race become more prominent in leadership, it is important for new leaders to be properly equipped to have these discussions. Recognizing that a topic of this magnitude is perhaps addressed best in a standalone monograph, the authors could have done more to expand the topics or to include more activities on diversity and cultural intelligence. Becoming a Library Leader is a comprehensive introduction to leadership in the academic library. The numerous topics addressed combined with the different activities can help the reader begin to lay the foundations to being a better leader in an academic library. An expan- sion of the discussion on diversity can only serve to make an already comprehensive book even better. This book should be considered as a primer for any librarian who seeks leadership in academic libraries.—Ryan Litsey, Texas Tech University Elizabeth Brookbank and H. Faye Christenberry. MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature. New York, NY: Modern Language Association of America, 2019. 137p. Paper, $16.00 (ISBN 9781603294362). LC 2019011165. Over the decades, the Modern Language Association has consistently published guides to Book Reviews 1187 scholarship—typically, edited compilations of essays to initiate be- ginning philologists into the contemporary landscape of scholarly engagement with literature and the other philological disciplines. These guides offer overviews of the major disciplines and subdisci- plines, assert and attest to the value of scholarship in those disciplines, summarize the impactful current ideas and thinking of influential scholars and writers doing that work, and provide insight into the perspectives of those scholars—with examples of how their ideas and perspectives have been applied to scholarship. Such guides to scholarship have been written by scholars. This means that their discussions engage with materials already in their hands, minds, and experience from years of research and reading and are therefore extraordinarily useful. However, these works do not shed much light on the work of scholarship per se, nor do they offer an overarching approach to the activity of performing research. Volumes typically include a rich bibliography, possibly even two, one of which might be called “Additional Read- ing”: a list of titles that often, perhaps inexplicably to the observant novice, include none of the titles from its list “Sources Used/Consulted.” The presence of those bibliographies implies their value and an expectation of, well, additional reading. The absence of explicit direction in how to use them represents a disconnect and a gap, from the point of view of the student who is their intended reader. The MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature closes this gap. Written by two reference librarians, it guides the reader in thinking about the research assignment and topic, providing immediately applicable information about the tools and methods of research. It fulfills its promise logically and concisely in just 137 pages, discussing early on the importance of understanding the assignment at hand and offering pointers on developing a topic. It then progresses into more advanced methods of searching in scholarly databases, branching into internet searching and locating specific types of information resources (such as background information and reviews). The volume does not address how the user might synthesize research with their own ideas and writing, and it contains no explicit discussion of how the researcher might know when they have finished their research. These issues lie outside the scope of the book. The authors describe methods and give clear information and advice, belaboring nothing. This leaves plenty of room for the reader/user of the book to refine their process and vary their path of inquiry as they complete their research writing assignments. To the book’s credit, it is not a click-by-click set of instructions. It describes clear methods, with examples, offering to the careful reader insights into what the beginner might expect from the research process. It also offers ideas for directed questioning to drive topic exploration. Overall, much is left to the reader, making it an excellent tool to support their learning and the development of a personal research style. Navigating the information universe and its overlapping and complementary facets is challenging to teach. The text provides thorough coverage of the basics: primary vs. second- ary sources; peer-reviewed material vs. not; popular material vs. scholarly. It also includes a solid discussion of library guides and discovery tools and how they differ from proprietary, discipline-specific databases and the open internet. The foundational information supplied here provides crucial assistance to the student researcher, emphasizing that no one set of 1188 College & Research Libraries November 2020 rules will apply for all research goals. The authors emphasize that that context and assign- ment scope are great determiners of the need for peer-reviewed sources or popular material. The table of contents is well organized, and terms defined in a glossary at the end of the book are shown in bold on their first occurrence in the text. Bibliographic information, when warranted, is included at the end of the relevant chapter. These elements facilitate use of the text as a handbook. Unfortunately, the book lacks an index and is not full-text searchable in Google Books. In the words of the authors, “If [a] book has an index, this can enable you to home in on where your topic is discussed” (10). In light of this statement, and of the fact that the term “index” is bolded and given a glossary definition, it is reasonable to conclude that the omission of an index was a publisher decision. The structure of the text itself echoes the iterative nature of research without being repetitious. Some topics and terms are repeated in fresh contexts, sometimes in their own sections and at point of need. For example, “Evaluating Internet Resources” is a subchapter represented in the table of contents. The topic recurs briefly, with additional information, on page 108 in the chapter titled “Managing Sources and Creating Your Bibliography.” Such it- eration effectively represents the nonlinear process of research. Though this approach serves the end-to-end reader extremely well, without an index it may slow the ability to review and apply the specific methods or ideas from the book. It is highly rewarding to read this book beginning to end, but the reader with a personal copy wishing to use it as a tool might benefit from reading with a pencil and page-points in hand. The addition by hand of page numbers to glossary terms would yield an “annotated index” and could save time in the future when memory has cooled. This would require preplanning, time, and some vigilant reading, but a deep familiarity with the book’s content might be a valuable artifact of such engagement. As stated by the book’s title, it is a guide to undergraduate research in literature. How- ever, 85 percent of this short text is applicable to research across the humanities. Only chapter 9 and the appendix are devoted specifically to American and English literature, and three of those pages are given to a mix of general reference materials including style manuals, citation guides, and other useful equipment to aid in the production of scholarly work. If comple- mented with appropriate domain-specific bibliographies and databases, this text will remain as applicable for literary research in other languages, as well as other humanistic domains, as it is for English and American literature. The MLA Guide to Undergraduate Research in Literature will be helpful to more than merely its intended student audience: the instruction librarian preparing an instruction session for humanities students; the reference librarian or librarian-bibliographer wishing to change foci from another discipline to literature or the humanities; and the seasoned research librarian preparing for a research interview. But for the undergraduate researcher in particular, it is indispensable. It answers most questions related to literature research and many related to research in the humanities more generally, including some that the beginning researcher may not even be aware they have.—Mary E.S. O’Dea, Hamline University