College and Research Libraries B y P E R C Y E . C L A P P A Technical Research Laboratory for the Library Percy E. Clapp is on the staff of the Reference Department of the New York Public Library. THE SIXTH edition of Industrial Re-search Laboratories of the United States, published by the National Research Council, lists 1 7 6 9 laboratories. These range from those of the great corporations, D u Pont, Eastman Kodak, and the Bell Telephone Laboratories with a staff of over 2000, to those of small firms with a staff of one or two. T h e y include also the laboratories maintained collectively by industrial associations like the Institute of Paper Chemistry at Lawrence College. T h e Bureau of Standards, in its latest di- rectory, lists 244 commercial testing labo- ratories. T h e several states maintain 59 agricul- tural experiment stations and the United States, 8 regional agricultural laboratories, with recent provision for 4 additional re- gional research laboratories. In the forest service alone there are 1 2 forest and range experiment stations in addition to the For- est Products laboratory at the University of Wisconsin. T h e Department of Agricul- ture estimates that the allotment for indus- trial research in the United States for 1 9 3 7 was $250,000,000. T h e appropriation for agricultural research for the year ending J u n e 30, 1 9 3 7 was over $35,000,000. T h i s was slightly over one cent per dollar of income from these sources. JUNE, 1940 T h e same directory of the Bureau of Standards lists 200 university research laboratories. In them, in the laboratories of the great foundations, in the Bureau of Standards and other governmental laboratories, in the industrial, commercial and private laboratories is conducted the great body of American research. Research Done in Field of Fine Arts Research has also extended to cultural organizations. A t the Fogg A r t Museum, Harvard, and at several other art mu- seums, technical research has in recent years been undertaken in the field of fine arts. In 1 9 3 0 Charles C . Williamson both asked and answered the question: What about research in the library field? A little sporadic work here and there by individuals that may possibly be classified as research. No organized or co-operative plans, or only the beginnings of such in two or three university library schools. No money appropriated anywhere, so f a r as I know, specifically for research in library service. Not a single person employed any- where by a library or a library system to study problems of library service. No re- search fellowships. No research professor- ships. A n even decade has elapsed since the date of this sweeping indictment, and per- haps D r . Williamson has understated the case for the library. Without entering the more strictly professional side of li- brary service, there have been in recent 23 7 years most creditable studies along tech- nical lines. Among them are the study of deterioration of paper initiated by H a r r y M i l l e r Lydenberg, and the studies of microfilm in which Keyes D . Metcalf has long been active. T h e study of fox- ing of paper made by Thomas M . Iiams is notable. T h e measurement of 350,000 books by Henry B . V a n Hoesen is basic. T h e work of the J o i n t Committee of the American Library Association and Library Binding Institute, and of the A . L . A . Com- mittee on L i b r a r y Equipment and Ap- pliances is of genuine service. A survey like that made by Robert C . Binkley and outlined in his manual on Methods of Reproducing Research Materials is of great value in integrating and making available the practical results of research. M a n y libraries have conducted studies with valuable results which are unpub- lished, and therefore of limited usefulness. However, there is much in D r . William- son's statement that will still hold today. Some Library Problems T h a t these studies have not solved all immediate problems is indicated by such recent articles as "Inventions and Books" by Ethel M . F a i r in the Library Journal, " T o m o r r o w " by D r . Lydenberg in the Library Quarterly, and the "Possibility of Discarding the C a r d C a t a l o g " by Fremont Rider in the same publication. Paper is the basic stuff of books, and libraries use it in quantity. H o w much is made in accordance with specifications as thorough as the minimum specifications for class " A " library binding, and how often is it tested for compliance with them? Like questions may be asked about other com- ponents of books, the ink and adhesives. T h e r e are the conditions vitally affecting library buildings and their occupants, the lighting, the sound, the ventilation. Printing processes begin to shift from graphic to photographic. Photographic records displace descriptive records. Color becomes frequent, and the motion picture records action as well. Records of music and of speech itself begin to supplement the score and printed symbols of language. A l l of these changes bring new prob- lems with increasing need of modern laboratory facilities and of present day methods of technical research to solve them. In any approach to the consideration and introduction of organized technical research in the library, there are a num- ber of points which have important bear- ings: M a n y problems are continuing prob- lems. N e w problems arise as rapidly as older ones are solved. W h i l e the results of much completed research may be used by libraries, there are plenty of problems peculiar to the li- brary. T h e Bureau of Standards can do much, but it cannot conduct the whole research of the nation. T h e library, like industry, needs to conduct its own research. T h e library building is usually not equipped for research, and the library staff is not organized to devote enough time to it. A research laboratory and informa- tion service or clearing house might best be maintained at a university with access to its physical, chemical and psychological laboratories. Regional Laboratory Might Be Practical Each library has problems of its own, but most problems affect large groups of libraries and can best be solved collec- tively. A regional type of laboratory would be easily accessible to a compact 291 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES group of large libraries. Such a regional laboratory, serving a compact group of libraries, could well initiate organized li- brary technical research, and later pro- vide a basis for a comprehensive national organization. T o bring this important subject under consideration, it is proposed that a com- pact group of about thirty university and public libraries on the eastern seaboard establish a library technical research service and laboratory. T h i s would pref- erably be situated at some centrally located university where scientific depart- ments would be available without dupli- cation. T h i s service would conduct for its contributing libraries the established tests for paper and other library materials. It would make studies of and conduct experiments with paper, inks, adhesives, binding materials, library conditions, light, sound, air and ventilation, wall coloring and surfaces, floors, various forms of equipment, the physical form of the cata- log as well as other technical problems of libraries. T h e research and information service might begin with a staff of one person in charge and one technician. T h e y would require an office, and a laboratory for testing equipment. W i t h little delay a chemist should be added to the staff. Proposed Support It is proposed that the laboratory be supported cooperatively so f a r as possible by the group of participating libraries, and that the cost be distributed equitably among them, perhaps in proportion to their total library expenditures. Service to other nearby libraries might be given for a small annual fee. It is believed that operation could begin on a budget of about $ 7 5 0 0 . A t the beginning, however, it would be advisable to encourage the frequent use of the laboratory as an edu- cational policy rather than to restrict its use in the interest of small economies. While the laboratory should fit into the framework of the institution at which it is located, the selection of subjects of re- search might be made by a representative committee of the supporting organizations. T h i s research and information service might make a survey of the results of li- brary research both unpublished and pub- lished. It might become a clearing house for unsolved library technical problems. It might integrate and coordinate the li- brary technical research conducted inde- pendently with that conducted in the laboratory itself. It should make the re- sults of its study available by publication or otherwise to its contributors and others. It should cooperate with the J o i n t Com- mittee of the A . L . A . and Library Binding Institute, and with the A . L . A . Commit- tee on Library Equipment and Appliances. Such a laboratory and information serv- ice should, in due course of time, develop a body of knowledge as useful as that produced by industrial and other research laboratories. It should become a training class for library research workers. It should pay, or more than pay for its cost, tend to place technical matters generally upon the sound basis of fact, and result in a better library service. JUNE, 1940 23 7