College and Research Libraries Research and Experimentation IN T H I S section G . Flint Purdy, librarian of Wayne University, introduces his first report on research and experimentation. One of the avowed objectives of College and Research Libraries is to foster inves- tigation of the problems of college, university and reference librarianship. In line with that objective, we hope to keep you informed concerning pertinent research and experimentation, completed and in progress. T h e list presented below represents an embryonic beginning. W e are attempting to organize machinery for the periodic collection of complete information concerning projects under way or finished. W e solicit your aid in procuring such information. T h e list of studies which follows has been compiled from reports by libraries and library schools. Most of the studies listed have probably been completed and reported as theses. Historical and Bibliographical Studies Doneghy, Frances V. A study of the present reference value of eighteenth century English and American periodicals and of the extent and adequacy of existing indexes to them. (Columbia) Duncan, Ruth B. A history of the library of George Pea- body College and its predecessors from 1789- 1909. (Peabody) Esterquest, Ralph T . The war-time attitudes and activities of American libraries, 1914-1918. (Illinois) Hoole, William Stanley. The Carnegie Corporation, the General Education Board, the Rosenwald Founda- tion, and college and university libraries in the south, 1929-1939. (Chicago) Leek, Marjorie H. Media for studying contemporary book reviews in English literature, 1800-1850. (Columbia) Leonard, Ruth S. A bibliographical evaluation of the United States copyright records, 1790-1870, as illustrated by the copyright records of the United States district court of Massachu- setts. (Columbia) Louisiana State University. An annotated bibliography of Louisiana pamphlets, 1860-1877, found in the collection of the Hill Memorial Library. (Author not reported) Minick, A. Rachel. History of printing in Maryland, 1791- 1800, with a bibliography of Maryland im- prints. (Columbia) Ostrowsky, Clara. Study of American festive publications and a check list of festschrift holdings of libraries in New York City and possibly in the Li- brary of Congress. (Columbia) Snodgrass, Isabelle S. A study of American musical periodicals, 1786-1900. (Columbia) Reading Studies Baum, Elizabeth M . The reading interests of Beaver College alumnae as a means of guidance to under- graduate reading interests. (Columbia) Bell, Martha S. A study of the records of all library loans (except loans from the reserved collection) made to a class of Randolph-Macon Woman's College students during four years in college. (Columbia) Jackson, Evalene Parsons. The attitudes toward the Negro race of southern white children as affected by read- ing fiction. (Emory) 372 COLLEGE AND RES E ARC LI L I B R A R I E S Killibrew, Ruth. Survey of periodical reading tastes and habits of junior college students (Kansas City [Kan.] Public Library) Reich, Evalyn. A technique for finding the relationships between the concerns and the reading of out-of-school young adults. (Illinois) Tiplady, Charlotte M . Reading and reading interests of alumnas of Hollins College, Va. (Columbia) A dministration Brindley, Mary E. A study of college and university library handbooks. (Columbia) Brown, George B. An investigation into relationships between librarians and law book publishers and book- sellers. (Illinois) Brown, Helen M . A study of conditions contributing to the efficiency of student assistants in a selected group of college libraries. (Columbia) Coleman, L. Zenobia. What changes are needed in the organiza- tion and administration of the college library to make it an effective instructional tool in a small liberal arts college which has adopted the new curriculum? (Columbia) Erlandson, Ruth M . An analysis of the questions asked at the information desk of the university library, as a basis for the preparation of a library handbook for students. (Illinois) Miller, Marvin A. Professional and non-professional work in the college library: a work analysis. (Co- lumbia) Mount Holyoke College Library. "The average cost of books per volume by department ordering. Records to date cover three years and show variations of $1.75 for English to $7.97 for chemistry; and a general average of $3.45." Library information test. "A study of circulation by classes, cov- ering the past twenty years in an attempt to learn the probability of circulating books purchased prior to 1920 as compared to more recent accessions. Of the books ex- amined 24 per cent have not circulated since 1920; of these 42 per cent were acquired prior to that date." Oberheim, Grace M . Measuring abilities of student assistants in the college library. (Columbia) Watson, Parepa R. A study of library reports in Negro col- leges and universities. (Columbia) Book Selection Borneman, Helen I. Are the present methods of book review- ing employed by historical periodicals suffi- cient to enable the college librarian to make a wise choice in book selection? (Columbia) Doggett, Marguerite V. The extent to which book reviews in cer- tain biological journals meet the need of college library book selection. (Columbia) Dunn, Sister Helen. What constitutes a minimum basic list of Spanish books for a Spanish curriculum in a four-year liberal arts college? (Colum- bia) Falvey, Daniel P. A selection of philosophy books for the Catholic college library. (Columbia) Hepinstall, Frances. A study of the book selection methods used in the normal school and teachers col- lege libraries of New York state. (Colum- bia) Rogan, Marie J . An investigation of the book reviewing qualities of a selected list of journals for college library book selection in the field of English and American literature for 1938. (Columbia) Steele, Rea J . T o study the book reviewing adequacy of five professional periodicals in the field of higher education for book selection in the college library. (Columbia) SEPT EMBER, 1940 373 Reference Tools and Departments Cord, Madeline. History of the reference department of the University of Illinois Library. (Illi- nois) Fisher, Elizabeth. Johnson's New University Cyclopaedia; its history and uses to be made of it today. (Columbia) Johnson, Elizabeth H. A study of Wallace's Dictionary of Cana- dian Biography with a view to ascertaining its value as a basic dictionary of Canadian biography. (Columbia) Mclntyre, Helen. A comparative study of certain American and English dictionaries of quotations. (Il- linois) Ross, Jean L. An historical and critical study of the National Cyclopaedia of American Biogra-- phy. (Columbia) Stubbs, Marian. A comparison of the biographical material in the Americana Annual and the New In- ternational Yearbook, to determine the value of each in that field. (Columbia) Documents Ayrault, Margaret W . The handling of the processed publica- tions of the federal government by the catalog departments of certain large public and university libraries. (Columbia) Boyd, Anne M . United States government publications, rev. ed. (Illinois) Cheney, Frances N. Historical and bibliographical study of the administrative departments of the state of Tennessee. (State documents) (Colum- bia) Jackson, Eugene B. United States government publications of value to an engineering library. (Illinois) Reuss, Dorothy. Federal publications relating to the metro- politan area of Cleveland. (Illinois) Saylor, Cerilla E. Official publications of the state of Mis- souri. (Illinois) Technical Processes Bond, Ethel. Uniform headings for anonymous classics, sacred books, etc. (Illinois) Elmer, Minnie. An investigation of the catalogers' refer- ence tools for music collections in large public and university libraries. (Colum- bia) Gemmell, Hertensia. Methods used in the cataloging of serial publications of societies and institutions in small college libraries. (Columbia) Iskenderian, Yerchanik. A study in cooperation in the cataloging of serials in large public and university li- braries. (Columbia) Jones, Helen J . How are secondary cards for different editions of the same books handled in the catalogs of a selected list of college and university libraries? (Columbia) Moore, Kay K . A study of the cataloging rules for entry of American colleges and universities, with recommendations applied to a directory of colleges, universities, teachers colleges, and normal schools in the middle Atlantic states. (Columbia) Mount Holyoke College Library. Techniques for reclassifying department libraries. Rushing, Naomi J . The organization, classification and cata- loging, exclusive of subject headings, of books by and about the Negro as a special collection. (Columbia) Shubert, Esther Marian. Cataloging problems relating to anony- mous classics concerning the King Arthur stories of Lancelot. (Illinois) Simon, Beatrice V. Manual on care and treatment of serial publications in college and research libraries. (McGill) 374 COLLEGE AND RES E ARC LI L I B R A R I E S Vibbard, Dorothy A. An investigation of the treatment of "rush books" in catalog departments of pub- lic and university libraries of more than 200,000 volumes. (Columbia) Whitlock, Ruth L. Cataloging headings for the official pub- lications of the state of Wisconsin. (Illinois) Miscellaneous Allez, George C. "A ten year study of the placement of the library school of the University of Wis- consin. The thing in which we are inter- ested in this study is to determine the field of influence of our library school, both geographically and as far as types of librar- ies and positions are concerned. We hope to get from this study some information which will be helpful in the further revision of our curriculum." (Wisconsin) Beach, Robert. Book-extension work in eastern Kentucky; an historical survey and analysis, with spe- cial reference to the contribution of the Berea College Library. (Columbia) Engle, Virginia. A study of the implications of the main- tenance at Berea College Library of a spe- cial collection on the southern Appalachian Mountain region. (Columbia) Harkins, Eleanor. A study of the activities of librarians in the university and in the senior colleges of the state of Mississippi. (Columbia) Manlove, Ruth T . The use which public and college and university libraries are making of the mo- tion picture in adult education programs. (Columbia) Milczewski, Marion A. Personality rating of library school stu- dents. (Illinois) Mount Holyoke College Library. The role of the library during the reading period. SEPT EMBER, 1940 375 Public Administration and Personnel Work LU C I L E L . K E C K calls attention to the following publications in the field of public ' administration and personnel work that are significant from the standpoint of the direction of large libraries because they develop or embody guiding principles of administration. Public Personnel Review. Published by the Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada. Chicago. Vol. I, No. I, April 1940. Quarterly. $5 a year. A new journal dealing with administra- tive and technical problems in the field of public personnel administration. The first number contains articles by Leonard D. White, H. Eliot Kaplan and others. Progressive Office Management Policies. 1939. 44P. $ 1 . (Office Management Series, No. 86.) Attitudes and Emotional Problems of Office Employees. 1939. 34P- 60c. (Office Management Series, No. 87.) Employee Selection; Salary Administra- tion. 1939. 40p. 75c. (Office Man- agement Series, No. 88.) Employee Rating; Regularization of Em- ployment; Group Medicine. 1939- 47p. $ 1 . (Personnel Series, No. 39.) Four pamphlets of the American Man- agement Association discussing various problems of office management and per- sonnel. Davis, Hazel. Personnel Administration in Three Non-Teaching Services of the Public Schools. Bureau of Publica- tions, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1939. 323P. $2.50. A study to determine whether or not approved personnel procedures in admin- istration tend to be associated with evidences of adequate performance in the non-teaching services in the public schools. The book states a series of principles of personnel administration which have been developed in school administration, and observes that those city school systems which adopt such principles tend to be above the average in performance. Rathert, A . R. Public Employee Credit Unions. Minnesota State Federation of Teachers, April 1940. i8p. 10c. Michelmore, Laurence. University In- Service Training for Public Employees. School of Public Affairs and Social Work, Wayne University, Detroit, 1940. i6p. 20c. (Detroit Bureau of Governmental Research, Inc., Memo No. 165.) This is a record of the training of public employees in the Detroit area at Wayne University. 376 COLLEGE AND RES E ARC LI L I B R A R I E S New Periodicals THE following annotated list of recently launched periodicals has been contributed by Carolyn F. Ulrich, chief, Periodicals Division, New York Public Library. Arkhitektura Radyans'koi Ukrainy. LArchitecture de l'Ukraine Sovietique. Organ of the Spilka Radyans'kikh Arkhi- tektoriv. Poushkinskaiya I, Kiev, RSSU. No. I, Jan. 1939. Monthly. Approxi- mately $3 a year. Text in Ukranian. Contains plans and illustra- tions. Australian Jewish Historical Society. Journal and Proceedings. 2 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, New South Wales. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1939. Frequency not given. 10s. a year. Bill of Rights Review. Published by the Bill of Rights Committee of the Ameri- can Bar Association, 31 Nassau Street, New York City. Vol. 1, No. 1, Summer 1940. Quarterly. $1 a year. Its aim is " t o disseminate information generally concerning our constitutional liberties. . . . " I t contains a section, " N o t e s and C a s e s " which reviews "important current situations and decisions in the field of civil liberties. . . . " Among contributors a r e : Zechariah Chafee, J r . , Langdell professor of law, Sam Bass Warner, professor of penal legisla- tion and administration (both at the H a r v a r d Law School), Charles A. Beard, noted historian and teacher, and John W. Davis, former ambassador to Great Britain and former president of the American B a r Association. Contains reviews of current books and articles. Chaski; organo de la Asociacion Peruana de Arqueologia. Published by the Museo de Arqueologia de la Universidad de San Marcos, Lima, Peru, Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan.- Feb. 1940. Frequency and price not given. Contains maps of the sites of archeological research, photographs and detailed dimensional sketches of ancient dwellings, and illustrations depicting the decorative art of the early people as shown on vases, textiles, obelisks, etc. Includes book reviews and bibliographical notes. Ciencia; revista hispano-americana de cien- cias puras y aplicadas. Editorial Atlante, S.A., Artes, 53, Mexico, D.F. Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar. 1940. Monthly. $3 a year. Designed f o r either the scientific worker or the lay reader who wishes to keep informed of the progress of science in all its branches. Contains abstracts, book reviews and bibliographies at the end of each article. College English. Official organ of the Na- tional Council of Teachers of English. University of Chicago Press, 5750 Ellis Ave., Chicago. Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct. 1939. Monthly (Oct-May). $3 a year. Articles, criticisms, and surveys of interest both to the student and the teacher of college English. Contains reviews of books and periodicals. Contemporary Law Pamphlets; interna- tional in scope. Published by the New York University School of Law, Wash- ington Square East, New York City. Ir- regular. $1 a pamphlet. Series 1 : General. No. 1, 1937. Series 2: Legal Philosophy. No. 1, 1939. Series 3: Comparative Law. No. 1, 1939. Series 4: Law and Business. No. 1, 1940. Series 5: International Law. No. 1, 1940. Series 6: Pending Legislation. No. 1, 1940. Current Thought; journal of progressive ideas. Published by Parimal Ghosh. C/o The Comilla Banking Corporation Ltd., 4, Clive Ghat Street, Calcutta. Vol. 1, No. 1, Apr. i939(?) Quarterly. 14s. a year. An independent journal f o r discussion of social problems. Hindu editorial board. Design; an Australian review of critical thought. Published by John Gartner, the Hawthorn Press, 93 Tooronga Road, Hawthorn East, Victoria. No. 1, Jan. 1940. Quarterly. 5s. a year. Attractive format and promising in scope. Documentary News Letter. Published by the Film Centre. 34 Soho Square, Lon- don, in association with the American Film Center, New York. No. 1, Jan. 1940. Monthly. 3d. a copy. Analyzes and reports on activity in the production of documentary films in Great Britain and other countries. Contains book and film reviews. Epigraphica; rivista italiana di epigrafia. Casa Editrice Ceschina, Via Gesu, 23, Milan. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan.-Mar. 1939. Quarterly. L.100 a year. Contains articles on the study of ancient inscrip- SEPT EMBER, 1940 377 tions, i.e. " R e s u l t s of the Revision of the T e x t of the Capitoline R e c o r d s , " " C a t a l o g u e of the Epi- graphic Code in the Milan L i b r a r y , " " A n I m p e r i a l Inscription of R e a t e , " " T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Congress of E p i g r a p h y at A m s t e r d a m , 1 9 3 8 . " Contains bib- liography, book r e v i e w s and illustrations. Espana Peregrina. Published by the Junta de Cultura Espanola, Dinamarca, 80, Mexico, D.F. Vol. i, No. i, Feb. 1940. Monthly. 10 pesos a year. R e p r e s e n t s exiled Spanish intellectuals who f a v o r Republican Spain. I n c l u d e s poems, essays, scientific and cultural works, and book r e v i e w s . Farm and Home Science. Published by the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Logan, Utah. Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar. 1940. Quarterly. Price not given. Practical i n f o r m a t i o n derived f r o m experimenta- tion on subjects connected with agriculture. Illus- trated. Folios of New Writing. The Hogarth Press, 37 Mecklenburgh Square, London. Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 1940. Irregular. 5s. an issue. Continuation of Nezv Writing. A significant guide to modern literary trends in contemporary British prose and v e r s e . Published in book f o r m . Forestry Abstracts. Published by the Im- perial Forestry Bureau, Oxford, England. Vol. 1, No. I, 1939. Quarterly. 20s. a year. A b s t r a c t s f r o m leading publications of all coun- tries. A l s o includes a f e w original articles. French Digest; France in review. French Digest, Inc., 444 Madison Ave., New York City. Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar.-Apr. 1940. Bimonthly. $1 a year. T e x t in E n g l i s h with a section in F r e n c h . Con- densations of c u r r e n t F r e n c h books and articles selected f r o m F r e n c h periodicals and newspapers. Pocket size. Illustrated. Indian Farming. Issued by the Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, Civil Lines, Delhi. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 1940. Monthly. Rs. 6 a year. Replaces the bimonthly Agriculture and Livestock in India. T h e aim of the new magazine is to pre- sent scientific i n f o r m a t i o n in a non-technical f o r m about I n d i a n agriculture and animal h u s b a n d r y . Contains book r e v i e w s and good illustrations. International Journal of Agrarian Affairs. Published by Oxford University Press, 3 Magpie Lane, Oxford, England. Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct. 1939. Semi-annual. 3s. 6d. a copy. E a c h number as a rule will deal with one general economic or social problem of agriculture. I t will discuss these problems on an international basis and f r o m all angles. Mental Health. Published by the Central Association for Mental Welfare, Child Guidance Council and National Council for Mental Hygiene. 24 Buckingham Palace Road, London. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 1940. Quarterly ( ?) iod. a copy. R e p l a c e s Mental Hygiene and Mental Welfare. Contains good book r e v i e w s . Modern Language Quarterly. University of Washington Press, Seattle. Vol 1, No. 1, Mar. 1940. Quarterly. $2 a year. Scholarly studies in the E n g l i s h , A m e r i c a n , Ger- manic, and Romance languages and literatures. Re- v i e w s of current publications by p r o f e s s o r s f r o m the leading universities. Phylon; the Atlanta University review of race and culture. Atlanta University, At- lanta. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1940. Quarterly. $1 a year. S u r v e y of the field of race and culture with special emphasis on the N e g r o race. Edited by W . E . B . D u Bois. Contains brief book r e v i e w s and a list of articles in periodicals. Psicotecnia; organo del Instituto Nacional de Psicotecnia. Plaza de Santa Barbara, 10, Madrid. Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct. 1939. Quarterly. 15 pesetas a year. C o v e r s the field of applied psychology. Contains graphs, charts and book reviews. Public Personnel Review. Published by the Civil Service Assembly of the United States and Canada, 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago. Vol. 1, No. 1, Apr. 1940. Quarterly. $5 a year. Deals with the development and the improvement of administrative and technical problems in the field of public personnel administration. Contributors i n c l u d e : Leonard D. White, p r o f e s s o r of public ad- ministration, U n i v e r s i t y of Chicago; A l b e r t H . Aron- son, chief of state technical a d v i s o r y service of social security board. Quarterly Bulletin of Chinese Bibliog- raphy. Published jointly by the Chinese National Committee on Intellectual Co- operation and the National Library of Peiping, Kunming, Yunnan, China. New series Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar. 1940. Quar- terly. English edition. $2 a year. T h i s is a r e v i v a l of The Quarterly Bulletin of Chinese Bibliography which ceased in Dec. 1937. " T h e purpose of the bulletin is to record recent advances in research as reflected in Chinese books and periodicals." Books, government publications 378 COLLEGE AND RES E ARC LI LIBRARIES and periodicals are entered in Chinese and in Euro- pean languages. There is also a section on European books translated into Chinese. Revista Mexicana de Sociologia. Published by the Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales de la Universidad Nacional, Republica de Cuba, 92, Mexico, D.F. Vol. 1, No. 1, Mar.-Apr. 1939. Bimonthly. 50c a copy. Contains abstracts and book reviews. Illustrated. Revue Baltique; organe de la collaboration des Etats Bakes. Published by the Estonian-Latvian-Lithuanian Co-operation Bureau, Tallinn. Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb. 1940. Three times a year. 2.50 E K R a copy. Text in English, French and Ger- man. Purpose is " t o be a connecting link between the Baltic peoples, to express their public opinion on their fundamental problems as well as current af- f a i r s . . . " in the rapprochement of the Baltic States. Turnbull Library Record. Published by the Friends of the Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 1940. Frequency and price not given. " I t will be the vehicle f o r more precise particulars of books, manuscripts and other records, and the publication of shoft texts of importance to the research worker in several fields." Void; la France de ce mois. Published by Societe Nouvelle Sequana, 33 rue de Naples, Paris. Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb. 1940. Monthly. $2 a year. Digest of current French literature. Contributors include: Georges Duhamel, Paul V a l e r y , Edouard Herriot, and J u l e s Cambon. Wood Technic with which is combined Hardwood Record. The Hardwood Company, 537 S. Dearborn Street. Chi- cago. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 1940. Monthly. $2 a year. A trade paper that contains good articles on processing wood and its uses. Zeitschrift fiir schweizerische Archaeologie und Kunstgeschichte. (Revue suisse d'art et d'archeologie. Rivista svizzera d'arte e d'archeologia.) Organ of the Verband der Schweizerischen Altertums- sammlungen and of the Gesellschaft fur Schweizerische Kunstgeschichte. Verlag E. Birkhauser und Cie., Basel. Vol. 1, No. 1, 1939. Quarterly. Schweiz Fr. 10 a year. Text in French, German and Italian. Scholarly treatment of subject, beautiful format and excellent illustrations. SEPT EMBER, 1940 379 Current Reference Aids CO M P I L E D by the Subcommittee on Current Reference Aids of the Association of College and Reference Libraries: Louis Shores, chairman; Frances Neel Cheney, secretary; Mabel L . Conat; Louis K a p l a n ; Charles F . M c C o m b s ; James T . Rubey; Harold Russell; Anne M . Smith. T h e list of "Selected Foreign Language Reference Books of 1 9 3 9 " has been compiled by M r . Kaplan. Where prices are not listed they were unobtainable. I. Reference Books, January i-July 1, 1940 016 General Bibliography Census of Medieval and Renaissance Manu- scripts in the United States and Canada. Seymour De Ricci and W. J . Wilson, eds. Vol. I l l , Index. Wilson, 1940. 222p. $3. Historical Records Survey, Tenn. Check List of Acts and Codes of the State of Tennessee, 1792-1939; prepared by the Tennessee Historical Records Survey Project . . . Nashville, 1940. 2ip. Free (Special Publications Series, No. 5) Shaw, Charles B. A List of Books for College Libraries 1931-38. A.L.A., 1940. 284P. $6. Wilcox, Jerome K , ed. Manual on the Use of State Publications. A.L.A., 1940. 3 4 2 p . $ 6 . 020 Library Science Association of Special Libraries and In- formation Bureaux. Report. Associa- tion, 1940. 5s. Contains " T h e Accessibility of British University Thesis Literature" by Dr. Luxmoore Newcombe; " T h e Imperial Institute as an Information Centre" by Sir Harry L i n d s a y ; "Authors' Abstracts as an Aid to Documentation" by Sir Gordon Fulcher; and "Microphotography in 1 9 3 9 " by Dr. Leonard Sayce. 100 Philosophy and Psychology Ansbacker, H. L., ed. Abstract References of the Psychological Index 1894-1928. American Psychological Association Inc., Ohio State University, Columbus. Send orders to Abstract References, 25 Clare- mont Ave., New York City. Thomas, Milton H. A Bibliography of John Dewey, 1882-1939. Columbia Uni- versity Press, 1939. 246P. $3. 200 Religion Barborka, Geoffrey A. Gods and Heroes of the Bhagavad-Gita; a brief description of the mythology of ancient India as con- tained in the Bhagavad-Gita, including technical terms and explanations in the light of theosophy. Theosophical Univer- sity Press, Point Loma, Calif. I56p. 75c. Vine, W . E. Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. Lo-Ser. Oliphants, 1940. 349p. ios. 6d. 300 Social Sciences Appel, Livia. Bibliographical Citation in the Social Sciences: a handbook of style. University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1940. 30p. 60c. Boggs, Ralph S. Bibliography of Latin American Folklore. Wilson, 1940. 109P. $1.50. Finland. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Development of Finnish-Soviet Relations. Harrap, London, 1940. 3s. Great Britain. Parliament. Royal Com- mission on West Indies. West India Royal Commission 1938-39. Recommen- dations. H.M.S.O., 1940. 6d. Keith, Arthur Berriedale. The Constitu- tion of England from Queen Victoria to George V I . Macmillan, London, 1940. 2v. 30s. League of Nations. Appeal by the Finnish Government. 6d. Supplementary Docu- mentation Transmitted by Finland. 9d. Report of the Assembly. 6d. Allen & Unwin, 1940. 400 Philology Stanislawski, J . English-Polish and Polish- English Dictionary. Minerva Pub. Co., London, 1940. goop. ios. 6d. 380 COLLEGE AND RES E ARC LI L I B R A R I E S 500 Natural Science Appleyard, Rollo. The History of the In- stitution of Electrical Engineers, 1871- 1931. Institute of Electrical Engineers, London, 1940. 18s. 6d. Camm, F. J., ed. A Dictionary of Metals and Their Alloys. Newnes, London, 1940. 245p. 5s. The Chemists' Yearbook, 1940. E. Hope, ed. Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1940. 1257P. $6. Karpinski, Louis C. Bibliography of Math- ematical Works Printed in America through 1850. University of Michigan Press, 1940. 697P. $6. The Meteorological Glossary; 3d ed., in continuation of the weather map, pub- lished by the authority of the Meteorologi- cal Committee . . . 1st American ed. Chemical Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 251 p. $3. Rice, C. M. Dictionary of Geological Terms (exclusive of stratigraphic forma- tions and paleontologic genera and species). Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich., 1940. 46ip. $6. Paper. (Planographed) Sherborn, Charles D., Comp. Where is the Collection ? An account of the various natural history collections which have come under the notice of the com- piler between 1880 and 1939. Cambridge University Press, 1940. 148P. 3s. 6d. 600 Applied Science The First Printers and Their Books; a catalogue of an exhibition commemorat- ing the five hundredth anniversary of the invention of printing. Elizabeth Mongan and Edwin Wolf, 2d, comps. The Free Library of Philadelphia, 1940. 94p. 50c. Hiinlich, Richard. Textile Fibres and Ma- terials: their properties and identification, with special reference to rayon and staple fibre. A. J . Hall, trans. H. P. Curtis, ed. Skinner, London, 1940. 222p. 8s. 6d. 700 Art Brooke, Iris. Western European Costume. Seventeenth-mid-i9th century and its re- lation to the theatre. Harrap, London, 1 9 4 0 . 1 4 4 P . 18s. Gore, L. L., comp. Index of Addresses Made at the Western Arts Association Conventions, 1894-1939. Western Arts Association, Indianapolis, 1940. 144P. Greenwood, Frances A. Bibliography of Swimming. Wilson, 1940. 3o8p. $4.25. Kolodin, [Irving.] The Metropolitan Opera 1883-1939. 2d ed. Oxford Uni- versity Press, 1940. 649P. $3.75. Mayer, L. A. Bibliography of Moslem Numismatics, India Excepted. Luzac, 1940. H5p. 5s. (Oriental Translation Fund. New Series. Vol. 35) Nathan, George Jean. Encyclopedia of the Theatre. Knopf, 1940. $3. "Critical discussion of present day American theatre and people connected with i t . " National Association of Schools of Music, List of Books on Music. 2d suppl. The Association, B. C. Tuthill, Secretary, 3547 Shaw Ave., Cincinnati. 15c. (Bull. No. I I ) Rickett, Edmond W. and Hoogland, Ben- jamin T . Let's Do Some Gilbert and Sullivan; il. by W. S. Gilbert. Coward- McCann, 1940. $2.50. 800 Literature Chadwick, H. M. and N. K. The Growth of Literature. Vol. 3. Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 1940. 945p. 35s. Vols. 1-3, J 9 3 3 - i 9 4 0 ( V o l . 1 , $ 6 ; V o l . 2 , $ 9 , o r 3 0 s . each) Scholarly study on comparative literature. 900 History Adams, James T., ed. Dictionary of Ameri- can History. Scribner, 1940. 6v. $60. Argenti, Philip P. Bibliography of Chios. From classical times to 1936. Oxford University Press, 1940. 836P. 42s. Ekwall, Elert. The Concise Oxford Dic- tionary of English Place-Names. 2d ed. Oxford University Press, 1940. 57iP- $ 5 . 7 5 . Fuller, John F. C. Decisive Battles; their influence upon history and civilization. Vol. 2. From Napoleon the First to General Franco. Eyre & Spottswoode, 1 9 4 0 . 16s. SEPT EMBER, 1940 381 Milne, Alexander T . , comp. Writings on British History, 1936: a bibliography of books and articles 011 the history of Great Britain from about A.D. 450 to 1914, published during 1936. Cape, 1940. 389P. I2s.6d. (British Historical So- ciety.) Salvatorelli, Luigi. A Concise History of Italy. Oxford University Press, 1940. 688 P . $ 5 . 920 Biography Code, Joseph B. Dictionary of the Ameri- can Hierarchy. Longman's, 1940. 425P. $ 3 . 7 5 . Biographical sketches of American Catholic bish- ops, 1790 to date. II. Selected Foreign Language Reference Books of 1939 (Serial publications, except those begun in 1939, are omitted. Prices given in for- eign currencies are list; those given in American dollars are net.) Academie de medecine, Paris. Index bio- graphique des membres, des associes et des correspondants . . . de decembre 1820 a juillet 1939. Masson, Paris, 1939. 145P. 81c. Academie des sciences, Paris. Index bio- graphique des membres et correspondants . . . de 1666 a 1939. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1939. 476p. $1.38. Paper. Amsterdam. Universiteit. Bibliotheek. Catalogus van de Bibliotheca Danica en van de overige Deensche en Ijislandsche Werken aanwezig in de Universiteitsbib- liotheek. Stadstdrukkerij, Amsterdam, 1939. 524P. Anuario prensa argentina. Sindicato prensa argentina, Buenos Aires, 1939. 304p. $ 1 . 5 0 . Bandeira, M . Pequeno dicionario brasileiro da lingua portuguesa. 2d. ed. rev. Civi- liza?ao brasileiro, Rio de Janeiro, 1939. 1084P. $ 2 5 . Bibliografia medico-biologica. Rassegna generale mensile der libri e della stampa periodica italiana di medicina e biologia. Bibliografia medico biologica, Roma, 1939. No. 1-2 (in progress). L. 120 a year. Bibliotheque nationale. Catalogue general des manuscrits latins. Bibliotheque na- tionale, Paris, 1939. T . 1 (in progress). Bohatta, Hanns. Bibliographie der Bre- viere, 1501-1850. K. W. Hiersemann, Leipzig, 1939. 349p. M . 32. Bohatta, Hanns and Funke, W. Interna- tionale Bibliographie der Bibliographie. Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main, 1939. L f g . 1 (in progress). $1.28. Bremond, Henri and Goyau, G. Manuel de la litterature catholique en France de 1870 a nos jours. Nouv. ed. Spes, Paris, 1939. 493P- 75c. Paper. Buchheit, Otto. Piidagogische Tagespresse in Deutschland von der Reichsgrundung bis zum weltkrieg, 1871-1914. Mit einem Anhang: Gesamtverzeichnis der deutsch- sprachlichen padagogischen Presse 1871- 1914. Triltsch, Wurzburg, 1939. 258p. M . 6. (Zeitung und Leben, 57.) Buenos Aires (province). Ministerio de governo. Biblioteca. Catalogo metodico de la biblioteca. Taller de impresiones oficiales, La Plata, 1939. 346p. Carbia, Romulo D. Historia critica de la historiografia Argentina. Universidad de la Plata, L a Plata, 1939. 483P. $1.80. (Facultad de humanidades y ciencias de la education, de la Universidad de la Plata. Biblioteca humanidades, 22) Paper. Carnoy, Albert. Dictionnaire etymologique du nom des commune de Belgique, y compris l'etymologie des principaux noms de hameaux et de rivieres. Universitas, Louvain, 1939. T . 1 (in progress). 50 fr. Cinti, Decio. Dizionario degli scrittori italiani classici, moderni e contemporanei. Sonzogno, Milano, 1939. 253P. L. 6. Codignola, Ernesto. Pedagogisti ed edu- catori. illus., plates. Istituto editoriale italiano, Milano, 1939. 45ip- $6.10. (Enciclopedia biografica e bibliografica "Italiana," Serie 38.) Cosentini, Francesco. Code international du travail manuel et intellectuelle . . . Dunod, Paris, 1939. 339p. $2.40. Paper. Debes, Ernest. Columbus-Weltatlas . . . Erweiterte Jubilaums Aus. 118 Kt. S. mit 253 Haupt-und Nebenkt. 7. Aufl. Columbus, Berlin, 1939. 23ip. M . 48. Deutsche Liederkunde, Jahrbuch fiir Volks- lied und Volkstanz. J g . 1. Voggenreiter, 382 COLLEGE AND RES E ARC LI L I B R A R I E S Potsdam, 1939. 247P. M. 6.20 or 7.50. Deutsches Gynakologen-Verzeichnis. 2. Aufl. Barth, Leipzig, 1939. 58ip. M. 28. Deutsches Stadtebuch. Handbuch Stadti- sche Geschichte. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1939. Bd. 1 (in progress). Subscription price, M. 120. Dictionnaire des lettres frangaises; moyen age. Publie sous la direction de Georges Grente. Beauchesne, Paris, 1939. Fasc. 1 (Abilard-Athis et Prophilias). 93c. Digel, O. Deutschtum in Ubersee und in den Kolonien; ein Schrifttums-Verzeich- nis. Volk und Reich, Berlin, 1939. 7ip. Documente und Urkunden zum Kriegsaus- bruch. Birkhauser, Basel, 1939. Fasc. 1-3 (in progress). 7.75 fr. Doutrepont, Georges. Histoire illustree de la litterature frangaise en Belgique. Pre- cis methodique. illus. Didier, Bruxelles, 1939- 378p. $1.35. Ehrencron-Miiller, H. Anonym-og Pseudo- nym-Lexikon. Hagerup, K0benhavn, 1939. H. 1-3 (in progress). 30 Kr., com- plete. Ercole, Francesco. Risorgimento italiano. Istituto editoriale italiano, Milano, 1939. Vol. 1 (in progress). $6.10. (Enciclopedia biografica e bibliografica "Italiana," Serie 42). Ernout, A. and Meillet A. Dictionnaire etymologique de la langue latine. Nouv. ed., revue. Klincksieck, Paris, 1939. 1184P. $11.25. Forster, Meta and Zappe, W. M. Robert Browning-Bibliographie. Niemeyer, Halle, 1939. 35P- M. 4. Franco, Alvaro. Dicionario ingles-portu- gues, portugues-ingles. Bertaso, Barcel- los, 1939. 671, 396 p. $2.50. Giraud, Jeanne. Manuel de bibliographie litteraire pour les vxie, xviie, et xviii" siecles frangais, 1921-1935. J . Vrin, Paris, 1939. 302p. $2.70. (Publications de la Faculte des lettres de I'Universite de Lille, II.) Paper. Grande encyclopedic de la Belgique et du Congo, illus., col. plates, maps. Wau- thoz-Legrand, Bruxelles, 1939. T . 1 (in progress). $29.93, complete. Grosse Brockhaus. 2. vollig neubearbeitete Ausgabe, in zwanzig Banden und einem Atlas. Brockhaus, Leipzig, 1939. Bd. 1 (in progress). Subscription price, M. 20 or 25. Guia economica de Bolivia. Anuario no. 1, ano 1939. Una enciclopedia de la eco- nomia nacional. "Fenix," La Paz, 1939. Handbuch der Miinzkunde von Mittel-und Nordeuropa. Akademie Verlagsgesell- schaft, Leipzig, 1939. Bd. 1, Lfg. 1 (in progress). Subscription price, M. 10.50. Handbuch der schweizerischen Volkswirt- schaft. Herausgegeben von der Schwei- zerischen Gesellschaft fur Statistik und Volkswirtschaft. tables. A. G. Benteli, Bern, 1939. 2v. 80 fr. Handbuch des deutschen Schrifttums; herausgegeben von Franz Koch, plates (part col.). Akademischer Verlagsgesell- schaft Athenaion, Potsdam, 1939. Bd. 1, Lfg. 1 and Bd. 3, Lfg. 1 (in progress). 86c per Lfg. Handschriften der Staats-und Universitats- Bibliothek, Breslau. Harrassowitz, Leip- zig, J939- Bd. 1, Lfg. 1 (in progress). M. 8 per Lfg. (Verzeichnis der Handschriften im deutschen Reich. Tl. 1, Bd. 1.) Hebbe, P. M. Svenska lantbrukslittera- turen, I. Almvist & Boktryckeri, Upp- sala, 1939. 333p. $3.40. Herrle, Theo. Reclams Namenbuch; die wichtigsten deutschen und fremden Vor- namen mit ihren Ableitungen und Be- deutungen., 2. Aufl. Reclam, Leipzig, 1939- 75P- 21c. International Institute of Agriculture. Bib- liotheques agricoles dans le monde. . . . International Institute of Agriculture, Rome, 1939. 31 ip. $1.50. Paper. International Labour Office. Repertoire in- ternational des organisations cooperatives. iome ed. International Labour Office, Geneva, 1939. i6op. Jiirgens, Adolph. Ergebnisse deutscher Wissenschaft. Eine bibliographische Aus- wahl . . . der Jahre 1933-1938. Essener Verlagsanstalt, Essen, 1939. 782P. $8.75. Kern, Anton. Handschriften der Univer- sitatsbibliothek Graz. Harrassowitz, Leipzig, 1939. Bd. 1, Lfg. 1 (in prog- ress). M. 8 per Lfg. (Verzeichnis der Handschriften im deutschen Reich, Tl. 2, Bd. 0 SEPT EMBER, 1940 383 Kleberg, Tonnes. Svensk antiklitteratur. C. W. K. G., Lund, 1939. i58p. 4.50 kr. (Skrifter av sv. Klassikerforb., 1) Klein, Karl K. Literaturgeschichte des deutschtums im Ausland. Bibliograph- isches Institut, Leipzig, 1939. 4 7 5 P - $5.25. Knaurs Welt-Atlas. Vollstandig neue Ausgabe, 1939. illus., maps (part col.), tables. Knaur, Berlin, 1939. 272, I75p. 81c. Kost, Ewald and Gerdi. Juristisches Wor- terbuch. Dieterich'schen Verlagsbuch- handlung, Leipzig, 1939. 566p. $1.65. Krabbe, Wilhelm. Bibliographie. 3. Aufl. Einkaufhaus fur Buchereien, Leipzig, 1939- 66p. 75c. (Veroffentlichungen der Berliner Bibliothekschule, H. 1) Paper. Lacroix, A. Inventaire des periodiques sci- entifiques des bibliotheques de Paris. Masson, Paris, 1939. Fasc. 1-6 (in progress). Malatesta, Enzio. Armi ed armaioli. illus., plates. Istituto editoriale italiano, Milano, 1939. 436p. L. 85. (Enciclope- dia biografica e bibliografica "Italiana," Serie 50) Medina, Jose Toribio. Bibliografia de la imprenta en Santiago de Chile desde sus origenes hasta febrero de 1817; adiciones y ampliaciones. illus., facsims. Uni- versidad de Chile, Santiago de Chile, 1939. 14OP. Mertens, J . Dictionnaire idzing-f rangais suivi d'un aide-memoire f rangais-idzing. map. I. R. C. B., Bruxelles, 1939. 24OP. 70 fr. Mexico. Universidad nacional. Instituto de biologia. Bibliografia de los trabajos . . . 1930 a 1937. Instituto de biologia, Chapultepic, 1939. 64P. 25c. Paper. Milan. Biblioteca della scuola di mistica fascista S. I. Mussolini. Bibliografia della civilta del Fascismo. Nicola, Varese, 1939. 177p. L. 5. (Dottrina fascista. Sonderheft, marzo-maggio, 1 9 3 9 ) Minghetti, Aurelio. Ceramisti. illus., plates. Istituto editoriale italiano, Mi- lano, 1939. 45ip. $6.10. (Enciclopedia biografica e bibliografica "Italiana," Serie 4 0 Miiller, Friedrich. Ortsbuch fur das Land Osterreich. Post und Ortsbuchverlag, Wuppertal-Nachstebreck, 1939. 142P. $2.85. Miiller, Giinther. Geschichte der deutschen Seele. Vom Faustbuch zu Goethes Faust. Herder, Freiburg, 1939. 494P- M. 12 or 14.20 Mummendey, Richard. Bibliographie der Gesamt-Zeitschriften-Verzeichnisse. B. Pick, Koln, 1939. 70p. M. 9.20. (Kol- ner bibliographische Arbeiten, 4) Nachod, O. Bibliographie von Japon, 1906- 1935. ' K. W. Hiersemann, Leipzig, 1939. 5v. M. 128.25. Neu, Wolfgang and Kummerlowe, Hans. Bibliographie der zoologischen Arbeiten iiber die Tiirkei und ihre Grenzgebiete. Harrassowitz, Leipzig, 1939. 62p. $1.67. Niklas, H. and Ader, F. Diingung und Diingemittel. Heling, Leipzig, 1939. 472p. M. 36. (Literatursammlung aus dem Gesamtgebiet der Agrikulturchemie. Erg. Bd. zu Bd. 4) 0ksnevad, Reidar. Frankrike i norsk lit- teratur. En bibliografi. Norvege-France, Oslo, 1939. I 5 9 P - 10 kr. Olivares Figueroa, R. Nuevos poetas venezolanos (notas criticas). Elite, Car- acas, 1939. i8op. Bs. 0.50. (Cuadernos literarios de la "Asociacion de escritores venezolanos," 16) Pazzini, Adalberto. Medicina; bibliografia di storia della medicina italiana. Istituto editoriale italiano, Milano, 1939- Vol. 1 (in progress). $6.10. (Enciclopedia biografica e bibliografica "Italiana," Serie 3 1 ) Quien es quien en la Argentina; biografias contemporaneas, ano 1939. Kraft, Buenos Aires, 1939. 456p. 24 pesos. Reichsgesetzblatt; systematische iibersicht uber 72. Jahrgange Reichsgesetzblatt 1867-1938). i6.Aufl. Kohlhammer, Berlin, 1939. I32p. 86c. Ridolfi, R. Bibliografia delle opere del Savonarola. tables. Conti, Firenze, 1 9 3 9 . 1 7 2 P . Riecke, E. Deutsches Dermatologen-Ver- zeichnis. 2.Aufl. Barth, Leipzig, 1939. 3 1 4 P . M. 25. Rost, H. Bibel im Mittelalter. Seitz, Augsburg, 1939. 428p. M. 18.50 or 22. Salvini, Roberto. Giotto; bibliografia. Pa- 384 COLLEGE AND RES E ARC LI L I B R A R I E S lombi, Roma, 1939. 415P. L. 65. (R. 1st. d'archeologia e storia dell'arte. Bibliog. e cataloghi, 4) Sanchez Roig, M. Bibliografia de la prensa medica cubana, 1840-1885. "Propagan- dista," Habana, 1939. 25p. Sanna, G. Bibliografia generale dell'eta romana imperiale. Nuova Italia, Firenze, 1939. Vol. 1, Parte generale, Fasc. 1, p. 1-123. $2.40. Paper. Schuh, Willi and Refardt, E. Schweizer Musikerlexikon. Atlantis, Zurich, 1939- 220p. 7 fr. (Schweizer Musikbuch, I I ) Schweizerischer Buchhiindlerverein Livres suisses. Schweizerische Landesausstel- lung, Zurich, 1939. 232p. Schweizerisches Recht. Schweizerischer Buchhandlerverein, Frauenfeld, 1939. 201 p. 85c. (Schweizerische Biicher- kataloge) Seleccion bibliografia de obras alemanas en traduccion espanola y portuguesa. Ibero- amer. Inst., Berlin, 1939. I 4 7 P - Soenke, J . Reden des Fuhrers [Hitler] nach der Machtiibernahme. Eher, Ber- lin, 1939. I92p. 79c. (Nationalsozial- istische Bibliographie, Beih. 2) Statistisches Taschenjahrbuch der Welt- wirtschaft, Produktion, Aussenhandel, Verkehr. Rodiger, Berlin, 1939. M. 2.50. Strom, Hans. Worterbuch fur die Waf- fen-Munitions- und Sprengstoffindustrie. Deutsch-englisch-franzosisch-italienisch- spanisch. 2. Aufl. Strom, Suhl, 1939- 440p. M. 12. Stiimke, Hans. Bibliographie der interna- tionalen Kongresse und Verbande. Bd. 1 : Medizin. Harrassowitz, Leipzig, 1939. 281 p. $9. Svensk litteraturhistorisk bibliografi, 1900- 1935. Svenska litteratursallskapet, Upp- sala, 1939. H. 1 (in progress). $1.14. (Skrifter utgivna av svenska litteratur- sallskapet, 29: 1) Tuymelaar, C. T . and Lindock, J . van. Pseudoniemen uit Nederlandsche en vreemde Literatur. Born, Assen, 1939. 64P. Fl. 1.40. Uva, Nicola. Educatori. Dizionario bio- bibliografico dei moderni e contemporanei. Martini, Bari, 1939. 339p. L. 18. Van Huffel, A. J . Nederlandsche Schrij- vers in Vertaling (van Marcellus Emants tot Jan Eekhout). Brill, Leiden, 1939. 89P. 70c. Vilbig, F. Schrifttumsverzeichnis zum Lehr- buch der Hochfrequenztechnik. 2. Aufl. Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Leipzig, 1 9 3 9 - 5 7 P - M. 7 or 8. Wais, Kurt. Gegenwartsdichtung der europaischen Volker; herausgegeben mit 104 Dichterbildnissen. Junker und Diinn- haupt, Berlin, 1939. 567P. M. 14 or 16. Weis, Erwin. Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten im Weltkrieg. Weltkriegsbiicherei, Stuttgart, 1939- 191P. (Bibliographische Vierteljahr- shefte der Weltkriegsbiicherei, H. 20-22) Zavatti, Silvio. Dizionario generale degli esploratori. Sonzogno, Milano, 1939. 267P. SEPT EMBER, 1940 385 Publications of Interest to Adminis- trative Officers of Higher Institutions TH E L I S T that follows has been compiled by Clara Esther Deering and Carrie E . Meares of Teachers College Library, Columbia University, to serve as a guide to the associations and publications in the field of higher education. It is a selected list of publications, regularly issued, which deal with problems of administration in colleges and universities. In the references to associations the name of the president is given first followed by that of the secretary. Unless an address is given for the association, communicate with the secretary in regard to securing proceedings or reports. T h e names of officers and the place and date of annual meetings of the associations are given in the United States Office of Education, Educational Directory, Part 4: Educational Associations and Directories (Bulletin No. 1 ) . Association Yearbooks, Proceedings and Reports American Association of University Profes- sors. 744 Jackson Place, Washington; M . H. Inghram, University of Wisconsin, Madi- son; R. E. Himstead, 744 Jackson Place, Washington. Annual proceedings published in their Bulletin. American College Personnel Association. Helen M . Voorhees, Mt. Holyoke Col- lge, South Hadley, Mass.; Harriet E. O'Shea, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. „ Proceedings. American College Publicity Association. Eleanor R. Mosely, Boston University, Boston; Russell Alexander, DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. Annual report. American Student Health Association. Dr. Charles E. Shepard, Stanford Univer- sity, Calif.; Dr. Ruth E. Boynton, Uni- versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Annual proceedings. Association of American Colleges. 19 W . 44 Street, New York City. Meta Glass, Sweet Briar College, Sweet Briar, V a . ; Guy E. Snavely, 19 W . 44 Street, New York City. Annual proceedings, published in the March issue of their Bulletin. Association of American Universities. F. K. Richmyer, secretary, Cornell Uni- versity, Ithaca, N . Y . Journal of Proceedings and Addresses, University of Chicago Press. (Annual) Association of College Unions. J . E. Patrick, Indiana University, Bloom- ington; Paul B. Hartenstein, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Annual report. University of Pennsylvania, Phila- delphia. Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools for Negroes. Rufus E. Clement, Atlanta University, Atlanta; L. S. Cozart, Barber-Scotia Jun- ior College, Concord, N.C. Annual proceedings. Association of Governing Boards of State Universities and Allied Institutions. S. J . Galvin, Sheffield, Iowa; D. W . Springer, 209 Woodward Building, Wash- ington. Proceedings. Association of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities. J . A. Burruss, Blacksburg, V a . ; Thomas Cooper, University of Kentucky, Lexing- ton. Proceedings. Association of Urban Universities. Eugene A. Colligan, Hunter College of the City of New York, New York City; 386 COLLEGE AND RES E ARC LI L I B R A R I E S Roscoe M. Ihrig, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh. Annual proceedings. Carnegie Corporation of New York. 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City. F. P. Keppel, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City; R. M. Lester, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Annual report. Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Walter A. Jessup, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City; H. J . Savage, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Annual report. College Entrance Examination Board. 431 W. 117 Street, New York City. R. M. Gummere, Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass.; G. W. Mullins, 431 W. 117 Street, New York City. Annual report. Conference of Negro Land-Grant Colleges. R. B. Arwood, Kentucky State College, Frankfort; William H. Bell, Alcorn A. and M. College, Alcorn, Miss. Annual proceedings. Eastern Association of College and Univer- sity Business Officers. G. D. Crofts, University of Buffalo, Buf- falo; H. S. Ford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Minutes of the annual meeting. Eastern Association of College Deans and Advisers of Men. Frank G. Lankard, Drew University, Madison, N . J . ; Edward M. Twitmyer, Girard College, Philadelphia. Annual proceedings. Eastern College Personnel Officers Associa- tion. Emory E. Grayson, Massachusetts State College, Amherst; L. Alice Ramsay, Connecticut College, New London. Proceedings. Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. William W. Comfort, Haverford Col- lege, Haverford, Pa.; Karl G. Miller, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Annual proceedings. National Association of Collegiate Deans and Registrars in Negro Schools. A. L. Kidd, Florida A. and M. College, Tallahassee; S. Herbert Adams, Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N.C. Annual proceedings. National Association of Deans and Advisers of Men. James F. Findlay, University of Okla- homa, Norman; F. H. Turner, Univer- sity of Illinois, Urbana. Annual proceedings. National Association of State Universities in the United States of America. A. G. Crane, University of Wyoming, Laramie; H. G. James, Ohio University, Athens. Annual transactions and proceedings. National Education Association. American Association of Teachers Colleges. Charles C. Sherrod, State Teachers Col- lege, Johnson City, Tenn.; Charles W. Hunt, State Normal School, Oneonta, N.Y. Yearbook. National Society for the Study of Education. Bess Goodykoontz, Federal Security Agency, United States Office of Educa- tion, Washington; Guy M. Whipple, Clif- ton, Mass. Yearbook, Public School Publishing Co., Bloom- ington, 111. National Society of College Teachers of Education. Louis A. Pechstein, University of Cincin- nati, Ohio; Fowler D. Brooks, DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind. Yearbook. National University Extension Association. B. C. Riley, University of Florida, Gainesville; W. S. Bittner, Indiana Uni- versity, Bloomington. Annual proceedings. Northwest Association of Secondary and Higher Schools. B. K. Farnsworth, State Capitol, Salt SEPT EMBER, 1940 444 Lake City, Utah; Paul S. Filer, 322 Columbia Building, Spokane, Wash. Annual proceedings. Southern Association of Colleges and Sec- ondary Schools. P. A. Roy, Loyola University, New Or- leans, La.; Shelton Phelps, Winthrop Col- lege, Rock Hill, S.C. Annual proceedings published in their Quarterly. Supervisors of Student Teaching. Edith E. Beechel, Ohio University, Athens; J . W. Carrington, State Normal University, Normal, 111. Annual proceedings. Periodicals American Teacher. Published by the American Federation of Teachers, 506 S. Wabash Avenue, Chicago. George T . Guernsey, ed. 9 issues. $2.50 a year. Association of American Colleges Bulletin. Published by the Association of American Colleges, 19 W. 44th Street, New York. Guy E. Snavely, ed. 4 issues. $3 a year. Bulletin of the American Association of University Professors. Published by the American Association of University Pro- fessors, 744 Jackson Place, Washington. R. E. Himstead, ed. 5 issues. $3 a year. College and Research Libraries. Published by the American Library Association, 520 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago. A. F. Kuhlman, ed. 4 issues. $3 a year. College Publicity Digest. Published by the American College Publicity Association, Midland College, Freemont, Neb. W. E. Reck, ed. Monthly. $2 a year. Educational Record. Published by the American Council on Education, 744 Jackson Place, Washington. C. S. Marsh, ed. 4 issues. $2 a year. Journal of Higher Education. Published by the Bureau of Educational Research, Ohio State University, Columbus. W. W. Charters, ed. 9 issues. $3 a year. Journal of the American Association of Col- legiate Registrars. Published by the American Association of Collegiate Regis- trars. M. E. Gladfelter, ed. Publication office: 450 Ahnaip St., Menasha, Wis. 4 issues. $3 a year. Journal of the American Association of University Women. Published by the American Association of University Women, 1634 Eye Street, N.W., Wash- ington. Ruth Wilson Tryon, ed. 4 issues. $1 a year. Journal of the National Association of Deans of Women. Published by the De- partment of Deans of the National Edu- cation Association, 1201 16th Street, N.W., Washington. Ruth Strang, ed. 4 issues. $2.50 a year. Junior College Journal. Published by the American Association of Junior Colleges, 744 Jackson Place, Washington. Walter C. Eells, ed. 8 issues. $3 a year. North Central Association Quarterly. Pub- lished by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, Room 1439, University Elementary School Building, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Calvin O. Davis, ed. 4 issues. $5 a year. Quarterly Review of Higher Education Among Negroes. Published by Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, N.C. H. L. McCrorey, ed. 4 issues. $2 a year. Southern Association Quarterly. Published by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Duke University Press, College Station, Durham, N.C. Holland Holton, ed. 4 issues. $4 a year. School and Society. Published by the Sci- ence Press, Lancaster, Pa. for the Society for the Advancement of Education, Inc., 525 W. 120th Street, New York. Wil- liam C. Bagley, ed. Weekly. $5 a year. Teacher-Education Journal. Published by the Eastern Association of Professional Schools for Teachers, 41 Press Annex Building, New York University, 26 Washington Place, New York. Publica- tion office: George Banta Publishing Co., 450 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wis. Am- brose L. Suhrie, ed. 4 issues. $1 a year. 388 COLLEGE AND RES E ARC LI L I B R A R I E S