College and Research Libraries Current Reference Aids COMPILED by the Subcommittee on C u r r e n t Reference A i d s of the Association of College and Reference Libraries, covering the quarter, October I-December 3 1 , 1940, plus a f e w books published earlier in the year. T i t l e s are arranged by broad D . C . classification, w i t h citations to reviews and annotations in many instances. T h e committee: Louis Shores, chairman; Frances Neel Cheney, secretary; Etheldred A b b o t ; M a b e l L . C o n a t ; Judith W . H u n t ; Louis K a p l a n ; Charles F . M c C o m b s ; Robert O r r ; James T . R u b e y ; H a r o l d R u s s e l l ; A n n e M . Smith. Please address all communications to Louis Shores, Peabody L i b r a r y School, Nashville, Tennessee. 010 (General only, including periodical in- dexes) Avis Kronik Index, Jan. 1940—date. Munksgaard, 1940—date. Apply. Monthly classified index to Danish newspapers. Vol. 1, No. 1 indexes 49 papers. Biblioteca Municipal de la Habana. Indice de "Cuba Contemporanea." Municipio de la Habana, 1 9 4 0 . I 4 3 P . Apply. (Publicaciones. Serie D : Indices de Re- vistas Cubanos, 3.) Biblioteksaarbog, 1940. 1. Aargang. Vdg. af Danmarks Biblioteksforening, 1940. 134P. 2 Danish Kr. Catalogue des Journaux Suisses. Publicitas, 1939. 244P. 50^ net. Chang, Hsin-cheng. [Manual of Forged Works of Ancient China] (in Chinese). Commercial Press, 1939. 2 vols. $8. Facts on File, a weekly synopsis of world events with alphabetical key, edited by Bernard Person. Publication office, 41 East 42d Street, New York. $20, Sub- scription. " U n d e r broad headings, corresponding to the sec- tions of a newspaper, the items are a r r a n g e d chrono- logically. Each issue . . . will contain a cumulative alphabetical index of the news printed in the pre- ceding numbers. . . . Advisory Board of eleven consists of leaders in their respective fields including such names as H. V. Kaltenborn (news analysis), Professor E. W. K e m m e r e r (international finance), D r . C. C. Williamson (library s e r v i c e ) . " Heller, Elinor R., and Magee, David. Bib- liography of the Grabhorn Press, 1915- 1940 [lim. ed.]. David Magee, San Francisco, 1940. i g 8 p . $ 3 5 . "Bibliographic descriptions of the books which have been printed at this noted San Francisco Press, with many illustrations and an article on ' T h e C r a f t of the P r i n t e r ' by F r e d e r i c W. Goudy. 210 copies . . ." P.IV. 139:77, J a n . 4, 1941. Henry, Edward A. Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities, 1939- 40, compiled for the Association of Re- search Libraries. Wilson, 1 9 4 0 . I 2 6 p . $2. Sch. and Soc. 52:440, Nov. 2, 1940. 3088 dissertations accepted in 90 institutions. Internationale Bibliographie des Buch-und Bibliotekswesens. Jahrgang 14, 1939. Harrassowitz, 1940. 384P. R M 30. Palfrey, Thomas R., and Coleman, Henry E., J r . Guide to Bibliographies of Theses: United States and Canada. 2d ed. A.L.A., 1 9 4 0 . 54P. $ 1 . 2 5 . Wilson Lib. Bui., M a r . 1941. Also see review in this issue. Pollard, Lancaster. Check list of Washing- ton Authors. Camas Press, 217 Lyon Bldg., Seattle, Washington, 1940. 96p. $ 1 . 5 0 , paper. P. IV. 138:1622, Oct. 19, 1940. Covers period 1857 to 1940. First printed in the Pacific Northwest Quarterly. Saville, Mahala. Small Directory of Ad- dresses. Faxon, 1 9 4 0 . 84P. $ 1 . 2 5 . Wilson Lib. Bui. 15:426, J a n . 1941. Stuhr, Arne. Danske Bogauktioner, 1937- 39. Reitzel, 1940. I 2 8 p . 5 Danish Kr. U.S. National Archives. Guide to Ma- terial in the National Archives. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1 9 4 0 . 303P. 70^, cloth. (Publication no. 14.) MARCH, 1941 18 7 U.S. W o r k s Progress Administration. A List of Free and Inexpensive Teaching Materials. W o r k s Progress Administra- tion, 1940. I3ip. Apply. ( W P A Tech- nical series, Community Service circular, no. 8. Education circular no. 3.) W a n g , Yao-ch'en, ed. [General Catalog of Chinese Books Compiled in 1041] (in Chinese). Commercial Press, 1939. 2 vols. 80/. 020 Library Science (including printing.) Shane, Milton L . T h e Audio-Visual Li- brary: an acquisition plan. Peabody Li- brary School, 1940. I2p. 20/. (Peabody Contributions to Librarianship, no. 8.) Wilson Lib. Bui. 15:428, J a n . 1941. Basic list of equipment and materials for an audio-visual library a r r a n g e d in price groups. 150 Psychology Hutchings, Richard H . A Psychiatric W o r d Book; a lexicon of terms employed in psychiatry and psychoanalysis designed for students of medicine and nursing and psychiatric social workers. 6th ed. T h e State Hospitals Press, Utica, N e w Y o r k , 1 9 3 9 . 2 2 6 p . $ 1 . 200 Religion Joy, Charles R., comp. Harper's Topical Concordance. Harper, 1940. 478p. $ 3 . 9 5 . Int. Jl. Rel. Ed. 17:38, Dec. 1940. " A new type of concordance which lists S c r i p t u r e passages, not as in the s t a n d a r d concordance u n d e r 'key' words in the passages themselves, but r a t h e r groups them u n d e r topics to which they pertain. 25,000 texts listed u n d e r approximately 2200 topics. Full text of the passage given in each case, the K i n g J a m e s version of t h e Bible being u s e d . " 300 Social Sciences Brasil. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica. Anuario Estatistico de Brasil, ano 4, 1938. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatistica, 1939. iooop. Apply. Danmarks Statistik. Statistisk Aarbog, 1940. Gyldendal, 1940. 340p. 2 Danish K r . Greenberg, Emil, comp. Social Science Ref- erences. [Planographed] N e w Y o r k Uni- versity Bookstore, 18 Washington Place, 1940. 22p. 15/. Wilson Lib. Bui. 15:335, Dec. 1940. International Institute of Agriculture, Rome. W o r l d T r a d e in Agricultural Products; its growth; its crisis; and the new trade policies, by L . B. Bacon and F. C . Schloemer. T h e Institute, 1940. I I02p. 60L. Pfiffner, John M . Research Methods in Public Administration. Ronald Press, 1 9 4 0 . 4 4 7 P - $ 4 - 5 0 . Annals 213:241-2. Schweizerische Bibliographie fur Statistik und Volkswirtschaft. Jahrgang, 3, 1939/ 40. Eidg. Statist. Amt., 1940. I30p. 2.50 Swiss. Fr. Thorndike, Edward L . 144 Smaller Cities. Harcourt, 1940. I35p. $2. A companion volume to the a u t h o r ' s Your City presenting facts concerning the health, wealth, wages, and general conditions in cities of 20,000 to 30,000 population. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas y Sociales. Bi- blioteca. Catalogo Metodico . . . T h e University, 1940. 294P. Apply. 320 Political Sciences Mussolini, Benito. Dizionario Musso- liniano. 1500 Affermazioni e Definizioni del Duce . . . a cura di Bruno Biancini. 2d ed. Hoepli, 1940. 239P. L.12. 330 Economics Commodities in Industry, 1940 Yearbook. Commodity Research Bureau, 82 Beaver St., N e w Y o r k , 1940. 7o8p. $7.50. Econ. Geol. 35:1021, Dec. 1940. "Statistics and descriptions of occurrence, methods of production, and conversion to finished f o r m . " Economic Almanac for 1940. A Handbook of U s e f u l Facts About Business, Labor, and Government in the United States and Other Areas. National Industrial Con- ference Board, 1940. 383P. $5. " F i r s t issue of an a n n u a l publication designed to meet the need f o r a compact, convenient handbook containing the most significant and t r u s t w o r t h y sta- tistical and other data u s e f u l to business executives, 164 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES labor leaders, educators, students, and j o u r n a l i s t s . " P r e f a c e . Legislation del T r a b a j o . Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1940. 233P. Apply. (Uni- versidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Biblioteca. Serie Bibliografica: pub. 11.) Classified. Titles are mainly in the Spanish lan- guage. Seiko, Daniel T . , Federal Financial System. Brookings Institution, 1940. 6o6p. $3.50. (Institute for Government Research of the Brookings Institution. Studies in Administration, no. 39.) C o n t e n t s : P a r t I . Origin of the f e d e r a l financial system; P a r t I I , The budget system; P a r t I I I , T h e revenue system; P a r t I V , The fiscal system; P a r t V, Accounting and reporting. U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Library. Economic Library List. No. 1—date. Issuing Office, M a r . 1939— date. Free. ( N o . 1, rev. June 1940, State T r a d e Barriers, Selected refer- ences.) U.S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. Sources of Regional and Lo- cal Current Business Statistics, by Elma S. Moulton. (Government Printing O f - fice, 1940. 57p. 30^. (Domestic Com- merce series no. 115.) Sources of data on advertising, building permits, commercial failures, electricity, employment and pay rolls, life i n s u r a n c e , public assistance, road construc- tion, etc. May prove more u s e f u l than Davenport and Scott, Index to Business Indices. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Classified Index of Occupations . . . 16th Census of the U . S. Government Printing Office, 1940. I99p. 60/. U.S. Division of Labor Standards. Hand- book of Federal Labor Legislation. Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1940. 86p. 35/. (Bulletin 39, pt. I.) Labor s t a n d a r d s on federal government contract work. U.S. Federal T r a d e Commission. Digest of Decisions . . . from 1915 to June 1, 1938. Government Printing Office, 1940. 6op. 10/. U.S. National Resources Planning Board. T h e Economic Effects of the Federal Public W o r k s Expenditures, 1933-38. Government Printing Office, 1940. 13ip. 25/, paper. Federal and federally aided construction. Public works, as distinct f r o m relief construction. U.S. Secret Service. Know Y o u r Money. Government Printing Office, 1940. 32p. il. 10/. A clear account of c o u n t e r f e i t money, and what to do about it. U.S. T a r i f f Commission. Reference M a n - ual of Latin American Commercial Treaties. T h e Commission, 1940. 28ip. Free. [Processed] Westerfield, Ray B. Selected Bibliography of Money, Credit, Banking and Business Finance. Bankers Publishing Co., 1940. I36p. $1.50, paper. "Periodical articles are not included but u n d e r the heading Periodicals are listed 84 periodicals relating to money, credit and banking." 340 L a w Beeche, Octavio. Indice General de la Legislation Vigente en Costa Rica. T o m e 4. Imprenta National, Costa Rica, 1940. 1707-2058P. Apply. Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America. Vols. 1-15, Supp. 1938. Government Printing Office, 1938- 40. 16 vols. $2.25 ea. Culver, Dorothy C . Civil and Commercial Aviation: a guide to federal legislation and administrative agencies. University of California Bureau of Public Adminis- tration, 1940. 8ip. 75^, mimeographed. Ramirez Olivella, G . Diccionario de Juris- prudencia Contencioso-Administrativa. Tome 2: Repertorio . . . de todas las decisiones del Tribunal supremo de Cuba . . . desde enero de 1933 hasta diciembre de 1937. J. Montero, 1939- 375P- Ap- ply. (Biblioteca Juridica de Autores Cubanos y Extranjeros, 54.) 355 Military Affairs Banning, Kendall. T h e Fleet Today. Funk and Wagnalls, 1940. 346p. $2.50. G t . Brit. Ministry of Home Security. A i r Raids. W h a t Y o u M u s t K n o w : W h a t MARCH, 1941 18 7 Y o u M u s t D o . London, H . M . Station- ery Office, 1940. 64P., il. 10f. A complete popular manual of precautions against air attack. G t . Brit. T r e a s u r y . Defence Regulations (being regulations made under the Emer- gency Powers ( D e f e n c e ) Acts, 1939 and 1940, printed as amended up to and in- cluding October 4, 1940) . . . London, H . M . Stationery Office, 1940. $1.50. " A vital handbook to war legislation." Contains monthly supplements to Defence Regulations, 1939. U.S. Bureau of Navigation. Uniforms and Insignia of Foreign Navies. Govern- ment Printing Office, 1940. 28p., il. I0j/. U.S. Congress. Senate. History of the Action of Political Forces within the United States W h i c h H a s Shaped O u r M i l i t a r y National Defense Policies from 1783 to 1940, together with the defense act of 1916 and 1920 as case studies. Government Printing Office, 1940. 14OP. 15/. (76th Congress, 3d sess. Senate document 274.) U.S. Selective Service System. Selective Service Regulations, vols. 1-6. V o l . 1. Organization and administration. 32p. 10/; vol. 2. Registration. I7p. 5 / ; vol. 3. Classification and selection. 35p. 10/; vol. 4. Delivery and induction, u p . 5 / ; vol. 5. Finance. 3 i p . 10/; vol. 6. Physical standards. 38p. 10^. Government Printing Office, 1940. Regulations issued u n d e r the Selective T r a i n i n g and Service Act, approved Sept. 16, 1940. U.S. W a r Dept. Basic Field M a n u a l : list of publications for training. Government Printing Office, 1940. 19P. 10^. Supersedes F M 21-6, J a n . 2, 1940. U.S. W a r Dept. Engineer Field M a n u a l : communications, construction, and utili- ties. Government Printing Office, 1940. 4 4 6 p . , il., p i . $ 1 . U . S . W a r Dept. Infantry Field M a n u a l : organization and tactics of infantry, the rifle battalion. Government Printing O f - f i c e , 1 9 4 0 . 3 3 4 P - , il., p i . 5 0 / . 370 Education American Council on Education. American Junior Colleges, ed. by W . C . Eells. T h e Council, 1940. 585P. $3.50. A companion volume to American Universities and Colleges. " A u t h o r i t a t i v e data have been secured f r o m 494 institutions, supplying details of their educational facilities, requirements, curricula, etc." P u b l i s h e r ' s notice. Johnsen, H . Pedagogisk Litteratur i Norsk Skolemuseum: I. C.B., 1940. 372p. 1.50 N o r w e g i a n K r . Lovejoy, Clarence E. So Y o u ' r e Going to College. Simon and Schuster, 1940. 3 8 3 P . $ 2 . 5 0 . B.R.D. Oct. 1940, p. 350. " C o n t a i n s the Lovejoy college-rating guide, which lists 289 high r a n k i n g American colleges and uni- versities, and gives important facts about each in brief f o r m . " Seybold, Geneva, comp. American Founda- tions and T h e i r Fields I V . Raymond Rich Associates, 1939. 2i8p. $3.75. Survey 75:262, Ag. 1939. A study of 243 American foundations, giving their purposes, activities, assets, expenditures, and g r a n t s d u r i n g 1937. An outgrowth of a series of studies made by t h e T w e n t i e t h C e n t u r y F u n d . Tunis, John R. Choosing a College. H a r - court, 1940. 249P. $2.50. B.R.D. Nov. 1940, p. 68. Expenses at 400 American colleges and univer- sities. Includes cost of tuition, board and room, in- cidentals, books, and fees. U.S. Children's Bureau. Directory of " State, County and Municipal T r a i n i n g Schools C a r i n g for Delinquent Children in the United States. Government Print- ing Office, 1940. 25p. 10^. (Publication no. 2 6 4 . ) 391 Costume Lester, Katharine M . , and Oerke, Bess V . A n Illustrated History of Those Frills and Furbelows of Fashion W h i c h H a v e Come to Be K n o w n A s Accessories of Dress. M a n u a l A r t s Press, 1940. 587P. $ 1 0 . The. Arts 24:911, Dec. 1940. Accessories worn at the head, neck, shoulders, waist, etc. M a n y photographs and drawings. 398 Folklore Boggs, Ralph S. Bibliography of Latin American Folklore. Wilson, 1940. I09p. $ 1 . 5 0 . Wilson Lib. Bui. 15:176, Oct. 1940. 166 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES 400 Philology Diccionario Espanol-Ingles con Mexicanis- mos. Herrero, 1939. I27p. Apply. Liddell, Henry G . , and Scott, Robert. A Greek-English Lexicon. N e w ed., rev. and augmented throughout by Sir Henry Stuart Jones. Clarendon Press, 1925-40. 2 vols. $35. Moren, G . G . Svenskt-engelskt Parlorlexi- kon. Omarb. av. Charles Scott Fearen- side. Klb., 1940. 848P. 4 Swedish K r . 500 Science Argentina. Direccion de Meteorologia, Geofisica e Hidrologia. Biblioteca. Catalogo de Publicaciones Periodicas . . . Direccion de Propaganda y Publicaciones, 1939. 124P. Apply. 510 Mathematics Burington, Richard S., comp. Handbook of Mathematical T a b l e s and Formulas. 2d ed. Handbook Publications, Inc., San- dusky, Ohio, 1940. 275p. $1.25. Jl. Eng. Educ. 31:166, Oct. 1940; News Ed., Am. Chem. Soc. 18:1096, Dec. 10, 1940; Franklin Inst., Jl. 230:791, Dec. 1940. W i l e y Trigonometric Tables. W i l e y , 1940. 8 i p . 7 5 ^ . Power Plant Engr. 44:156, Oct. 1940. 530 Physical Sciences Association of Official Agricultural Chem- ists. Official and Tentative Methods of Analysis . . . 5th ed. T h e Association, Washington, D . C . , 1940. 757p. $5. News Ed., Am. Chem. Soc. 18:1160, Dec. 25, 1940; Jl. Dairy Sci. 2 3 ^ 2 1 8 - 1 9 , Dec. 1940. " T h e s e methods have become the accepted s t a n d a r d of analytical procedure in the several fields covered." Bibliographies. Bamann, Eugen, ed. Die Methoden der Fermentforschung. Lieferung 1 — G e o r g Thieme V e r l a g , Leipzig, 1940. Lief. 1, I 7 2 p . R M 18. This comprehensive work on enzymes when com- pleted will comprise some 3500 pages and will con- tain a bibliography of approximately 6000 titles. Contributions by international authorities. Bierens de Haan, Johan, A . Die Tierischen Instinkte und Ihr Umbau durch E r f a h - rung. Eine Einfiihrung in die Allgemeine MARCH, 1941 Tierpsychologie. E. J. Brill, Leiden, 1940. 478p. 10 guilders. 8. Rev. Biol. 15:509. Dec. 1940. ontains a bibliography of 35 pages. Child, Ernest. T h e T o o l s of the Chemist. Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1940. 220p. $3.50. Ceramic Age 36:174, Dec. 1940. " A study of the development of chemical appara- t u s in the United States, including survey of the European scientists who originated and designed tools now used in the industry. Completely i n d e x e d . " Dorsey, Noah E. Properties of Ordinary Water-substance. Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1940. 697P. $15. (American Chemical Society, Monograph no. 81.) Am. Jl. Phys. 8:405, Dec. 1940. " T h e author has made a great effort to present, either actually or by r e f e r e n c e to the literature, all the existing material likely to be of interest to the worker in this field." G t . Brit. Meteorological Office. T h e Meteorological Glossary. 3d ed. Chemi- c a l P u b . C o . , 1 9 4 0 . 2 5 i p . $3. Am. Jl. Phys. 8:328, Oct. 1940. " T h i s is the first American edition of a compre- hensive and up-to-date glossary of terms and con- cepts of meteorology, prepared and recently revised by the technical staff of the British Meteorological Office." Hilditch, T h o m a s P. T h e Chemical Con- stitution of N a t u r a l Fats. W i l e y , 1940. 4 3 8 p . $6.50. News Ed., Am. Chem. Soc. 18:1163, Dec. 25, 1940; Chem. & Met. Eng. 47:807, Nov. 1940. M i l n e r , Henry B., and M u r b y , Thomas. Sedimentary Petrography, with special reference to petrographic methods of cor- relation of strata petroleum technology and other economic applications of geol- ogy- 3d ed. Nordeman Pub. Co., 1940. 6 6 6 p . $ 1 0 . Science 93:19, J a n . 3, 1941. " A n excellent, well-balanced t r e a t m e n t of the history, technique, methods, principles and economic application of sedimentary petrology. I t is very well illustrated and contains excellent and extensive r e f e r e n c e s to the l i t e r a t u r e . " Olivier, Charles P. Magnitudes and C o - ordinates of Comparison Stars in 52 Re- gions of Variable Stars and Magnitudes of 284 Variables. Pennsylvania Univer- sity Press, Philadelphia, 1940. 66p. $1.50. (Pennsylvania University, Publi- cations, Astronomical Series, vol. 5, pt. 3.) Pop. Ast. 48:572, Dec. 1940. " F i r s t publication of the Flower Observatory deal- ing with results of the study of Variable S t a r s . " 18 7 Periodica Chemica. Verzeichnis der im Chemischen Zentralblatt Referierten Zeit- schriften mit den Entsprechenden G e - normten Titelabkiirzungen sowie A n - gaben iiber den Besitz in Bibliotheken Grossdeutschlands. Bearbeitet von M a x i - milian Pfliicke. V e r l a g Chemie, G . M . B . H . , Berlin, 1940. 2o8p. R M 15. Prodinger, W i l h e l m . Organic Reagents Used in Quantitative Inorganic Analysis. T r a n s , by S. Holmes. Elsevier Pub. Co., N e w Y o r k . Distributed by Nordemann Pub. Co., N e w Y o r k , 1940. 203P. $5. Econ. Geol. 35:910, Nov. 1940; Chem. and Met. Eng. 47:726-27, Oct. 1940. Seidell, Atherton. Solubilities of Inorganic and M e t a l Organic Compounds. 3d ed. V o l . 1. V a n Nostrand, 1940. 1698P. $ 1 2 . News Ed., Am. Chem. Soc. 18:1162, Dec. 25, 1940; Chem. and Met. Eng. 47:808, Nov. 1940. Smith, Orsino C . M i n e r a l Identification Simplified. W e t z e l Pub. Co., Los A n - geles, Calif., 1940. 2 7 i p . $3.50. Am. Mineralogist 25:767, Nov. 1940. 570 Biological Sciences Ceylon Journal of Science. . . . Catalogue of the Contents of Ceylon Journal of Science Publications. Ceylon Govern- ment Press, Colombo, 1939. 77p. Apply. The following publications are i n d e x e d : 1. Pera- deniva, Cevlon. Royal Botanic Gardens. Annals. 2. Spolia Zeylanica. 3. Ceylon J o u r n a l of Science: Section C. F i s h e r i e s ; Section E. Meteorology; Sec- tion D. Medical Sciences; Section G. Archaeology, Ethnology, etc. Conn, Harold J. Biological Stains; a hand- book on the nature and uses of the dyes employed in the biological laboratory. 4th ed. Biotech Publications, Geneva, N . Y . , 1 9 4 0 . 3 o 8 p . $ 3 . 4 0 . Bibliography: p. 281-98. Ellis, Brooks F. A Catalogue of Foramini- fera. American M u s e u m of N a t u r a l His- tory, 1940. 30,000p. $100. Science 92:606-07, Dec. 27, 1940. Gloyd, H o w a r d K . T h e Rattlesnakes, Genera Sistrurus and Crotalus. 31 plates. Chicago Academy of Sciences, 1940. 266p. $ 2 . 5 0 . Q. Rev. Biol. 15:482, Dec. 1940. Contains a key to species and subspecies and a bibliography of 303 entries. Lang, W i l l i a m D . , Smith, Stanley, and Thomas, H . D . Index of Paleozoic C o r a l Genera. British M u s e u m of N a t u r a l History, London, 1940. 23ip. 15s. / / . Geol. 48:781-84, Oct.-Nov. 1940. " T h i s index represents the most important work- on Paleozoic corals which has appeared since the issuance of E d w a r d s and H a i m e ' s monumental pub- lications of the middle of the past c e n t u r y . " Leach, Julian G . Insect Transmission of Plant Diseases. M c G r a w - H i l l , 1940. 615P. $6. Jl. Econ. Ent. 33:822, Oct. 1940. Munns, E d w a r d N . A Selected Bibliogra- phy of North American Forestry. G o v - ernment Printing Office, 1940. 2 vols. $1.50. ( U . S. Dept. of Agriculture. M i s - cellaneous publication no. 364.) Peters, James L . Check-list of Birds of the W o r l d . V o l . 4. H a r v a r d University Press, 1940. 2gip. $4. Auk 57:581-82, Oct. 1940. " T h e s e volumes f o r m the only coinprehensive sur- vey of the birds of the world since Sharpe's ' H a n d - list' of some forty-odd years ago." 600 U s e f u l A r t s Accountants' Index, F i f t h Supplement; a bibliography of accounting literature Jan- uary, 1936-December, 1939 (inclusive). American Institute Publishing Co., 13 E. 41st St., N e w Y o r k , 1940. 577p. Apply. Enamel T r a d e Directory, 1940. 2d ed. Ceramics Publishing Co., N e w a r k , N.J., 1 9 4 0 . 2 5 6 p . $6. Ceramic Age 36:176-77, Dec. 1940. U.S. National Bureau of Standards. Book Cloths, Buckrams, and Impregnated Fab- rics for Book-binding Purposes except L i - brary Bindings; 2d ed. Government Printing Office, 1940. I3p. 610 Medicine Almanacco del Medico, Sanitario e Farma- ceutico, 1940, V o l . V . Medici Domus, 1940. 231 p. Apply. Dentistry, a digest of practice. V o l . 1- . monthly. Lippincott, 1940- . V o l . 1. $ 4 . 5 0 . 168 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES More t h a n 150 medical and dental j o u r n a l s are examined each month f o r the best articles in dental research and practice. Fine, Ruth. T h e National Health Program and Medical C a r e in the United States: selected recent references. U.S. Dept. of L a b o r Library, Washington, D . C . , 1940. 25p. Apply. Processed. G t . Brit. Medical Research Council. Bulle- tin of W a r Medicine. N o . 1-, Sept. 1940-. London, H . M . Stationery Office, 1 9 4 0 - . N o . 1, 63 p. 2 s . 6 d . ( 7 5 f O - " I n t r o d u c i n g a series of Bulletins which, if cir- cumstances permit, will be published every two months. Each issue will contain abstracts of relevant modern literature f r o m every available source all over the world, covering all branches of the science of medicine which may apply to war condi- tions. . . . " G t . Brit. W a r Office. Medical M a n u a l of Chemical W a r f a r e , 1940. London, H . M . Stationery Office, 1940. H9P-, col., pis. 2s.6d. (75/). A summary of the effects of chemical w a r f a r e substances, with methods to be used in combatting them. A n Atlas of Gas Poisoning is bound in. Gutman, Jacob, ed. M o d e r n D r u g Ency- clopedia and Therapeutic Guide. 2d ed. Free quarterly supplements. N e w M o d - ern Drugs, 49 W e s t 45th St., N e w Y o r k , 1 9 4 0 . 1 6 4 4 P . $ 7 . "Describes over 6000 proprietaries of 291 manu- f a c t u r e r s . " Hartnett, M a r y R., Sister. A Critical Selected and Annotated List of Sources for Research in Nursing Education. Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D . C . , 1940. 67P. $1. (Studies in Nursing Education, V o l . V , fas. I.) Jeanneney, Georges. T r a i t e de la T r a n s - fusion Sanguine. Masson et Cie, Paris, 1940. 386p. $2.50, paper. Q. Rev. Biol. 15:501, Dec. 1940. Nineteen-page bibliography. Lovejoy, M r s . Esther P. W o m e n Physi- cians and Surgeons; national and interna- tional organizations. Book I : T h e American medical women's association, the medical women's international associa- tion. Book I I : T w e n t y years with the American women's hospitals. T h e L i v - ingston Press, Livingston, N . Y . , 1939. 246P. $2. Luyet, B. J. L i f e and Death at L o w T e m - p e r a t u r e s . 1 9 4 0 . 3 4 i p . $ 4 . 5 0 . " T h e contents of this monograph with the excep- tion of the General Bibliography, are reprinted f r o m Biodynamica No. 33, 1938, No. 48, 1939 and No. 60, 1940." M a n n , James B. A t l a s of Dental and O r a l Pathology, prepared at the A r m y Medical Museum, Office of the Surgeon General, U . S . A r m y , from material in the Regis- try of Dental and O r a l Pathology. Chi- cago, 1940. i52p. $15. (Loose-leaf; mimeographed.) " P u b l i s h e d at the instigation of the Museum and Registry committee, as a part of the educational program of the American Dental Association." In- cludes bibliographical references. Pan American Sanitary Bureau. Medical and Public Health Journals; revistas de medicina y sanidad de la America Latina. T h e Bureau, 1940. 5ip. Apply. ( P u b - lication no. 152.) Pryor, Helen B. Width-weight T a b l e s for Boys and G i r l s from 1 to 17 Y e a r s ; for M e n and W o m e n from 18 to 41 plus Y e a r s ; 2d rev. ed. Stanford University Press, 1940. I5p. 75/. Sch. & Soc. 52:376, Oct. 19, 1940. Q u a r t e r l y Cumulative Index Medicus Sub- ject Headings and Cross References: a guide to the classification of medical peri- odical literature. 2d ed. American Medical Association, Chicago, 1940. 43ip. $ 1 2 . Rehberger, George E. Lippincott's Quick Reference Book. n t h ed. Lippincott, 1 9 4 0 . I 3 9 6 p . $ 1 5 - " T h e book covers general medicine and s u r g e r y (including neurology and diseases of i n f a n c y and childhood); gynecology, obstetrics, diseases of the male genito-urinary system; the skin, eye, ear, nose and t h r o a t ; and orthopedics. A n alphabetic list of all d r u g s mentioned in the book is included, with the n a t u r e of the drug, its solubility, dosage at dif- f e r e n t ages, modes of administration, pharmacologic action and toxic effects." Advertisement. Robertson, W i l l i a m E. Diagnostic Signs, Reflexes and Syndromes. F. A . Davis C o . , P h i l a d e l p h i a , 1 9 3 9 . 309P. $ 3 . 5 0 . "All items are listed in alphabetical order with sub-items in alphabetical or numerical o r d e r , or both."-—Publisher's foreword. Roesler, Hugo. A t l a s of Cardioroentgen- ology. C . C . Thomas, 1940. 124P. $8.50. MARCH, 1941 18 7 Taber, Clarence W . Taber's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary including Digest of Medical Subjects: medicine, surgery, nurs- ing, dietetics, physical therapy. Davis, Philadelphia, 1940. 1484P. $3. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Manual of the International List of Causes of Death . . . Manual of Joint Causes of Death, 4th ed., 1939. Government Printing Office, 1940. 452p. $1.25, buckram. U.S. Bureau of the Census. Physicians' Handbook of Birth and Death Registra- tion. Containing International list of causes of death. 9th ed. Government Printing Office, 1939. 94P- Apply. Se- lected bibliography p. 81-83. 620 Engineering American Aviation Associates, Inc. Ameri- can Aviation Directory. T h e Corpora- tion, Earle Bldg., Washington, D . C . , 1940. I 6 7 p . $ 3 . T.B.R.I. 6:70, Dec. 1940. "Gives a great deal of a u t h o r i t a t i v e i n f o r m a t i o n about air t r a n s p o r t and a i r c r a f t m a n u f a c t u r e in America. . . . Considerably more than a personnel directory. . . . " American Society for Testing Materials. Committee C - i on Cement. A . S . T . M . Standards on Cement. A . S . T . M . , Phila- delphia, 1940. I03p. $1. Arch. Rec. 88:24, 26, Dec. 1940. " C h a n g e s made in the s t a n d a r d s d u r i n g the year are incorporated, as are t h e new tentative specifica- tions covering five types of P o r t l a n d cement and the newly standardized test f o r autoclave expansion." Brady, George S. Materials Handbook. 4th ed. M c G r a w - H i l l , 1940. 59ip. $5. Chem. & Met. Eng. 47:882, Dec. 1940. ". . . lists thousands of materials with such general i n f o r m a t i o n as chief characteristics, comparative data, sources, substitutes and u s e s . " British Standards Institution. British Standard Glossary of Aeronautical Terms. Rev. ed. T h e Institution, Lon- d o n , 1 9 4 0 . 7 s . 6 d . T.B.R.I. 6:72, Dec. 1940. " B y f a r the best glossary of aeronautical t e r m s published. . . . " Hartley, Randolph. Aeronautical Diction- ary and Reference Library for the Lay- man, Students, Mechanics, Aircraftsmen, Pilots, Navigators and Airportsmen. 1940 ed. De Vorss & Co., 843 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., 1940. 524P. $ 4 - Howell, Almonte C . Handbook of English Engineering Usage. 2d ed. Wiley, 1940. 4 3 3 P - $ 2 . 5 0 . Chem. & Met. Eng. 47:725, Oct. 1940; Eng. News Rec. 125:77, Dec. 19, 1940. " . . . Up-to-date i n f o r m a t i o n , logically a r r a n g e d f o r handy r e f e r e n c e . I t is worthy of a place beside P e r r y , Marks, and other handbooks on the e n g i n e e r ' s bookshelf." Lawyers' and Merchants' Translation Bu- reau, N e w Y o r k . Novisimo Diccionario de Automovilismo. Parte 1 : Ingles-espa- nol. Stechert, 1940. 154P. $2. Meller, K a r l . Arc-welding Handbook. Trans, by J. E. W e b b Ginger. Chemical P u b . C o . , 1 9 4 0 . 2 i o p . $ 3 . 5 0 . Aero Dig. 37:102, Nov. 12, 1940. Mines Register. Vol. 20, 1940. Atlas Pub- lishing Co., N e w Y o r k , 1940. 942p. $25. Econ. Geol. 35:911, Nov. 1940. " T h i s comprehensive successor to the Mines H a r d - book and Copper Handbook follows the 19th volume a f t e r an interval of t h r e e y e a r s . " Qui Est-ce? Almanach de l'Automobiliste 1940. 11® ed. Editions Hallweg, 1940. I572p. 8 Swiss fr. Refrigerating Data Book. Vol. 2. Ameri- can Society of Refrigerating Engineers, 37 W . 39th St., N e w Y o r k , 1940. 402p. $ 4 - Power Plant Eng. 44:145, Dec. 1940; Food Ind. 12:103, Oct. 1940. U.S. Civil Aeronautics authority. Aerody- namics for Pilots. Government Printing Office, 1940. I58p., il. 30^. (Civil Aeronautics Bulletin 26.) P r e p a r e d f o r use as a text by persons enrolled in the "controlled restricted commercial course of the civilian pilot t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m . " U.S. Civil Aeronautics authority. Digest of Civil Air Regulations for Pilots. Gov- ernment Printing Office, 1940. 71 p., il., map. 20^. (Civil Aeronautics Bulletin 2 2 . ) U.S. Civil Aeronautics authority. Flight Instructor's Manual, rev., as of October, 1940. Government Printing Office, 1940. I37p., il. 30^. (Civil Aeronautics Bulle- tin 5 . ) 170 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES U.S. Civil Aeronautics Authority. Ground Instructor's Manual. Government Print- ing Office, 1940. 5ip., il. 15^. (Civil Aeronautics Bulletin 30.) For instructors in the Civilian pilot t r a i n i n g pro- gram. U.S. Civil Aeronautics Authority. Pilots' Airplane Manual. Government Printing Office, 1940. I50p., il. 30^. (Civil Aeronautics Bulletin 27.) U.S. Hydrographic Office. Aircraft Navi- gation Manual, U. S. Navy. Government Printing Office, 1940. 272P., il. - $ i , cloth. ( H . O . no. 216.) P r e p a r e d at Pensacola ground school and pub- lished by the Hydrographic Office u n d e r the authority of the Secretary of the Navy. Wood, John W . Airports; some elements of design and future development. Cow- ard-McCann, Inc., 1940. 364P., diag., plans, photos. $10. This very timely publication is copiously illustrated with examples of N o r t h and South American and E u r o p e a n airports. A clear concise text about each airport makes it a very valuable publication. Bibli- ography p. 361. 630 Agriculture U.S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. Getting at the Facts about Agriculture, Program Building. Government Printing Office, 1940. 35p., il. 10^. (Farmer Discussion Group Pamphlets, DS 19.) Zanutto, S. Saggio di Bibliografia Giurid- ico-agraria Coloniale. Anni 1937, 1938, 1939. Coppini, 1940. 56p. L.20. 640 Home Economics American Society for Testing Materials. Committee D-13 on Textile Materials. A.S.T.M. Standards on Textile Mate- rials. A.S.T.M., Philadelphia, 1940. 368p. $2. Text. World 90:77, Dec. 1940. "Specifications of quality, tolerances, test pro- cedures and definitions . . . photomicrographs of common textile fibers, y a r n number conversion tables, psychometric table, and a glossary of textile terms . . . not included." Link, Paul. All about Wool; a new com- prehensive dictionary. Stechert, 1940. I35P. $2. MARCH, 1941 McCance, Robert A., and Widdowson, E. M . The Chemical Composition of Foods. Chemical Publishing Co., 1940. i5op. $2.50. Forecast 56:623, Dec. 1940. "Chemical composition of foods commonly used in Great Britain. All quantitative data on organic and mineral constituents of food, except the amount of vitamins present, is set f o r t h . Foods were an- alyzed raw, cooked, and as to availability f o r the body's use. For precise r e s e a r c h , in human nutri- tion this volume will undoubtedly become a s t a n d a r d handbook. Uker's International Tea and Coffee Buy- ers' Guide. 10th ed. Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 79 Wall St., New York, 1 9 4 0 . 2 2 4 P . $2. Food Ind. 12:90, Nov. 1940. " I n addition to facts about the products and their production and consumption, the book contains these classified lists: U . S tea and coffee packers; delivery route tea and coffee dealers; tea i m p o r t e r s ; green coffee m e r c h a n t s ; tea, coffee and spice b r o k e r s ; spice importers and packers; chain grocery firms; equip- ment and supply houses; and tea and coffee exporters in producing c o u n t r i e s . " 700 Visual Arts Addison, Agnes, ed. Portraits in the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1940. 67p., 102 il. $3- Contains brief biographical and bibliographical descriptions of 267 oil and pastel portraits a r r a n g e d by date of birth. Of these 101 are illustrated. Di- mensions of canvas are given with artist and date when known. I n d e x e s by artist and by subject. Aeschlimann, Erardo. Dictionnaire des Miniaturistes du Moyen Age et de la Renaissance dans les Differentes Contrees de l'Europe. Hoepli, 1 9 4 0 . 193P. L . 3 5 0 . Beza, Marcu. Byzantine Art in Roumania. Scribner's, 1940. 8p., 65 pis. Am. Jl. Archaeol., Oct.-Dec. 194°. P- 371; Arch. Rev. 87:218, J u n e 1940; Connoisseur, Aug. 1940, p. 81. Bond, Harold L. Encyclopedia of Antiques. Hale, Cushman and Flint, Boston, 1940. 389P- $3-75- Ceramic Age 36:176, Dec. 1940. " A literal compendium of antique knowledge." Brunner, Karl H. Manual de Urbanismo. Bogota, Imprenta Municipal, 1939- 2 vols. $14. Manual on city planning. Excellent general and special bibliographies. M a n y photographs, diagrams, and charts of valuable information. Cummings, Carlos E. East is East and 18 7 West is West. Buffalo Museum of Sci- ence, 1940. 382P. 33 il. $4. Museum News, Oct. 15, 1940, p. 6. Danmarks Kirker. Udg. af Nationalmuseet. Tisted Amt. 1. H a e f t e . Gad, 1940. 112p. 3 Danish Kr. Folkesangbog for Danmark . . . ved Arne Bertelsen, Johan Hye-Knudsen . . . Flen- steds Forlag, 1940. 64P. 0.15 Danish Kr. Kimball, Fiske. M r . Samuel Mclntire, Carver and Architect of Salem. Pub- lished for the Essex Institute of Salem, Massachusetts. T h e Southworth-An- thoensen Press, Portland, Maine, 1940. I57P-. pl- $ 1 0 . Books, J a n . 5, 1941, p. 1. Detailed study of M c l n t i r e ' s architectural and sculptural work, done in cooperation with the Essex I n s t i t u t e which has a n extensive collection of Mc- I n t i r i a n a . Well illustrated. Kuck, Loraine E. T h e Art of Japanese Gardens. John Day, 1940. 304P. $5. Arch. Rec. 88:84, Oct. 1940; Landscape Arch. 31:37, Oct. 1940. Mayer, Ralph. T h e Artist's Handbook of Materials and Techniques. Viking Press, 1940. 56ip., il. $3.95. Art Dig., Dec. 15, 1940, p. 26. Mertle, Joseph S. Process Photography and Plate Making, rev. ed. G. Cramer Dry- Plate Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1940. i88p. $1. Am. Phot. 34:778, Oct. 1940. " A revised and enlarged edition of a f a m o u s publi- cation by the Cramer organization which for y e a r s has been the authoritative manual for the process photographer in his work with dry plates." N e w York Museum of Science and Indus- try. Exhibition Techniques; a summary of exhibition practice. New York M u - seum of Science and Industry, 1940. 385P., il. $2. Mus. News, Oct. 15, 1940, p. 6. Companion volume to Cummings, C. E., East is East and W e s t is West. I n t r o d u c t i o n by Robert P . Shaw, Director, New York Museum of Science and I n d u s t r y . 1000 and One—the Blue Book of Non- Theatrical Films. 16th ed. Educational Screen, Inc., 64 East Lake St., Chicago, 1940. I 3 2 p . 7 5 / , 2 5 / to subscribers. Sell. & Soc. 52:376, Oct. 19, 1940. Quaroni, Ludovico. Architettura delle Cit- ta. I : La preistoria. La protostoria. L'oriente antico. Sansaini, 1940. 73p. Apply. Sander, M a x . Livre a Figures Italien de- puis 1467 jusqu'a 1530; essai de sa bibliog- raphic et de son histoire. Stechert, 1940. Vols. 1-2, 5-6. $150 complete (6 vols.) P l a n of w o r k : vols. 1-3, bibliographical items; vol. 4, historical t e x t ; vols. 5-6, reproductions. Stites, Raymond S. T h e Arts and M a n . Whittlesey House, 1940. 872P., 640 il. $7.50. Art Dig., J a n . 1, 1941, p. 27. Bibliographies of books and phonograph records given at the end of each chapter. Victoria and Albert Museum. Catalogue of Italian Majolica by B. Rackham. Vic- toria and Albert Museum, 1940. 2 vols. Ll.10.0. Burlington Mag. 77:64-66, Aug. 1940; Connoisseur 105:268-9, J u n e 1940. Wall, Edward J . Photographic Facts and Formulas. Rev. by F. I. Jordan. Ameri- can Photographic Publishing Co., Boston, 1940. 384P. $3- Franklin Inst. Jl. 230:793-94, Dec. 1940. 780 Auditory Arts Ewen, David, ed. Living Musicians: a bib- liographical guide to modern world musi- cians. Wilson, 1940. 390p. $4.50. Wilson Lib. Bui.. 15:362, J a n . 1941. Rodriguez, Jose, ed. Music and dance in California; comp. by William J . Perlman. Bureau of Musical Research, 5617 Holly- wood Blvd., Hollywood, Calif., 1940. 4 6 7 P . $ 5 . A yearbook and who's who, including also mis- cellaneous articles by such writers as Toch, Schoen- berg, Romberg, Hall Johnson, etc. Spaeth, Sigmund G. Great Program M u - sic; how to enjoy and remember it. G a r - den City, 1940. 359p. $i-49- Vodarsky-Shiraeff, Alexandria, comp. Rus- sian Composers and Musicians; a bio- 172 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES graphical dictionary. W i l s o n , 1940. I 5 8 p . $ 1 . 7 5 . P.W. Nov. g, 1940, p. 1866. " B r i e f biographies of the o u t s t a n d i n g figures of t h e R u s s i a n musical w o r l d with lists of their l i t e r a r y a n d musical w o r k s . " 790 Recreatory A r t s (including sports, theater, movies, etc.) Elkins, Frank, ed. Complete Ski Guide. Doubleday, 1940. 286p. $2.50. Freedley, G e o r g e and Reeves, John A . His- tory of the T h e a t r e ; with hundreds of illustrations from photographs, playbills, contemporary prints, etc. C r o w n , 1941. 688p. $3. G e e , Ernest R. T h e Sportsman's Library, being a descriptive list of the most im- portant books on sport. (limited ed.) B o w k e r , 1940. I 7 7 p . $6. P.W. 138:2040-41, Nov. 30, 1940. Greenwood, Frances A . , comp. Bibliog- raphy of Swimming. W i l s o n , 1940. 3o8p. $4-25- T.B.R.I. 6:55, Nov. 1940. H o w a r d , Ruth E., ed. Dancer's Almanac and W h o ' s W h o , 250 W . 57th St., N e w Y o r k , 1940. 204P. $3. M a g r i e l , P a u l D . , comp. Bibliography of D a n c i n g ; a list of books and articles on the dance and related subjects. 3d cumu- lated supplement 1936-39. W i l s o n , 1940. 8op. $1.50. M a s o n , Hamilton. French T h e a t r e in N e w Y o r k ; a list of plays, 1899-1939. C o l u m - bia University Press, 1940. 442p. $3.75. (Thesis, P h . D . , Columbia University, 1940.) Odell, G e o r g e C . D . Annals of the N e w Y o r k Stage, v.12 (1882-85). Columbia University Press, 1940. 783P. $8.75. Books, Dec. 1, 1940, P- 34- U . S . National P a r k Service. 1940 Y e a r - book, P a r k and Recreation Progress, D e - . partment of Interior, National P a r k Serv- ice. Government Printing Office, 1940. 92P- 35^- Bibliography, p. 87-92. P r o f u s e l y i l l u s t r a t e d . W a l d , Jerry, and M a c a u l a y , Richard B., eds. Best Pictures, 1939-40, and the Y e a r Book of M o t i o n Pictures in A m e r - ica. Dodd, 1940. 534p., il. $3-50. P.W. 138:1866, Nov. 9, 1940. " S e v e n motion p i c t u r e s in excerpt and s u m m a r y , a w a r d s of the y e a r , s y n o p s e s a n d casts of all the m a j o r p i c t u r e s and a n article on the production season in this first motion picture a n n u a l similar to ' B e s t P l a y s . ' " 800 Literature A g n e w , Janet M . , comp. Southern Bibliog- raphy; poetry, 1929-1938. Louisiana State University Press, 1940. 47p. 75^, paper. (Louisiana State University. L i - brary School. Bibliographical series, no. 3.) Anuario Brasileiro de L i t e r a t u r a , 1940 [no. 4] Pongetti, 1940. 4i6p. $20. Pan Am. Book Shelf 8:v, Dec. 1940. Contains bibliography of the w r i t i n g s of 1939, and critical articles. Blaser, F r i t z . Bibliographie zur Geschichte des Schweizerischen Zeitungswesens. E. Birkhauser, 1940. 88p. 4.50 Swiss f r . (Quellen z u r schweizer Geschichte. N . F . A b t . 4 : Handbucher. Bd. 4.) Briggs, Elizabeth D . Subject Index to Chil- dren's Plays. A . L . A . , 1940. 277P. $3.50. Wilson Lib. Bui. 15:174-75, Oct. 1940. I n 202 titles suitable f o r g r a d e s 1-8. Cecil, L o r d David, ed. T h e O x f o r d Book of Christian Verse. O x f o r d University Press, 1940. 56op. $3. B.R.D. Oct. 1940, p. 98. D u v a l , Hanson R. Aldous H u x l e y . A bibliography. A r r o w Editions, 444 M a d i - son A v e . , N e w Y o r k , 1939. 205p. $7.50. G r e g , W a l t e r W . Bibliography of the English Printed D r a m a to the Restora- tion. V o l . I. Printed for the Biblio- graphical Society. University Press, O x - ford, 1939. 492p. 50s to members only. (Illustrated Monographs, no. 24.) Harbage, A l f r e d B. Annals of English D r a m a , 975-1700; an analytical record of all plays, extant or lost, chronologically arranged and indexed by authors, titles, dramatic companies, etc. [published in co- operation with the M o d e r n Language A s - sociation of America.] University of Pennsylvania Press, 1940. 264P. $3. Wilson Lib. Bui. 15, Feb. 1941. MARCH, 1941 18 7 Heartman, Charles F., and Canny, James R., comps. A Bibliography of First Print- ings of the Writings of Edgar Allan Poe. . . . T h e Book Farm, Hattiesburg, Miss., 1 9 4 0 . 2 6 4 P . $ 6 . 7 5 . ( H e a r t m a n ' s H i s - torical series, no. 53.) Books, J a n . 12, 1940, p. 18; P.W. 138:2033-38, Nov. 30, 1940. Holmes, Thomas J. T h e Minor M a t h e r s ; a list of their works. Harvard Univer- sity Press, 1940. 2i8p. $5. Hyder, Clyde K., comp. A Concordance to the Poems of A . E. Housman. T h e Author, 625 W e s t 16th St., Lawrence, K a n . , 1 9 4 0 . 1 3 3 P . $ 3 . 5 0 . Kennedy, Arthur G . A Concise Bibliog- raphy for Students of English; systemati- cally arranged. Stanford University P r e s s , [ C 1 9 4 0 ] . I 4 3 p . $ 1 . 5 0 . Lancaster, Henry C . History of French Dramatic Literature in the Seventeenth Century; pt. 4, T h e period of Racine, 1673-1700. 2 vols. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity Press, 1940. $10. Luther, Arthur. Deutsche Geschichte in Deutscher Erzaehlung. K a r l W . Hierse- mann, Leipzig, 1940. Apply. Encyclopedia of German stories and novels on historical subjects. Manly, John M . , and Rickert, Edith. T h e T e x t of the Canterbury T a l e s , studied on the basis of all known manuscripts. 8 vols. T h e University of Chicago Press, [ C 1 9 4 0 ] . $40. Mod. Lang. Notes 35:535, Oct. 1940. Paden, William D., and Hyder, C . K „ comps. Concordance to the Poems of Oliver Goldsmith. Clyde K . Hyder, 625 W . 16th St., Lawrence, Kan., 1940. i8op. $3.50, paper. Pakarinen, Simo. Suomalainen Kirjallisus, i936-38; aakkosellinen ja aineenmukainen luettelo. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 1940. 998p. $ 7 . i o net. Classified. Contains author index. Peers, Edgar A . A History of the Romantic Movement in Spain. Macmillan, 1940. 2 vols. $12. Jl. Hist, of Ideas 2:124, J a n . 1941; Times (Lon- don) Lit. Sup p. Nov. 23, 1940, p. 590. Phelps, William L., comp. T h e Mothers' Anthology. Doubleday, 1940. 398p. $3. Prose and verse selections about mothers. Rue, Eloise. Subject Index to Books for Intermediate Grades. A . L . A . , 1940. 4 9 5 P - $ 4 - Wilson Lib. Bui. 15:334, Dec. 1940. 20,000 entries u n d e r 3000 subjects f r o m 1200 books suitable for grades 4-6. Sawyer, Julian. 'Gertrude Stein. A bib- liography. A r r o w Editions, 444 Madison Ave., N e w Y o r k , 1940. $7.50. Weisinger, Nina L . A Guide to Studies in Spanish American Literature. Heath, 1940. I25p. 60 ,̂ paper. W i l l , Samuel F. A Bibliography of Ameri- can Studies on the French Renaissance (1500-1600). University of Illinois, 1940. I52p. $2; $1.50, paper. (Illinois Studies in Language and Literature, vol. 26, no. 2.) Y a l e University. Library. William A. Speck Collection of Goetheana. Goethe's W o r k s with the Exception of F a u s t ; a catalog; ed., arr., and supplied with literary notes and preceded by an intro- duction and a biographical sketch of W i l - liam A . Speck by C a r l Frederick Schrei- ber. Y a l e University Press, 1940. 239P. $10. P.W. 138:1619, Oct. 19, 1940. 900 History Commager, Henry S., ed. Documents of American History. 2d ed. Crofts, 1940. 664P. $4. Dictionary of Dates, new ed. Dutton, 1940. 446p. 90/. (Everyman's Library, no. 554-) Guelfi Camajani, Piero. Dizionario A r a l - dico. 3d ed. Hoepli, 1940. 585P. L.32. 174 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Instituto Panamericano de Geografia e His- toria. Catalogo . . . 1930-39 . . . T h e Institute, 1940. 4i2p. Apply. (Publi- cation, 47.) Italien Jahrbuch, 1939. Band 2. Hrsg. vom Deutsch-Italienischen Kulturinstitut. Petrarca, 1940. 490p. R M 18. Laar, Albert van. Bibliographie van de Geschiedenis van de Stad Antwerpen. Deel II. M . Nijhoff, 1 9 3 9 . 2 i 9 p . Ap- ply. Norsk Biografisk Leksikon. Bd. I X : M a d - sen-Nansen. H . Aschehoug, 1940. 642P. 41.50 Norwegian Kr. Norton, J. E. Bibliography of the W o r k s of Edward Gibbon. O x f o r d University Press, 1940. 272p. 21 s. Poblador, Filemon. Important Documents Illustrative of Philippine History. M r s . P. A . Poblador, Box 527, Manila, 1936. I 7 2 p . $ 1 . Jones, Samuel S., and Myers, Denys P., eds. Documents on American Foreign Rela- tions. Vol. 2. W o r l d Peace Foundation, C 1 9 4 0 . 8 7 5 p . $ 3 . 7 5 . 910 Geography and T r a v e l Bartholomew, John. Handy Reference A t - las of the World. 14th ed. Bartholo- mew, 1940. 444p. I2s.6d. Horrabin, James F. An Atlas-History of the Second Great W a r . Vol. II, Jan.- July, 1940. Nelson, 1940. i i 5 p . 3s.6d. net. McFadden, Clifford H . An Atlas of W o r l d Review. Crowell, 1940. 145P. $1.95. 920 Biography Biographical Encyclopedia of America. Vol. I. Biographical Encyclopedia of America, Inc., ci940. $20. S.B.B. 11:26, J u l y 1940. Biographical Encyclopedia of the W o r l d . 1st ed. Institute for Research in Biog- raphy, Inc., 1940. 583P. $15. S.B.B. 11:27-28, J u l y 1940. Burke, Sir Bernard. W a r Gazette and Corrigendo to the Peerage, 1940. Burke's Peerage, 1940. I42p. 42s. net. Debutante Register of the United States. Debutante Register Association, C 1 9 4 0 . 68op. $25. Leigh, M . S., ed. Winchester College, 1 8 8 4 - 1 9 3 4 ; a register. P. & G . Wells, 1 9 4 0 . 2 is. M o w l e , Percival C. Genealogical History of Pioneer Families of Australia. John Sands, 1939. 142P. 42s. Notable Americans of Foreign Birth; a list of the foreign born in " W h o ' s W h o in America," 1938-39. Common Council for American Unity, 222 4th Ave., N e w Y o r k , 1940. 104P. 50 f . Oehler, Robert, ed. Noms de Famille Suisses. Edite par la Societe Suisse d'Etudes Genealogiques . . . T o m e I : A a - Lhuil. Editions Polygraphiques, 1940. 48op. 24 Swiss fr. Preston, Wheeler. American Biographies. Harper, C1940. 1147P. $7-50. Wilson Lib. Bui. 15:334-5, Dec. 1940. "5257 notables not now living f r o m colonial times to the p r e s e n t . " W h o ' s W h o in Latin America . . . Percy Alvin Martin, ed. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Stanford University Press, C 1 9 4 0 . 5 9 0 p . $ 5 . 5 0 . " E n t i r e l y n e w section on the Republic of H a i t i as well as over 400 new b i o g r a p h i e s . " Women of Achievement; biographies and portraits of outstanding American women [ed. by Donald S. Rockwell]. House of Field, N e w Y o r k , 1940. 2i3p. $12.50. P.W. 138:1867, Nov. 9, 1940. MARCH, 1941 18 7 N e w Periodicals and Serials THE following annotated list of recently launched periodicals and serials has been contributed by Carolyn F . Ulrich, chief, Periodicals Division, N e w York Public Library, and in this issue when so initialed, by Wyllis E. W r i g h t , chief cataloger, N e w York Public Library and Dorothy H . Litchfield, supervisor, Periodicals and Microfilms, Columbia University Library. Aeronautical Reader's Guide. Published by Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences, 30 Rockefeller Plaza, N e w Y o r k City. Vol. 1, No. 1, Sept. 1940. Quarterly. $1 a year. A selected list of a e r o n a u t i c a l books a n d suggested r e a d i n g with brief a n n o t a t i o n s , giving author, title, a n d publisher. Aeronautics; an authoritative work dealing with the theory and practice of flying. Published by the National Aeronautics Council, Inc., 37 W e s t 47th Street, N e w Y o r k City. Vol. 1, No. 1, Sept. 1940. Weekly. 25/ a copy. P r a c t i c a l i n s t r u c t i o n in aviation. America; organo de la Juventud Hispano- americana, Liverpool No. 72-A, Mexico, D . F . Vol. 1, No. 1, A u g . 1940. $2.50 a year. Covers g e n e r a l subjects. C o n t a i n s I n d o - A m e r i c a n section, book reviews, a n d i l l u s t r a t i o n s . American Neptune; a quarterly journal of maritime history. Salem, Mass. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 1941. Quarterly. $5 a year. Devoted to technical m a r i n e r e s e a r c h in N o r t h a n d S o u t h A m e r i c a . C o n t a i n s bibliography, signed book reviews, significant d o c u m e n t s a n d excellent illus- t r a t i o n s a n d d i a g r a m s . Bibliography of Periodical Literature in Musicology and Allied Fields and a Rec- ord of Graduate Theses Accepted. No. 1, Oct. 1, 1938-Sept. 30, 1939. 25/ a copy. American Council of Learned So- cieties, 907 50th Street, Washington, D . C . , 1940. T o be c o n t i n u e d a n d established on an a n n u a l basis if in d e m a n d . Bibliographical Society of America. Mono- graph series, no. 1. Bibliographical So- ciety of America, N e w Y o r k City, 1940. —IV.E.W. Chicago Club of Printing House C r a f t s - men. Committee on Invention of Print- ing. Contributions to the Bibliography of Printing. (Published as a report on W o r k s Project Administration.) Chi- cago. No. 1, 1940. Irregular. Price not given. Chicago Club of Printing House Craftsmen. Committee on Invention of Printing. Contributions to Materials on the His- tory of Printing. (Published as a report on W o r k s Project Administration.) Chi- cago. No. 1, 1940. Irregular. Price not given. Conservation Volunteer. Official bulletin of Minnesota Department of Conserva- tion, State Office Building, St. Paul. Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct. 1940. Monthly. Price not given. English Institute Annual. 1939. Columbia University Press, N e w Y o r k City, 1940. " T h e English i n s t i t u t e is . . . an assemblage of persons i n t e r e s t e d in the serious s t u d y of t h e Eng- lish a n d A m e r i c a n l a n g u a g e a n d l i t e r a t u r e . " — IV.E.W. Facts on File; a weekly synopsis of world events with alphabetical key. Published by Pearson's Index, Facts on File, Inc., 41 East 42nd Street, N e w Y o r k City. Vol. 1, Nov. 1940. $20 a year. Foreign Commerce Weekly. Formerly Commerce Reports. Issued by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, United States Department of Commerce. Supt. of Documents, Washington, D . C . Vol. 1, No. 1, Oct. 1940. Weekly. $4.50 a year. C o n t a i n s r e v i e w s of new books and r e p o r t s . Index to South African Periodicals. Issued 176 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES by the South African Library Association, Box 397, Pretoria. No. i , Jan.-Mar. 1940. Quarterly. ( W i t h an annual cumulative volume.) Price not given. T h e indexing- is selective, a n d reviews of books a r e r e s t r i c t e d only to those of special S o u t h A f r i c a n in- t e r e s t . Contains a u t h o r a n d s u b j e c t i n d e x . Irish Library Bulletin. Published by Browne and Nolan, Ltd., 41-42 Nassau Street, Dublin. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 1940. 6s. a year. C o n t a i n s reviews of Gaelic publications as well as new a n d r e c e n t books. Journal of Aeronautical Sciences. Aero- nautical Review Edition. Published by Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, N e w Y o r k City. Nov. 1940 (as a separate publica- tion). Monthly. $2.50 a year. C o n t a i n s reviews of new books, a n d of r e c e n t articles in periodicals, h o u s e organs, a n d catalogs; news f r o m the i n d u s t r y a n d a bibliography in some special field. Latin-American Books. Vol. 1, 1938. In- ter-American book exchange, Washing- ton, D . C . , 1940. Mimeographed. A g e n e r a l i n d e x to books a n d pamphlets excluding periodicals, published in L a t i n A m e r i c a a n d P u e r t o Rico. I t e m s listed u n d e r a u t h o r and s u b j e c t . F u t u r e v o l u m e s a r e expected to be p r i n t e d . — W . E . W . Libros Cubanos; boletin de bibliografia Cubana. Lealtad 903, Havana, Cuba. Vol. I, No. I, May-June 1940. Bi- monthly. 75f ( M e x . ) a year. Monographs on Social Anthropology. No. 1. Published for the London School of Economics and Political Science, by P. Lund, Humphries & Company, Ltd., London, 1940. " T o publish r e s u l t s of m o d e r n anthropological fieldwork in a f o r m which will be of p r i m a r y inter- est to s p e c i a l i s t s . " — W . E . W . Montevideo. Universidad. Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y de Administracion. Revista. Montevideo, Uruguay. Vol. 1, No. 1, April 1940. Frequency not given. $1.50 a copy. E x c e l l e n t g r a p h s and d i a g r a m s , signed book re- views a n d a b s t r a c t s f r o m i n t e r n a t i o n a l periodicals. Musicalia; revista bimestral de arte y critica. Concordia 352, Havana, Cuba. No. 1, Nov.-Dec. 1940. Bimonthly. $1 a year. A r t i c l e s on music and musical e v e n t s ; reviews of books and n o t e s on n e w records. National Cancer Institute. Journal. Pub- lished by the Federal Security Agency. United States Public Health Service, Washington, D . C . Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug. 1940. Frequency not given. $2 a year. " . . . to c o n t r i b u t e to the dissemination of knowl- edge and to e n c o u r a g e r e s e a r c h in the subject of c a n c e r . " Negro W o r l d Digest; a mirror of Negro life, thought, and achievement. 1 W e s t 125th Street, N e w Y o r k City. V o l . 1, No. 1, July 1940. Irregular. 4 issues $1. N e w Europe; monthly review of interna- tional affairs. 151 East 67th Street, N e w Y o r k City. Vol. 1, No. 1, Dec. 1940. Price not given. O r b i t a ; revista bimestre de asuntos inter- nacionales. Calle Diez y Tercera, M a r - ianao, Cuba. Vol. 1, No. 1, A p r i l - M a y 1940. Bimonthly. $1.50 a year. T r a n s l a t i o n s a n d original articles on world a f f a i f s a n d personalities. Pamphleteer Monthly; a guide to current and worthwhile pamphlets. Published by Pamphlet Distributing Company, 147 W e s t 35th Street, N e w Y o r k City. Vol. I, No. 1, M a y 1940. $2 a year. B e g i n n i n g with Nov. IQ40 issue, includes Index to Early American Periodical Literature 1728-1870. Partial List of Latin American Educational Journals. Published by Division of In- tellectual Cooperation, Pan American Union, Washington, D . C . , 1940. Price not given. " P r e p a r e d in o r d e r to meet the d e m a n d on t h e p a r t of l i b r a r i a n s , t e a c h e r s a n d s t u d e n t s of com- p a r a t i v e e d u c a t i o n . " E a c h e n t r y well a n n o t a t e d giv- i n g most i m p o r t a n t f e a t u r e s . Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. Robert S. Peabody Foundation for Archaeology. Papers. Vol. 1, No. I, Andover, 1940.— W.E.W. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Official organ of the International Phe- nomenological Society. Published by the University of Buffalo, Buffalo. Vol. 1, No. 1, Sept. 1940. Quarterly. $4 a year. C o n t a i n s comprehensive, signed book reviews. MARCH, 1941 18 7 » Poor Richard's Biblomac; the bookman's newspaper. 270 Lafayette Street, N e w Y o r k City. Vol. 1, No. 1, Aug. 1940. Monthly. $3 a year. Contains articles of i n t e r e s t to the l i b r a r i a n , book- seller, a n d p u b l i s h e r . I n c l u d e s bibliographies of p a m p h l e t s a n d books, reviews of o u t s t a n d i n g pam- phlets, a n d digests of periodical articles. Revista Internacional. Calle de Lopez 1, Mexico, D . F . Vol. 1, No. I, Jan. 1940. Monthly. $2 a year. S p a n i s h t r a n s l a t i o n s of speeches, articles, a n d pub- lic d o c u m e n t s f r o m n o n - M e x i c a n periodicals on in- t e r n a t i o n a l a f f a i r s . — D . H . L . Revista de Literatura Mexicana. Amster- dam 202, Mexico, D . F . Vol. 1, No. 1, July-Sept. 1940. Quarterly. $5 a year. Scholarly s t u d y of M e x i c a n l i t e r a t u r e , a n c i e n t a n d m o d e r n . C o n t a i n s c o m p r e h e n s i v e , signed book reviews. Rutgers University Studies in Engineering. No. 1. Rutgers University Press, N e w Brunswick, N.J. 1 9 4 0 . — W . E . W . S.B.B.; Seguros, Banca, Bolsa; revista mensual informativa. Edificio " L a r r e a , " Depto. 328, Havana, Cuba. Vol. 1, No. 1, July 1940. Monthly. 10/ a copy. I n f o r m a t i o n on m a t t e r s of i n s u r a n c e , b a n k i n g , a n d e x c h a n g e in Cuba. Some articles h a v e English t r a n s - lations. I n c l u d e s section " W e e k l y s u g a r r e v i e w . " Selecciones del Readers Digest. Readers Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, N . Y . Vol. 1, No. 1, Dec. 1940. Monthly. $3 a year. S p a n i s h edition of t h e Readers Digest. Selective List of Periodicals of General In- terest Published in Latin America. Published by Division of Intellectual Cooperation, Pan American Union, W a s h - ington, D . C . , 1940. Price not given. Periodicals published in S p a n i s h , P o r t u g u e s e , a n d F r e n c h a r e included. Southern Genealogical Review. Mount Vernon, G a . Vol. 1, No. 1, M a y 1940. Monthly. $2 a year. Southwestern Monuments Association. Technical Series. Coolidge, Ariz., 1940. N o . 1 : Prehistory of El Rito de los Fri- joles, Bandelier National Monument by J. W . Henderson. I l l u s t r a t e d . — W . E . W . Studies in Philosophy and Social Science. Published by the Institute of Social Re- search, 429 W e s t 117th Street, N e w Y o r k City. 3 times a year. $3 a year. T h i s publication c o n s t i t u t e s no. 3 of vol. 8, 19^9 of the f o r m e r Zeitschrift fiir Socialforschung, pub- lished by the L i b r a r i e F e l i x Alcan, P a r i s . Tiempo; revista mexicana de ciencias so- ciales y letras. Avenida Alpes 505, Lomas de Chapultepac, Mexico, D . F . Vol. 1, • N o . 1, Jan. 1940. Monthly. $3 a year. Covers c u r r e n t L a t i n A m e r i c a n l i t e r a t u r e . M a n y c o n t r i b u t o r s a r e identified as f a c u l t y m e m b e r s of the U n i v e r s i d a d Nacional de M e x i c o . — D . H . L . T i e r r a N u e v a ; revista de letras univer- sitarias. Published by Universidad N a - cional Autonoma de Mexico, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Ribera de San Cosme 71, Mexico, D . F . Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 1940. Bimonthly. $1.50 a year. C o n t a i n s r e v i e w s of books and periodicals. Union; monthly forum of the N e w Com- monwealth Institute of W o r l d Affairs. Barrows, Roydon, Hertfordshire, Eng. Vol. 1, No. 1, Jan. 1940. 6s. a year. University of North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures. No. 1, Chapel Hill, 1 9 4 0 . — W . E . W . 178 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES Readings in Business Administration "X TARIAN C. MANLEY, business branch librarian, N e w a r k Public L i b r a r y , supplies -LVJ- the f o l l o w i n g annotated list of recent articles in the field of business adminis- tration which have marked application to libraries. Magazine Articles Canfield, Bertrand R . " F i f t y Sales Executives T e l l H o w T h e y W o r k N e w M e n into the O r g a n i z a t i o n . " Printers' Ink 1 9 3 : 75-82, D e c . 6, 1940. A n analysis of methods in use in dif- ferent types of industry, stressing the necessity for a foundation of general knowledge of industry before attempting specialization. Emmet, H . L . R . " M a i n t a i n i n g M o r a l e in an E x p a n d i n g W o r k i n g F o r c e . " M a n a g e m e n t Record, N a t i o n a l Indus- trial Conference Board 1 1 : 133-36, N o v . 1940. T h e value of Informative M e e t i n g Pro- cedures in employee relations programs where many n e w employees must be merged w i t h a small seasoned group. Evans, J . J., J r . Supervisors' C o n d u c t A t t i t u d e Survey. Personnel 1 7 : 142- 50, N o v . 1940. Record of an experiment in investigat- ing employees' reactions to w o r k condi- tions and includes questionnaire covering such points as hours of w o r k and pay, w o r k relationships and conditions, secu- rity programs, etc. H o r n i n g , E . S. " J o b E v a l u a t i o n : F o r m a l Plans for D e t e r m i n i n g Basic P a y D i f - ferentials." M a n a g e m e n t Record, N a - tional Industrial Conference Board 2 : 126-29, O c t . 1940. A n outline of main steps that might apply in any complete program of job evaluation w i t h illustrations of the rela- tive w e i g h t of various factors in develop- ing a measuring stick for any job. " I n f o r m a t i v e Handbook for Employees." Printers' Ink M o n t h l y 4 1 : 17, 46-48, O c t . 1940. Discusses and illustrates an effective method of presenting institutional regula- tions, traditions, and opportunities to a scattered staff. " I n t e r v i e w i n g and R a t i n g M e n for Sales Jobs." Sales M a n a g e m e n t 4 7 : 8 - 1 1 , O c t . 10, 1940. A carefully thought out method for handling applicants to discover their qualifications for positions. M a t h y , E . L . " W h a t K i n d of Sales M a n a g e r Brings O u t the Best in his Salesmen?" Sales M a n a g e m e n t 4 7 : 24-26, N o v . 1, 1940. " A n s w e r : H e can give practical guid- ance in everyday problems because he doesn't go to seed in his j o b — h e is cou- rageous enough to set policies and maintain t h e m — h e does not rule w i t h a mailed f i s t — h e knows h o w to utilize talent in others to the best a d v a n t a g e — a n d he feeds his men through continuous t r a i ni ng. " M u r r a y , C . H . " D e v e l o p m e n t of a Sound Public Relations P r o g r a m in I n d u s t r y . " A d v a n c e d M a n a g e m e n t 5 : 93-103, July-Sept. 1940. A t h o u g h t f u l exposition of the theory that " w h e n management, generally, con- MARCH, 1941 179 siders public relations an important func- tion of business to be conducted w i t h the same relative seriousness, aggressiveness, and intelligence as research, engineering, sales, or manufacturing, w e w i l l have gone a long w a y t o w a r d bringing to the public a clear understanding that further social progress depends upon a strong in- dustrial and business structure." R o w e , E . F . " A M i n e r V i e w s Indus- trial R e l a t i o n s . " Personnel Journal 1 9 : 209-15, D e c . 1940. Reasonable and constructive treatment of general management problems, w i t h particular consideration of the basis for employee loyalty. Saunders, A l t a G w i n n and Anderson, Chester Reed. Business R e p o r t s ; In- vestigation and Presentation. M c - G r a w , 1940. Exhaustive discussion of methods of col- lecting, interpreting and presenting data. Includes many illustrations and compre- hensive bibliography. Public Administration and Personnel W o r k LUCILE L. KECK calls attention to the f o l l o w i n g publications in the field of public > administration and personnel w o r k that are significant f r o m the standpoint of the direction of large libraries because they develop or embody guiding principles of administration. A m e r i c a n Society for P u b l i c Administra- tion. P u b l i c Administration R e v i e w . 1 3 1 3 East 60th St., Chicago. ( V o l u m e I, N u m b e r I, N o v e m b e r , 1940.) Q u a r - terly. $5.00 per year. T h e A m e r i c a n Society for Public A d - ministration, founded in December, 1939, at a meeting held jointly w i t h the A m e r i - can Political Science Association, began in the autumn of 1940 to publish a quar- terly j o u r n a l entitled Public Administra- tion Review. T h i s quarterly is f o l l o w i n g the policy of r e v i e w i n g only a small num- ber of the more significant books and docu- ments. Its reviews w i l l thus be useful to the reference librarian and a selective guide to the literature in the field. H a r l o w S. Person, l o n g k n o w n as a leader in the field of scientific manage- ment, contributed to the first number an article entitled "Research and P l a n n i n g as Functions of Administration and M a n - agement." Committee on Public Administration of the Social Science Research C o u n c i l . Case Reports in Public A d m i n i s t r a t i o n ; Collected under the Auspices of a Spe- cial Committee on Research M a t e r i a l s . N o s . 21-40. Public Administration Service, 1 3 1 3 East 60th St., Chicago, 1940. 20 parts. i o £ each. T h e second set of case reports on public administration distributed by the C o m m i t - tee on P u b l i c Administration of the Social Science Research C o u n c i l contains dis- cussions of t w e n t y administrative prob- lems, most of which w o u l d be of direct interest to library administrators. A m o n g the problems dealt w i t h are " A d j u s t m e n t 180 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES of O r g a n i z a t i o n to Personalities," " I n - service T r a i n i n g among Custodial Em- ployees," " D i s t r a c t i o n of F e l l o w W o r k e r s by Sociable E m p l o y e e , " " T h e V e t e r a n Employee W h o s e Present Duties C a l l for a Reduction in G r a d e and S a l a r y , " and " M a i n t e n a n c e of Property C o n t r o l Rec- ords by D i f f e r e n t D e p a r t m e n t s . " G a u s , John M . " A Q u a r t e r - C e n t u r y of Public A d m i n i s t r a t i o n . " A d v a n c e d M a n a g e m e n t . 5 : 1 7 7 - 9 , O c t . - D e c . 1940. A description of the historical back- ground of the development of some of the newer aspects of public administration. G a u s , John M . , and W o l c o t t , L e o n O . Public Administration and the U n i t e d States D e p a r t m e n t of A g r i c u l t u r e . Published for the Committee on Public Administration of the Social Science Research Council. Public Administra- tion Service, 1 3 1 3 East 60th St., Chi- cago, 1940. 534p. $4.50. T h i s study, in addition to giving an authoritative account of administration in one of the largest government depart- ments, contains an interesting discussion of the relation of research w o r k to a public agency and the citizens w i t h which it deals. T h e effect of research w o r k on an expert program, and the w a y that both of them are geared into a system of demo- cratic consent, are treated in passages which may have important implications to the reference librarian. Ketcham, Ronald M . Intergovernmental Cooperation in the L o s A n g e l e s A r e a . University of C a l i f o r n i a at L o s A n - geles, Bureau of Governmental Re- search, 405 H i l g a r d A v e . , L o s Angeles, D e c . 1940. 61 p. Studies in L o c a l G o v t . , N o . 4. T h i s study describes the various meth- ods of cooperation by which certain public services are rendered cooperatively by lo- cal governments in the metropolitan area of L o s Angeles. A brief section describes the contractual, administrative, and finan- cial arrangements by which libraries are maintained by county, municipal, and school authorities. M e r r i a m , Charles E . " P u b l i c Adminis- tration and Political T h e o r y . " Journal of Social Philosophy 5:293-8, J u l y 1940. T h i s article defines public administra- tion in its philosophical setting. W o o l p e r t , E l t o n D . M u n i c i p a l Public R e l a t i o n s ; a Suggested P r o g r a m for Improving Relations w i t h the Public. International C i t y M a n a g e r s ' Associa- tion, 1 3 1 3 East 60th St., Chicago, 1940. 50p. $ 1 . T h i s volume deals primarily w i t h a program of public relations for a muni- cipal government, but most of its advice w o u l d be equally valuable to the adminis- trator of a large library. It proposes no detailed methods and suggests no publicity tricks, but discusses the fundamental basis of a program to educate staff members to improve their relations w i t h their clients. Public Administration Service. Personnel Programs for Smaller Cities, as Exem- plified by Installations in V a r i o u s Cities in M i c h i g a n . 1 3 1 3 East 60th St., Chi- cago, 1940. 46p. Publication no. 93. 75$- T h i s pamphlet discusses the principles of personnel management followed by the M u n i c i p a l Personnel Service of the M i c h - igan M u n i c i p a l L e a g u e as it assisted in the installation and operation of personnel programs in smaller municipalities. MARCH, 1941 18 7 Recent Literature on Higher Education THE FOLLOWING TITLES w e r e contributed by C l a r a Esther D e r r i n g and C a r r i e E . M e a r e s of T e a c h e r s C o l l e g e L i b r a r y , C o l u m b i a U n i v e r s i t y . A m e r i c a n Council on Education. A m e r - ican Junior Colleges, edited by W a l t e r C . Eells. W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . , 1940. 5 8 5 P . $ 3 - 5 0 . R e v i e w e d in this issue. A m e r i c a n C o u n c i l on Education. C o m - mission on the Survey of P u b l i c H i g h - er Education in U t a h . P u b l i c H i g h e r Education in U t a h : a Survey Report by a Commission of the A m e r i c a n Council on Education. W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . , 1940. 20p. A p p l y . Recommendations of the commission in- clude the f o l l o w i n g areas: unification of c o n t r o l ; control and coordination of the junior colleges; duplication of instruction; financial support and administration; fac- ulty participation in educational p o l i c y ; other areas of unified service. A m e r i c a n C o u n c i l on Education. Finan- cial A d v i s o r y Service. E n d o w m e n t In- vestments and Income, 1926-1939. W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . , 1940. 28p. 25 (Studies. Series 3, v . 4, N u m b e r 1 8 ) T h i s bulletin is " a continuation of ma- terial presented in the t w o previous bulle- tins on the same s u b j e c t : N u m b e r 8, cov- ering 1926-1935, and N u m b e r 14, cover- ing 1 9 2 6 - 1 9 3 7 . T h e present bulletin ex- tends to 1939 data for the same 45 institutions covered in the preceding bulle- tins and also adds data from 65 other institutions, a total of 1 1 0 . " A r n e t t , T r e v o r . Recent T r e n d s in H i g h e r Education in the U n i t e d States: w i t h Special Reference to Financial Support for P r i v a t e Colleges and U n i - versities. G e n e r a l Education Board, N e w Y o r k , 1940. 8op. gratis. ( O c - casional Papers, N u m b e r 1 3 ) Practically every state is represented, and for purposes of statistical analysis the institutions w e r e divided into four geo- graphic areas: eastern, southern, middle, and western. T h e present paper attempts to give no more than the high points of the statistics reported in the preceding three papers of the G e n e r a l Education Board. C ol e , S t e w a r t G . L i b e r a l Education in a D e m o c r a c y : a C h a r t e r for the A m e r i - can C o l l e g e . H a r p e r , 1940. 309P. $ 3 - R e v i e w e d in this issue. Engineers' C o u n c i l for Professional D e - velopment. Committee on Engineering Schools. Present Status and T r e n d s of Engineering Education in the U n i t e d States. A Report by D u g a l d C . Jack- son. N e w Y o r k , n.d. i 7 7 p . $ 1 . T h i s report, which is an analysis of the current status and trends of engineering education, is based on a survey of en- gineering curricula in 136 institutions f r o m 1935 to 1938 made by the Commit- tee on Engineering Schools of the E n - gineering C o u n c i l for Professional 182 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES D e v e l o p m e n t . T h e survey covered insti- tutions w h i c h had applied for accrediting by the E n g i n e e r i n g C o u n c i l for Profes- sional D e v e l o p m e n t . H o l l i s , Ernest V . "Comprehensive Q u a l - itative A c c r e d i t i n g . " Educational Rec- ord 21 :5O6-37, O c t o b e r , 1940. A survey of the trend of qualitative accreditation in different types of educa- tional institutions. " I t argues that the assumptions and g u i d i n g concepts of quali- tative accrediting promise to do for edu- cational institutions w h a t the principles of progressive education have done for individual students, namely, remove the standardizing shackles that have forced lock-step progress and conformity and sub- stitute incentives to g r o w t h w h i c h permit richer individuality w i t h i n the f r a m e w o r k of a democratic social o r d e r . " p. 534. K e l l y , R o b e r t L . T h e A m e r i c a n Colleges and the Social O r d e r . M a c m i l l a n , 1940. 38op. $2.50. T h e primary theme of this book is " t h a t it is the function of the colleges to promote the general w e l f a r e . A secondary theme is that f o r three hundred years this has been a conscious purpose of the colleges and that they have made a very appreci- able contribution to this purpose. A third proposition is that the colleges are now r a l l y i n g to their primary task as never b e f o r e . " P r e f a c e . T h i s publication w a s authorized by the Association of A m e r i c a n C o l l e g e s and is issued under its auspices. Robbins, R a i n a r d B . C o l l e g e P l a n s for Retirement Income. C o l u m b i a U n i v e r - sity Press, 1940. 253p. $2.75. T h e author has extended and brought up to date his monograph of 1934 o n this subject. P a r t I is a report of the status of college plans for retirement income. P a r t I I reviews the g r o w t h of these plans and discusses provisions that seem desir- able in them. Seashore, C a r l E . T h e Junior C o l l e g e M o v e m e n t . H o l t , 1940. i 6 o p . $ 1 . 7 5 . A n evaluation of the junior college movement "in a sort of bird's-eye v i e w of the situation as a whole, in non-technical language, and in the interest of the general reader." P r e f a c e . "Symposium on the Relation of the F e d - eral G o v e r n m e n t to H i g h e r E d u c a - t i o n . " In Association of A m e r i c a n Universities. J o u r n a l of Proceedings and Addresses, 1939. U n i v e r s i t y of C h i c a g o Press, 1940. p. 80-105. $1. T h i s symposium includes papers pre- sented by W . B . M u n r o , H a r o l d W . Dodds, and F r e d J. K e l l y ; discussion by K . T . C o m p t o n . Bibliographies G o o d , C a r t e r V . "Selected Bibliography on the M e t h o d o l o g y of Educational Re- search and Related Problems, 1939- 1 9 4 0 . " J o u r n a l of Educational Re- search, 34:57-80, September 1940. T h i s is the eleventh annual bibliography on the subject to be published in the Jour- nal of Educational Research. M o r e than 350 references are classified under the f o l l o w i n g headings: I . Problems, issues, and t r e n d s : needed research; I I . Sources of i n f o r m a t i o n : bibliographies, summaries, and abstracts; I I I . C o l l e c t i n g , a n a l y z i n g , interpreting, and reporting d a t a ; I V . E v a l u a t i o n and appraisal of science, re- search, and educational procedure; V . O r - ganization, supervision, and support of graduate and research programs. MARCH, 1941 183