College and Research Libraries By J O H N O . K R A E H E N B U E H L Library Table Lighting In an article in the June, 1941, issue of College and Research Libraries, Prof. Kraehenbuehl outlined basic principles of library lighting. The following article is a report on a series of experiments with fluorescent table lamps. IL L U M I N A T I O N of the tables in the read-ing and reference room is the most im- portant lighting task in the library. A t this position a worker may spend many hours using the eyes continuously at a very difficult and concentrated task of seeing. If the lighting is insufficient or the lighting quality is poor the expenditure of nervous energy may be such as to cause an excessive fatigue which if continued may lead to serious organic disturbances. In a new building it is possible to in- stall an adequate and satisfactory general lighting system, while in the older build- ings this is frequently impossible. I t may be that the wiring is inadequate or the structure of some of the older libraries is such that even with adequate wiring it would be impossible to do satisfactory remodelling of general lighting. In this event, second choice is a local lighting system in the form of table lamps. T o do this with the incandescent lamp produces excessive heat close to the worker and it is difficult to reduce the brightness of the unit using these high brightness sources so that the reflected glare is not irritating. Discussion will therefore center around the fluorescent type of table lamp because it is a line source of light of low bright- ness and high efficiency which is readily adaptable to table lamp service. T h e problem may be divided into two parts, considering ( 1 ) the table itself and ( 2 ) the lighting equipment. T h e work surface and the conditions of lighting which surround the individual are as im- portant as is the lighting of the book or the notes. The Table Surface T h e table may be either of a sloping- top or a flat-top type. General use of the flat-top table has led to the design of library table lamps with a light distribu- tion for this type of table. Information from libraries where use has been made of the sloping-top table shows that the students as well as the library staff have found advantages which make this type of surface desirable. A t the beginning of the investigation of library table lamps, various types of tables with sloping-tops were studied. T h e width of the table should be forty-eight inches and from the reactions of a large number of students preference seems to be given to a table which has a pitch of one inch in seven. T h e section for the sloping- top on the forty-eight-inch table would consist of a six-inch flat portion in the center, elevated three inches above the edge of the table. I n the remaining twenty-one inches on each side the slope will be three inches in twenty-one inches or one in seven inches. T h e one objection which may be raised is that pencils and 306 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES pens roll from the surface. In the investi- gation it was found that the student quickly learned to place the pencil or pen in such a position that it did not roll. T h e table with a sloping top did not increase the reflected glare nor did it in- troduce any marked difficulties into the problem of surface lighting. If this type of table becomes more generally used, the from any gloss. T h e table surface should have a reflection factor of from 20 to 30 per cent or even higher depending upon the material and the problem of main- tenance. Figure 1 gives the spectral dis- tribution of some of the materials offered on the market and those below 20 per cent reflection factor should not be con- sidered seriously, if the object is to obtain F I G U R E I . S P E C T R A L D I S T R I B U T I O N C U R V E S F O R M A T E R I A L S U S E D FOR L I B R A R Y T A B L E T O P S . design of the lamp should be such as to give a more uniform distribution than that given when using lamps designed for the flat-top table. W i t h a demand for such a lamp it is certain that the manufacturers will produce one meeting the specific re- quirements introduced by a change in practice. Color of Table Surface Important T h e color of the table surface is also important. T h e finish, whether a natural wood or some form of composition ma- terial, should be light in color and free the most desirable surface upon which to work. T h e reflection of the various ma- terials shown a r e : Reflection F a c t o r No. per cent 1. Light g r a y 28 2. M e d i u m g r a y 20 3. D a r k g r a y 13 4. D a r k green 6.6 5. Black 5-4 6. N a t u r a l oak 30 Number 6 is a natural oak finish in which the wood is filled, sanded, and covered with two coats of depolished varnish. T h i s surface gives the highest reflection factor of those tested and is a surface which may be reproduced on many SEPTEMBER, 1941 30 7 library tables now in service. T h e correct reflection factor may be obtained at no extra cost at the time a periodic renovation is being undertaken. T h e object in hav- ing the work surface light in color is to reduce the brightness contrast between the work surface and the light-colored book pages and paper in general use. T h e question of the length of the table depends entirely upon local conditions. Library table lamps are so designed that it is possible to obtain multiples of units to accommodate tables of any length. W h e r e fluorescent lamps are to be used the forty-eight-inch lamp, being the most efficient is the natural choice, therefore regardless of the length of the table it should be a multiple of forty-eight inches with an extra foot added to the ends. General Lighting in the Room As would be pointed out in any dis- cussion of lighting, the illumination in the room and the finish of the room in gen- eral are important if library lamps are to function in producing the most satisfactory lighting conditions for prolonged tasks of reading, note taking, and writing. T h e ceiling of the room should be light with a reflection factor of 75 per cent or more with a sidewall reflection factor of 50 to 60 per cent. T h e general illumina- tion in the room should be such that the ratio of brightness of the surroundings will be from 10 to 20 per cent of the brightness on the material which is being used. All equipment in the line of vision should be treated in a manner similar to the table top to lower the difference of brightness of objects which must be viewed continually or intermittently. O n e of the most disturbing conditions may be caused by windows or other large areas of brightness. For a short period of time such an area may seem comforta- ble, but continued exposure will produce a direct glare which will become very irritating. These areas should be prop- erly shaded or the tables should be so placed as to remove them from the line of vision. In good practice, in rooms where the natural illumination comes from one side of the room, the lamps located farthest from the windows should burn continu- ously. T h e correct installation of circuits will facilitate the operation of the lighting system in such a manner as to produce a satisfactory level of illumination at all times with the greatest saving of electrical energy. T h e control can be automatic when photoelectrical controls are installed. T h e general reading rooms and reference rooms of a library represent one of the places where such control will justify the additional first cost. T h e table lamp introduces new prob- lems in the general appearance of the room. T h e equipment on the table pro- duces an appearance of bulk unless the dimensions are limited and where there is a problem of discipline in the school library the lamps themselves offer a screen which will hide the workers from the supervision of the attendant. Fluorescent Library Table Lamp Compactness and efficiency of the fluor- escent lamp make it the logical type of source for the library service. I t is not free from undesirable features but for the specific task considered, it represents as close to perfection as may be attained today. One of the usual objections to the fluorescent installation is a hum which can only be diminished and not com- pletely removed. First it is essential that 308 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH ) L I B R A R I E S the auxiliary equipment be of the highest quality. A t this point it is foolish to consider price rather than quality in pur- chasing. These units have the hum re- duced to a minimum. T h e unit is usually mounted in the lamp equipment proper and if this is heavily constructed and the ballasts properly cushioned the hum will be of very low level. Some experi- mental work has shown that the surest way to reduce the hum to a minimum and to be assured that it will not increase with the age of the equipment is to mount the ballast on cushioning under the table proper where the mass of the support is large and the period of normal vibration will not fall within the range of the hum, thereby eliminating the possibility of res- onance. T h i s increases to some extent the wiring needed, but it places the bal- last where it is easily accessible as well as making available an excellent surface on which the ballast may be properly and firmly cushioned. Individual Controls For economical operation it is desir- able to have individual controls at the lamps so that when the work surface is not in use the lamp can be turned off by the individual in charge. T h e length of the unit will determine the number of local switches needed; one for each four- foot length of table seems satisfactory. T h e mechanical construction of the lamp should be according to superior specifications, for a lightweight metal pro- duces an inferior product and reflection surfaces depend upon the material for their efficiency. For light control either specular surfaces or lenses must be used. It is necessary to properly maintain the lamps, therefore all the parts which must be replaced must be readily accessible. Reflected Glare T o reduce the reflected glare from the work it is necessary to have some form of diffusing material below the lamps lo- cated in the equipment. It has been found that a sanded glass with a trans- mission of 70 per cent will reduce the brightness of the lamp sufficiently and at the same time will not lower the efficiency of the equipment seriously. Foot-candles alone should not be taken as an indication of the efficiency of the source for the quality of light obtained is equally im- portant. W h e n glass covers are used, it is best to so design the lamp that the glass may be slipped into the fixture from the end, and for servicing of lamps and switches the glasses may be slipped over each other in the equipment proper. T h i s glass cov- ering also eliminates the possibility of tampering with the lamps and switches in the equipment. A t this point it is necessary to call at- tention to the fact that table lamps of the types discussed in the last part of the paper are for reading with the book or paper on the surface of the table, the normal condition in the school and refer- ence library. W h e r e the lamps are to be used for reading with the book or paper on the edge of the table and tilted at a sharp angle, the line of lamps should be doubled with a single line of sources about one foot from the edge of the table. T h i s arrangement is not good for general school use, but would prove more satisfactory in the public library where there is a tend- ency to read and not to work on assign- ments and make notes. T h e equipment offered for sale today is for a surface used for work, not for a surface used for leisure reading. T o tilt the book or paper severely makes use of the general lighting SEPT EMBER, 1941 309 200 150 100 5 0 to 0 u | WORK AREA | ^VSM \ \ \ RE} * » S£>> "-T REFLECTOR A 2 4 18 8 2 0 0 LL. .I 150 100 5 0 FLAT TOP 12 6 . INCHES I WORK AREA Id OQ UJ s N N \ S \ \ > \ \ ( R M N. V S M SLOPE TOP F I G U R E 2 . R E F L E C T O R S H A P E A A N D F O O T - C A N D L E D I S T R I B U T I O N C U R V E S FROM C E N T E R O F L A M P TO E D G E OF T A B L E . ( R M reflector only at middle of lamp, R E reflector only at end of lamp, S M at middle of lamp w i t h sanded glass cover, S E at end of lamp w i t h sanded glass cover. See T a b l e A ) . E Q U I P M E N T A Reflector Only Light Sanded Heavy Sanded Type Table Sloping Flat Sloping Flat Sloping Flat Mounting I 5 i " 184" 154" 154" 184" 154" 184" Transmission Factor (per cent) 79.0 79.0 7i-3 7i-3 Reflected Brightness (candle/sq. in.) 0-35 0.24 0.32 0.23 0.22 0 . 1 9 0 . 1 9 Table Average (foot-candles) 9i 90 100 78 82 81 78 W o r k Area Average (foot-candles) 82 89 93 73 66 61 64 Efficiency (per cent) Table T o p 50.5 50.0 55-5 43-3 45-5 45-0 43-3 Efficiency (per cent) W o r k Area 22.8 24.7 25.8 20.3 18.3 16.9 17.8 See Fig. 2 310 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES F I G U R E 3 . R E F L E C T O R S H A P E B A N D F O O T - C A N D L E D I S T R I B U T I O N C U R V E S FROM C E N T E R O F L A M P TO E D G E OF T A B L E . ( R M reflector only at middle of lamp, R E reflector only at end of lamp, S M at middle of lamp with sanded glass cover, SE at end of lamp with sanded glass cover. See T a b l e B ) . E Q U I P M E N T B Reflector Light Only Sanded Type Table Sloping Flat Sloping Flat Mounting i 5 i " 184" 154" 184" Transmission Factor (per cent) 79 79 Reflected Brightness (candle/sq. in.) 0 . 2 4 0 . 2 1 0 . 1 9 0 . 1 9 Table Average (foot-candles) 1 0 7 H I 79 79 Work Area Average (foot-candles) 8 2 9 6 56 6 3 Efficiency (per cent) Table Top 59-5 6 1 . 6 43-9 43-9 Efficiency (per cent) Work Area 2 2 . 8 2 6 . 7 15.5 17-5 See Fig. 3 without gaining the advantages of the library table lamp. Figures 2 through 8 and tables from A to G give the specific information con- cerning various types of library table lamps. T h e tables list the quantitative values while the figures give the shapes of the reflectors and the distribution of the illumination on the surface of both flat- and sloping-top tables. I WORK AREA | 12 . INCHES I WORK AREA SEPTEMBER, 1941 311 SPECULAR •WHITE F I G U R E 4 . R E F L E C T O R S H A P E C , A N I N D I R E C T E Q U I P M E N T . D I S T R I B U T I O N C U R V E S FROM C E N T E R OF L A M P TO E D G E OF T A B L E . ( F M middle of lamp on flat-top table, F E at end of lamp on flat-top table, S M at middle of lamp on sloping-top table, SE at end of lamp on sloping-top table. See T a b l e C ) E Q U I P M E N T C Type Table Sloping Flat Mounting 13" 1 3 " 1 6 " Reflected Brightness (candle/sq. in.) 0 . 1 8 0 . 1 3 0 . 1 4 Table Average (foot-candles) 34 36 33 Work Area Average (foot-candles) 34 35 37 Efficiency (per cent) Table Top 1 8 . 9 2 0 . 0 18.3 Efficiency (per cent) Work Area 9-4 9-7 10.3 See Fig. 4 Comparing Performance Since there have never been specifica- tions established for the testing of this type of lamp it is necessary to establish some method for comparing the perform- ance of the equipment. Measurements of illumination were made with a brightness meter and a magnesium oxide disc; the brightness measurements were made with the same brightness meter. Observations were taken on the surface of the table at six-inch intervals. Averages were com- puted for two conditions: 1. T h e table average represents the average illumination over the surface of a forty-eight-inch table to a line twelve inches beyond the end of the fluorescent lamps. 2. T h e work area average represents more accurately the effective illumination of the lamp, for it represents the area actually used by the student. T h i s area is a strip twelve inches wide measured three inches from the f r o n t edge of the table to a line fifteen inches from the f r o n t edge of the table, at the ends to 312 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH ) L I B R A R I E S REFLECTOR £) WORK A R E A SLOPE TOP F I G U R E 5 . R E F L E C T O R S H A P E D A N D F O O T - C A N D L E D I S T R I B U T I O N C U R V E S FROM T H E C E N T E R OF L A M P TO E D G E O F T A B L E . ( R M reflector only at middle of lamp, R E reflector only at end of lamp, R G M at middle of lamp with ribbed glass cover, R G E at end of lamp with ribbed glass cover. See T a b l e D ) E Q U I P M E N T D Reflector 50 per cent Clear 50 per cent Ribbed 70 per cent Pebbled Only 50 per cent Sanded 50 per cent Sanded 30 per cent Sanded Type Table Sloping Flat Sloping Flat Sloping Flat Sloping Flat Mounting 1 4 i " 144" T tX" 142 144" 144" 144" 144" T ,X" 142 Transmission Factor (per cent) (a) Sanded 7 0 . 4 7 0 . 4 6 9 . 6 6 9 . 6 7 2 . 1 7 2 . 1 (b) Other Surface 8 8 . 9 8 8 . 9 8 9 . 8 8 9 . 8 8 9 . 2 8 9 . 2 Reflected Brightness (candles/sq. in.) 0.13 0 . 1 4 (a) Sanded 0.14 0.12 0.075 . 0 6 5 0.095 0 . 1 2 (b) Other Surface 0 . 1 2 0.11 0 . 0 8 .075 0 . 0 9 0 . 1 3 Table Average (foot-candles) 4 8 52 4 2 4 2 41 44 43 4i Work Area Average (foot-candles) 38 47 31 32 30 35 33 2 9 Efficiency (per cent) Table Top 2 6 . 6 2 8 . 9 23-3 23-3 2 2 . 8 2 4 . 4 23-9 2 2 . 8 Efficiency (per cent) Work Area 10.5 13-0 8 . 6 8-9 8.3 9-7 9 . 2 8.1 See Fig. 5 SEPTEMBER, 1941 313 F I G U R E 6 . R E F L E C T O R S H A P E E , A L E N S C O N T R O L L E D L I G H T I N G E Q U I P M E N T . D I S - T R I B U T I O N C U R V E S FROM T H E C E N T E R O F L A M P TO E D G E O F T A B L E . ( F M at middle of lamp on a flat-top table, F E at end of lamp on a flat-top table, S M at middle of lamp on a sloping-top table, SE at end of lamp on a sloping-top table. See T a b l e E ) . E Q U I P M E N T E Type of Table Sloping Flat Mounting i 5 r 20" Reflected Brightness (candles/sq. in.) .055 •055 Table Average (foot-candles) 32 27 Work Area Average (foot-candles) 29 25 Efficiency (per cent) Table Top 17.8 15-0 Efficiency (per cent) Work Area 8.i 6 . 9 See Fig. 6 a line twelve inches beyond the end of the fluorescent lamp. T h e efficiency of the lamp for the two areas is computed on the lumen output of a daylight fluorescent lamp. T h e ratio of the total lumens on the area to the lumens generated by the lamps has been defined as the efficiency of performance of the library lamp. Daylight fluorescent lamps were used in the test. T h e lamps were operated one hundred hours before the tests were made. T h e daylight lamp represents the low values of foot-candles and was used because of a tendency to specify this color temperature. Except where it is desired to color match 314 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH ) L I B R A R I E S SPECULAR 50 4 0 UJ § 3 0 < 0 1 §20 u_ WORK AREA 10 R E F L E C T O R F s / . R M \ SOM \ \ R E l s V S M X \ V S M X \ \ V N V \ N V 2 4 18 FLAT TOP 12 INCHES F I G U R E 7 . R E F L E C T O R S H A P E A N D F O O T - C A N D L E D I S T R I B U T I O N C U R V E S FROM C E N T E R OF L A M P TO EDGE OF T A B L E . ( R M reflector only at m i d d l e of lamp, R E reflector only at end of lamp, S M at m i d d l e of l a m p w i t h sanded glass cover, S E at end of l a m p w i t h sanded glass cover, S O M at m i d d l e of l a m p w i t h sanded flashed opal glass cover, S O E at end of l a m p w i t h sanded flashed opal glass cover. See T a b l e F ) E Q U I P M E N T F T y p e of T a b l e M o u n t i n g T r a n s m i s s i o n F a c t o r ( p e r c e n t ) R e f l e c t e d B r i g h t n e s s ( c a n d l e s / s q . in.) T a b l e A v e r a g e ( f o o t - c a n d l e s ) W o r k A r e a A v e r a g e ( f o o t - c a n d l e s ) Efficiency ( p e r c e n t ) T a b l e T o p Efficiency ( p e r c e n t ) W o r k A r e a F l a t 1 8 4 " 27.1 0.041 20 15 22.2 8.3 See F i g . 7 n a t u r a l l i g h t e n t e r i n g the w i n d o w s it is more economical to use the w h i t e l i g h t w h i c h supplies a p p r o x i m a t e l y 23 per cent more lumens f o r the same w a t t a g e . A l l research indicates that there is no benefit to seeing by using the d a y l i g h t lamps. T h e equipments A , B , C , D , and E are t w o - l a m p equipment w h i l e F and G are single-lamp types. T h e first are the most expensive both as to first cost and operation w h i l e the last t w o have a l o w e r first cost and o p e r a t i n g cost. W h e r e the lamps are contained in a c o m m o n re- flector there is some reduction in the stroboscopic effect, but the l i g h t m i x t u r e f r o m the t w o - l a m p combination is not enough t o g i v e the same e f f e c t as ob- tained w i t h ceiling equipment. T h e single-lamp types are distinctly strobo- scopic, but in an installation of this type w h i c h w a s under observation there w e r e no complaints on this score. SEPTEMBER, 1941 315 WORK AREA REFLECTOR G SLOPE TOP F I G U R E 8 . R E F L E C T O R S H A P E G A N D F O O T - C A N D L E D I S T R I B U T I O N C U R V E S F R O M CENTER OF L A M P TO EDGE OF T A B L E . ( R M reflector only at m i d d l e of l a m p , R E reflector only at end of lamp, O G M at m i d d l e of l a m p w i t h flashed opal glass cover, O G E at end of l a m p w i t h flashed opal glass cover. See T a b l e G ) FLAT TOP Ld 18 12 6 0 £ INCHES 3 | WORK AREA I E Q U I P M E N T G R e f l e c t o r O p a l R e f l e c t o r O p a l O n l y G l a s s O n l y G l a s s T y p e T a b l e Sloping F l a t Sloping F l a t Sloping Sloping M o u n t i n g f r o m L o w P o i n t T a b l e i 6 " i 6 " 1 6 " 1 6 " 1 3 " 1 3 " T r a n s , ( p e r c e n t ) 49-5 49-5 49-5 49-5 R e f l e c t e d B r i g h t n e s s 1.52 1.78 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.16 T a b l e A v e r a g e 36 40 33 35 4 i 39 W o r k A v e r a g e 37 42 27 29 40 26 T a b l e T o p Efficiency ( p e r c e n t ) 3 2 . 4 37 29-7 3 i - 5 36.9 35-i W o r k A r e a Efficiency ( p e r c e n t ) 20.6 23.3 15.0 16.1 22.2 14.4 See F i g . 8 S o m e of the units w i t h t w o lamps g i v e v e r y m u c h higher surface i l l u m i n a t i o n but are no more efficient than the better of the single l a m p units. I t is questionable if at the present stage of development of this type of l i g h t i n g it is j u s t i f i a b l e to install equipment p r o d u c i n g e i g h t y to one h u n d r e d foot-candles on the s u r f a c e of the table by means of local l i g h t i n g . E v e n the most ardent advocates of higher l e v e l s of i l l u m i n a t i o n w o u l d be satisfied w i t h f i f t y foot-candles as a high l i m i t w h i l e the recommendations by the I l l u - m i n a t i n g E n g i n e e r i n g Society f o r school buildings recommend a m i n i m u m of f i f t e e n foot-candles. A t the higher i l l u m i n a t i o n 316 COLLEGE AND RESEARCH LIBRARIES given it would be necessary to increase the general room illumination found in many libraries considerably to attain the proper surrounding illumination. T h e material in the tables and figures has been arranged to give information con- cerning typical lamps being offered for the service being discussed. It has been arranged and analyzed for the considera- tion of those who are studying the use of fluorescent lamps for library tables. T h e curves on the figures show the illum- ination distribution at the center of the forty-eight-inch lamp and at the end of the lamp with reflector only and with diffusing material over the bottom. T h e analysis, in those instances where it is pos- sible, considers both the flat-top and the sloping-top table. T h e reader can draw his own conclusions concerning the merits of the various lamps. I t is necessary to reduce the direct and reflected bright- ness to as low a value as possible. W h e r e no record is made of direct glare, it will be understood that no part of the re- flector or lamp was in the line of vision. T h e reflected glare represents the bright- est portion of a glazed piece of paper (83 per cent reflection) in the normal study position. Summary A study of the requirements of the li- brary table lamp shows that a single row of fluorescent lamps in a suitable equip- ment properly designed is capable of supplying the necessary illumination for the work area. T h e lamp should be mounted with the lowest portion of the reflector sixteen inches above the lowest edge of the table whether the table has a flat or a sloping top. For the sloping top this is thirteen inches above the six- inch center strip. T o reduce the reflected glare the equip- ment should have some form of diffusing media below the fluorescent lamp and this can be of relatively high transmission. T h e surroundings should be illuminated and treated according to the recommenda- tions for any general lighting system. T h e work area and the equipment should be of a lighter color than is the general practice in the library at present. T h e equipment should be of good material and the workmanship produce a sturdy and durable table lamp. Provisions for serv- icing should be a part of the specification. I t would be desirable to have a qualified committee to study the problem of equip- ment and specifications for library table lamps establishing some standard require- ments similar to those that have gov- erned the I.E.S. specified lamp. T h e one factor which is hindering the adoption of some type of lamp of this sort is the confusion concerning the merits of the equipment being offered for sale. T h e lack of a reliable, approved equip- ment or a clear-cut specification which may be subjected to standard tests, is retarding the installation of many local lighting systems in libraries and thereby many are suffering from a lack of adequate lighting, not because the library administration is not conscious of the need for this lighting, but because the administration is con- fused by the many claims and counter- claims made by sales organizations and has no information sponsored by a disin- terested agency concerning the merits and requirements for a good lamp. SEPTEMBER, 1941 317