id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10206 Wilson, Louis R. General Education in a Free Society; Report of the Harvard Committee (Book Review) 1946-04-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1495 44 43 In this sense, Chapter II, which deals with the theory of general educa- tion, is the most important of the six, since it defines general education as contrasted with special education, describes its nature, and makes clear the function it is to perform in a democratic society. The sugges- tions for Harvard College take the form of definite curricula that require ( i ) the pursuit of a given number of courses in general edu- cation not previously offered and (2) the modification of other courses previously given that will emphasize general education as well as special education, to which they have here- tofore been largely devoted. cache/crl-10206.pdf txt/crl-10206.txt