id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-10403	Bartolini, R. Paul	The Position-Classification Plan for University Libraries	1948-10-01	5	.pdf	application/pdf	2854	176	49	T h e y are: ( i ) that the job be clearly defined in writing; ( 2 ) that the relationship of this job to other positions and activities ( t o the whole university li- brary in other w o r d s ) also be made clear. For the purposes here, a position-classi- fication plan may be defined as a compre- hensive, systematic scheme of grouping positions according to certain prescribed criteria, with a code of rules for the estab- lishment, maintenance, and amendment of the system.	cache/crl-10403.pdf	txt/crl-10403.txt