id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-11010	Smits, Rudolph	Obshchaia bibliografta. Uchebnoe posobie dlia uchashchikhsia bibliotechnykh tekhnikumov (Book Review)	1956-06-30	3	.pdf	application/pdf	2079	106	55	College and Research Libraries Review Articles Bibliographic Controls in the Soviet Union Obshchaia bibliografta. Consequently, on August 3, 1920, this Com- missariat issued an order making it manda- tory to register any printed material, and by the same order set up the Russian Cen- tral Bibliographic Chamber (Rossiiskaia TSentral'naia knizhnaia palata).	cache/crl-11010.pdf	txt/crl-11010.txt