id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-11649	Alderson, William T.	Independent Historical Societies, an Enquiry into their Research and Publication Functions and their Financial Future (Book Review)	1964-01-01	2	.pdf	application/pdf	1477	67	52	He does not criticize the independent societies for not taking advantage of new developments in the graphic arts in the publication of their scholarly journals, but he applies the term popularizing to other societies that have used illustrations, artwork, color, and even 63 magazine format in the attempt to secure a wider reading audience. For example, he justifies the limiting of memberships by independent societies on the grounds that this will reduce the total cost of membership benefits, but he caustically applies the term togetherness to the efforts of other soci- eties to attract a large membership and thereby reduce the unit costs of these bene- fits.	cache/crl-11649.pdf	txt/crl-11649.txt