id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-13091	Musmann, Klaus	Socio-Technical Theory and Job Design in Libraries	1978-01-01	9	.pdf	application/pdf	5528	310	50	In contrast to most other studies on library job descriptions, which are usually descriptions of general and rather vague duties, their task analysis is specific and spells out in detail the exact functions and duties of librarians, techni- cians, and clerical workers for various li- brary subsystems. The stability of our environment has to be determined before we can begin to design jobs in library organizations that are satisfac- tory not only to the individuals employed in libraries but also to the aims of the library itself.	cache/crl-13091.pdf	txt/crl-13091.txt