id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13118 Bolgiano, Christina E.; King, Mary Kathryn Profiling a Periodicals Collection 1978-03-01 6 .pdf application/pdf 3610 188 57 titles supportive of the de- partment's program but primarily assigned \ Profiling a Periodicals Collection I 101 Number of periodical titles currently received on subscription 1,875 No. of titles with more than 2-year back files No. of titles with more than 5-year back files 480 1,280 No. of titles with complete back files 437 Cost of current subscriptions on annual basis Number of currently received titles not $81,480.30 indexed by any subscription service ( 448 Number of currently received titles indexed by at least one 1,427 Number indexed by 3 or more subscription services 883 Percent held of titles listed in the following: Farber - Classified List of Periodicals for the College Library 62 % Katz - Magazines for Libraries 20 % Readers' Guide 78 % Humanities Index 72.5% Social Sciences Index 64.3% Applied Science & Technology Index 17.8% Biological & Agricultural Index 34.7% Chemical Abstracts - 100 Most Cited Journals Education Index 53 % 79 % Business Periodicals Index 49.6% Fig. As we pro- gressed in this endeavor, we found that we were actually identifying two sides of the same coin: not only were we tallying the number of titles in our current collection covered by specific abstracts or indexes, but we were also discovering the specific abstract/index in which each title could be found. cache/crl-13118.pdf txt/crl-13118.txt