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crl-13475	Helzer, Charles	Authors by Profession (Book Review)	1980-03-01	2	.pdf	application/pdf	1342	72	62	Within this economically oriented con- text, Bonham-Carter chronicles the long, frequently aimless, evolution from the pe- riod when authors, either as depende~ts of patrons or as frenzied hacks, producing and selling their writings like piecework, were virtually without an identity, on to the breakthrough of the 1700s when novelists like Richardson, Fielding, and Smollett found a readership so wide that the pub- lisher was obliged to recognize at least the successful author as an economic coequal, ending with what occupies a full half of the book, the years between the founding of the Society of Authors in 1884 and the passage of the Copyright Act of 1911. Authors by Profes- sion.	cache/crl-13475.pdf	txt/crl-13475.txt