id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14125 American Library Association, Abstracts; Other Publications 1985-05-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 7536 1248 79 contact: Swets SubSCription Service Heereweg 347-b 2161 CA Lisse 280 College & Research Libraries Colorado, the University of Arizona, and the University of Texas, Austin; (3) four automated services studies conducted at the University of Cincinnati, the University of illinois, Pennsyl- vania State University, and Texas A & M Uni- versity; and (4) three studies of special classes of library users conducted at the University of Arizona, Michigan State University, and Cor- nell University. This collection of library documents, which il- lustrates current techniques for conducting user studies in order to facilitate specific public services planning and priority-setting efforts at the member libraries of the Association of Re- search Libraries (ARL), contains excerpts from (1) four general user studies conducted at the University of British Columbia, the University of New Mexico, New York University, and the University of California, Riverside; (2) three sci- ence user studies conducted at the University of Swets ... an attractive, many facetted and transparent subscription service. cache/crl-14125.pdf txt/crl-14125.txt