id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-14272	Matheson, Nina W.	International Librarianship Today and Tomorrow: A Festschrift for William J. Welsh (Book Review)	1986-11-01	3	.pdf	application/pdf	1812	93	49	What distin- guishes this treatment of these now very familiar concepts and techniques is the ef- fective and essential link drawn~between information resources management and strategic planning and the focus on ad- ministrators working with grants, con- tracts, and cooperative agreements sup- porting research and development projects. ning, boundary spanning, organizational culture, contingency management, orga- November 1986 nizational role and information manage- ment-and on outlining the key elements of the strategic planning process and -of decision support systems.	cache/crl-14272.pdf	txt/crl-14272.txt