id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-14953	Pankake, Marcia; Wittenborg, Karin; Carpenter, Eric	Commentaries on Collection Bias - Collection Bias: Eternal Vigilance the Price of Liberty; Collection Bias: What's Right; Adequate Representation and Numeric Equivalency: How Much Is Enough?	1995-03-01	6	.pdf	application/pdf	3436	188	53	Harmeyer touches on some possible explanations for why pro-life books are not selected for academic libraries. Do the libraries serve vocal communities where patrons actively request pro-choice books and librarians buy modest numbers of pro- life books to represent that viewpoint?	cache/crl-14953.pdf	txt/crl-14953.txt