id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-15694 Pilch, Janice T. Fair Use and Beyond: The Status of Copyright Limitations and Exceptions in the Commonwealth of Independent States 2004-11-01 37 .pdf application/pdf 21360 768 53 It allows instruc- tors to photocopy excerpts from books, journals, newspapers, and other works for classroom teaching, to quote from works in their publications, and to place course materials on reserve in print and electronically. There are several elements to the provi- sions across the laws: • personal use of works, subject to payment of remuneration (some laws specify payment for phonograms, and others specify payment for other works covered under neighboring rights as well); • use of excerpts (in some laws re- stricted to short excerpts) for reporting of current events, without consent of the right-holder and without payment of remuneration; • ephemeral recordings by a broad- casting organization using its own equip- ment and for the purposes of its own broadcasts (this is generally a separate provision and is discussed above); • use of a work for the exclusive pur- poses of teaching or scientific research, without consent of the right-holder and without payment of remuneration; • quotation of excerpts (in some laws restricted to short excerpts) for informa- http:research.38 tional purposes, without consent of the right-holder and without payment of remuneration; • use of literary, scientific, or artistic works in accordance with other limita- tions and exceptions in the respective laws, without consent of the right-holder and without payment of remuneration; • further stipulation that the limita- tions to neighboring rights provided for in the provision do not prejudice either the normal exploitation of the phonogram, performance, or program, or the normal exploitation of the literary, scientific, or artistic work incorporated into it, and not prejudice the lawful interests of the right-holder or the author. cache/crl-15694.pdf txt/crl-15694.txt