id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-15862	Ryan, Michael	Staikos, Konstantinos. The History of the Library in Western Civilization—Volume II: From Cicero to Hadrian. New Castle, Del.: Oak Knoll, 2005. 428p. $75 (ISBN: 1584561483). LC 2003-58221.	2007-03-01	3	.pdf	application/pdf	1944	97	60	Nor does Staikos provide us with much guidance about the content and arrangement of libraries, other than noting that the scrolls might either be texts or archival records pertaining to family, business, and politics. One would have thought that a work ostensibly focused on the material in- stantiations of culture would have paid at least some attention to the carriers of texts, but Staikos is not really interested in talking about material formats.	cache/crl-15862.pdf	txt/crl-15862.txt